This app was mentioned in 18 comments, with an average of 1.17 upvotes
No it's just called "BAND- App for all groups" A green logo as the icon
Android Link-
Ios link-
Está es la app
Nuestro grupo
¡Oye, únete a nuestro grupo 'Android UI Design' en BAND - La app para grupos y comunidades!
[PS4]Light Troopers re-opening recruiting! Clan Name: Light Troopers (PS4)
Mission Statement: Light Troopers was originally founded back on PS4 before Destiny was released, but that hasn't stopped us from going with the flow and enjoying the game in all its aspects. We are here to meet players and have fun doing it, first and foremost. We aim to conquer all new content, while assisting new people with experiencing everything Destiny has to offer. One thing we ask all members is to help each other, not just ask for help then never give it.
As a clan we do just about everything, from Raiding weekly, working on challenges, the Nightfall, weekly events, and Crucible.
Overall Clan Mood: Laid-back aiming for fun over all else, but we knock down all content and challenges.
Recruitment Status: currently looking for 4-6 more able bodies to add to our two raid groups for consistency.
Our members are spread across U.S. and Canada (all TZ). Official raid nights are currently Tuesday and Thursday at 8:30 Central.
Ideal Candidate: Adults who can bring their best, yet still remember that this is a game and the goal is to have fun.
Closing Statement: We are a close knit group (not an LFG) and would like to extend that to any new recruits. As a clan we use an app called Band for both iOS and Android. This is used to both communicate and setup events such as Raids, Trials, the Nightfall etc.
If you have any questions about Light Troopers or would like to group up with us to see if you’re a good fit, please feel free to reach out to Fedwin, SpecialKaySeitz, Dorochomp or Kydd_Amigo on PSN.
You can download Band from the following places: iOS - Android -
Has anyone tried Band? Looks like it would work great for coordinating very large groups with shared calendar for setting raid times and locations. Could even work city wide with the ability to have separate chats for each smaller area in the city. On both android and ios.
Clan Name: Light Troopers (PS4)
Mission Statement: Light Troopers was originally founded back on PS4 before Destiny was released, but that hasn't stopped us from going with the flow and enjoying the game in all its aspects. We are here to meet players and have fun doing it, first and foremost. We aim to conquer all new content, while assisting new people with experiencing everything Destiny has to offer. One thing we ask all members is to help each other, not just ask for help then never give it.
As a clan we do just about everything, from Raiding weekly, working on bounties, the Nightfall, weekly events, PVP and the wonders that are now Private Matches. In PVP we play for the fun and enjoyment rather than pushing to be elite. Again, we are here for the fun and enjoyment of each other, while still putting the hurt down.
Overall Clan Mood: Laid-back aiming for fun over all else, though we do like to knock down all content.
Recruitment Status: Currently looking for 4-6 additional members
Ideal Candidate: Adults who can bring their best, yet still remember that this is a game and the goal is to have fun.
Closing Statement: We are a close knit group and would like to extend that to any new recruits. As a clan we use an app called Band for both iOS and Android. This is used to both communicate and setup events such as raids, Trials of Osiris, the Nightfall etc. As a clan we raid Tuesdays and Thursdays at around 8pm CST, with other events created by members throughout the week.
If you have any questions about Light Troopers or would like to group up with us to see if you’re a good fit, please feel free to reach out Fedwin, Ensilage, Griffeen_ or Dorochomp on PSN.
You can download Band from the following places:
iOS -
Android -
Clan Name: Light Troopers (PS4)
Mission Statement: Light Troopers was originally founded back on PS4 before Destiny was released, but that hasn't stopped us from going with the flow and enjoying the game in all its aspects. We are here to meet players and have fun doing it, first and foremost. We aim to conquer all new content, while assisting new people with experiencing everything Destiny has to offer. One thing we ask all members is to help each other, not just ask for help then never give it.
As a clan we do just about everything, from Raiding weekly, working on bounties, the Nightfall, weekly events, PVP and the wonders that are now Private Matches. In PVP we play for the fun and enjoyment rather than pushing to be elite. Again, we are here for the fun and enjoyment of each other, while still putting the hurt down.
Overall Clan Mood: Laid-back aiming for fun over all else, though we do like to knock down all content.
Recruitment Status: Currently looking for 4-6 additional members
Ideal Candidate: Adults who can bring their best, yet still remember that this is a game and the goal is to have fun.
Closing Statement: We are a close knit group and would like to extend that to any new recruits. As a clan we use an app called Band for both iOS and Android. This is used to both communicate and setup events such as raids, Trials of Osiris, the Nightfall etc. As a clan we raid Tuesdays and Thursdays at around 8pm CST, with other events created by members throughout the week.
If you have any questions about Light Troopers or would like to group up with us to see if you’re a good fit, please feel free to reach out Fedwin, Ensilage, Griffeen_ or Dorochomp on PSN.
You can download Band from the following places:
iOS -
Android -
Another one is Band
I took a screenshot of the logo and did a reverse image search.
Create a band app page,
IF you are looking for apps, we use these, hope it helps!
[PS4] [NA] Light Troopers Recruiting!
Clan Name: Light Troopers
Join us as we roll into Destiny 2!
Mission Statement: Light Troopers was originally founded back on PS4 before Destiny was released, but that hasn't stopped us from going with the flow and enjoying the game in all its aspects. We are here to meet players and have fun doing it, first and foremost. We aim to conquer all new content, while assisting new people with experiencing everything Destiny has to offer. One thing we ask all members is to help each other, not just ask for help then never give it.
As a clan we do just about everything, from Raiding weekly, working on bounties, the Nightfall, weekly events, PVP and the wonders that are now Private Matches.
Overall Clan Mood: Laid-back aiming for fun over all else, but we knock down all content and challenges/achievements. We are progression focused but do so in a positive environment. Social skills are a must!
Recruitment Status: Currently looking for additional PVErs and PvPers as we roll into Destiny 2.
Our members are spread across U.S. and Canada (all TZ). Official raid nights are currently Tuesday and Thursday at 8:30 Central. (We may add more in D2. Ad hoc events are also created and run regularly)
Ideal Candidate: Adults who can bring their best, yet still remember that this is a game and the goal is to have fun.
Closing Statement: We are a close knit group and would like to extend that to any new recruits. As a clan we use an app called Band for both iOS and Android. This is used to both communicate and setup events such as Raids, Trials of Osiris, the Nightfall etc. ToO will be run every weekend with Crucible and Iron Banner is a reg on non raid nights.
If you have any questions about Light Troopers or would like to group up with us to see if you’re a good fit, please feel free to reach out to Fedwin, SpecialKaySeitz, Dorochomp or Kydd_Amigo on PSN.
You can download Band from the following places: iOS - Android -
[PS4] [NA] Light Troopers Recruiting!
Clan Name: Light Troopers
Join us as we roll into Destiny 2!
Mission Statement: Light Troopers was originally founded back on PS4 before Destiny was released, but that hasn't stopped us from going with the flow and enjoying the game in all its aspects. We are here to meet players and have fun doing it, first and foremost. We aim to conquer all new content, while assisting new people with experiencing everything Destiny has to offer. One thing we ask all members is to help each other, not just ask for help then never give it.
As a clan we do just about everything, from Raiding weekly, working on bounties, the Nightfall, weekly events, PVP and the wonders that are now Private Matches.
Overall Clan Mood: Laid-back aiming for fun over all else, but we knock down all content and challenges. We are progression focused but do so in a positive environment. Social skills are a must!
Recruitment Status: Currently looking for additional PVErs and PvPers as we roll into Destiny 2.
Our members are spread across U.S. and Canada (all TZ). Official raid nights are currently Tuesday and Thursday at 8:30 Central. (We may add more in D2. Ad hoc events are also created and run regularly)
Ideal Candidate: Adults who can bring their best, yet still remember that this is a game and the goal is to have fun.
Closing Statement: We are a close knit group and would like to extend that to any new recruits. As a clan we use an app called Band for both iOS and Android. This is used to both communicate and setup events such as Raids, Trials of Osiris, the Nightfall etc. ToO will be run every weekend with Crucible and Iron Banner is a reg on non raid nights.
If you have any questions about Light Troopers or would like to group up with us to see if you’re a good fit, please feel free to reach out to Fedwin, SpecialKaySeitz, Dorochomp or Kydd_Amigo on PSN.
You can download Band from the following places: iOS - Android -
[PS4][NA]Light Troopers Recruiting! Clan Name: Light Troopers (PS4) Join us as we roll into Destiny 2! Recruiting has been successful, only couple spots left to fill atm.
Mission Statement: Light Troopers was originally founded back on PS4 before Destiny was released, but that hasn't stopped us from going with the flow and enjoying the game in all its aspects. We are here to meet players and have fun doing it, first and foremost. We aim to conquer all new content, while assisting new people with experiencing everything Destiny has to offer. One thing we ask all members is to help each other, not just ask for help then never give it.
As a clan we do just about everything, from Raiding weekly, working on bounties, the Nightfall, weekly events, PVP and the wonders that are now Private Matches. We're growing our PVP base currently, and while we play to win in crucible and aim for flawless in ToO, there is no stress or raging.
Overall Clan Mood: Laid-back aiming for fun over all else, but we knock down all content and challenges.
Recruitment Status: Currently looking for additional PVErs and PvPers as we roll into Destiny 2. Recruiting has gone well so we're only looking for a few more.
Our members are spread across U.S. and Canada (all TZ). Official raid nights are currently Tuesday and Thursday at 8:30 Central. (We may add more in D2.)
Ideal Candidate: Adults who can bring their best, yet still remember that this is a game and the goal is to have fun.
Closing Statement: We are a close knit group and would like to extend that to any new recruits. As a clan we use an app called Band for both iOS and Android. This is used to both communicate and setup events such as Raids, Trials of Osiris, the Nightfall etc. ToO will be run every weekend with Crucible and Iron Banner is a reg on non raid nights.
If you have any questions about Light Troopers or would like to group up with us to see if you’re a good fit, please feel free to reach out to Fedwin, Griffeen_ , SpecialKaySeitz, Dorochomp or Kydd_Amigo (underscore between words) on PSN.
You can download Band from the following places: iOS - Android -
Band or KakaoGroup?
Please join our Band by the end of this season,
You can find the app here:
Or if you're on android:
Please join our Band by the end of this season, You can find the app here: Or if you're on android: