This app was mentioned in 6 comments, with an average of 1.33 upvotes
Check out "DMV Genie Permit Practice Test"
The link below
This an Android App I used to take my CLP Test in Illinois it really useful with other information on different License in all States..
If you have android:
If you have IOS:
I got the book from the DMV, read it on lunch break at work. Then I also spent a bit with the above up the night before I took my test. 100% for my temps, will be taking the BRC here soon so won't have to take any other tests after that.
I used this one and everything on the Nevada test was covered.
The one I used is the first link but apparently you have to pay to take the exam mode on it but I found another app that asks the same questions that lets you take the exam mode. They also have little practice quizzes on signs and line marking and stuff like that. They both have 50 questions for the exam mode but on the actual test you have 20-25 questions and if you miss 6 you fail automatically. Just take the exam mode a couple of time till you have it down and you should be ready for the test. Good luck
In case you have an android
Here's an app that might help