This app was mentioned in 122 comments, with an average of 3.01 upvotes
It was released a few weeks ago for PC and finally it's also available for Android. When you bought the original, you just have to update the app (hope it's available internationally, I'm from Germany btw). Have fun, I'll start playing now :)
Have a look at Out there Omega while it's not exactly like FTL it capture the basic principle of trying to survive flying your spaceship through sectors.
Also on sale on Google Play from £3.79 to £0.89 for masochists with android devices :)
You can probably tell that I'm jokingly trying to warn that it's hard and luck plays a significant part but many will find it a worthwhile experience at this reduced price.
TIL criticizing a game for being falsely advertised for 4 years, missing a lot of those features, and taking this long to be just a copy of Out There on android by Mi Clos, with a 3d screenshot generator on top of it = hate.
Out There: Ω Edition | 4.5 ⭐️ | $4.99 | 105MB | ▶️ 🏠
> 5/5 - TouchArcade 5/5 - PocketTactics 9/10 'Gold Award' - PocketGamer Grand Prize - DevGAMM Moscow 2015 Excellence in Narrative - DevGAMM 2015 Best Game Design Award - Casual Connect EE 2014 Excellence In Narrative Finalist - IMGA 2015 Best Mobile Games ...
^(Legend: |🏠: Family Library| ▶️: Play Pass|)
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Very cool. It reminds me of the Android/iOS game called Out There. Lots of fun if you've never played it.
Wallabag (le type à l'origine du projet est français je crois)
Out there omega, très bon jeu
Out There: Ω Edition for $0.99. Out There Chronicles for $0.99
I agree. I'm sorry that you will have to wait longer:( It's only because my pc died that we got it on PS4. It seems some people can be very er...tribal when it comes to platform. There's no need for it.
So..I can send you all a virtual hug. I don't know how to do the little emoji things unfortunately, so you will just need to use your imagination.
PS. Someone recommended a phone game called Out There. You may have heard of it already, but if you haven't - this is a fantastic distraction/warm up for NMS.
So, you got my sympathy, an imaginary hug and a game recommendation. :p
A note on the UI screen: the ship inventory looks like it's inspired by Out There, an absolutely fantastic narrative-driven space survival game. You have slots, and hold materials in those slots; but upgrades take up slots too, so you have to manage your inventory and choose between resources or upgrades. Should get very interesting with lots of late-game upgrades and elements being juggled.
Looks like an interesting game. Really digging the soundtrack in the trailer. But for some reason it feels like I'd enjoy this more on mobile - can anyone comment on how the Android version plays and feels?
Out There is really good. It's only a few bucks too. It's a cool space rogue like/strategy/resource management game.
Story is: you are stuck far away from Earth and need to get back.
Edit: Play store link
I've heard that Out There: Ω Edition is kind of similar. I've never played either game, though, so I can't confirm.
Right now it's also available in the Humble Mobile Bundle for $4.74
Linkme: Out There: Ω Edition
It's like Out There except you are able to control the ship.
Little hard to control at first, with practice its quite fun.
Does the game play anything like the Android game Out There?
Looking at the video, it does appear to have some overlap, and considering that I play that game more than any other on my tablet, that sounds like something I could enjoy.
That game sounds very much like a variant of "Out There", still one of the most highly regarded mobile games, that I know of. You should check it out.
Out there is a turn based resource management version of that game. Yeah, sorry, it's not a shooter or first person but it's the closest I could think of.
Out There : (probably the closed to FTL, but maybe more random so harder. I don't mind stacked games such as Solitaire so like this)
Harbinger : (has similar elements but more combat focused)
Out There is interesting resource management roguelite. Void Tyrant is fun solitaire rpg and also roguelite. Both can be turned off anytime and you can resume your game where you stopped.
Try [Out There: Omega edition](
Star Jumper
Out There feels very much like FTL, you have ship systems and a mission, in the sense you jump from system to system feeling like you're going to die at every turn from a random event or running out of fuel.
No combat, only text events, but they're well written, and you can get upgrades and explore.
But JFC is it hard. So If you love dying it's your game.
Star Jumper is more combat focused, with ship system management and crew and weapon upgrades, etc.
Lately I've been playing rogue-likes like Hoplite and Out there:Omega, a 2048 type.. puzzle game?? called Atomas, as well as grinding my way through Antimatter Dimensions with some Stardew Valley during the waiting periods in AD.
linkme: Atomas, Out There: Omega, Hoplite, Antimatter Dimensions, Stardew Valley
C'est bien ce Seedship que tu recommandes ?
> Out There: Omega Edition >
there's an Android version too - very much enjoyed it play store link
> I plan on making a text game (interactive fiction) based on the adventures of a space traveller, but I’m almost entirely unsure of what I’m going to do.
Highly addictive, with a syndrom of "one more turn" (or on more system in this case) similar to how HoM&M 3 drew me into playing. For me definately one of the best android games i played. Hard to finish, engaging gameplay, extensive replayability and interesting story. Gameplay a bit similar to FTL game from PC.
Just picked it up, Play reviews are pretty good (and so are Steam's for that matter). Sounds hard though.
Sorry to ruin your fun guys:
out there maybe? Not for everyone, kinda a little bit like FTL, but no combat
Out There, maybe? It's sort of similar to FTL. It's also quite difficult, like FTL.
Yikes, not what I meant
По описанию похоже на
Out There would be what I would recommend. You have to balance your resources whilst exploring. Great music also.
Outlast has a similar setting and resource management game to FTL, but is focused on exploration rather than combat. I enjoyed it but it's not particularly deep.
Wazhack borrows a lot of the systems from Nethack but with an unusual (for a roguelike) interface. It maintains a lot of item and system interactivity but tries to minimize the number of things that just kill you if you're unfamiliar with them, so that it's fun but not frustrating to play unspoiled. I would highly recommend this one. It also has a large update in the works which should be leaving beta soon.
1Quest kind of has a dark fantasy feel. The game has a really cool skill and class system, where skills are prerequisites for class levels and you can mix-and-match. No un-id'ed item system though.
Sproggiwood is a challenging and really polished title, particularly suited to short play sessions.
I cant say whether it's the best mobile game out there, but Out There: Ω edition is absolutely one of the best I've played. It's funny, somewhat challenging and has a suprsingly engaging and long story.
I got it through a Humble Bundle but I'd say its definitely worth the 5 bucks.
Edit: I also want to add Alto's Adventure, and the "Sequel" Altos Odyssey. Both super smooth, downhill style games that are relaxing and satisfying (and free).
While I'm here I might as well list some others. I personally love indie games that get ported to mobile and these are my favorites I can think of at the moment
Machinarium or really any game by Amanita Design. They are really nice atmospheric platform/puzzle games and well worth the money.
The Tiny Bang Story is a another (very challenging) puzzle game that plays really nicely on mobile imo.
Finally, Atomas is a real nice, simple yet challenging, free time killer.
Lol no.
Was on sale for 10 cents recently. I can't see current price because I already own it.
Linkme: Out There: Ω Edition the bot linked the wrong game
Out there is a text based choose your own adventure game thats pretty fun
Out There: Ω Edition | 4.3 ⭐️ | $4.99 | 105MB | ▶️ 🏠
Dead Cells | 4.4 ⭐️ | $8.99 with IAP | 758MB | ▶️ 🏠
Baba Is You | 4.7 ⭐️ | $6.99 | 91MB | 🏠
Space Marshals 3 | 4.0 ⭐️ | Free with IAP | 26MB | ▶️
^(Legend: |🏠: Family Library| ▶️: Play Pass|)
Could it be Out There: Ω Edition?
Out There: Ω Edition | 4.6 rating | $4.99 | 100,000+ downloads | Search manually
> 5/5 - TouchArcade 5/5 - PocketTactics 9/10 'Gold Award' - PocketGamer Grand Prize - DevGAMM Moscow 2015 Excellence in Narrative - DevGAMM 2015 Best Game Design Award - Casual Connect EE 2014 Excellence In Narrative Finalist - IMGA 2015 Best Mobile Games ...
Have you tried Out There: Omega Edition?
I find it keeps me from going into FTL withdrawals when I go afk lol
The Out There games are great. Don't think there's any base building though
Cool! Art style reminds me of this game
You might enjoy Out There.
Out There: Ω Edition
Not free and doesn't have the the combat system of FTL, but it's a good game.
Out there is my best time favorite !
"Out there"should work well, graphically it's pretty static.
No roguelikes? So Out There is out then?