>We won't be doing a sequel to FTL or any more content. We'd like to move on to a new game at this point, it's been 4 years of FTL development
Matthew said this in 2014 here and it was the last official statement I could find. I was very excited when he said that but sadly I haven't seen anything else coming from them. I wouldn't want FTL 2 anyway as this one is a good self-standing title, but these two guys have shown they can produce some really quality stuff so I'd like to see what else they can think of.
Found a way, if you go to https://www.humblebundle.com/?s=resender and input the email address you used to purchase FTL (even if you didn't buy it through humblebundle) it will send you a link with the option to redeem it on steam
I recommend reading The Art of War by Sun Tzu for more perspective on this hypothetical.
In a nutshell, no, because leaving everything else (bases, supply lines, civilians) totally unprotected for even a few minutes would mean their total destruction which would cripple the Federation's ability to do anything at all upon "winning" such a Pyrrhic victory.
Good guy devs implemented it for parents, source:
> -You can now pause using the middle mouse button (one handed gaming for those of you who need to hold your child in the other!)
Totally works too, the house heard almost nothing but FTL music about that time...
We are actually working on a little mod generation executable that will do exactly that: Randomizing the Flagship from a pool of possible layouts, systems, weapons and augments. Details can be read here:
The twist will be that you'll be able to actually read the secret data you are carrying at game-start. This way you'll know what your random flagship will throw at you during this particular run and can prepare for it.
<em>Six Wakes</em> by Mur Lafferty - ~~won~~ nominated for both the big speculative fiction awards - Hugo and Nebula.
And with the FTL connection, now I will definitely have to add it to my already too-long reading list.
Currently a bug acknowledged by the devs - if you save & quit during the run it flags the achievement as an auto-fail.
Heh, I signed up to Reddit just to post this. My first post is a fail too, as I think you've already found that out. Oh well!
That is launch version FTL, nearly an antique at this point :-P
If you bought it through our website (which uses the HumbleStore), you can get your download link resent to you by entering your email address into this form: https://www.humblebundle.com/store/keyresender
EDIT: And the link will let you download the most up to date version
Installing mods is easy with the Slipstream Mod Manager. That forum post comes with good documentation on how to use it.
You can find Better Planets and Backgrounds here.
Any problems are not due to issues with FTL, but because of improper driver support for OpenGL. Because Windows 8 is relatively new, the video drivers can be a bit slow getting full functionality and sadly OpenGL isn't at the top of their priorities. The vast majority of people can get the game working without a problem. If you purchase the game directly from our website: http://www.ftlgame.com/ and you can't get it to work, then we'd be happy to immediately refund your money. Just email us to let us know if it doesn't work out.
Upgrade medbay to level 2 to fully heal, then round-robin repair the oxygen.
If you manage to pull it off, read this amazing novelization :P
I posted my FTL lego ships a while back, but now I've added the Osprey, Gila Monster, Man of War, and Federation Bomber to complete the set. Also updated the Mantis crew design. These were all made with Mugbearer's instructions. He told me he'd eventually add more ships too!
It's a flippin' amazing story :D
Edit: Thanks for the reddit gold whoever it was. You should know that I have absolutely NO desire to use any of the features reddit gold offers me & thus, the gold is going to be completely wasted. I'm really sorry but you wasted your money :(
I've read The Art of War. It still seems that sending a messenger ship, and only a messenger ship, to attack probably the most important enemy target, is a huge oversight on the Federation's part. And surely 320 scrap for 4 burst laser 2s wouldn't be even that much of a dent in the Federation's resource pool - if it is, then one should seriously start questioning their competence and whether they are even fit to govern.
It's a bit of software that changes your screen color and brightness based on the time of day. For some reason screenshots of FTL capture the f.lux overlay as well as the game, which is why so many images on here have a sepia tint.
You should try Captain's Edition mod. It's a collection of multiple mods, which adds a trading system between stores and also has an "infinite exploration" sub-mod where the game doesn't end at sector 8 (and many other things). There are multiple new events (like asteroid mining) and you can also try piratery (and face the consequences).
OP probably has f.lux installed.
> [...] makes the color of your computer's display adapt to the time of day, warm at night and like sunlight during the day.
A semi-sequel/remake of The Binding of Isaac. It's being done with a new art style, re-made in C++ (so as not to be laggy as hell), they're adding a bunch of new content and some new features like different sized rooms. It's shaping up to be awesome. There are a bunch of teasers here, and when new ones are released there's generally a discussion on /r/bindingofisaac.
Obligatory link to this awesome story. You know the one.
Yes, I've decided that I'd post a link to that story every time there's a post like this. Because more people need to read that piece of awesomeness :D
I made a .ftl mod that replaces the medbay with the clone bay. All you need is SMM to use it.
If there are any problems with it let me know and I can fix them
If you had a teleporter, you could send over Cubbin and Stelly, then, while they're on the enemy ship, go to the main menu, and once you get back they'd be at the end.
I don't think it's possible in-game without boarding.
Other than that, the profile editor, as modding can't really do anything about that.
it's Arsenal+, which is a Russian mod. What you see here is my attempt at "translating" it (it's not really a genuine translation; I don't actually know Russian). still quite a long ways off getting all the events down, but there are some event chains done and the weapons are almost completely translated. still need to work out some wording issues there, but it's still very much a work-in-progress
more details can be found here: http://www.ftlgame.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=29891.
p.s. I really need to add more pictures to the main forum post... there'll probably also be an update soon.
You can also mod this in: http://www.ftlgame.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=26289. Nice simple mod by Sleeper Service + 5th Horseman. Makes things a little faster than using a piece of paper with pen marks on it which is what I used to do...
>Auto-Breach : An other exploit of the AI, Auto-Drone are unable to repair systems with a Breach. Probably not intended and even the Flagship AI is vulnerable to that.
I really doubt that's unintended. The one above it (doors) is kinda hard to call an exploit either, but it is useful.
I've read recently that jumping away from the boss at the base won't actually end the game like the counter indicates, but haven't had a chance to test it yet.
Other than that there's a bunch of stuff, but nothing really useful comes to mind. There's a bug that gives you more battery power, but that's obscure. The enemy AI prioritizes shields defense and repair like crazy, but that's not really an exploit either. You can do a reverse drone depower exploit to let an enemy hacking through at a harmless system by disabling your defense drone (it usually gets through a single DD anyway, better to choose where). As for saving, there's a bunch of stuff there, I don't use any of that but I remember there may be some store bugs, avoiding ASB by reloading at the right time, who knows what else.
Oh, here is the base jump away source. The last point there about knowing when miss is calculate is very useful, too, but neither an exploit nor news, either.
Relevant quote from the developers:
> In this mockup of the ship list you can see there is an order of unlocking ships: If you beat the game with the 4th ship, you will unlock the 5th. (note the actual order may be different and isn't of importance for now) There are two exceptions:
> -- The Engi Cruiser will still be unlocked by getting to the fifth sector (now specifically with the Kestrel)
> -- The Crystal Cruiser has a new unique requirement of unlocking all other ships. It will be shown off to the side.
So like Convoy? To a slightly not exactly like an FTL style 100%, Death Skid Marks?
> They weren't kidding when they said expect a 10% win rate on hard.
Did they really say that? I know in their forum post they quote the FTL developer who once said "We wanted [FTL] to have around a 10% success rate even if you know what you’re doing."
I don't mean to nitpick, i'm genuinely interested because i see people reference this a lot.
I think what's interesting about the Justin Ma quote is that while he's right that people know what what they doing probably have 10% success rate on hard (that's me), experts have ~90% success rate. Wonder if the same goes for CE.
I think you missed the part where I mentioned I'm using a balance mod that buffs the shield drone to not cost as much, among other things.
So this wasn't photographed (photoshopped...?)
Seriously people. The series are awesome! And it gets even better with every episode.
Go and support them on Patreon if you like it!
They should know that you enjoyed it. :)
Might as well mention The Balance & Bugfix Mod I suppose. Tons of bugfixes and balance tweaks, aiming at further polishing an already polished game and adding more decisions to your playthroughs.
Hmm, that's not very exciting...it's just 1100%.
Made by RAD-82 on the forums. Download link and original thread here.
It's actually using an out of date image. The rebel ships were originally that color scheme. They were some of the very first ship designs and by the time we got to the end of the project Justin wanted to update them to fit what the final look of the game had involved into. Here's a comparison pic of the non-cruiser rebel ships: http://www.ftlgame.com/screenshots/rebel_comparison.png
And to address the actual post: interesting suggestion.
The game can be modded, it's fairly simple. The simpler part is installing mods, you just need the mod manager:
The part where you actually create the mod is a little more complicated - easy enough if you want to do some research and figure it out (basically just create an archive with the file responsible for names in ftl), but I could just send you the ready file or the template to modify yourself if you don't want to mention the name, it's really quick to do.
Yeah, a couple.
Better Planets and Backgrounds 1.3.1
A couple others not seen, just makes the game feel a little less ghetto. =)
It doesn't take to much time to change starting positions.
1.Unpack "data.dat" from the "resources" folder (could help: http://www.ftlgame.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2788)
2. Open "blueprints.xml" or "dlcBlueprintsOverwrite.xml" with a text editor.
3. Scroll down to the player ships.
4. Change the race order. The first crew member starts as pilot, the second one starts in the engine room, the third one in the weapons room and the fourth in the shield room. Federation C for example starts with this configuration (energy=zoltan):
<crewCount amount = "1" class="human"/>
<crewCount amount = "2" class="energy"/>
<crewCount amount = "1" class="mantis"/>
If you want the mantis to start in the engine room change it to:
<crewCount amount = "1" class="human"/>
<crewCount amount = "1" class="mantis"/>
<crewCount amount = "2" class="energy"/>
If you want to send your mantis to the weapons you can even split up the 2 zoltans to 2 entries:
<crewCount amount = "1" class="human"/>
<crewCount amount = "1" class="energy"/>
<crewCount amount = "1" class="mantis"/>
<crewCount amount = "1" class="energy"/>
5. Hit the save button, repack "data.dat" and paste it to the "resources" folder (don't forget a backup, maybe of your save file, too!)
If there is a big request I could rewrite all starting positions.
Yeah it's a mega mod of sorts, adding in a bunch more content while still felling like FTL, kind of. It wrecks the balance of the base game but fighting rebel cruisers is so much fun, so I think it's wroth it. More info here.
There's an FTL save game editor to restore your ships and achievements.
You could also take the chance to unlock everything again by playing, it's fun! I'm on my fifth FTL AE profile currently...
You can download Mod Testing Environment, as well as this slightly modified (for the engi virus event) custom content patch, load them in slipstream.
It does. Wow. I knew saving was messed up, but that's pretty cool. Nice find.
Ballooning content isn't necessarily a good thing. One major sign of excellence in a video game's design is when out of all of the content, very little can be taken away without crippling the game, because this indicates that almost everything in the game was put in to make the game better, not just so there would be more stuff to mess around with. I'll admit that some of the ship layouts are weak points in FTL, but Randtrel resolves that nicely without intruding upon the rest of the game. SM Polish isn't nearly as bad about adding unpolished or frivolous content as CE is, I'll give you that, but even if I did enjoy its gameplay over vanilla, I'd probably want to beat vanilla before I played it, which takes hundreds of hours and is probably the main reason why more people on this sub aren't into mods.
So you say you liked the episode, too?
Every new episode is even better then the previous one, you say?
Then go and support them on Patreon!
Creating this awesome series must take a very long time.
Thanks a lot, I'm enjoying every new episode till the last second!
This mod is probably my favorite by now. The Flagship weapons are replaced by a Dual-Shot Rockets, Dual-Heavy Lasers, the generic Triple Shot Missile, and the Anti-Bio Beam. Different from the normal Flagship the Dual-Shot Missile and Bio Beam room are connected to the main body. The first stage had 4-Crew Teleporter and a Clone Bay. For some strange reason the first intruders decided to teleport in the Medbay, so i just shut down their clone bay and killed the rest. With only 3 Crew trying to fix the Clone Bay and my 2 Mantises in their Clone Bay i killed all the crew in the main body and in the Missile room. The Flagship Anti-Bio Beam is no joke. The beam will ignore shields and will deal more than 60% of damage to a human crew (probably even killing the Zoltan in one shot), but they are slow as hell and short. That will give time to command the crew to run from the beam.
The second stage had a Combat Drone Mk. II, a Defense Drone Mk. I, and a Repair Drone. The only thing that are scary is the power-surge with the Combat Mk. II, the lots of drones and the Dual Shop Lazer to help disabling the 4-Shields.
The last stage is scary as hell, Zoltan Shield with Cloaking AND Hacking, i only had a Heavy Laser I to disable the Zoltan Shield, and no Zoltan Shields bypass.
And Victory!
The mod have a CE version too, and the flagship will have some weapons exclusive to CE!
You should take a look at the continue.sav file (location info).
Do you have trouble accessing it? Try deleting it manually and see what happens. FTL might not be getting permission to access the folder, maybe try running the game as administrator, or change the folder permissions to more liberal in the preferences.
EDIT: Also, disable steam cloud first if it's on.
To install mods, you will need this: http://www.ftlgame.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=17102
And this is the master mod list, containing most of the mods currently available for FTL: http://www.ftlgame.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=26619
Sorry about this. It's a common problem with an easy fix. Check out the solution here: http://www.ftlgame.com/?page_id=192#beacon
Let me know if that doesn't work. You (or anyone) can always contact me directly at for tech support.
Hah, I suppose they are like that in a way - no amount of free shit will save you if your boarding isn't up to snuff.
I'd recommend you watch Twinge's tips and tricks on boarding to make sure you know all the tricks, #5 and #14 in particular:
You'd do well to focus on getting some extra systems around sector 3-5, especially hacking works great. Defense drones and cloaking are awesome, too. When are you usually getting destroyed? If it's early, you probably need better micro, but if it's the flagship then your ship building might not be good enough. Hacking + tp + a bomb usually lets you kill crews very nicely including the flagship.
You could get it on GOG, which is a similar service to steam, except it's DRM free, so I use it. It does have a slightly smaller library than steam.
Or you could just get it from the actual website: http://www.ftlgame.com/
I'm pretty sure that Twinge's balance mod is what you're looking for. I've seen him talk about it a few times, and I think the majority of the changes are for the better. I haven't played it personally. Let me see if I can find that for you.
Edit: Here it is.. http://www.ftlgame.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=26269
No new weapons or anything. Some of the changes are odd, but the majority of fixes and balance changes sound appropriate.
I'm thinking that the Flagship Randomizer is a very interesting mod. A little more complicated than most, though, since you have to remod for each configuration.
Well, if you wish to get your ships back, then you can use a profile editor to get them back, along with your stats. A bit of cheating, but since you have unlocked them before, it's understandable.
For game tips, there are quite a few guides spread through this subreddit, and AyCarrumba's guide is great and says a bit about everything.
>and there' always the modding community
I'll second that. Mods are a great way to add fresh content.
Unfortunately not, used a mod called "BYOS" (Build your own ship) (link: http://www.ftlgame.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=23923 http://www.reddit.com/r/ftlgame/comments/2424w4/mod_byos_v100_build_your_own_ship_now_with_all/ ). Gave myself anti-bio beams and some scrap to upgrade weapons and artillery. It was a fun run.
Captains Edition infinite mod. The captains edition bit adds lots of new events (this is a vanilla AE event), ships, weapons, sectors and hazards and infinite basically lets you go on for ever by at the end of each sector letting you go to a deep space sector that's repeatable but with vastly increased scrap costs to keep it balanced.
Available here http://www.ftlgame.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=15663
Check out this guide.
I personally find that the Zoltan A is one of the easiest to unlock. You just need to get the Zoltan Homeworlds, and from there there's a good chance that you'll run into the node that starts the quest to get the ship. From there all you have to do is pick the right dialogue options (which are always the same) and then make it to the quest marker and pick the right dialogue options there as well, and hey presto, ship unlocked.
Incidentally it's also my favourite ship. The overshield makes it very economic, since you'll save a lot on repairs, which makes you able to afford a lot of upgrades instead. The Halberd Beam is a killer starting weapon, and you can get by in most of the game with only mediocre luck in obtaining a few good extra weapons. After that you just need to get cloaking and you're golden.
EDIT: The overshield also prevents boarding, which can make mantis ship encounters a cakewalk as long as you can either kill them before they take down your overshield or if you have cloaking.
Here's the thread about modding.
And here's the relevant bit:
>Disabling the rebel pursuit is simple. Instructions: http://www.reddit.com/r/ftlgame/comments/zyzl1/modder_has_figured_out_how_to_disable_fleet/c6911ii
>Or.. find "START_GAME" and "START_BEACON" in events.xml and add <modifyPursuit amount="-100000"/>
It shouldn't be OP, might be pretty weak, really; here is something close-ish, but better:
Mantis styled, 2 mantis for boarding, actually decent weapons, and I think it felt ok (balanced) when I played it, but that was quite some time ago.
Captains Edition (it has a lot of customisation to it for download):
Slipstream Mod manager
Twinge's Balance mod might be what you are looking for. It changes tons of things from Weapons cost and cooldown to starter ship and events.
Those blasters on the side are going to be custom starting weapons! The cannon in the center is going to be artillery.
Dual artilleries are possible though! They have a set of weird quirks about them, however.
It's still a 'first draft' as I haven't done terribly extensive playtesting on it, but I made a ship called The Caduceus which starts with 3 Zoltan, a clonebay, and a four-man teleporter. It's pretty close to what you're looking for! Here's the forum thread.
captain's edition is definitely AE compatible
so the captain's edition consists of multiple files
I figure you used smm then loaded up ftl captain's edition, but this is just the data file
you have to also load up the ce resource pack and there are other "add-ons" so to speak
for more information I suggest looking at the main forum page which is located here.
if, after following those steps and you still find yourself in that problem I suggest replying in that thread, because you can get a direct response from its creator
Or rather modify your events.xml file so that it only contains the events you want to change, then rename it to xml.append. Put it into a folder designated "data" and zip that one. Rename the archive to .ftl and you can patch it in with Slipstream mod manager. Thats how modding FTL is usually done and it ensures greater compatibility between mods. Reading through the SMM OP might be helpful as well:
I have to note that I don't have much experience with modding, so some steps might be missing.
Download the FTL UnPacker
Unpack the ftl data.dat (should be in your steam folder, or wherever else the game is saved).
Open events.xml with a text editor (notepad is fine)
Search for the event text
Edit that text to your likings
Save it and Pack it as a new data.dat
replace the old data.dat file with your modified one (also make a backup!)
This should have been pretty much everything you need to do.
Yep, if your ship stats with no crew at all then it gains auto-ship properties, including automated system repair and immunity to crew death. Still works in AE this way.
KartoFlanes Auto-Cruiser made really good use of that, but its not yet updated for AE.
It seems that you can farm rebel ships to inflate your score.
Relevant thread on ftlgame.com
Youtube example
You can just delete the settings.ini file to get the game back into windowed mode. No need to set values manually. For MacOS that file is in the same location as your profile file: http://www.ftlgame.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1892
Does your OS generate a crash log? This topic talks about where those are located: http://www.ftlgame.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1884
Sorry about the problem!
EDIT: If you get crash logs, just email them to me at
Depends on exactly what you're looking for.
If you're looking for another challenging game with permadeath, randomization, and varied starting options I would suggest Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup. It's a rouge-like based around playing well rather than around simply knowing secrets like many rouge-likes, and it has a major emphasis on removing tedious scumming aspects.
Not a space game, keep in mind, but a very punishing roguelike involving lots of caution, management, and luck.
Pixel Dungeon is pretty fun and good for multiple playthroughs, just like FTL. You play a character who must descend through a dungeon of monsters, acquiring items through mob drops or finds in randomly generated levels. There is very basic customization at the beginning (choosing between 3 classes who differ in stats, combat, and therefore general playstyle) and the occasional store, just like FTL, where you're likely to be ripped off if you aren't careful. Lots of exploration and general fun in this game.
EDIT: apparently there are 4 classes now, it's been a while since I've played.
It's "energy", since that's the name of the crewBlueprint
you can find examples in the player ships:
if you haven't unpacked the data.dat file, you can search directly in there, using a search&find for the names of the player ships,
or if you have unpacked the data.dat file (using Slipstream most likely), then you'll find the player ships in blueprints.xml (Type A's and B's), dlcBlueprints.xml (Lanius player ships) and dlcBlueprintsOverwrite (Type C's)
in general, looking through the original vanilla files is a good idea to see how things work (like systems, weapons, drones, etc.)
:edit; unpacking the data.dat file will make it easier to see them, especially if you have an editor that can collapse the tags in the xml files and see them more clearly like notepad++
:edit2: though now that I think about it, you could probably just set the data.dat to be viewed like xml, but still, it's better to unpack because then you don't have to sift through a gigantic file
and if you're trying to replace all crewmembers as zoltan (probably not), you can refer to this: https://www.reddit.com/r/ftlgame/comments/5tva2r/alllanius_crew_mod/ddpihqe/ , you've kinda inspired me to do it for all races (even the unused ghost class) so I'll probably get on to do that myself.
:edit; and if I don't, just replace "anaerobic" with "energy" in all the mod's files.
I had this problem with Captain's mode as well. The only solution that worked for me was to just reinstall it.
And make sure you install the resource pack that comes with it. http://www.ftlgame.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=15663
The closest option probably to use the FTL savegame editor, open that up whenever you hit a shop and spawn in whatever weapon you want and deduct the appropriate amount of scrap.
I've had them installed for so long I forgot they were even mods 'til you asked, hah. Hopefully Google can guide you because otherwise I only have a link to Better Planets and Backgrounds. They should all be on the FTL forums, I think.
The more active place to look for mods is probably the official modding forum on the FTL website. It also features an extensive master mod list: http://www.ftlgame.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=26619
Gimp works fine for FTL. I think I heard the original art was done with photoshop. Superluminal will draw the rooms for you and you can select pre-existing images for the room images (missiles lying around in the weapon room and a all that stuff).
Overdrive GDX might eventually allow modding the game at its core, that would also allow changing hangar caps etc. Its still far from complete though.
The obvious one is Captain's Edition, for good reason. It just adds so much content. I installed it after beating FTL with every ship on Easy.
Here's a list of my currently installed mods, pasted directly from Slipstream Mod Manager:
> CE Resource Pack 1.27.ftl
> FTL Captains Edition 1.273.ftl
> nebula_original_res.ftl
> CE Additional Music Addon 1.266.ftl
> CE Infinite Addon 1.267.ftl
> CE Additional Music Infinite Compatibility Patch 1.0.ftl
> EL Texture Pack 1.27.ftl
> CE Endless Loot Addon for CE Infinite 1.27.ftl
> CE Non-EL Enemy Loadouts Addon 1.26.ftl
> Shiny! UI and Graphics v1.0 for CE.ftl
> Shiny! Vanilla Portraits Patch for CE.ftl
> Extended Pursuit Indicator x24 v.1.0.ftl
> Expanded Enemy Window 1.2.ftl
> CrewD_v001.ftl
> Extra Names Mod 1.1.ftl
> Highres Shields V1.1.ftl
> randomFlagship.ftl
And here's a list of Advanced Edition mods: http://www.ftlgame.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=26619
You can find most of the mods I have installed on that list.
Pre-AE there was a mod that upped how much power you could put into systems. It was called Advanced Battle Systems. I have no idea if it works anymore, as I haven't tested it, but you could do things like have level 5 shields, level 12 weapons, level 4 teleporter with instant-cooldown (way OP but fun as hell) and more.
A few parts had some glitchiness regarding visuals, because the game wasn't intended to support the space on your HUD for five shields, for example, but overall it worked pretty well.
> wait really?
Yep! http://www.ftlgame.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=20034
> Does that include unlocking the new ships as well?
Are there new ships? I thought the existing ships would just get C variants next to their A and B variants.
Mods are platform-independant. All you need is a mod manager to do it properly - theoretically you could install it yourself, but with the prevalence of mod managers, you don't need to worry.
This is Slipstream Mod Manager. Grab the Mac/Linux link, point it at your FTL installation, put your downloaded .ftl files in Slipstream's mod folder, install it with the utility, and you're good to go.
Hope you have fun with Infinite Space!
No Rebel fleet has been done.
Edit: here Is another version that doesn't disable the fleet, but lets you fight them. Everytime you destroy a rebel ship in their zone, the fleet is delayed by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, or 10,000 turns, depending on which version you install. Pretty neat.
I've been trying out a randomly-chosen ship against a Random Flagship; I'm currently flying the Swallow against a modded Flagship with Reverse Ion Field and two phases of mind control.
Once, I had to fight a flagship with missile launchers as its primaries, a hull repair drone on Phase 2, and cloaking+supershield on Phase 3. That was the hardest fight I've ever won in the game.
Yep, if you get them from reliable sources! Just make sure to download them from the official forum posts, it should be clear which ones are the proper ones. I'm using mods now and they're fine!
Happened to me 4 times since FTL AE came out - to be fair, I used to play on very outdated hardware which tended to overheat with all the supercomputing going on in FTL, and FTL doesn't have a very good save file management and often corrupts your profile when the computer crashes while playing.
I've used it as an opportunity to start over from scratch, because unlocking is half the fun of the game. However, you can also use a savegame editor to unlock everything to your heart's content.
So I made that training ship mod I mentioned earlier. Give it a try if you want (with Slipstream). Let me know if something isn't working properly or if I forgot something.
To be honest, it's (not suprisingly) not that common to be able to do this on an average ship like the Kestrel. Something small like the engi ones will probably be better.
No, it hasn't been in any bundles yet. The game has only been out a few months so far. I personally thought it would be in a bundle sometimes next year, but this might be it.
And with Grimrock you got this: http://www.grimrock.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4530&sid=6dd30e8e1f6f0744af15819a4c8c905d
>We're now preparing for the launch of 1.3.6 on all platforms and we're going to have a super quick beta on Windows to make sure no new bugs have slipped in.
I've only been playing with Captain's Edition for a little while, but so far it seems it's added a great amount. The forums have lots more, though. Here's a big ol' list someone made for mods that work with AE.
edit: "the the forums"
Slipstream is here, and FTL is the same whether you get it from steam or wherever.
A good recent thread on mod recommendations:
Most players recommend Infinite Space, but I recommend FTL Extended. It offers you a way to actually finish the game.
To install mods you need Slipstream Mod Manager
Twinge's Balance Mod makes game better without changing anything excessive.
Detailed ship greebles are very cool.
Wait, in that case... [checks unpacked vanilla files] Yep, they're there.
Hey u/Fergusmo88, you can use FTL Unpacker to get the music in ogg files by unpacking the resource.dat :)
There has been a long-standing myth in FTL that if you're flying a ship without shields and you come across a store selling systems, shields will be sold there.
Finally, after a discussion with u/sleeper_service_CE in the forum thread of my first ship mod, u/Biohazard063 decides to put this myth to the test. Find out whether it's true or not :)
P.S. Bio indeed allowed me to post this and thereby rob him of all the juicy juicy meaningless internet karma points :P
Like another person already said, use Slipstream Mod Manager. By the way, it's also sitting right at the top of the thread /u/sleeper_service_CE just linked.
There really isn't much to know. Get SMM, get .ftl files, apply. Might need java, it's all explained here,
and in the ce thread.
@edit And it should be pretty hard to actually break anything, so don't worry! You can backup your save if you want, in windows 7 it's in
C:\Users\name\Documents\My Games\FasterThanLight
Captain's Edition. Its a mod that adds an insane amount of content to the game. Pretty easy to install too. You can find all the info and download links here if you're interested. I highly recommend it if you think you're getting bored but want more.
Ok, i made a very early test build.
All it does at the moment is strip the kestrel A to the bare minimum and then adds a new start event where you can add stuff back in.
At the moment the selection is limited to 4x3 Weapons 3x3 Drones and 1x3 Augs each for its original shop price.
You will not be able to play the game with this version beyond the first beacon. It's for testing only and to see if people like the direction it is going. The mod takes a few seconds to load after you press 'start'. Load the mod with your mod Manager eg. Slipstream Mod Manager
Download Mediafire: Build Your Own Ship v0.01
I'll make a new thread here and in the official forums once i got a playable version.
All these files came from the FTL "Presskit" linked by their press release on the website, announcing the release date. I've tried to analyze as much as possible what's going on in each screen shot and what we can learn about the new update.
This is all the new information I can find. Everywhere I look still just says early 2014, though I think I remember hearing February somewhere. I can't seem to find that again to confirm it. Really looking forward to all of the new stuff.
Just for reference, this was in sMPK. This accounted for the one weapon I had to put up with until around Sector 6, a Crystal Burst I. Once I got the first reloader early on, the only things that gave any sort of real trouble were Riggers with Defense IIs. I pretty much had to overwhelm them with fire from Anti-Ship drones as well as all three weapons to have any chance of damaging them. Second weapon was an Ion Blast I, and from thereon out it was pretty much cake.. when the Heavy Laser didn't miss every other shot.
EDIT: Oh, and this was on the second run. First run, I didn't even make it to within two jumps of the end of Sector 1.
No worries, a solution exists.
You can use this Linux boot image to easily reset any local Windows PC account's password ('Administrator' being the usual account to reset) to blank.
If the laptop doesn't have an optical drive, or you don't have a blank CD handy to burn the image to, you boot the ISO off a USB stick using this.
PM me if you get stuck.
The heavy percussion kinda reminds me of the "Plague Battle" theme from CE, when you go through a plague-ridden sector.
(The track in question is Overpass.)
Are you on windows? If so, here's the version I use. It's the latest, 1.6 :)
> I'm not expecting anyone to go through the trouble on my account.
Frak you! You can't tell me what not to do :P