This app was mentioned in 51 comments, with an average of 1.75 upvotes
I faced the same issue recently (single presses on home button being interpreted as long presses). Turned out that a 3rd party app incorrectly "hooked" home button (DriveMode in my case. It had been not very easy to investigate however.
As far as I know Waze hasn-t added support for standalone Android Auto yet. I use Drivemode for now until they add that functionality.
If your car doesn't suppprt it, then I highly recommend an app called DriveMode, which I use every day. If you try it, take the time to go through all the options, including the ones being tested. You can really customize your in-car experience far more than with Android Auto. And you can use it in conjunction with AA too if you're ever in a car with it.
Another option that I feel works far better than Android Auto (particularly when mounting your phone as the display) is the Drivemode: Handsfree Messages And Call For Driving app. This is especially true if you use Android Auto for navigation, as apps like Waze are very crippled when run through AA than when run on the phone itself. I spent quite a bit of time when I moved to Android from Windows Phone trying to mimic the simple hands-free messaging experience that AA just didn't deliver, and Drivemode beats all the other similar apps in the Play Store hands down. Drivemode can read incoming messages from all major messaging providers (SMS, Messenger, WhatsApp, Signal, Skype, etc.) and allows you to respond entirely by voice (it mentions itself in responses by default, but if you like how it works, it's a ridiculously cheap in-app purchase to make that go away). Oh, and if you like the Android Auto experience, you can still use Drivemode in conjunction with AA to let you respond to messages and answer calls hands-free.
Link me: drive mode
I don't really use any driving apps, but there was recently one just release called Drivemode - Driving UI (BETA).
If you're cool with all the permissions it requires, and understand why it might need them, then you can give that one a shot. It looks pretty decent, but again I don't use any driving apps.
So DriveMode is kind of an overly/launcher that gives you a swipe gesture ring and also reads out text messages asking if you'd like to dictate a response. It can launch automatically when paired with a specific Bluetooth device and automatically shutdown on disconnect. It can also have navigation shortcuts programed in to enter into a preferred navigation app (Magic Maps for me). For the Text to Speech I use the Google app which only has microphone access when using the app and is also firewalled from the internet. This isn't an ironclad solution but in terms of having some time of Android Auto replacement it's the best I've come up with. It's not FOSS and it's another company you'd possibly giving your data to, but the firewall should help mitigate that. I haven't found any FOSS solutions for either Android Auto or reliable speech to text/vice versa so if anyone can provide better solutions please let me know.
Drivemode is probably the best.
This (dutch, you will have to google translate it) site has a compare:
I can't see that it's any worse, but Android Auto has been super inconsistent for me the entire time, so much so that I'm giving Drivemode a try. It's been especially frustrating since this summer when my state began enforcing a handsfree-only law, so besides being a bad idea even tapping 'play' on the screen could get me a ticket. Android Auto still feels like a beta-quality product even though it's been in release for 3.5 years now.
I'm sticking with Drivemode for now. A lot more features and easier to navigate - it has big buttons and reads out what they are as you swipe between them, so you don't need to look at the screen.
That's exactly how I feel: Hangouts or Google Voice (no one can even say what it is any more) is a redheaded stepchild, which is really weird because it seems like something that fits with Google's M.O. of giving people more choice and more freedom. Google Voice disconnects (pun intended) your phone number from a carrier or a device. I can switch to any carrier or MVNO or device and instantly have my Google Voice phone number. Hell I don't even need a phone. So why not put the effort into making it work right? What's also surprising is Project Fi is Google Voice working the way I would love for it to work. So why not make that available to everyone? I kept holding out hope that all this would come eventually, but I am giving up. Anyway, sorry for the rant.
Drivemode is supposed to be able to read Hangouts messages. That will be the next thing I try out.
We'll damn, if you said that in the first place you'd have an entirely different set of answers. Try this:
I like the Drivemode app so much more than Android auto.
I'm not sure if it will work on tablet.
Try Drivemode as well
going to say he means this one:
Give DriveMode a try:
Try Drivemode. Awesome app I instead of AA.
Better IMHO.
Happened to me sometimes. The culprit was Drive Mode app. Force stop fixed the issue (which eventually reappeared)
Here is the link to drivemode
I've been using Drivemode In the car lately. It's actually pretty well done and continuously improving.
There is like four to five different apps with that name. I'm assuming this is the one you're talking about?
I use an app called Drivemode that creates a transparent overlay for phone calls over the navigation screen
> Drivemode
Oh you're talking about this:
Sorry was confused.
Not sure if this is a one-to-one replacement or even close, but take a look: Drivemode.
Drivemode has what you're talking about when you drive.
Stop searching, DriveMode is what you are looking for.
It reads out loud WhatsApp messages and from any Service.
Cheers dude. This works a treat:
This is a good app and might suit your needs.
What about Drivemode: Driving interface?
just found the culprit: latest version of DriveMode app
I use Drivemode.
google maps 'driving mode' works perfectly for me. Shows current traffic densities and alternative routes.
Automate and Drivemode are both pretty awesome
Will do exactly what you'd like. I have been using this app for a few months now and love it!
The app you're looking for is Drive Mode: