This app was mentioned in 33 comments, with an average of 1.79 upvotes
I use Time Recording. There's a pro version, but I use the free one. I picked this one because it has a widget that lets me clock in from that do I don't have to open the app. Others probably have this too, but once I found what I wanted I stopped looking.
But there are a ton of other ones.
There's an app for that, called time recording. I used that because I regularly forgot to use the company time stamp machine, it's really awesome with lots of features. Not affiliated, just found it really useful. I guess there are others but I just know this one
I use a different one based on reviews. time recording Bought the pro version for like a $1 as I figured it should save me that much, might have a look at the other one too though.
Zeiterfassung: Ich nehme diese hier in der kostenlosen Basisversion:
Sollte Deine Anforderungen erfüllen.
I've downloaded the app to my phone. the main issue is... that I don't need a budget.
I'm using an app called time recording to check-in/out work tasks/clients.
Ich benutze für sowas die time recording app:
I use Google Opinion Rewards to buy the paid version but the free version has everything I use.
It also has Tasker support.
It will get worked out eventually. I used and app that let's me clock in and out, backs up to the cloud on google or whatever. Very nice.
My suggestion is: you generally get more of what you want with gentelness than with hostility. Explore the options with the union and everything else while still being respectful with management. The whole process may benefit from all that happening at the same time. Keep it respectful and dignified with everyone.
Was using this for a while time recorder the free version is surprisingly full of features, Google plug-in to backup to drive and more
I use Time Recording - Timesheet app which I found to be the best àpp to track app usage. It's free and has a widget to track.
You can try Time Recording - Time Sheet App
Or better Trackender
I use Time Recording on Android. It has some features built for using it to track time/money the way a business would, but it's also easy enough to use without those things.
Well, you could try the free version as it's highly configurable and see what you think. If it doesn't keep up no harm no foul - the dev seems to be pretty down to earth and keeps features pretty solid. But, if you have a streamlined process that already works for you well I certainly wouldn't say to replace it for no reason either.
If you have a android phone then check out "Time Recording - Timesheet App"
I use it only to record punches and it will keep track of your hours. Be sure to set the first day of the week to Saturday and then you're set, unless you work over night, then there is some tweaking to get the hours you work after midnight to be recorded to the previous day when you punched in, but I don't think that's necessary if all you want it to do is count your time for the whole week and not be picky about seeing your time broken down by shift rather than by day.
I use two separate apps for tracking my hours/runs. I use Time Recording to track my hours and tips and the app works fantastically. For tracking my runs and their respective customers and their tipping habits, I use Delivery Droid. Every time I get a delivery I plug the order details into DD and the total after tip upon delivery. If I've already delivered to that address before the app shows what they tipped the last time.
Time Recording. I deliver pizza and we still use paper punchcards to track our hourly wages. This app allows me to track my hours and calculate my pay very easily and has just about every bell and whistle you can imagine. I can track my tips, export reports of my income over any time period I want, it syncs with my google calendar, and it's free. There is a nominal fee to remove ads and the paid version has a few extra features that also come in handy. I now know that the amount I'm being paid is correct and I plan on giving /r/dataisbeautiful my records as soon as they're substantial enough to be interesting.
Hey everyone! I'm a computer science student in my third year of college, and I also have two tech-related jobs right now. I work as an intern building WPF applications and as a help desk guy for student technology.
So, what kind of code do I write? At work, it's all C# and Xaml in the .NET framework. One of my CS classes this semester is Web Systems, so I do a lot of HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, JSP, etc., etc. for that. I also really enjoy using these language for my own little projects. My other class is Programming Languages, so right now we're doing C++ and Java but previously in the semester we used Ruby with regex as well as ANTLR and some more Java.
I have a MacBook Pro as well as a desktop that I built which runs Windows 7 Pro. I use my laptop for about 75%-80% of all my work for class and stuff, and my desktop whenever I want to use a bigger screen and a mechanical keyboard (Das Keyboard represent!).
I also use Git so that I can pick up where I left off anywhere. I mainly use Bitbucket.
For code editors, I'm still kind of looking for the one, but recently I've been using Sublime Text 3 and so far I'm loving it (see below for my list of plugins, themes, and links). In the past I've used Brackets, Light Table, Notepadd++ (before I got my MacBook), and, of course, Vim. My personal favorite though definitely has to be Visual Studio. It's just a powerhouse. The biggest issue I have is that you pretty much have to have an SSD, or it'll take so long to build and run things that it's not even worth it.
On my MacBook, I use iTerm2 for my terminal emulator. I love the customization options and multiple tabs. To be honest, I've never used the default Terminal application so I don't even know what the real improvements are :P
I use Homebrew as my package manager. It's really simple to use and as far as I know it's the best option for Mac.
I have a huge .bash_profile, mostly stuff I've found online. If people want me to post it, I totally can, but to save space I'll wait for now :P
Hmmmm.... I think the tool I use the most that falls into this category is probably Trello (warning: referral link!). I use it to keep track of basically everything, including bugs and stuff I want to implement in my own projects.
For time tracking I use an Android app called Time Tracking. It's extremely useful for keeping track of how long I work each day. It's actually helped solve an issue where the company I worked for didn't pay me for about 28 hours of work, so woo!
I use an app/website called for my todo list. It's free with the option to go premium, and I think it's definitely worth paying for. [Android app][iPhone app]
If I think of anything else I use for this, I'll add it!
Balsamiq, Balsamiq, Balsamiq. That's pretty much all I've used.
The only tool I've ever used for this is probably Read the Docs. I don't even really know what to say about it because I don't have enough experience!
I got nothing here, sorry! :(
OS Specific (ex. OS X)
Other than the terminal, I don't really use anything that's specific to OSX. Since I have a windows machine, I always try to find stuff that works on both.
Same as OSX.
Whew! That was a long post! The only real request I would have is text editors or IDEs!
Let me know if you have any questions or comments! Thanks for reading!
Ich benutze eine App namens "Zeiterfassung" auf meinem Android-Telefon. Die ist zuverlässig und flexibel.
This app with The NFC plug-in
<strong>Time Recording</strong> and <strong>Jiffy</strong> are both free time trackers. I'm sure there are more, but these are the two that I spent time with a couple months ago.
I know for certain that Time Recording can track hourly rates and paid overtime, and although Jiffy might also be able to, it isn't listed as a feature on their app page.
Both <strong>Time Recording</strong> and <strong>Jiffy</strong>...
but the reason I stuck with Time Recording is because the free version of Jiffy has a limit of tracking 3 different projects, while Time Recording has no limit.
Many Time Recording apps allow this. Here is the one I use...
Have you tried Time Recording (Pro)?
You can try this app It has a plugin for Tasker.
I use Time Recording - Timesheet app which I found to be the best àpp to track time. It's free and has a widget to track.
You can try Time Recording - Time Sheet App
I do use this app. It has Tasker support, supports backup in Cloud and has export as excel or HTML . pro this one is pretty deep if you get into it. There's a free version by the same company. Highly recommended