Just go to: https://forum.xda-developers.com/wear-os/development/app-spotify-lite-scaled-standalone-wear-t3815680
Once finished you have fully working Spotify on your smartwatch :)
Layout is not optimal but you are able to listen to an offline playlist.
Edit: it is a bit hard to select different offline playlists. You need to tab bottom far right (there are 5 tabs bottom and you need to tab the one which is not visible). With a little training it is possible. Swipe up slowly from bottom to top seems to work in most cases.
I use this app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ppltalkin.phonebatterylevel I get a notification on my smartphone when the watch is charged with this app. And you can also add an icon to the quick settings with the charge level of the watch.
I just posted this on another thread. But I had a similar issue. I picked up some oil polishing compound on amazon. This stuff: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B015HLK31W/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_FX3BYEYJ0Q386YG5PAH4?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
For $13. It's EXTREMELY fine polish made for exactly this. Use the 5 to 1 um grit to remove the scratches. Be careful around the bezel because it will take the black paint off (I know because it did...)
Once the scratches are smooth (they'll never be gone) you can put a glass screen protector over it and the adhesive from the protector will fill any tiny imperfections. My watch looks brand new now.
If you'd like a weather app using the same great weather data (+ some nice extras and a big v2.0 update coming soon) but $2 one time rather than a $3/year subscription, I'm the developer of the lovely Dark Sky-powered Weather Maven!
Problem Solved.
Go to the Playstore and get the app called
"Staylit" it has the exact feature and option that you are looking for.
It has many time settings for screen on and it works perfectly.
Here is the direct play store link for the app:
Good luck, have a great day!
For the curious:
Black Fossil Sports sold out during the Black Friday sale, but I wasn't gonna miss out on a great deal, so I bought the Neon Green one. Easily the ugliest out of all the colorways, but I noticed the watch itself was silver/white, much more easy to make it look nice than the blue/white, red/white, and pink/white. So I grabbed it, bought a new band (see below for more info), and without the neon green band I think I actually like how my watch looks better than the full black on black one. The white, black, and silver make a really nice combination of colors in my opinion.
The watch band I bought is the Barton Canvas Quick Release Band from Amazon, $20. Band is stiff out of the box but loosens as you wear the watch. It is extremely comfortable, exceedingly more comfortable than the silicone strap included with the Fossil Sport. With this band, the watch is easily the most comfortable smart watch I have ever tried. It feels like a normal watch. Seriously, the comfort is amazing.
The watch face is the Primary Basic Watch Face by Rawleeks, Free
Overall, I like the Fossil Sport. Battery life gets through a full day, but not much more. Watch is snappy, especially with sped up animations. Health tracking works great. It's a great watch if you're looking for something comfortable and sporty.
This is my preferred watchface.
I wish they would just copy the swipe controls from music boss, those little buttons are so hard to hit without looking, driving, etc.
Edit: figure I'd post a link, I have no affiliation with the dev but I think he deserves some love he's been updating the app for over 4 years at this point, and its by far the most intuitive music controls available on wear. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ca.rebootsramblings.musicbossforwear
Watchface : Pixel Minimal Watch Face
Link : Playstore Link << Click Here
Developer : Benoit Letondor
Never had a problem in the pool, Moto put a DLC coating on a watch and I am going to treat it as waterproof. I do a combination of swimming and goofing off with it. I wish Fit had a setting for swimming, I use the one for aerobics since swimming is definitely an aerobic sport.
Watch face is Luminuous Lite, has great ambient and nighttime faces as well https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mia.luminouslite
Galaxy Watch doesn't have one of the key apps that I need. Can you point me to an app like Class Time - Timetable that allows me to have a watch face that counts down my schedule?
Something that looks and acts similar to this which has multiday weekly schedules is what I need. I still haven't seen anything like that for Tizen.
Casual by Richface. You will need to sideload it with wear installer by Malcom Bryant because it is old, unless you have an old watch. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.watch.richface.casual
Hey, for anyone who is interested, I measured the glass on my watch with a measuring microscope at work. The glass is 37.6mm (and change). I had found Amazon sellers that have carried specific sizes of glass covers and couldn't find them before. Anyway, found them again and ordered the 37.5mm glass:
That's actually a really terrible ripped off version of my old division design from years ago. There's a much better improved version here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.blundon.apps.wmwatch.agent0976 as well I have a massive update coming any day now that really improved on this version.
I'm very flattered that people liked my work enough to steal and redistribute it... But they did a terrible job and I think you'd enjoy the updated version much better ;)
If the android play store showing app as not compatible, use web browser to install - pick watch device or clear google play app cache.
>!Please leave a review if possible, thank you :) !!<
Have a great day 🙂
Hey everyone!
Excited to show off an RPG we have been working on for Wear OS smartwatches called Combat Wear 2. An update was just released making it the first online smartwatch game with leaderboards, cloud/save load and (arena, guilds) coming soon!
Were packing as much as possible to make it an actual game on watches. 10+ heroes, upgradable weapons, skills, magic. Town building, real time farming, tower defense with heroes, 100+ quests.
Currently $1.99 on the play store. Google Play Store Link with the first one available for free =) Of course the 2nd has WAY more content. We promise it doesn't disappoint. Thanks =)
99% of the time using the watch face build by me, Analog Watch Face.
Whenever I notice that a feature is missing, I just add it, so there is no need for me to use a different watch face. 😅
Hello Everyone !
My first watch face for the new Galaxy Watch 4 (Wear OS) has been released on Play Store 😅
This is a conversion of "MD176" already available on the Galaxy Store.
New conversions will be released on the Play Store in the coming weeks ...
Search MD176 on Google Play Store.
Thank you!
Since the Wear OS team has done nothing to let developers know how to use the new Ambient mode with the second hand, I did some digging into the source code of the Fossil Sport and decompiled watch face classes and figured out how to do this.
I've added the second hand functionallity to my hubcaps watch face:
Please add this to your watch faces developers! Let me know if you have any problems or questions.
Aww, that's pretty sweet.
Only thing I can think of is Feel the Wear app. It let's you assign custom vibration and sound patterns for notifications, so you could make a custom one for your SO.
There never were on there. The google podcasts is basically a wrapper around podcasts in the assistant app. I used NavCast in the past. Just checked and found this one as well https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.krisdb.wearcasts&hl=en_CA&gl=US its free.
Try Wearable Extensions or SimpleWear, both are free and ad-free.
The former comes with phone battery and phone lock complications while you can adjust various stuff with the latter one.
I really enjoy A/D Watchface.
It's reasonably customizable, just gets the job done, is easy to read.
A part of me wants to look for something a little fancier, but despite looking around a few times, I've had my watch for almost a year, and this watchface has been on it at least 90% of the time.
it's pixel minimal watch face:
you'll need to pay for the full featureset, but I think it's definitely worth it for one of the best looking watchfaces I've ever seen.
Very Happ with my Amazon find Benchmark Straps via Amazon
Another pic: pic2
Watch: Huawei Watch 1
Charger: MOTONG
My regular charger works 100% fine, no problems. This bugs out every time I put it on. After watching this, I'm afraid to use it in fears it may destroy my watch. Already requested a refund from Amazon.
I've been using this one:
It's been great and easy to wear. Also gives you the perfect amount of tightness you want in a band. Some reviews said they got rash from using it but never got that issue. I did wash it before using it just to rid it of any chemicals it might've had from the factory.
Me too. Authenticator Plus is a better alternative. There's a small cost but it's worth it. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mufri.authenticatorplus As recommended to me on this sub.
I made a free app to transfer files to your watch via FTP.
Install the app on your phone and watch and open both to grant storage permissions. If they are both connected to the same WiFi network your devices should automatically connect and you can send files directly over WiFi.
I also have a music app that plays offline on Wear OS.
Let me know if you have any problems or suggestions. I am always willing to help.
I created two.
Hubcaps has a couple different styles with a second hand.
And NavFit is pretty much a copy of the pulse watch faces with more options.
Indeed Google has not yet provided any documentation on how to do this but I figured it out.
I've been using Wear Stand-up Alert for the past two years. Customizable and comes with its own complication.
Self plug, Smartwatch Extensions can do this and more
It's also on Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.boswelja.smartwatchextensions
Please have a look at my watch face app Solis: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ophalvens.solis.watchface
There is currently no companion app available, so you'll have to install it directly on your Wear OS device from the Google Play app.
Install it on your phone first, then go to the Play Store on your watch, and on the main screen, scroll down and it should show there. You can also try using the web version of the Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ctoutpris.android.nixieclockwatch&hl=en and click on install, then select your watch.
Personally, I've been loving Just Time. You could add the weather to either the top or bottom complication slot, if you wanted to.
Bummer, they aren't available for my Fossil Gen 4 Explorist. The Electrical & Mechanical face looks rad.
A/D Watchface is by far my favorite though:
So you want to start a podcast on your phone from your watch correct?
My app NavCasts can do this. Once you are subscribed and all the episodes are synced, long press on the play button for the episode you want to play and it will start on the phone.
You can get it here:
I made Twelveish. This is exactly what I wanted from any watch face - multiple complications, battery level, day of the week and month. The approximate time also helps me not to worry so much about time (but you can add exact time on top as well).
Just yesterday it has reached 10,000 downloads milestone.
This! Seriously, if Google is going to make fitness tracking usable in Fit, they should take a look at Progression. The watch part of the equation is pretty decent, it isn't super accurate detecting what exercises I'm going but at least you can manually enter them. On the phone side something like Progression built into Fit would be awesome.
I might be getting ahead of myself, but I was under the impression that with this Fit redesign that it would eventually offer coaching of some kind? Adjusting your move/heart points is fine, but it sounded like it was going to be much more.
If there was at least a way for Google's machine learning to figure out based on other data like heart rate, sleep, etc. if you should take a rest day, or adjust your volume/intensity based on current fatigue (much like Polar's new devices or the Whoop), that would be a huge reason for users to choose WearOS watches over something else.
I have WiFi, AOD, GPS and NFC on, brightness set to auto and tilt to wake off and my battery lasts through the day very easily. I have read in other posts it takes the watch 2-3 days to settle down.
I do not have any apps disabled not sure if that causes any issues.
I am using AD Watch face.
Check this app, the timer in it is made for medical professionals: Nursing watch face for medical professionals, doctors
This app will let you set a short press action and a long press action to all/any of your watch's buttons.
This is a little different, in that the animation is done while switching from digital aod to digital and analog full screen, but it is my favorite at work watch face. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=vg.maarten.adwatchface
Lots of options for configuring the way you want.
Hey guys this is watch face for wear OS. You can get watch face here for free here and test it out.
Watch face is free as always, but if you want extra features, you have option for premium version which also supports us for future development. Thanks hope you like it.
You have to use the Wear OS app.
The watch face has to specifically support it. There are very few that do, due to the 3100 market penetration being so low.
Even then, there is 0 public documentation on the exact APIs to use to enable the feature, meaning the devs have to dig through the source code of the wearOS SDK to figure out how to do it.
And just for kicks, the API usage is quite different to writing a 'regular' watch face app.
EDIT: I have used the https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.turndapage.classic3100 watch face, and it does work. I think the developer mentioned somewhere here that they need to update it to support the Gen5 screen resolution
Google Fit on its own does not track sleep. It does accept input from other sleep tracking apps however. Sleep as Android is a popular one.
I'm the same way with the A/D watchface. But lately I've been using the Minimilan Watch Face and I have no desire to go back to A/D yet.
Classic 3100
It's my favorite watchface pack, the guy developing it is super responsive.
If you're looking for a better weather app, I make Weather Maven! Always happy to address any feedback I get :)
I created a watch face designed to replicate it with more options. There is currently no phone app so visit this link in a browser or search for "NavFit" on your watch play store to install it. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.turndapage.navfit
There is an app for this, but recent reviews indicate it no longer works. You could give it a shot and request your money back if it doesn’t work (and do let us know as well): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appfour.wearwifi&hl=en_US
You probably know this, but Wear OS watches remember past Wifi networks the paired phones have used.
OurGroceries. No idea about Alexa (doubt it), but I've tried a lot of them and it's by far the best.
I was a stay-at-home dad for 2 years, dealing with feeding 6 people a day. I set my recipes' item lists in the app and got on Google calendar and the OurGroceries website and made a 2-week meal plan. You just hit add recipe to populate any number of lists you set up. Individual items in the recipes can be added to any list you want. They can be sorted any way you want (isle, type of food, etc).
You get to the store, check them off on your watch as you go. The watch has the ability to add items via voice/keyboard, I use the phone to add things to the list throughout the day.
Band is a bit warmer in color in person. My camera sucks. Band: https://www.bartonwatchbands.com/products/gingerbread-brown-leather-quick-release-watch-band-strap?variant=6838049636406
Watchface: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pizzaentertainment.weatherwatchface&hl=en
Try ghostracer from the play store. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bravetheskies.ghostracer
It has sound prompts (hmm not sure about hear rate though) but you can customize the watch screens (limited to 2 on the free version). Also supports strava segments.
It is in need of a redesign, but I've been using it since the sony smartwatch3 days.
Samsung Pay isn't available on WearOS, only Google Pay. There is no workaround for this unfortunately. The NFC API is open so other payment apps are possible in theory, but if you're hoping for MST, that's exclusive to the Gear watches.
Look into Health Sync to copy data between Samsung Health and Google Fit.
Try this - https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/google-inc/android-wear-smartwatch-android-wear/
Download the APK and sideload to your phone. Let's see if that gets you up and running.
Try the most recent version. If it gives you compatibility issues, go back a version and keep doing it until you get one that works. Please let me know if one of them works for you.
I've just released my first Wear OS app and would like to hear what you think about it.
CryptoTiles provides you with prices and charts of your favorite cryptocurrencies. All info is viewed through a Tile, that you can easily access without having to open an app.
The app has come a long way: I've created its Tizen predecessor 'CryptoWidget' back in 2017. Many users have asked me to migrate this app to Android and here we are.
Let me know what you think - give me feedback, feature ideas or bug fixes and I'll be happy to make your wishes happen.
You can get the app here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.goerke.tobias.tiles.crypto
If the android play store showing app as not compatible, use web browser to install.
Have a great day 🙂
Great write-up thanks. Just a few additional points:
a) When using ADB commands, there's no need to use adb push to transfer the apk file to the watch prior to installing. Using a single command is cleaner as you don't leave an extra apk file in the top level directory /sdcard/. You can install in one command as
adb -s watch_ip:5555 install -r filename.apk
b) Another useful free app for installing apks from your phone to your watch is Easy Fire Tools. Unlike Wear Installer, EFT doesn't check if the apk is intended for a watch - so you can install a phone apk to your watch if you really want to. Of course running apps intended for phones on your watch seldom works well.
c) Methods that use ADB directly or indirectly which work for WearOS 2 (based on Android 9) may not work on WearOS 3 (based on Android 11) as the wifi connection protocol has changed in that Android version.
On my Fossil Carlyle I have a watch face called Essential 3100 by TurnDaPage that comes with a few second hand ambient watch faces. The one I'm thinking of for your uses is a digital one in neon green by default with seconds that move in ambient mode.
It might be a trial app but it's worth checking out.
For anyone interested, I'm pretty sure this is the 'Radius' watchface by Ustwo available on any device.
You can get it free as part of this pack here:
It looks like This when configured to match OP
Try this watchface https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vlad1m1r.watchface
You can hide ticks, and make background black for super minimalistic feel. It's also under 1MB and open-sourced.
Yeah I made NavFit. Here is a more traditional one with ambient second hand if you don't like the other one. This is one of the nice things about the fossil sport.
this one has ambient second hand (toggle possible) the author is also active in this subreddit
The app "Lefty" (flips screen for left handed users) no longer functions properly for me because after a while the ambient display rotates back. Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mutau.lefty
Watch face is Romanson Arc
Strap is from Watch It All About (https://www.watchitallabout.com/product/bond-two-piece-nato/).
Watch face is Marine Commander (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bosenko.watchface.marinecommander).
I've got a free app called NavExplorer that can use Google's data transfer, but also FTP protocol.
The advantage of using FTP over Google's wearable data transfer is that when transferring mp3s in apps like Google play, it either uploads your files to a private cloud server and then downloads them again on the watch all using internet which may be very slow, or directly over Bluetooth which is also slow.
By using a local FTP connection, you can bypass that to transfer files directly over your local WiFi network which is usually much faster as long as your network speeds are decent. This does not use internet at all.
Another advantage of this is that you can transfer files directly from any device that can run an FTP client including Windows, iOS, Linux, and MacOS.
I've tried to make a detailed guide here: http://turndapage.com/navexplorer/#FAQ
Please let me know if you have any suggestions or questions about transferring files. I also have a music, podcast, and audiobook player that are compatible, but these cost a dollar. There are a couple free alternatives out there though which should be compatible if you prefer.
Hope that helps!
I have been using mine for a week.
I'm very happy with it.
I charge it every night before I go to sleep (it charges very quickly). It will have about 20-30% left by the same time next evening.
I sleep with it on, but I turn ambient display off, which leads to my only real issue: There's no way to schedule ambient display, it's quite bright, and there's no way to dim it. It's too bright at night.
I am using this watch face, very simple, suits the design and is pretty battery friendly: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pixeloftime.classical2
I have sent feedback through the Wear OS app regarding my ambient display scheduling request.
You can set location based reminders for when you leave or enter a specified location by using IFTTT applets. https://ifttt.com
There are pre-built applets for you to choose from (and customize if desired) or you can create your own from scratch.
Just to be clear, this is not a modded version of the Google app. This is a fully signed previous stable version of the official Google app--as delivered by Google.
As far as a fix for you're specific case, I don't have an answer. I'm sharing what worked for me. I do not work for Google nor do I have any affiliation with the WearOS team, so I have no control over what happens on the back end of their platforms.
Most of the commands you give Google Assistant on your watch are carried out on your phone because of processing/connectivity limitations on the watch. This being the case, the assistant is highly dependent on a strong "handshake" between the assistant on the watch (presumably bundled with the Google app) and the Google app on the phone. It can be the case that a change in the Google app on the watch can break the delicate handshake the devices make, though, to my knowledge, no recent updates have been made to the Google app on the WearOS side, so this particular case has to do with the Google app on the phone side, which has had a recent update.
You could be experiencing an altogether different issue with an altogether different fix. If the version of the app that I linked in this thread doesn't work for you, I would suggest trying other versions using this link (all signed)--staying away from beta versions--until you find one that your watch likes. If you want to try different versions of the WearOS component of the Google app, it's totally possible to do so if you have a Windows or MacOS device equipped with wifi or bluetooth by sideloading apk files using WearOS's built-in ADB.
WearOS for watch apk is here.
you can install via adb.
adb install -r com.google.android.wearable.app_2.16.0.213907450-780858792_minAPI25(armeabi-v7a)(nodpi)_apkmirror.com
It's a smaller version of the Google app with fewer features, mainly designed for phones in developing countries. You can try it yourself at https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/google-inc/google-go-a-fast-easy-fun-way-to-search/google-search-lite-1-0-177609757-release-release/ .
Still with BIG numbers, Classy and Sporty design for you all, CoClassic FH256 All Combinations
Store Link : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.watchfacestudio.fh256
Coupon Link : https://watchfacecoupon.com/wf/4830?ref=reddit1
Hi guys,
when you are looking for some more realistic designs here my tip. My S4U Chicago Golden 20 is now available on Google Play 😊.
Important: This one is the first of my watch faces for Wear OS which is not exclusive for the Samsung Galaxy Watch 4. This one supports devices which are running with Wear 2.0 and targeting API level 28 or higher.
When you run into some issue you are very welcome to contact me.
I hope you will enjoy it.
Watch face: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.watchfacestudio.s4ugolden20
All of my designs: https://www.s4u-watches.com
Matze ✌️
“Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.”
CryptoWatch is a pretty nice app IMO.
it has its own watchface, complications and an app to monitor both the Crypto price and your portfolio.
I'm a pixel 5 user and I also went GW4 as i'm tired of waiting for google like so many here.
Initially I told myself I would only sign in with google apps. Everything worked fine.
I then said "let me TRY the samsung stuff. I can always delete my account"
I now use Samsung health and don't touch fit (it syncs using the 3rd party app everyone talk about here, Health Sync, which has been very good. I just want to maintain my data in Google Fit going forward but Samsung health is Excellent.
so much so I just set up samsung pay on my watch since I saw a tweet that TD Canada just recently supported Samsung pay (not google pay still, GRRRR).
Anuway the point of my ramble is I use bixby for now to set timers and shit. Do I miss GA? No. It never fucking worked for me anyways.
If the android play store showing app as not compatible, use web browser to install. HR measurement is currently not working as it should on some watches. Some devs advised to restart watch after watch face install.
Have a great day 🙂
I use this app to sync my Samsung Health to Google Fit: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nl.appyhapps.healthsync
Works pretty well though itll have issues if you use something like Adventure Sync in Pokemon Go
Found it! There are others, but this one is super simple and works reliably. Does one thing, and does it right.
(And of course it's from the powerhouse u/malbry. I should have at least remembered that!)
Thoughts on Today Weather? I recently switched to it and like it. It's a bit more expensive but it has a whole bunch of APIs to choose from.
Try A/D watchface, it is customisable and doesn't burden the battery, it may not be exactly what you're looking for, but i thought it is worth suggesting 😀 A/D Watchface
Ticwatch E is my first and only smartwatch. Its not bad for notifications and I get a full day out of it. I don't use many apps on it as it is dead slow. Same with the Google Assistant.
However I don't see the point in upgrading until a proper new Wear OS watch comes out if ever.
My current watch face is one by these guys: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ustwo.watchfaces.basic (the invert one)
My current watch strap: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07J4YXKCZ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_0ZIODbMDNWMXG (So much more comfortable than the rubber one.)
Agreed with what the other guy said. Using NavExplorer you can get into the BeautifulWatches folder and extract all of your watch files from your watch back to your phone. Maybe also ask on r/Watchmaker.
I have been using Chronus.
Chronus watchface screenshot
A/D Watchface is one of my favourites when it comes to analog watch look with option for sweeping seconds hand... Also is very optimized for battery
I only have 1 hardware button, so I use bits watch face that can have 6 interactions on the screen, which lets me put a "now playing" button on one.
Yes, it's called StayLit Wear. If you just want to keep an app in the foreground, a better solution is to actually let the watch go to sleep, but use sticky open to bring it back to the foreground when you wake the watch. This is much better on battery, and you can even see the time and other information on your ambient watch face before waking the watch.
Despite trying other more recent or non free options, for lifting weights I still go to Progession, while Heart Trace is in sports mode. Both link to fit if you want it.
Here is the one created by me: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vlad1m1r.watchface It's free and open-sourced. If you miss some features I will add them to the feature backlog ��, but I can't promise fast delivery ��.
Here is one that I have seen: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.stocard.stocard
Pretty sure you can add anything...
TicWatch E Lemon, Nokia 7 plus, Time-lapse watchface from ustwo: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ustwo.watchfaces.hero
Used this great app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mutau.lefty
My app NavCasts is for Wear OS. I feel the watch so is pretty solid but I've still got some polish to add to the phone app and not all features are available on it yet. I mainly released it early to make things like subscriptions and importing and exporting podcasts easier.
Features -in app searching for podcasts -feed url support (you may have to enter on the phone as keyboard still has no colon on wear OS :( ) -Subscription and episode syncing between phone and watch -individual and podcast level auto-downloads (I didn't think I'd like this feature but it's nice to have a few available if I want to go run in a hurry) -streaming -optional grouping by downloaded, new releases, and in progress -episode playlist
Mine costs a dollar but I'm always happy to offer refunds if you aren't satisfied but I'd rather get feedback if there is anything I can improve.
A free alternative is Wear Casts.
I tried looking for Pop Watch Face and was unable to find it through the store on the watch. Any more info?
Edit: I found it through the Play store on my phone. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ikubyx.com.popwatchface
I make the Weather Maven app! Go download that if you're looking for a better weather app and let me know your feedback :)
If you're looking for a better weather complication and app that supports Celsius throughout, I make Weather Maven, which you may want to give a try. :)
usTwo Looks has my favorites, I usually use "Quoti":
To install, find this on the watch's play store:
When I'm not using that, I have a few Pujie Black faces I use.
In my understanding the screen timeout is/can be controlled by the watch face or an app. My watch face (Ksana Sweep) has a maximum of 20 seconds. There seem to be apps for the purpose of elongating the timeout. One such is an app called StayLit Wear https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.phonephreak.extendedlight