On Android: get Newpipe, either directly https://newpipe.net/ or through F-Droid
On PC: get uBlock Origin and Enhancer for Youtube. You may need to switch to Firefox (or a Firefox derivative) to get these.
Basically, it's an alternative open-source YouTube client that's designed to be more lightweight and privacy-respecting than the stock Youtube app. Think of it as the mobile version of Invidious, if you know what that is.
A lot of these fake Vanced apps use NewPipe because it's open source, meaning that it's easy to modify the branding and UI. It is still a very good app, however. You can check it out here.
Their website. https://newpipe.net/
The F-Droid version is outdated, although you can add the Newpipe repo to F-Droid and get an up to date version.
Ou sinon tu peux simplement utiliser :
uBlock Origin sur ordi
On Android you can use NewPipe and on the desktop there's Freetube, like u/zeko9381 already suggested, or what I like to do usually (I'm on Linux): I copy the URL of the video and run mpv <URL>
to watch it with https://mpv.io/, which is imho the best video player out there. You just need youtube-dl installed, and it'll automatically use it to fetch the video from YouTube, also ignoring the age restriction.
Are you using NewPipe from F-Droid or did you add the NewPipe repository? F-Droid version has issues and is not updated as fast. Go to NewPipe and add their official repository to F-Droid which gets much faster updates and fixes. Age restricted content works for me on that version.
Here is a link to the NewPipe repository: https://newpipe.net/FAQ/tutorials/install-add-fdroid-repo/
Just add it and swipe down to get F-Droid to update repositories then follow the instructions given on the NewPioe page.
Kreuzpfostierung aus anderem Pfosten:
Ebenfalls gute Alternative zur ätzenden Youtube-App: Newpipe. Zusätzlich zum Werbeblocker gibt's noch oben drauf:
Gern geschehen!
* Deswegen gibt's die App auch nicht über den Play Store, sondern nur über F-Droid. Google findet das überhaupt nicht cool, wenn Nutzer den Dienst so nutzen, wie sie wollen.
NewPipe works quite well. Unfortunately, Youtube changes its APIs quite abruptly, so it occasionally stops working, and the Updates in FDroid are lagging a bit behind, but NewPipe has an FDroid repository of their own, which gets the updates faster.
Allow installation on external storage #6037
Added debug option to disable media tunneling #6288
Remove extra newlines in strings #6274
[PeerTube] Added workaround for HLS streams #6307
Persistent backup/import location #6319
Only show 'download has started' toast when download is started #6139
Do not set reCaptcha cookie when there is no cookie stored #5997
Dismiss previous snackbars when deleting downloads #5671
[Player] Improve cache performance by fixing fragmentSize is below the minimum warning #6238
[Player] Fixed player not automatically playing #6266
[Player] Fixed stuttering on Lineage OS by downgrading
ExoPlayer to 2.12 #6294
Fixed trying to delete object not in list #6127
Fix ErrorActivity actionbar back button not working #6312
Make some minor changes #6308
Replaced if/else with switch in ErrorActivity #6109
Use Animator.addListener() extension. #6152
Fix some warnings #6189
Update actions/setup-java to v2 #6079
Tu ne peux pas utiliser ton comptes : https://newpipe.net/FAQ/bugs/#bugs-google-login
Mais tu peux importer tes abonnements : https://newpipe.net/FAQ/tutorials/import-export-data/
Si tu veux utiliser ton compte regarde plutôt du côté de Youtube Vanced.
Same here. I just switched to the following methods to view YouTube without ads and tracking * Freetube (computer) * NewPipe (Android) * Brave Browser (iOS)
An alternative is NewPipe. It's FOSS, only one app necessary, and you can get it through Fdroid if you'd like. It has less functionality than vanced, but that may be a good thing for some people. If all you want to do is watch adless youtube, NewPipe fits the bill. If you legit want your google account fixed to the app, you need vanced.
It's a ground up parser of YouTube, you can think of it as a filtered YouTube app, it only allows the actual media content, and it's not designed to accept ads or tracking so those are never loaded from YouTube. It's Free and Open-Source (FOSS) and part of the F-Droid store (FOSS apps for Android basically) so you can see the code. You can get some of the premium YouTube subscription features for free using it, like:
background playback (meaning screen off)
Picture-in-Picture (PiP) mode
audio only mode
video/audio downloads
The one downside is that whenever YouTube reprograms their ads system (very often, 2-4 weeks roughly?) it will break Newpipe loading videos that have ads. They issue a fix pretty quickly (same day to a few days) but F-Droid tends to take 1-2 weeks to check and approve the new APK. Newpipe has instructions for a faster APK release directly from them which you can add into the F-Droid app and since I've done that, I pretty much have never seen it break anymore =]
And while I'm at it, here's the link to the F-Droid store:
Get Firefox on mobile, it can use µblock extension. Or just get Newpipe a great youtube player that plays no ads and allows music to be played even when your screen is off https://newpipe.net/
The discussion of clickbait in Moretex helped me clarify something as a consumer of internet videos. I spend much more time than I'd like watching videos on YouTube and always find a way around the limits and timers I set up.
YouTube is obviously useful to me when I want to learn something in particular, see something useful, or be entertained for a little while. It becomes counterproductive when I get sucked in by recommendations and (admittedly very effective) thumbnails.
The discussion pushed me to finally delete the YouTube app from my phone and switch to NewPipe.
I disabled recommendations and loading thumbnails, so hopefully my YouTube watching will be more deliberate and it won't be as easy for me to be sucked down into the dark forest of consumption.
Eeeeehhhh ma usare Vanced o NewPipe è disgustosoh!1!!1! Ci hanno aperto anche un thread in proposito.
Ti consiglio di usare NewPipe se vuoi guardare i video e basta, oppure YouTube Vanced se vuoi anche mettere like e lasciare commenti.
congrats to your decision! This interview with microG's creator Marvin Wißfeld might help to clear up some of your questions. With microG, every connection to Google is opt-in.
PS: As you like Freetube, you might enjoy NewPipe!
For watching youtube on mobile, I highly recommend downloading NewPipe. Allows you all of the major functions of youtube w/o needing to use google account. Subscribing, making playlists, playing videos in the background, downloading videos, and supports other media services like peertube and soundcloud.
Newpipe. Use Newpipe.
In addition to being a front end for YouTube Video (which we all know), it's also a front end for YouTube Music, their streaming service. No account or profile or any kind of login is required. It's completely anonymous. Oh, and for those who didn't already know about this option, it shares almost (+90%) of Spotify's catalog. Music from the most popular artists can be found there. In fact, I've found music that isn't even on Spotify, so point to YouTube Music.
You can create playlists and save them by exporting a .zip file (settings> content> export database) to your trusted cloud service, so if something happens to your phone, you don't have to start from scratch.
In the search box, on the far right you find three dots, tap there and in the options you will see YouTube Music and the options songs, videos, albums and playlists. Choose the one you want, and you will have a fully functional streaming service.
Since I discovered this option I find myself migrating my playlists from Spotify (manually, because obviously you can't export them) and I hope to close my Spotify account for good very soon.
Another advantage is that in the playlist, you can combine songs from YouTube Music with songs from YouTube Video. When a song or album is not on the streaming service, but it is on the video service, because a third party added it, you can combine them without problems. It's great.
I have a raspberrypi running [Pi-hole](Www.pi-hole.net) that blocks ad services on our whole home network but YouTube injects ads (I think) into the stream and still appear.
On mobile I use Newpipe to watch YouTube ad free
That would require way too much work to implement (if it's even possible at all on a proprietary app), if you need an Youtube client with a local subscription list try newpipe
Answer: if you're on Android, you can install the NewPipe app (not available on the Play store, but accessible through the f-droid store) as an alternative to YouTube.
Best way to use it on the phone when encountering a YT link, is to use the Share option to direct it to NewPipe.
If you have an Android phone, you can go to https://newpipe.net/ and download a YouTube client that does not recommend anything. The opening page just shows the most popular videos currently, you can exit the app and still listen to audio (perfect for music!), and you can import your subscriptions from your YouTube account. Seriously, it's the most used app on my phone for a reason.
You can use this fork of NewPipe with SponsorBlock functionality.
NewPipe is an alternative android app for YouTube that lets you watch and download videos with no ads, and it has even more cool features.
The version I linked is a fork of NewPipe that just adds the ability to skip sponsors using SponsorBlock.
NewPipe! Wenn ihr ein Schlaufon mit Android-artigem Betriebssystem verwendet, schaut euch das dringend an. Wiedergabe von Youtube u.a. im Hintergrund, Abbonements ohne Google-Accounts, Downloads von Videos und vieles mehr. Kostenlos, open source und unter https://newpipe.net/ gibts mehr Infos.
There's a Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey script on GitHub that can get trough age restriction, and it's quite easy to setup. You can also download videos with youtube-dl, although it's not so convenient, or use FreeTube client on PC, that let's you browse YouTube with extra privacy.
On Android, there's an app called NewPipe, which is available from F-Droid, an open source version of Google Play, that in theory does the same.
Or you can just give Google your ID or credit card information, and verify your age. I do prefer a more privacy focused solution.
I did the same thing for years up until last fall. With some help from NewPipe and youtube-dl, YouTube is totally fine for all your music needs. I finally switched to Spotify, but it's definitely a "nice to have" rather than a "need to have"
I work as a Cloud Engineer and have the same question. I do Python and Flask work on the side. It would be cool to create a Classifier with an API endpoint in order to query similar music in "the Scene". I would also love to scrape YouTube (similarly to how NewPipe does) in order to know when new music videos come out and are sent to me rather than having to be on YouTube. And some sort of RSS feed could be made and indexed a kin to Podcasting 2.0. The feed would be derived from channels and keywords to identify bands. We need a huge JSON output of band names that can continually be updated. Something like that must exist already someplace that is public and open.
On mobile you can use newpipe, you can get it from fdroid or from their website https://newpipe.net/ It's basically a YouTube frontend but no ads, plays in the background and you can download videos
You can export your subscriptions through Google Takeout, which can presumably be parsed to construct the RSS feeds. NewPipe does something like that
This is why I've pretty much stopped watching anything on YouTube directly. I don't mind watching ads as long as a portion of that money goes to the content creators, but pretty much all the channels that I follow have been demonetized, so there's no point in letting Google take all the ad money.
Fortunately, most YouTube channels I watch are also on odysee.com, which pays content creators in crypto, so that's primarily what I use as a YouTube alternative. Though, for channels that are only on YouTube, I use third party clients that don't show ads or collect data. For desktop, I'll usually watch on an invidious instance, and for mobile, I use NewPipe, which can be obtained from the F-droid app store.
Yeah I did that from time to time, but admittedly not very consistently.
However, at this point I've actually quit YouTube and moved over to NewPipe. It's exactly the same thing as YT but it allows you to watch videos without being tracked. And it blocks ads and keeps videos running in the background/when you turn your phone screen off, so it's simply better in every way.
NoScript is an Add-on in Tor Browser that blocks certain scripts or JavaScript in general depending on Tor Browser's security level.
That is just a notification about NoScript blocking some script. Nothing you have to worry about.
Reddit works on Tor. Though the old design loads a lot faster because it uses far less JavaScript.
YouTube works semi well. Tor is not that well suited for streaming videos that need much bandwidth. NewPipe for Android and FreeTube on Desktop don't give you the same anonymity, but allow you to watch YouTube videos much more conveniently with some privacy.
Both Reddit and YouTube use JavaScript. That is disabled when you set Tor Browser to the highest security level, so those sites won't work then.
Add this repository to your FDroid, then you need to uninstall your version and replace it with the one you'll find at FDroid, after that you'll always get the latest one.
Make sure you backup your settings first!
Do you know how to root your tablet? If you do (it is anxiety inducing and can brick the tablet) you could install a different operating system. https://www.cyanogenmods.org/android-10-download/ or side load a YouTube alternative like https://vancedapp.com/ or https://newpipe.net/
You can also download Newpipe for your phone, which is a much cleaner version of Youtube, without adverts and recommended videos to suck you down a rabbit hole, but with all the same videos. You can also download vids, so you can watch them later without having to turn your wife/data on and distract yourself.
Download link: https://newpipe.net/
I use it myself and it is much less distracting than Youtube.
I'll also throw this out there as well. Newpipe is open source android app that uses no google libraries or anything. It works by parsing the normal YouTube website and displays it nicely in a fast minimal android app. Supports all the good stuff too like background playback and downloading the videos or just audio. Great app.
if on android - do check https://newpipe.net/ , i like this more then Vanced, because of the gradual control it provides. plus it will regular auto-update without any issues or manual step ( 1 click update).
>In this article, we present our position on advertising in general, show the difference between ethical and unethical advertising, and explain why we do not intend to support technologies like SponsorBlock.
Did the NewPipe devs change their stance and this is incorrect now?
My comment was based on this.
This fork has SponsorBlock added though.
Vanced has SponsorBlock but it's disabled by default and has a note about it being in beta.
(In the rooted version anyway. No idea if it's in the non-root version. But I'd assume so.)
Podes tentar resolver isso de algumas formas. Apagas o histórico de visualização na conta do google, e/ou vês o youtube sempre em incognito. No android podes usar a app [https://newpipe.net/](NewPipe) (mas não está na Play Store).
If what matters most is background playback, AdBlock and whatnot it's best to use Vanced (which is a modded version of the original YouTube app, so you retain most/all YouTube functionality) www.vancedapp.com
It however doesn't allow video downloads
Newpipe does however it lacks the ability to log into your YouTube account, so importing subscriptions needs to be done semi manually (among other things)
Actually you are right. I'm sorry if my previous response came across more rude than it was meant to. I hope you can accept my apology for that.
The OPs question was about NetGuard which indicates a certain interest in privacy. Similar tools would be adaway or blokada. My reference to NewPipe was to suggest an alternative to the OPs other mentioned software YT, again considering an interest in privacy. What advantages the use of NewPipe (or Vance to name another option) can bring can be looked up easily in the internet (not trying to be mean here, just trying to teach to fish instead of handing over a single fish for short term), e.g on their website: https://newpipe.net/ To name a few, no trackers, everything stored offline on your device, supports different services, background playback, easy downloading, filter of ads... etc.
Tools like exodus can help you to check apps for their privacy handling (e.g. 0 vs 2 trackers, 6 vs 33 permissions). https://reports.exodus-privacy.eu.org/de/reports/194197/
As mentioned before it would surely be worth your time investigating further about FOSS, f-droid, tracking and other related topics. Just a thought.
Mentioned this in another thread, it's something I'm really surprised more people don't know about if you have an Android phone: Newpipe
It's an alternative frontend for YouTube, no ads, all the features of YT premium for free (downloads, minimizing etc), but most importantly it doesn't recommend you videos. You're only shown what you subscribe to, in this big chronological list. (also it's free and open-source, you have to download the apk from their website though since Google doesn't want it on the play store for obv reasons)
I absolutely love seeing my subscription feed the way I imagine it was when YouTube first started, pre Google, pre dopamine loop exploitation. You feel like you're tailoring your experience to exactly and only what you decide on, without bs suggestions by a cash-hungry algorithm that only wants to lock you in permanent consumption.
From the perspective of playing ambiance, you can start a playlist and minimise it on your phone, and you won't get any ads.
Definitely it has no ads and no google collecting your data and giving you weird suggestion and it's open source as well. https://newpipe.net/
Also if you are PC you can download Firefox browser and add ad ons like ublock origin
isti problem se i meni dogodilo prije mjesec dana, mogu nakon što sam instalirao sljedeće:
1) tampermonkey
2) bypass
Sad mi sve vrti bez ikakvih problema, a za mobitel si instaliraj Newpipe
There are many ways to disable this antifeature.
MPV and VLC can play YouTube video links (and usually any other video stream). youtube-dl can also download videos from YouTube (and other websites).
This extension can be used on Firefox for mobile to continue playing after leaving the tab: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/video-background-play-fix/
NewPipe can be used on Android to play YouTube videos in the background: https://newpipe.net/
YouTube videos can also be viewed using an Invidious instance, such as this: https://invidious.snopyta.org/feed/popular
There are also decentralised alternatives to YouTube, such as NewPipe.
Bonus info:
Add this repo to F-Droid to get updates faster. Useful for when Google breaks NewPipe, instead of waiting for F-Droid to compile the package to make it work again.
There's a YouTube app called NewPipe with built in ad blocking. It's not in the Play store because it bypasses advertisements by not using the YouTube API, which is a violation of Play store policy. So you have to download it from their website or using F-Droid (alternate open source app store).
I'm generally happy with it. It does break on occasion, maybe once a year if YouTube makes major changes, but they usually have it fixed within a day.
The more useful answer is lower down, which is to add the newpipe repo - https://newpipe.net/FAQ/tutorials/install-add-fdroid-repo/
>Maybe you installed the F-Droid version and want to update with an APK from GitHub or vice versa? Android does not allow app upgrades when the signing keys differ. This ensures the original developer has condoned the app.
>This means, you need to either get the APK from the same source, or backup your NewPipe database, uninstall and reinstall the new app.
Yes, there was a lot of discussion about sponsorblock a while ago, here's the official statement: https://newpipe.net/blog/pinned/newpipe-and-online-advertising/. I personally don't mind but I can see why others would prefer something that does include it.
You can install NewPipe via F-Droid. Alternatively, using NewPipe's repo allows for faster updates. You can also just grab the apk from their github.
Try checking the Vanced subreddit for their official site. Not sure if I'm allowed to drop a link.
To be fair, I did exactly the same when it stopped working 😊
The app web address is
Something stopping the install in your browser's security settings??
-try a different browser, other than this, I am stumped, sorry..
The official fdroid repo is always very slow. It takes days or maybe a couple weeks for new versions to end up there, which is inadequate for newpipe's fast moving development cycle. Just use archive.newpipe.net. In case I wasn't clear, this works with the fdroid app. It will automatically recognize and install the updates for you.
You have to add the Repository to tour fdroid. You'll have to reinstall to switch source. Its worth doing though. Updates so much sooner then the normal fdroid repo.
Don't ever waste your time with that and just install Newpipe. Free and open source, ad free, background playback, subscriptions without a Google account, and you can even download videos.
there was an update released on the official New Pipe web site, 0.21.16. as far as I know the update hasn't been released in the F-Droid repository yet. only problem I had was I had to uninstall 0.21.15 before I could install APK because any previous attempts gave me a failed to install message.
I used to love spotify, but like like all good things, are now behind a paywall. I found a open source program/app called new pipe and it's awesome for now. I can listen or watch YT videos, download them, put them in offline playlists, with zero ads or prompts, no unwanted annoying interruptions. Anyone looking for a good android music app should check out https://newpipe.net/
NewPipe auf dem Handy kann Kanäle abonnieren, ohne dass du einen Account besitzen musst. Falls du es wirklich nur wegen der Abofunktion verwendest, ist das vielleicht eine Alternative für dich.
Ansonsten gibt es auch noch FreeTube, mit dem du auch Kanäle abonnieren kannst, ohne einen Account besitzen zu müssen.
Bei beiden Alternativen kannst du deine derzeitige Aboliste von YouTube auch importieren. Es gibt auch ein paar nette Funktionen, die du mit der normalen YouTube App oder Webseite nicht hast. Falls du jedoch hauptsächlich ein Algorithmusschauer bist, wird das nichts für dich sein.
YouTube kapcsán, PC-re van egy Chrome addon, uBlock origin. Hirdetésmentes lesz tőle a YouTube.
Androidra pedig letölthető a NewPipe app, ami egy hirdetésmentes YouTube kliens. Ez érhető okokból nincs fent Play store-ban, de innen letölthető: https://newpipe.net/
Newpipe: Youtube client that does not require an account but can still subscribe to channels. Downloading videos and converting as audio as well. Background playback. Lightweight. Opensource and blocks ads.
Hmm, that's kind of strange considering that it loads right away for me. Sometimes, there's a bit of a delay for videos to load for me (it's normal according to some forum answers), but it's never been that big of a problem.
Are you using the latest version from the Newpipe website (https://newpipe.net/)? The app lets you know of any updates and leads you to download the apk through your browser, but if you don't want to go through that hassle, I know that the F-Droid store has Newpipe on it for convenience sake. You can even add the Newpipe repository available at https://newpipe.net/FAQ/tutorials/install-add-fdroid-repo/ to F-Droid for updates to be available for download faster.
Also, if you have a VPN, try to reconnect to it every once in a while because the servers can fill up with people.
You might want to check your internet connection but if you can run YouTube Vanced just fine, then it's unlikely to be that (although try to lower the video resolution below 4K if you have rather slow internet).
Finally, it might be a good idea to clean the cache and some other junk on your phone because it can lead to the system and apps taking forever to load if you have too much of it. I use SD Maid (Pro) and it works wonderfully, unlike all the other junky apps that are filled with ads and don't do their job correctly.
You might try giving NewPipe Legacy a try. It's an alternative YouTube player. Though, the site does mention that it's Android 4.1 and above. That's Jellybean. So you may not have luck with that. But you can find it here.
( You might also peek through older releases here. )
I'd also look at F-Droid for apps. A lot of apps have abandoned legacy support, but all of the apps are open source, and you may be able to locate old versions that run on your device.
Anything that relies on a separate service (YouTube, for instance), is iffy. A lot of old APIs have shut down, and a lot of older apps just don't work anymore.
You may also look for a compatible browser and run YouTube through it. An older version of Firefox may work, but note that compatibility with the latest web standards, and security are just not there.
It did when I first replied, but not anymore. Thanks.
Not sure if you're interested, but it'd be cool if you can make it open source on github. I get it if you don't want to, though.
Thanks again. In return, you should check out New Pipe for ad-free YouTube on android.
Existe um programa de código aberto chamado newpipe, ele é basicamente um youtube premium grátis e mais seguro, você não precisa de conta para usar e o unico problema que ele tem é que você vai precisar de exportar suas incrições de maneira offline para o aplicativo. Parece complicado mas não é, o aplicativo te ensina tudo certinho e também com a famosa googlada da para aprender a usar ele bem fácil. (tambem voce pode me chamar caso precise de ajuda)
Takes a while to arrive. I think I just changed the file extension to .json if it wasn't already
This. That's a ripoff of NewPipe. I would immediately uninstall it since god knows what else the developer added to the app.
If your cousin prefers it, at least use the official safe version: https://newpipe.net/
i have a nice setup for this in the app called Newpipe its basically YouTube with some other features and no account required to subscribe the channels.
all you have to do is subscribe as many channels as you want and make a new channel group for your most priority channels , that way you'll only be seeing the new videos from the channels you put in the specific group.
Plenty of applications let you download YouTube videos. On desktop there's definitely plugins for the web browser or for the more tech savvy there's youtube-dl. On Android there's an app called NewPipe which is a fantastic alternative to YouTubes official app and allows offline downloading, unfortunately it's not on the Google Play app store because of this but it's on F-Droid (a free and open source alternative to Google Play) and the NewPipe site.
YouTube vanced or Newpipe are both good options for YouTube without ads. Newpipe has a simple layout but lacks a lot of features. I use Newpipe because it's easy to use and simple to install. YouTube Vanced has all the features of YouTube but it's a little more complicated to use.
Here are links: https://newpipe.net/
Ich empfehle auch NewPipe. Open-Source, ziemlich frei von Google tracking Schrott, da es eine 3rd party App, hat Hintergrundplayback und ne Downloadoption direkt integriert (auch picture-in-picture). Das einzige Problem ist die fehlende Loginfunktion, doch Abos funktionieren mit RSS, man muss halt nur alle Kanäle noch mal abbonieren. Ad-block ist auch mit drinne :)
Yeah no kidding. So frustrating.
I have been using NewPipe for a while now, and its s much better. No ads, downloadable videos, open source, and works with other platforms other than youtube (like peertube, which I hope takes off).
If you use android, download https://newpipe.net. I've used it for a year and never looked back.
(or if you want to only use spotify, sorry but $$ shall be Byee)
(that app better than a relationship)
(seriously i download all my musics with it)
I believe the 30 year thing you're talking about was from CDs that were manufactured in a specific factory and time period that had "disc rot". It's kind of hard to predict the future, but CDs from the 80s/90s/early 2000s have stood the test of time fairly well. A well preserved CD will last about a lifetime. Also, thanks for the Musi suggestion! I have Newpipe, and FreeTube which allows me to block YouTube ads and play audio in the background.
I'm not against people using Patreon and stuff.
I just want to introduce you to a better youtube app called NewPipe https://newpipe.net/
It lets you download videos and watch them later. You might find it useful. It's Free and Open Source Software and available on the FDroid App store.
O NewPipe legacy é pra Android mais antigo. Tenta o normal, se nao rolar baixa o Legacy.
É app alternativo pro youtube, mas não da pra entrar com conta, acho.
Porém da pra se inscrever nos canais, baixar video ou audio e outras coisas alem de ver sem propagandas.
For Android, I would recommend New pipe over YouTube Vanced. It's open source, you can download videos, play music in the background and doesn't require a Google account to access your subscriptions so it's better from a privacy standpoint as well.
If you watch YouTube on an Android TV you can sideload SmartTube Next and basically get the same functionality as Vanced. Links below.
SmartTube Next: https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTubeNext
Vanced: https://vancedapp.com/
NewPipe (I use to download vids but it's pretty great YT client too): https://newpipe.net/
All for Android based devices. Sorry iOS and Roku 😑
To add to this, if you watch YouTube on an Android TV you can sideload SmartTube Next and basically get the same functionality as Vanced.
SmartTube Next: https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTubeNext
Vanced: https://vancedapp.com/
NewPipe (I use to download vids but it's pretty great YT client too): https://newpipe.net/
All for Android based devices. Sorry iOS and Roku 😑
>u/UdoZwackel2 - Do i have to update the open-gapps manually?
Play Store, Play Services & libraries automatically update themselves in the background regardless of the user's update settings in Play Store.
When Google will feel that they need an update it will do it automatically.
As for the apps included in a GApps package you can either not update, manually update or chose automatically update in Play Store's settings.
>Youtube is complaining (Samsung S5 KLTE, Lineageos 18.1, open gapps pico)
This is a known Youtube issue on the S5.
FWIW on my Galaxy S5 G900M LineageOS 18.1 klte I installed MindTheGApps & same issue so it's not an Open GApps problem.
See YouTube app is not getting update. in the LineageOS bug tacker.
Maybe it's Play Store that gives older YouTube version for older devices. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
As a workaround I use NewPipe.
Another option is [NewPipe](https://newpipe.net/]. IIRC it uses youtube-dl as a backend, and it allows you to download videos and save them as music in your music app. It is available from the open-source app store F-droid, but IME it is slow to update (whenever YouTube releases an update that breaks yt-dl, NewPipe breaks), so I recommend directly installing the APK from their website (it notifies you when there is an update).
If you want to have YouTube with background playback (even with the screen off)
Just look for YouTube Vanced www.vancedapp.com
Alternatively if you want something a bit simpler you can try Newpipe https://newpipe.net/
Vanced doesn't offer download, because it is not YT premium. It is just host blocking.
So you are more than likely started YT premium when you tried to download something, but it expired.
Solution is using NewPipe or TubeMate, Clipbox. I personally use Newpipe for it's privacy features, but I think Clipbox has fastest download speed. It downloads like in a sec. Newpipe clipbox(APKPure)
Med denna slipper man reklam och kan även lyssna på videor i bakgrunden. Har använt den ett bra tag nu och den har funkat fint.
Finns inte på Google play utan man får ladda ner den från deras hemsida och installera programfilen.
If using android , you can download with NewPipe , its open source. no ads on any videos, can play audio/video in background, download audio/video, ect. Also available on F-Droid
If they are taking the dislike button a more effective response would be to take the ad revenue. You can switch to NewPipe, it's an open source alternative that doesn't show adds, doesn't log you in, allows you to download and play audio in the background. It allows you to "subscribe" to channels, this is just added to a list it checks for updates when you ask, you can import your current YouTube subscriptions. Basically YouTube free from Google.
Si, avec Youtube Vanced qui est une version modifié de l’appli Android de YouTube qui bloque les pubs et les sponsors.
Il y a aussi NewPipe qui fait la même chose mais elle ne permet pas de se connecter à son compte YouTube, il faut importer ses abonnements manuellement, le but étant de ne plus utiliser de compte YouTube.
You can view it on the browser or download Newpipe, which is a feature rich Youtube client here: https://newpipe.net/
But since it doesn't have Google Play Services I don't think the actual YouTube app will work.
Its an app which lets you watch youtube and have all your subscriptions and playlists without any ads. Also, it allows downloading videos(something for which you need a subscription to do with the youtube app, and even then it doesn't let you do it in more than 720p). I think that google removed it from the play store, or you can download it from their website or from f-droid.
I agree. The commercials are getting ridiculous and probably with the intention of frustrating viewers to the point of switching to YouTube Premium just to avoid them. Not me though. I switched to Newpipe, a commercial free YouTube client for Android. https://newpipe.net/
pero es irrelevante si sabes o no leer el código en este caso, porque no metes tus credenciales a la aplicación, para poner tus suscripciones en newpipe tienes que hacer un pajeo más o menos this, notarás que el archivo que le mandas al newpipe no tiene tus user/pass.
there are however bandwidth/copyright etiquette issues around doing that though.
free and open source solutions for personal local mp3 audio only youtube conversion:
android: <em>newpipe</em>
desktop: <em>tartube</em>
> It matters because you cannot use the app, it wont let you. (unskippable update screen)
In which app do you get this and when doing what?
Maybe it's the GApps package you installed?
I ditched YouTube a while ago & use NewPipe because it can download video & other stuff but just for "fun" I installed YouTube from Play Store (v14.31.50) & it works fine including opening a YT link from WhatsApp.
That's on a Galaxy S5 G900M LineageOS 18.1 klte build 2021-10-24 + MindTheGapps + Magisk 23.0 + TWRP 3.5.2_9-0.
BTW this is my post & screenshots in the bug thread.