When I was in college my sister and I visited a local pastor to argue about evolution. He literally used the same argument Mac did about faith in science being the same as faith in God.
Not really related, but he also wrote this book defending slavery.
Just because I take every conceivable opportunity to post it:
Not really. With box squats at least you stand up under your own power, and ideally are pushing weight on the way up.
These are assisted squats, so its the squat version of assisted pullups.
haha, oh well. Here's mine. You might need a font called "Diploma" to get it to work.
So Being the only girl that Plays in My DnD Game I make a lot of Stupid jokes about being our Partys only/token girl And I was around on Amazon and I found Great shirt On Amazon It says Every group need The Brains, The Looks, The Muscle, The Wildcard, And the Useless chick with this stupid cute baby chicken. I was met with eye rolls So a total win for me :P
My nail clippers have a knife thing on the other end for digging out the gunk beside your toe nails, like this one
I personally really like it and it keeps my toe from getting ingrown.
Never cut myself though
Someone already made an android version, you jabroni. Check my recent comment history and you'll find that I linked to it when someone else asked.
edit: here's that link (note that I am not affiliated with this app in any way) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mad.jack.chardeemacdennisunofficialgameofgames&hl=en
Google doc created by another Sunnyor which has all the tules of the game plus some added by others. enjoy.
There is probably a small risk but Netflix doesn’t seem to police things very aggressively. I think Windscribe’s windflix setting spoofs your MAC address as well as using a British of American IP address so you’re pretty invisible unless someone’s actively watching your behavior. I’m not an expert though by any means. I just know that it’s worked for me for 3 years now. The only other one that worked as well was ExpressVPN but that’s considerably more expensive.
As good of an opportunity as any: update this document with your rules, and get some ideas for the next game!
Publicly-Editable List of CharDee MacDennis Challenges and Rules
Well, since I post this at every opportunity...
There was a game introduced in an IASIP episode called CharDee MacDennis. But it's not just a game; it's a war.
Here's a link to a publicly-editable list of challenges and rules if you wanna play the game with some friends.
It's an album by The Police. One of the few "dad rock" / 80's pop albums I own. Love the fuck out of it. Really an essential record; I'm sure you've heard at least 3 of the songs on it!
Hello, I'm a bot! The movie you linked is called The Gang Dines Out, here's some Trailers
https://roadtrippers.com/us/los-angeles-ca/points-of-interest/paddys-pub-its-always-sunny-in-philadelpha here's paddy's location and an even better part is the fish factory is shown a couple seconds earlier in this scene!
Sunscreen flasks are a real thing , perfect for beaches that don't allow alcohol or for smuggling booze onto cruise ships. Love the looks on people faces when I squirt some Vodka from a sunscreen bottle into some lemonade...
(The actual game isn't very good, but also what did you expect?)
There's also the flipside of that, where Dennis tries to convince Charlie that hornets don't make honey, and Charlie isn't buying it. It's from this scene, which I think is one of the funniest scenes ever in the show.
the only thing better that that interview is the bloopers from that interview
Hello, I'm a bot! The movie you linked is called The Gang Gets Racist, here are some Trailers
The front steps where Dennis and Sweet Dee are singing is 752 South 10th Street
I'll also throw this out there as well. Newpipe is open source android app that uses no google libraries or anything. It works by parsing the normal YouTube website and displays it nicely in a fast minimal android app. Supports all the good stuff too like background playback and downloading the videos or just audio. Great app.
Check out https://unlocator.com/ or https://www.unblock-us.com/
Basically, you just need to change your DNS-Settings in your XBOX or your router. After that, you can choose your preferred Netflix region in your account.
Just IASIP, I use NordVPN to watch it and the VPN works for everything but for whatever reason IASIP disappears when I click play.
I wasn’t sure if it was on my end or it was actually removed. Cheers!
I haven't got one, we've already got a pretty stellar netflix plus Bob's burgers and all of South park are on Amazon prime now so I don't need one.
But I have heard that if you get maybe NordVPN, you can change your IP address but I'd research it first if I were you.
ExpressVPN and NordVPN work well with Netflix and are all round good VPN providers. Trustworthy, strong encyption, lot's of servers, good jurisdiction and easy to use. Express is a little bit more expensive but offers slightly better speeds and split tunneling.
By the way not all VPNs work with netflix and you should never use a free VPN unless it's a trial for a paid service. Otherwise you're vulnerable to data leaks, malware, browser highjacking, tracking and stolen bandwight.
There are a handful of VPN options that still work for Netflix country-switching. I don't know enough about them to recommend one specifically though (Private Internet Access is great and cheap but doesn't get past the region locking)
I personally don't do it (even if US Netflix library is a thousand times better than the UK one), but I believe the program of choice is Hola Unblocker.
Edit: Don't use Hola, use Zenmate, or find an alternative. I know there's in-browser proxies, but I don' think they're any good.
There are many cheap VPN's like Private Internet Access that will give you access to region-locked content as well as encrypting your data and hiding your IP. Well worth it, at least if you live outside the US.
I can not unsee that ad in barcode scanner app, so will use this opportunity to recommend nice, free, no ads, open source barcode scanner app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.zxing.client.android
Here’s a ‘95, but the same generation. Less than 100k miles for $6,000
It’s about the same price you’d pay for a Toyota 4Runner of the same year and condition, but the 4Runner was half the price of the Range Rover originally and thus held its value way better
> This is a figment of your imagination and not a real position that people hold.
Really? Glad you speak for everyone. Are you really sure?
https://www.amazon.com/Its-Always-Sunny-Philadelphia-Awakening/dp/0062225111/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1422920353&sr=1-1&keywords=its+always+sunny+book not sure why nobody linked the name of the book or page
If this is the book I think it is, I got it for my brother as a gift for Christmas years ago. I think he lost it though which is super lame. I personally have not read it. But it's called "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: The 7 Secrets of Awakening the Highly Effective Four-Hour Giant, Today."
No im pretty sure this is 1967 photo essay book "The Boy : a photographic essay"
They found two of these photo essays at michael jacksons house, which is basically lots of pictures of young boys having fun, but is...pretty creepy for a grown man to own today.
Bertrand Hebert's Andre the Giant biography is pretty great. Even if you have no interest in wrestling.
The stories have been exaggerated over the years, but not by much.
You could always get this.
Sponsorships are much more reliable, more profitable, and easier to manage than an ever-changing line if merch.
I mean I want some IASIP merch too but if you're going to bitch about something, you should be bitching about the sponsors they actually decide to represent. Things like NordVPN, raid shadow legends, raycons, etc. all just give sponsorships away to anyone and (useually) are just trash the people promoting them rarely actually use and are just collecting a steady check.
Oh, I see it now. I thought it was one of these at first. I think the point of my comment (making fun of Charlie, not you!) still stands.
Here ya go…
Funny Sequin Throw Pillow Cover Danny DeVito Magic Reversible Mermaid Sequin Pillow Case Decorative Cushion Cover Glitter Accent Pillow 16x16 Inches(Champaign Gold) https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0836HXHRJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_TWZH8CHP4B933V1GQ36F?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
DOLUDO Canvas Poster Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia Dennis in Dress Gun Fighting Wall Decor Canvas Art Prints Painting Picture Artwork Home Decoration for Living Room Bedroom No Frame 12x20inches https://www.amazon.com/dp/B099RXDBD2/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_N304C1SSPJ0TX2AM852P?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Danny Devito Coloring Book: A Coloring Book Including Plenty Of Illustrations Of Danny Devito For Relaxing And Relieving Stress https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08QRXT6XQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_6GGDFK47PKWW45CTQYWA
Doctor told me to get a hobby that makes me use my hands to help with my anxiety.
Well doc, I believe I’ve found my hobby.
How many major Canadian teams in any sport is there that's called "Indians"?
Unfortunately I think Netflix knows all the servers NordVPN uses do it doesn’t work with them. I’ve tried it the other way round using a US server before with the same issue. I was told that ExpressVPN may still work however.
Just a disclaimer, I'm not the one selling these. This is the specific one I got. I've had it about 5 months. I wasn't the one who posted it before https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07X7FWQZ2/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_8FVAW4TDNRZF57P867X0?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
That is pretty close. It's not hard to change the color of the zipper anyway, so that might work. I just found the actual jacket on Ebay, seems to not be in production by Adidas anymore, also debating the $70 price tag on that. Not a bad looking jacket, though.
I think if you had bleed, you can breed.
Tyrion seemed to be the only person in Westeros with a more modern day mindset in thinking that there was something a little off with someone his age banging a 14 year old.
And the Tommen-Margaery age difference, it looked almost like some Mary Kay Leternaou shit.
^this comment is 6 hours and is making a monke face at me. Also I prefer pretty symmetry >https://www.figma.com/best-practices/working-with-images-in-figma/manipulating-images/
Thank you! Is there a way you have, could you care to play?](https://youtu.be/9wTdMOhrZgY?t=102)
Can someone explain how can i find movies in this app please, because they said they has it but i didn't find anything there. i found only trailers.. and tell me if you are meeting like these stupid apps.
I live in Colombia and watch iasip and a lot more by paying for hulu and using a vpn to be able to access it.
I now use ProtonVPN and used to use expressvpn before. I’ve had good experiences with both, there’s others though.
I can't find an exact match on myfonts and it makes me wonder if they customized it. But it looks a lot like a more slanted version of this and I find the idea of them just googling "film noir inspired font" hilarious for some reason.
Y'all need to just use the search function Tumblr, I know it may pain you, but there are always multiple gifs of the scenes that get requested here. Second result.
At the risk of producing a quote that would be embarrassing out of context, if you think suicide is badass you may enjoy my startup Cyph's company voicemail greeting (recorded here).
Obligatory disclaimer: We in no way condone suicide, and don't recommend it to anyone ~~except the baddest of badasses~~. If you actually have any suicidal ideations, please consult /r/SuicideWatch immediately.
If you have a Netflix subscription, you can use Windscribe VPN with the Windflix UK server to watch it on UK Netflix. Windflix is available with a free account, but lifetime pro memberships pop up from time to time. If you'd like an extra gig of data when you sign up, you can use this referral link. I have an aforementioned pro membership so it doesn't benefit me any.
I'm sorry your feelings are hurt, you are very confused and sensitive.
May I suggest a safe space?
God bless.
I use a website called WriterDuet with automatic formatting, and there's a feature in there that lets you export it natively as a PDF. If I have to write in Word, I use I Love PDF to convert it.
The shirt you listed is just black with his name on it
I think your better off buying this https://www.amazon.com/Renyolds-Started-Blasting-Vintage-Philadelphia/dp/B08BR7JMSB/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=danny+devito+shirt&qid=1614164118&sr=8-4 atleast then she can show off shes a fan of the show
Dammit OP, I need you to ask your friends so I can buy this for my friend!
Edit: found it!
The Gang Gets A New Member - Sunny Bodysuit https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YM1HMC4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_3afNFbVCX10PQ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Custom Free Engraving Black Stainless Steel Magnetic Therapy Health Emergancy Medical Alert ID Bracelets for Men Dad,8.6" https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07GVDC3YY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_hJ5TDbMHFKY5A
It was way better quality than I expected. They included a tool to adjust the size, and as you can see the engraving turned out perfectly. It took about a month to deliver to Canada, but I'd say it's totally worth it. After you order just hit the "contact seller" option and tell them what you want engraved. Got a really nice response and have no regrets!
Edit: IDK if this is just on my Amazon account, but Im now seeing a "throw in the trash" option on their list of preset engravings. Let me know if you guys see this too.
If you end up subscribing to NordVPN, it didn't work for me until I changed settings from the default UDP to TCP - no issues since.
Now I switch from Canada, US, UK etc depending on the platform/content and couldnt be happier. Works great for torrenting too.
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia is one of the only comedic shows I can watch when I feel down. I really miss watching it. I can’t watch it anymore since I’m in the Netherlands and Prime Video blocks ExpressVPN all of a sudden. Really hope they release the whole show someday on blu-ray in Europe
Get something like this and chop it to fit.
And pop the lenses out of reading glasses like these:
I'm using NordVPN and can't really complain. They have a good selection of servers across the world. I'm not in the US so I just switched to a US VPN to watch this video.
The problem with Hola isn't just that the company is shady and was caught selling their userbase to be used as a botnet, but if you aren't paying for it, it lets another free Hola user use your IP to browse the net, so someone could be looking at CP with your IP address.
android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.traffic.vpn
account: vpntraffic
password: vpntraffic.com
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001F01HXI/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_i386Ab26FK2RH this is probably the closest you’re gonna get, without the pink inner lining. Plus it’s only like $100 off amazon.
I can't recommend the works of Don Hertzfeldt enough. Netflix has (one of?) his first digital works, World of Tomorrow, but you may have to dig around for It's Such a Beautiful Day.
You may want to have some glue, paint, cat food, and beer on hand though.
I own this one. It's pretty fun but we mainly just used the guess the episode cards while we drink.
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Board Game https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005NCKKJ6/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_rr7PxbVZP5W3C
Interesting. I found this after some googleing. There is a lot of similar stuff out there that examines philosophy in the show.
My big issue is that they're selling the soundtrack. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004198XC8?ie=UTF8&*Version*=1&*entries*=0
If they're selling this music, wouldn't that mean that they've got rights to it?
That was under 'customers also viewed' on Amazon, which generally is the 'best bet' in regards to similar things you're looking for on Amazon.
A thousand times yes...
I truly believe IASIP is one of the greatest comedies ever to be on TV...
Ideally, you should start with season 1 and watch them all in order. Some people will tell you the first season was not very good, I disagree. Once DeVito joins the cast in season 2, the show just gets better...
IASIP is similar to Arrested Development, (IMHO, the greatest comedy show ever) in that the episodes reference each other and there are some inside jokes that are better when you have seen the previous episodes.
Amazon has the first Five seasons and the Xmas special for $66. That's over 21 hours of IASIP brilliance...
Go buy it now and enjoy it you Jabroni!!!