Due to Chrome 45+ regression bug. Workaround:
in the address bar.ironically youtube looks like this for me when i got home today https://vgy.me/iC1mI9.png https://vgy.me/ytGRPO.png
disabling ublock and css override had no change either, nor did clearing cache.
Edit: so i figured out why the new site looks weird. eververything on every single webpage on youtube is loaded with java script, absolutely no standalone html or css code.
If you disable javascript(or have addons set to modify/block parts of javascript), pages on the new layout will break or just be blank.
Edit2: who ever designed this new website is fucking retarded, instead of doing a supported feature check to determine whether to roll out the new website, they just simply scan your useragent. So if you have your browser configured to modify the user agent, and for whatever reason its not compatible, the page will again likely break or be blank
It definitely does not.
It's not a YouTube thing anyway. It could be possible that an extension or program is manipulating your experience and subscribing you to the channel but it seems unlikely - what would be the benefit of it? I doubt a large channel would bother paying for dead subs. T-Series is an Indian channel too, not of much interest to those in the Middle-East, none of their content is in Arabic.
Edit: Just tried it using NordVPN with the region set as the UAE, no auto-subscriptions.
I can highly recomend the "Magic Actions for Youtube" extension for you. It gives you so many cool options for Youtube and even a light-switch in the top left corner of the screen next to the youtube-logo! (Available for Chrome, Firefox and Opera atm). Check it out: http://www.chromeactions.com/
Videos being staged are hardly to get pressed for. And there are already channels already upfront with it. The problem is, one reason people loved the video is the sense of justice they got from watching it. It was also published and sold as an ex-NASA engineer and even if his content is borderline clickbait mythbusters, it hurts the brand he built for himself. So for everyone else watching it didn't cost us anything apart from being marketed Nest & NordVPN.
It's one of those harmless things until something goes wrong. Especially when it's illegal to enact booby trap revenge on porch thieves. It has the possibility to inspire copycat videos because of its popularity thinking it's apparently ok to do. And others might not be as careful in the future.
> Rober isn't marketing anything.
Did you skip the minute long advertisement for NordVPN and affiliate links in his description? Thats literally marketing something. Do you also straight up ignore that most of his videos are sponsored.
If you get YouTube Vanced you can Remove it Get free Background Play No Ads Can Remove Comments Can Remove Community Posts Can change to old version of video quality settings
That didn't work. But I did manage to find a solution. Sort of.
For anyone who might have the same problem, I fixed it for myself by following this guide, and setting media.mediasource.enabled to true and media.mediasource.ignore_codecs to true.
Which actually made the html5 player not work at all... But after a brief error message, youtube now automatically switches to the flash player. Ghetto solution I guess, but it gets the job done.
if you want a great ad block that still makes money for your favorite content creators and website use this ad block https://adnauseam.io/
It blocks all ads and clicks on every ad it see's while disabling the ad from any code running.
This happened to me a few days ago and I have just found the solution. So youtube uses a font called Roboto and it turns out I had only Roboto bold installed on my computer. I don't know how it got installed or why only the bold version was.
Anyway you can either go to fonts in control panel and delete Roboto bold or you can download the font and install all of them.
Then just restart chrome.
Also, if the only reason you use youtube premium is for removing ads and stuff on your mobile (and not TV), try using Vanced App (For android). It also has yt music, sponsor block and etc, and, use the money to support your favourite creator by donating them money instead of spending it on youthbe premium.
Also, this is just a suggestion, you may or may not act upon it
Edit: Sorry, didn't realise that you are using an iPhone.
Your account was hacked, says its closed, closed as someone deleted it, change your passwords on everything, and never use same password you use for google anywhere else, use google passwords on google services only.
This has nothing to do with a copyright strike.
Use something like a https://lastpass.com / Randamize the passwords, and set a Master Password you dont use anywhere else.
Are you using the Iridium addon? It seems to work again by enabling "Play videos automatically" from the video tab of settings (see issue).
If not, perhaps Youtube have changed something that broke other similar addons.
There's a bug in several adblockers (Adblock Plus and uBlock for chrome) that causes • Ads not to get blocked • The skip button to not appear • Rate-limiting on ads not to occur (IE, normally you should only get 1 ad every 5 minutes, but that's blocked and you get one regardless of if you should).
You could disable the blocker or follow the workaround in the bug report. A full fix will come soon.
As a life saving instructor and lifeguard, I teach all new guards to download the "First-Aid Canadian Red Cross" app that has EVERYTHING you need to find signs and symptoms to determine what could be wrong , and the steps needed to help! Please download it and go through some of the basics :)
Check out r/Vanced, no ads, you can watch music videos when tabbed out or just hide them in the notifications. It even keeps playing when phone is turned off! AMOLED mode also exists in Vanced.
Try a site like PeerTube and then re-upload videos to youtube once your channel gets sorted out.
PeerTube is youtube but actually good. :P It's essentially decentralised youtube.
You can look for an instance that fits your needs. :) https://joinpeertube.org/instances#instances-list
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/improve-youtube-open-sour/bnomihfieiccainjcjblhegjgglakjdd?hl=en for people on chrome this Extention will help. when its installed click general, then youtube version then press old
Download Adblock right now. Blacklist everything on the site that looks remotely similar to an ad and make sure none of it gets through. The only language these bastards speak is money, and unless they start losing more and more as time goes on, they'll keep doing whatever they want.
Get Firefox on mobile, it can use µblock extension. Or just get Newpipe a great youtube player that plays no ads and allows music to be played even when your screen is off https://newpipe.net/
Most of the YouTubers I follow have their own sponsorships that they promote in their videos. The other day I was watching my favorite YouTuber plug NordVPN, and that 3-minute segment was interrupted by TWO sets of ads.
A quick search found this app which I think may be useful. I'm going to give it a try. Hopefully this will rid me of those "Remember to watch" notifications... and you help you guys, too.
Notification Filter https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tadevel.notification&hl=en
> 9, Confidentiality
> You agree not to disclose Google Confidential Information without our prior written consent. "Google Confidential Information" includes: (a) all Google software, technology and documentation relating to the Services; (b) click-through rates or other statistics relating to Property performance as pertaining to the Services; (c) the existence of, and information about, beta features in a Service; and (d) any other information made available by Google that is marked confidential or would normally be considered confidential under the circumstances in which it is presented. Google Confidential Information does not include information that you already knew prior to your use of the Services, that becomes public through no fault of yours, that was independently developed by you, or that was lawfully given to you by a third party. Notwithstanding this Section 9, you may accurately disclose the amount of Google’s gross payments resulting from your use of the Services.
-- https://www.google.com/adsense/localized-terms
Basically speaking, it's a TOS violation to share statistics, but it isn't a violation to share your final income.
I hope that helped you some.
Well, you're not the first one to figure out that YouTube is actually quite hard. You need a good content strategy, upload schedule and promotion strategy. If I look at your channel (in your profile), I definitely think there's potential in your presentation and the way you create your videos. But I also think there are things you can improve.
Your content is all over the place. Not two videos are the same, or even in the same category. People don't know what to expect from you, or what sets you apart from other YouTube channels. So they won't subscribe to you.
Your activity comes and go. You're currently in a phase where you've been very active, and that's good. But you have to keep it up for at least a couple of months in order to see some results. If you disappear for a few months (as you have done before on your channel), your subscribers will forget about you and won't watch your new content when you get back. So basically you've been starting over again and again.
Your SEO (search engine optimization) isn't good. You have to improve your descriptions and add two or three lines that tell viewers what the video is about. You need more and more specific tags, based on the keywords that people actually look for. The VidIQ plug-in can help you with that.
What is your promotional strategy? I don't see social media related to your channel. You should try that out. Also, ti's a good idea to subscribe to other YouTubers, like their videos and leave good comments. Every comment is a link to your channel, which could persuade people to pay you a visit, too.
So the most important thing for you is figuring out what your channel is about and how you can create a recognizable channel that really adds value to YouTube. Then you need to figure out how to get people to notice you. I wish you good luck with that.
I've been using youtube link cleaner (https://greasyfork.org/scripts/1193-youtube-link-cleaner) to clean my youtube links for a while now.
it hasn't been updated to remove the &list yet, but you can easily make the modification by adding |list to the end of the feature|src_vid|annotation_id|gl|hl segments
ICYMI: CyberGhost is owned by the same shady Israeli company (Kape Tech) that bought & ruined PIA VPN a few years ago, don't ever use free VPNs.
Most of them are shady & free for a reason.. access to your system.
You are the sad one. Go take in a refugee in and see what happens, i know you won't since its always "someone else take the brunt" with you scum.
Actually, here - i'll even give a you a link to get you started. https://www.airbnb.com/welcome/refugees
What's going to be your sad excuse for not doing it, hm?
To tag somebody you need to install Reddit Enhancement Suite. It's a very popular extension that people use with Reddit that allows you to do a lot.
Once installed, go to a post's comment section and choose a user you want to tag. You'll notice a blue and white tag resembling a shopping tag next to their name. Click that and you'll be presented with some customization options for that tag. This tag persists so that the next time you see that user, the tag will appear along side their name and remember the moment you decided to tag them under a link in their called "Source URL".
That's just one thing you can do with RES, it opens it up a lot more. I don't know how it works with the redesign though as I use old.reddit.com rather than normal reddit.com. I mostly use RES for the formatting GUI options and dark mode.
The FIX is to log out of your Google account so you can view the video sans ad because you are running AdBlock. So I think it is Google account that is the issue. Or, did I misunderstand what is going on?
>But there aren't chess events with a million dollar prize pool
You're right. Chess players do it for the love of the game. There definitely aren't professional chess players gaining recognition and making over a million dollars in tournament winnings.
>Video games are real games, but nobody deserves recognition because they play it.
Well luckily the world and industry fully disagree with you, and as it turns out their opinion carries more weight than yours.
>I'm 16.
Ah so rather that whole jaded cynical stage. I get it. Well the benefit there is most people grow out of it eventually. For some context then, when you were around 10 this whole "gaming isn't a sport!/people shouldn't make money entertaining people with games!" argument got put to rest because it was weak as hell. The world has moved on.
There's already one, Odysee. It also pays good, but the only problem is that SEC is trying to ban it because it uses Cryptocurrency and is a decentralized platform which gives power to the people.
The add-on you speak of was called -100500 - YouTube Blacklist
I am making something like this, but it is still not complete, there's still some things to tweak here and there. I don't know if such feature would have much use, but I know I am beginning to use it often now that blocking users seems to not block their videos anymore.
I use YouTubeCenter. It is disabled by default but if you happen to want it back go to General > Remove Advertisement and uncheck the box.
You can install Youtube Center and in the player options it adds, uncheck DASH playback. It will also add a download link under videos, so you don't have to keep every video open.
>DASH Playback
>DASH Playback is a method on how a video should be buffered. If DASH Playback is enabled it will buffer the video in blocks. That means that every time you seek in the video it will have to rebuffer that block and it will not buffer the next block if you're not at the very end of the current block. If DASH Playback is turned off YouTube will load normally where you can pause the video and it will buffer to the end of the video and you can jump around in the video as much as you like.
>YouTube's default option has DASH enabled, because it's buffering faster for people with a good internet connection. YouTube Center also have DASH Playback enabled by default.
>Read more about DASH on Wikipedia
>Please note that by disabling DASH Playback will result in 480p and 1080p not being available. This is because of a recent YouTube change.
I'm rooting for Peertube right now. It uses P2P streaming which means popular videos won't hurt the server's performance. It doesn't have a lot of content right now since it's a relatively young platform, but if it does pick up, it will probably be the most viable option for a YouTube replacement since it's possible to run without multi-million dollar servers.
Your URL is basically useless unless it's for print.
Online you can mask the url Like this on Reddit, in anchor <a href="LINK GOES HERE TO MAKE TAGS THE LINK" > tags </a> for websites/forums, and social media often converts the link to a preview.
Also, you can always use Bitly
It's a bug in ublock and adblock plus on chrome. There's a bug report and a workaround here; a full fix will be released eventually.
App is just an down-loader - it contains no porn on its own.
I dont like these kind of ads in general but if you want to remove tools that are used to download porn - Chrome browser will be at the very top....
And yes AD is served based on your personal profile and activity history.
It wont appear in general add pool or anyone under 18.
{"ns":"yt","el":"detailpage","cpn":"CG7910XzOlxrzvVd","docid":"2s4IREXszZ4","ver":2,"referrer":null,"cmt":"80.657","plid":"AAUuQl-E13pEeGiR","ei":"MPDqVqaeIeb6iAbE7Y-ACw","fmt":"247","fs":"0","rt":"3339.24","of":"g8G5mkR9NmmyEYkkswoqlQ","adformat":null,"content_v":null,"euri":"","subscribed":"1","lact":2,"live":null,"cl":"117325228","mos":0,"osid":null,"state":"4","vm":"CAEQAQ","volume":65,"c":"WEB","cver":"1.20160316","cplayer":"UNIPLAYER","cbr":"Firefox","cbrver":"45.0","cos":"Windows","cosver":"10.0","hl":"de_DE","cr":"AT","len":"948.941","fexp":"9405963,9407610,9408209,9408555,9414875,9416126,9418222,9419452,9420452,9422596,9423661,9423662,9424134,9425790,9427902,9427917,9428016,9431012,9431550,9431704","afmt":"251","vct":"80.657","vd":"948.941","vpl":"0.000-80.657,","vbu":"0.000-266.932,","vpa":true,"vsk":false,"ven":false,"vpr":1,"vrs":4,"vns":2,"vec":null,"vvol":0.6365952134564271,"lct":"80.657","lsk":false,"lmf":true,"lbw":"147234.846","lhd":"0.254","ltd":"23105.085","laa":"itag=251,seg=26,range=3974250-4059488,time=261.6-266.9","lva":"itag=247,seg=49,range=42556180-43515472,time=261.6-266.9","lar":"itag=251,seg=27,range=4108496-4256921,time=270.0-280.0","lvr":"itag=247,seg=52,range=45438631-46361988,time=277.6-282.9","lvh":"r8---sn-bvvbax-8pxz","lab":"0.000-266.941,","lvb":"0.000-266.932,","ismb":940000,"debug_videoId":"2s4IREXszZ4","cgr":true,"debug_playbackQuality":"hd720","debug_date":"Thu Mar 17 2016 19:53:38 GMT+0100"} google-vie3 (
UPC Austria, Vienna Firefox 45.0, Chrome Version 49.0.2623.87 m Problem since March 16th, disabling Add-ons doesn´t help. I´m on a 75Mbit connection. And i get the full bandwith everywhere except on youtube. Taskmanager tells me the browser only uses about 0.2Mbit to 1 Mbit when watching a video. EDIT: Using a VPN like Hotspot Shield -> video loads fine. But that is obviously not a permanent solution.
Parents absolutely sit their kids in front of YouTube all day. Kids programming is among the most widely searched content on YouTube; we have a whole app devoted to kids (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.youtube.kids&hl=en) and kids drive tons of watchtime.
I agree with /u/Mary_Ellen_Katz try Open Broadcast Studio (https://obsproject.com/download). It is by far the best free recording software I have seen, and beats out a lot of the paid ones too.
I have a video on how to use it here: https://youtu.be/aNEsKfvI_qs but there are plenty of resources online on how to use it if you Google it.
Good luck on the videos!
I'm not sure what you mean. Here's Google's definition of featured videos, and here's an ehow about getting your video featured (I'm not sure how accurate it is). Again, not sure if either is what you're looking for.
I like how they were careful not to mention "Google" anywhere. I guess their company name is "2019", LOL.
Always check e-mail headers, folks. A lot of people fall victim to this crap, particularly when the scammers take the time to spell-check first (these guys didn't).
Unfortunately, the scammers have found safe places to operate (sometimes even within the US!) and they're seldom taken down unless they become high profile.
If you get these kinds of e-mails it is likely that your e-mail address has been leaked by a data breach. Check https://haveibeenpwned.com/
You can always try youtube first, as a private video. If that doesn't work, you might be able to try vimeo.
Hosting it on your own site would not be optimal, but could be done.
nobody cares who you are. nobody cares for your original content. especially now that you've sullied your name.
triple q does not like you. you're fucking lying. i have spoken with him many time and we are on great terms. if you want to prove me wrong, give me pictures.
your form of following is built on a throne of lies. and you're doing it for the money, otherwise why would you be making money through ads or a patreon? if you were doing it "for them", you would remove the ads and take down the patreon. people have a patreon to make a living off of their own content, that's how it fucking works. that's why it was made, just look on the about page on the website - https://www.patreon.com/about - "we want to help every creator in the world achieve sustainable income". that's the only reason it was made. you're still living with your parents, you don't need a sustainable income. real content creators deserve it more than you. you're doing it for yourself and you're a fucking liar.
Hmm. Not even 1k views, which might be suprising they've even found it. Though companies sometimes use such videos in things like compilations of funny videos from interent (especially with animals) and air it in TV, etc, so maybe they want to show video which not much people seen. Anyhow, this is pretty much $300 spawned in pocked, so you might give it a try. Even if they'd just stole this video, I wouldn't mind myself. All danger from this might be that they just want to steal your personal info, but... this isn't the best way to scam people like this? I think. So be careful, but rather give it a try, I guess.
Person who contacted you is probably him, but that's only info I got after googling his name and company. Idk.
No worries! I am really sorry that this is happening to you. Trolls hide behind comments. Their hate is a reflection of themselves and not you. Even if your videos suck, that is no excuse for racially charged comments directed at you. While criticism and hate are definitely a part of making YouTube videos, racism is never ever justified.
I would advise, first of all, to find community. If there are other youtubers you admire, send messages to them and ask them for support or advice. Make a Twitter for your YouTube channel and start building community that way too. I would seek out content-makers who have similar interests as well as those who have a similar background to you. Surround yourself with as much positivity as possible.
If you want to fight back, don't respond to the comments. Take screenshots of the comments and put them out there on social media. Let others hold them accountable and judge them. Racists getting fired is a pretty popular HT on Tumblr, Facebook, and Twitter.
Of course, if you're getting a lot of comments, it might not be possible to always do this. Fighting back also always invites backlash. While I don't think backlash in and of itself is a reason not to stand up for yourself and your beliefs, your mental health and safety is a priority as well.
You can disable or moderate comments on YouTube as well. Always report users who are using hate speech or abusing you.
I mean not exactly "a virus" but since it destroyed a computer I'll call it a virus. https://thenextweb.com/shareables/2013/09/18/the-very-first-computer-bug/
You can escape the internet but you can't escape the moths! ಠ_ಠ
1. root device
2. install xposed framework
3. install youtube adaway module
Works perfectly fine for me. Havent seen an ad on desktop or mobile for years.
Blender is FREE and open source.
Fantastic tutorials on how to use the video sequence editor here.
It must of been quite a lot of money (in the mult-millions at least) considering it was down for quite a long time for the entire planet and how many people actually use YouTube (Seriously,at its peak, around 200K people were at this Reddit sub alone, http://www.isitdownrightnow.com/ servers crashed due to everyone flocking there to see why YouTube was down. There have even been some reports of Netflix or Hulu having issues too due to the massive surge in traffic!)
There are no RSS feeds any longer. The best I could find is a playlist of Popular on YouTube. There are some services, like Feedity, that will convert a website into a RSS feed but it costs money to use.
Generally speaking you can use the fonts that are default installed on your computer because Microsoft or Apple has purchased the rights for it's users to use them. If you download fonts from Dafont for example, each one will have different agreements, either freeware, shareware, demo versions or public domain. So you need to make sure to check if you can use the font for commercial purposes.
If you pay for an Adobe CC subscription, you have access to a lot more professional fonts that they make available. You can use these for commercial purposes since you're already paying a license to use them as part of the CC package.
Google fonts are open source and you can use them for commercial or personal purposes: https://fonts.google.com/
Also check out: https://www.fontsquirrel.com which are also free to use.
Youtube does have their own little "editing" thing when you upload. But its pretty bad to be honest. Thumbnails need to be uploaded separately, they don't have a creator for that. (Although it automatically gives you 3 screenshots from your video to pick if you don't want to create a custom one).
For recommendations:
Sony Vegas is my go-to program for editing videos. (Although its rather expensive, i only have it due to a special way back)
Photoshop is the best for thumbnails. But there is a free online photoshop alternative that is pretty close to the same thing that i used to use before the real photoshop https://pixlr.com/editor/
Hope this helps :)
You can try a Chrome extension that disables DASH playback (which is the type of format where 60fps is served). An extension that does this is YouTube Center, but since the stable version is pending an update it is best to use the developer version instead which can be found here: https://github.com/YePpHa/YouTubeCenter/wiki/Developer-Version
Magic Actions also used to offer the same option before, but I think they eventually removed it.
It actually has a whole bunch of really awesome features (autoplay settings, settings to only play one video at a time so that you don't have to mess with tabs you are not browsing right now just to stop a video running in the background and much more). I couldn't imagine browsing YouTube without this extension.
~~I think your problems with disabling DASH playback might be due to changes that youtube itself made. I've been using Youtube Center with Chrome since about the start of the year and disabling DASH was definitely working then.~~
Disregard that, it seems that disabling DASH playback doesn't work for the HTML5 player, so in Youtube Center Settings > Player / External Player make sure that DASH playback is not ticked, and that "Player Type" is set to Flash, and not HTML5 or Default.
Also, from the Youtube Center GitHub site:
>Please note that by disabling Dash Playback will result in 480p and 1080p not being available. This is because of a recent YouTube change.
Hope this solves your issue, Youtube Center is great for getting a better experience with youtube.
As for the top bar, if you have YouTube Center (browser extension), the new update has an option to change it to static.
EDIT: Link can be found here.
I just subscribed to a new channel (Bad Lip Reading) and went to add it to one of my collections for easier organisation... to find collections are gone. What the actual.... Ok, calming down, hit the google and research. I find a post about the removal of the feature... a one line confirmation of what is already blatantly clear doesn't help anyone understand what's going on.
Anyway, after reading this topic, I'd like to point you towards a chrome extension that I have used for a while. I started using it to more clearly see the videos from my collections and sub'd channels when it became clear youtube activity feed was just spammed by damn vevo channels. I'll be upfront and honest, it has a free version which limits you to 2 or 3 custom columns, but there is a premium subscription service that allows you unlimited columns. I decided to pay that fee back when it was a one time charge (it's now an ongoing monthly fee I think), and I'm glad I did. I can see all my subscribed channels in a much better environment than youtube have ever provided. The service I refer to is Youtube Videodeck Hopefully the removal of youtubes collections doesn't affect this service, but it does seem to still be organised correctly today.
I use Rumble a lot. https://rumble.com/register/tolerantxero/ Register, upload and pick whatever license you want them to use and if they like it, you can start making some good money. I have used Jukin and Storyful, Jukin hasn't paid yet and Storyful just recently picked up a video. With Rumble, you can sell the video and they will offer you a set amount of money, if you accept they will then own the video, but if your video is on YouTube, they will just claim it, not take it down. Traffic still goes to your channel. They have Video Management, you retain all rights to your video but give them a license to distribute it and whatever money they make from it, you get 60%. Videos can go anywhere from websites to tv like Tosh.0 and Rediculousness. Its a good way to get some money but don't expect to get money right away with Video Management. You will get paid the quarter after 120 days of them getting the video. Example, I did Video Management with this video last August: https://rumble.com/v2za7a-the-claw-game.html I got monthly YouTube payments (split 90% you, 10% Rumble) and finally got the big payments from AOL, Yahoo and Microsoft Feb. In my experience, Rumble has been the BEST with my experiences. They have a dashboard that tells you how many views your video is getting and in some cases, from where. Unlike Jukin and Storyful, Rumble has a community forum you can ask questions and get answers.
There's an application that can do this, as long as the videos are in a playlist or you can just paste URLs into it.
I use it on my PC and did exactly what you're requesting. I'll send it to you as soon as I get home or I can remote in, since I can't remember the name of it
EDIT: Found it. http://www.dvdvideosoft.com/products/dvd/Free-YouTube-Download.htm
Ok, downloaded the video and then uploaded it to my google drive.
Here it is. Tell me when you get it so that I can remove the file afterwards.
They have removed it for quite some time now, but I made a script that restores that function back. If you want to give it a try you can find it here: http://openuserjs.org/scripts/ParticleCore/Playlist_Autoplay_Control_for_YouTube
You will need an addon/extension to install it, like Greasemonkey for Firefox or Tampermonkey for Chrome.
I've created an userscript that controls autoplay, if you want to give it a try: http://openuserjs.org/scripts/ParticleCore/Playlist_Autoplay_Control_for_YouTube
A play button should show up in any playlist you watch which will give you control over the playlist autoplay.
That's a feature? Huh. Well, one other alternative is if you're desperate is a factory reset. If you're desperate. And as far as good VPNs goes privacy wise, Tunnelbear, ExpressVPN, and ProtonVPN stand out. Tunnelbear has a free option, but up to 1.5 GB. ExpressVPN has no free option, but good privacy practices. And ProtonVPN has unlimited free data, however you can only connect to three locations.
Okay, Win Movie maker sucks big rocks and is useless. Look into getting a proper NLE like Vegas (you can get version 14 on sale at amazon right now: https://www.amazon.com/VEGAS-Movie-Studio-14-Platinum/dp/B01NBYOMJD/ref=sr_1_13?ie=UTF8&qid=1503437504&sr=8-13&keywords=VEGAS) You can then crop the photos to the screen output. Render the video, upload and boom, no black bars.
On AT&T? I have Sonic Fusion FTTN (actually AT&T U-Verse) and it has been happening the last few days.
If I VPN somewhere else (I have a Private Internet Access VPN) it pretends I'm in another network and it's fine.
I don't think (and don't know why) ATT is specifically throttling youtube, but that's what effectively happens. It's not adblock related (my first guess - I use uBlock Origin, but tested on vanilla browser) and it happens on desktop and mobile for me, too if I'm using wifi provided by the ATT router.
Try Open Broadcaster Studio (Not the standard version). It lets you record mic input into a seperate channel that you can mux/demux/compress/tweak later without affecting in-game audio. The benefit of this is that there are no sync issues, (I've had quite a lot when recording separately in audacity).
Guide here
First thing I would do, if it's not too late, would be to go though my browser's cache folder, see if I can find a copy of the video file in there.
Probably a long shot, I know sometimes videos recently watched can be found in your cache, though they won't have the correct file extension attached. Someone who knows more than me should either elaborate on this, or correct me if I'm wrong.
EDIT: Also - archive.org does archive past youtube pages. Link:
I would be very surprised if they make old videos available, but any text info that used to be there should still be accessible. Likewise, use Archive.org to access pre-changed versions of your company's website.
FYI! From https://groups.google.com/a/googleproductforums.com/d/msgid/youtube/2cedba82-285e-4fdf-9532-ee77926850bf%40googleproductforums.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer thread's post as a workaround (Google still needs to fix it since they broke its paste feature):
"Solved! In just 3 steps
open about:config in mozilla search dom.event.clipboardevents.enabled in the search box which comes. Now turn this to false.
Done Source: http://merabheja.com/fix-can-not-paste-text-in-youtube-comments-using-mozilla/ "
there are ways to block ads without using a browser or extensions.
Some people use pihole on a spare computer or a small "5$" PC like the Raspberry Pi Zero.
It works by blocking contact to the ad servers.
Not sure how well it works with Youtube:
Got the family Premium plan because I noticed how our household of 4 people massively increased watching Youtube in the lockdown(s)
This may be due to the recent youtube throttling. Europe's quality has been lowered because of the recent coronavirus related self-isolation. Source
Of course i am not entirely sure, but the stats for nerds don't say anything fishy
Some songs you can use how ever you like, others require atribution
"You’re free to use this song in any of your videos, but you must include the following in your video description: Closer To Jazz by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: http://audionautix.com/"
When you say "creative license" I think you're referring to "Creative Commons"?
Generally if you create everyone yourself and wish to retain full copyrights on it you use the Standard License.
If you wish to allow other people to use your work you would use a Creative Commons License, also if you use material released under a Creative Commons License, if the license requires it then you also have to release it under the same license.
Read More here: https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/licensing-types-examples/
>is it?
Obviously. Why should your computer be legally forced to run code?
>can youtube possibly terminate my account for it?
This would piss way too many people off if they started doing this, for it to be worth it.
So use uBlock as much as you'd like.
There's some sweet jams there. I'd definitely include a creative commons license note on each of those tracks because I can totally see people making great use of those. Without having a clear license posted, lots of YT types will avoid it because they're afraid of getting a copyright strike. You can find the details about how to do that at https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/ .
>is it allowed for someone to put their logo on top of the video that is under CC?
Yes. People are free to make any modifications they like, and that includes plastering their logo on it.
>Should the attribution be shown on the video itself or it's okay to show it in the description?
It ought to be okay in the description, especially since the source URL must be linked to, most easily done in the description. YouTube uses CC BY 3.0 - the license doesn't say anything specifically relating to video content.
So I tried Mozilla Firefox and youtube works perfectly fine there.
I suspect it is probably due to the MAGIC ACTION! Youtube chrome add-on. So I disabled it and I restarted Chrome and the black line went away.... until I went full-screen Here's what I mean: https://gyazo.com/0eb33f0e2c5ebfae32b49649a76d194e
Not sure what the exact problem is...
tldr:about:config -> full-screen-api.approval-required=false
Hey there! As YouTube does not serve advertisements to YouTube Red users, Adblock Plis will not be able to block them. Your user experience should be unaffected in this regard. If you do encounter any issues, though, please reach out to us on our forums and we will be more than happy to assist you!
There's been past issues where adblockers don't block the ad but do block the skip button. These are generally bugs with the adblocker itself.
You'll probably want to report it to ABP here, specifically on their Adblock Plus for Edge support subforum.
No that's not right. Copyright holders can offer difference "licenses" for others to use their work. If it is licensed with a Creative Commons with Attribution you have to credit the creator in order to use the material. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/
Can you post or message me the channel and I can investigate for you.
Its not the program that is not able to allow the FLV it is the codecs on your computer.
This program works for a windows computer: http://download.cnet.com/Windows-Essentials-Media-Codec-Pack/3000-13632_4-10662709.html
You can pause the video and hit the back arrow on the video, that will take you to the previous video. Or you can download the older YouTube app to get the old function back.
Are you on a Mac?
If so, it kinda looks like the selection the system makes when something is controllable with the space bar if you have full keyboard access set on 'all controls'.
Reaching 10,000 subscribers isn't necessarily impossible, many channels have done it, but it's going to be incredibly challenging. Even if you do everything "correctly" your chances of doing it are incredibly slim. I started my channel in April 2013 and I just passed 10,000 about 3 weeks ago. By that time I had made 419 videos and gotten about 2,000,000 views. As far as I know my channel is worldwide.
I would recommend reading through this guide before you start your channel.
First option, try downloading an extension from Chrome store to block the ads. Second option, download YouTube Vanced from here https://vancedapp.com/. From there you get no ads and the videos keep on playing when you close the app. If you don't know how to download find a tutorial.
I think this is a regional issue. I live in North California, and it doesn't work. If you use a proxy or VPN to somewhere like the East Coast or a different country, it will work. All you have to do is use a proxy or VPN, go to your sub box after you do it, disable the proxy or VPN. You can keep it on, but it will probably slow down your computer. After that, don't close that tab. Right click on your video and open it into a new tab. That worked fine for me. If that sounds too hard, download Tor https://www.torproject.org/ It will be a lot easier, but very slow.
The most effective, but also the solution requiring the most technical knowledge would be to set up pi-hole to block adverts at a network level. Otherwise, download a system-wide ad blocker for your device, although results do vary with these.
Works fine for me in IE, although there are popups, and you need to use caution regarding that. (FYI, adblock does exist for IE: link)
However, if you want to see a list of alternatives, you can use deturl.com which gives a list of sites with links to download the given video.
Edit: Fixed messed up link formatting. I really thought <url>
Have you tried Brave Browser?
Its a new browser that completely blocks all advertisements, it also blocks all the tracking scripts that monitor your online activities.
Its exactly the same as Google Chrome, but on the backend Brave has more privacy protection.
In addition to this. You can choose to opt-in to their program that will show you 4-5 ads per day and you will get paid for those ads. You can make an extra 40 bucks per month just for switching to a better browser.
For more info on Brave Browser, visit their site https://brave.com
That script I made was for the autoplay up next feature that YouTube introduced, even the description at the top clearly says so
>Removes the autoplay up next feature
That is not for playlist autoplay at all, neither is the other one you linked from greasyfork. Both his and mine are only for stopping this: http://www.tubefilter.com/2014/12/12/youtube-autoplay-video-suggestions/
However I did create one for the playlist autoplay, which can be found here: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/7360-playlist-autoplay-control-for-youtube
Their shitty app (full of ads) still has an insanely high 4.4 rating - you know what you have to do now ;) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.youtube&hl=bg&gl=US
Sesame shortcuts I have been using this to create direct shortcut to the my subscriptions page, but I don't know if this app works for watch later page too.
>I just made a song, and used a scene already on youtube from castle of cagliostro, Lupin the 3rd's first movie, and it got copyrighted!
You created a ~~song~~ music video which contains content which you do not own/have the rights to use,
>and it got copyrighted!
Everything on the internet is copyrighted, even Creative Commons/Royalty Free content is copyrighted, it belongs to someone.
The Creative Commons licences tells creators how the content can be used, see here for more info: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/
YouTube has it's own policies if CC has not been stated otherwise.
>the scene is on youtube unedited with 600k views!
It's probably already claimed by a network/corporate company
>Shouldn't there be a third party that decides what's fair use or not?
Make the assumption that there is no such thing as fair use, it's a shady topic which can cost a lot of money to seek clarification whether or not it is fair use.
Well since it's from a game, the creator can change it's copyright law on it when ever they please.
Sometimes a song is claimed by a 'Creative commons Attribution' a little figure with a gray circle. When you click on a 'Creative commons Attribution' song, the box will extend and you'll see ""You're free to use this song and monetize your video, but you must include the following in your video description:"" [Song title] by [Artist name] is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source: [link] Artist: [artist page link]
If it is adblock plus then this is likely to be related to the whitelisted ads, it allows Google ads (including Youtubes') by default unless you disable that option. Go to the Adblock plus options and disable the "Allow some non-intrusive advertising".
See here for Firefox: http://lifehacker.com/5893411/adblock-plus-lets-you-allow-non-intrusive-advertising
Or here for Chrome: http://www.ghacks.net/2012/10/27/chrome-adblock-plus-update-lets-some-ads-slip-threw-now/