OK my idea is using the telegram app, its a bit like whats app only better and free and encrypted, we can make a 24 hour instant hot line room for anyone in need, you can even record voice messages over it for those who feel they want to speak or give help to soldiers.
It could give us the edge. Coming to the laptop and logging in here and going in to the chat room is so long winded once a strong urge takes hold.. but to be able to go the app instantly, for battle medic aid, that would be good. I'm happy to set up a group.
Once the app is installed list the you user name here and ill add you to the group. Who's up for this?
Emergency smart-phone app Medic Kit
How can we stand together and support each other at any moment? How can we fight a war if we don't have immediate ground or air support? Utilising technology can give us the edge in this war. Thanks to military funding we now have the very latest tech straight from R&D.
Unfortunately this medikit is limited to 200 personal, so be sure to get your name down if you want in. Instructions follow.
1, Install the app, https://telegram.org/ (apple, android, win),
In the app give yourself a user-name (preferably your regiment name if available.
Post your user name here and you will be added to the group.
NO CHIT CHAT SOLDIERS, this is a secured line and we must be vigilant, this line is open 24-7 for soldiers in need of backup.
It is the duty of those on the list who are at that time available to send reinforcements.
This medkit is to be used I'm EMERGENCY situations only, except Ranking officers who may use the frequency to broadcast daily at their discretion.
You are required to announce in the group that you have received access when first being entered into the group, this will help with giving morale to the soldiers.
Well, at the time I was reading all these old philosophy books such as the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, The Art of War By Sun Tzu, as well as reading books on the Battle of Thermopylae.
And as I was reading, I figured that this was the history and wisdom of many people. So I figured if I went on a nofap journey that I would give myself a name to inspire me.
Thus I chose PathoftheSage, because whenever you think of a Sage, you think of someone with years of wisdom that you only hear about legends.
So basically I am holding myself to a high standard that I am going to accomplish.
The Power of Habit is really good book. We could definitely do that one. I actually had two books in mind also, The Six Pillars of Self-esteem and How to win friends and influence people, Two classics in the self-improvement world.
Hey Wolf223. I am! I've been reading lots of Herman Hesse recently.
Your reddit username is already influencing me, haha; i would reccomend "White Fang" by Jack London for a more light approach, and if you want to explore the self, i recommend, "Steppenwolf" from Hesse.
Could you recommend one for me too?
It's great for brainstorming and visualizing your ideas and thoughts.
If you're using Chrome, I suggest you check out the Mindmeister app: http://www.mindmeister.com/?r=169448
Another option is Mindmup! It's free and simple, and you can save your maps to google drive or export them as images or pdf! :D