if you read the fault codes, it should say which cylinder is misfiring. then, before buying anything, you can swap it to another cylinder and see if the fault code moves, then you know you got the right one. order a replacement. something like AL319 should be able to read the codes (= https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B007XE8C74 )
Just buy a floor protector like this: SALLOUS Desk Chair Mat, Gaming Chair Mat, Dining Mat, Floor Protection Mat, Extra Large Size 63.0 x 51.2 inches (160 x 130 cm), PVC, Antibacterial, Mildew Resistant, No Shifting, Thickness 0.06 inches (1.5 mm), Anti-Static, Tasteless, Odorless, Soft, Stylish, Scratch Prevention, Easy to Clean, Suitable for Floor Heating, Anti-Slip, x 5.0 inches (16 x 5.0 inches (16 inches ( https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B07YWST6H8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_KK2DN5VTGHV993D4GVJ5?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Best I've found is "束石". It's more generic, but a search will lead you to items like this.
You wanna be searching for ツーバイフォー束石 blocks mate, they came up on the search results for me. As to where you can buy them, I'm sure I've seen them in home and garden centers before, but it might just be hit-or-miss. Apparently, there are some on amazon but I can't speak to their quality.
as mc3301 says, i saw these pamphlets at home centers, so they are useful for small tasks. other than that I highly recommend checking out the local public library. I've seen tons of great diy books there. Have yet to see a book like the handyman (https://www.amazon.com/Complete-Yourself-Manual-Newly-Updated/dp/1621452018/ref=zg_bs_5361_9?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=G2BYPDVQ62WA4BZK59XH) here, but still very useful. One thing i noticed is that construction here is very similar to the US. So if you can't find anything, the handyman book still largely applies here as well.
European books which focus on stone houses are pretty different tho.
Also recommend "The Complete Japanese Joinery" (Amazon) for an English-language reference on this.
Keep in mind, termites are normally just below the house. If they are up high it's most likely wood worms (thats what a termite hunter here in Japan told us). Also check this book regarding general symmetry of japanese houses: https://www.amazon.com/Measure-Construction-Japanese-Contains-Sketches/dp/0804814929