I do!
These are super comfy!! And definitely help with the endo belly but I don't look or feel fat. high waisted yet has support and covers my scars and heating pad burns.
Edit: wear whatever you want sis!! If you want to wear a string bikini or a one piece, as long as you feel comfortable and beautiful!
Zofran (prescription needed). Peppermint tea and candied ginger. And sea-bands. link. A friend who sails recommended these and they do help (but not eliminate) nausea for me.
I hope one of these works for you!
Heard the same if it applies under 35 even when leaving one's ovaries but there's this on WebMD debunking it.
I am a bit wary of unprescribed supplements. My thoughts are that either they do have a significant effect, in which case they are essentially medicines which haven't yet had the same level of testing and regulation as regular medicines, or they don't have a significant effect, in which case they are sort of pointless.
The potentially active substance in evening primrose oil is gamma linolenic acid. This may slow blood clotting, so evening primrose oil shouldn't be taken by anyone with a bleeding disorder or in the weeks prior to surgery.
There are also potential interaction between evening primrose and various medications. See here for details: https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/evening-primrose/interactions/hrb-20059889
I'm not on any BC, so can't speak to that, but I'd definitely recommend emailing your gynes assistant and asking them to directly ask your gyne, that way you'll have peace of mind with your decision.
I've got an electric heating pad that has been lovely on my abdomen https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07X45W3W9/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_i_B4HS89EFCFMBX4ARK6QF?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Get some gas X, stool softeners, and some freezies for your throat 😊
I purchased these. I thought they worked well, just like the ones from the hospital. I have also washed them and worn them multiple times. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082DC5KRL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_3GP1XAW5TQGGXD6GR28M?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I'm dealing with this as well, but for me I'm always hopeful I'll be pregnant. I have confirmed endo, and I've been dealing with the symptoms for 20 years, but I still get surprised at how much my pre-period issues can line up with early pregnancy indicators.
I'm surprised they didn't automatically give you a pregnancy test at the Gyn's office. I can be on my period and they'll still do it.
One thing that has helped me with the scares is getting a huge pack of test strips so that I can do one (or more) a day without feeling like I'm throwing money away. Amazon has some really good deals. (Don't forget to have plastic cups on hand too!)
Also, have you tried a period tracker app? I am currently trying both Clue and My Calendar, to see which I prefer. They can help you track symptoms as well as your period, so you can see patterns. My Calendar also tracks temperature, which is a great indicator of different stages of your cycle.
Speaking from a DSPD perspective, avoiding blue light from electronic devices is important generally at night. If you're lying there in pain, reading on your phone is not going to do you any favors if you don't have some sort of setting to filter out the blue light (that said, the blue light filter on the iPhone really isn't very good IMO; I need to look into something better, since it's miles away from f.lux, which I use on my computer).
Tea can help I guess, but the best you can do is get some pain relief, if possible, because it's just so hard falling asleep in pain, unless you get to the point where you're just dead exhausted and ready to pass out. Other than that, your body may just need more time to recover from surgery until things go back to normal.
Endometriosis is a disease with a highly varied presentation, none of the symptoms are specific to endo and none are necessary for diagnosis as you can have severe endo with absolutely no symptoms at all.
Having said that, from what you have written here it doesn't seem hugely likely. To me it sounds more like Mittelschmerz: https://www.webmd.com/women/guide/mittelschmerz-pain#1
I recommend that you discuss this with your doctors.
In trying to head off a bowel obstruction, I've been on an incredibly unhealthy low fiber diet. I normally try to be very health conscious, and keeping up my fiber is a big part of that.
I never eat white bread or McDonalds when I don't worry about the obstructions. I'm a vegetarian so I won't eat meat. Egg Muffins and cream cheese bagels go down so easy and don't cause any pain.
I'm hoping it's over and I can have veggie soup again.
If you're dealing with pelvic pain and bloating everyday and need something that you can wear around and work through chores or whatever with, then I suggest the menstrual heating pad by voligo on amazon -amazon link.
It has an adjustable strap you can wear around your hips, it lasts for about 7 30 minute uses before you need to recharge, and the best function imo is it has a vibrating mode that almost completely relieves the bloating/swelling pain for me.
Right? I had no idea abdominal binders existed in the first place but after hearing about them and confirming the hospital wouldn't provide one I had a friend order me one off the HysterSisters website as they do not ship to here. Though with some searching I found Amazon sells the exact same but cheaper here so it was honestly great to have.
I pluck the thick dark hairs and use this to shave the others. I pluck everyday and shave every other day. These are the best razors, imo.
Peroxide the stain with cold water and then also dilute some soap in water and scrub and blot. but make sure to try and blot as much blood out first before cleaning. Look for enzyme cleaners too for stains (like the ones focused on pet cleanups of waste.
Also there are upholstery machines that clean couches and rugs etc. Could always try one of those.
But if you haven't already I buy hospital incontinence covers they look like big fabric squares (aka like a doggie pad) but are washable. They also sell at baby stores too.
I've been using them since I was like 12 and the hospital gave me some.
Here's just an example
Hello!!! I’ve got the same spots for pain and also feel they are all connected. I started physical therapy last week and apparently my posture is horrendous which i knew but ignored lol. I’m pretty much in a “c” shape at all times.
I have two heating pads that i use at the same time to hit multiple areas.
I also just got this hammock chair and have been living in it.
I am in the medical marijuana program for my state and have found it to be helpful for pain relief
Also have gel ice packs
I am hopeful for you! It's time to retrain your nervous system and a pelvic floor PT is a huge help. I also really recommend this book: https://www.amazon.ca/Why-Pelvic-Pain-Hurts/dp/0985718684 Helps explain why the pain can be so persistent and what you can do to sort of take the reins again. All the best to you!
This is really the smallest thing that probably won't make a huge difference, but if you have nausea, something like Quease Ease could help. Sometimes it really helps calm me down enough to get a few crackers down or move from one place to another.
I'm so sorry you're dealing with that pain, I hate that so many of us here can relate. :( I'm in the same boat with being unofficially diagnosed for the moment and can't deal with a lot of pain medication either. I hope so much that you find something that helps.
If you have really bad pain across your stomach and back, get yourself a cupping kit. I have one I use every other day, and it does me so much good.
What I do first it put a ton of lotion on my belly, then use a cup with only a little suction and slowly drag it across. After five minutes of that I use five or six cups and do a couple pumps of suction and let those sit for a few minutes before moving them to a different spot. Works pretty well. It feels even better if you take a hot bath or use a CBD product after you're done.
My old PT also recommended doing a few yoga poses at least once a day. I use some of these, along with Happy Baby and Child's Pose.
hey girl! i found these rechargable hot water things off amazon that i absolutely love. i call it my “waterbaby” and it’s basically the only thing that helps me besides straight up painkillers.
the downside is that it may not come in time for your trip- it does take a few weeks or so for delivery. you’d also need an adapter to charge it from a cigarette lighter if you do take it on trips (one that lets you plug a normal wall plug in) but it might help you when you do get it!
there’s some similar items from other sellers, but i can’t personally vouch for any of them. i’m just fond of my “waterbaby” because it’s a good weight (not too heavy, just a nice, comforting, almost “kitten curled in your lap” feel), i can charge it again as soon as i feel it’s too cold, and it doesn’t look suuuper weird. i take mine to my boyfriend’s apartment all the time and am able to use it kind of in front of people and not be too embarassed (i can’t imagine using one of the big flat heating pads plugged into the wall while trying to chat with his friends who drop by suddenly and unannounced).
Seamless underwear, I am usually a size Medium but I purchased a size bigger due to swelling etc, it doesn't have any bands which is a blessing on the cuts.
Here's an amazon link to the ones i bought a couple months back: https://www.amazon.com/Wealurre-Seamless-Underwear-Invisible-Spandex/dp/B076ZXVWHN
You can request tests to rule out other options, which doctors usually like to do first anyway.
I also encourage you to keep a pain log. Believe it or not, it helps doctors see the trends in your experiences. There are smart phone apps that help, and chart things for your doctor.
Jumping into a lap - while it can confirm endo - may be something you want to try after you rule out similar diseases and have some data from your journal to support you.
The waiting to check on the other things can suck, but it really does help.
Bless you! You are so strong - got that goddess energy!! All is fresh and probably overwhelming - know you can come here for the love and support you need!!
For me this ointment helped me heal post Lap, wounds looking a lil rough through the process too though I can see the new healing happening and it helped my bruising a lot!! Amazon - Dr. Christopher’s
Our bodies are amazing and given rest and needed things we can heal!! I only put it around the surrounding area until my glue came off. Also I took the capsules round the clock ( I needed to stop the pain meds early due to being allergic) I would say that just the ointment if your are taking meds should be good though I liked the thought of having “more internal” healing too! Sending that good healing your way!!
Could you use a portable heating pad like this? It works very well and can get toasty! It's a decent size. I wear mine out and under my clothes. https://www.amazon.com/Cordless-Sunbeam-Heating-Standard-Charger/dp/B08HR4RT4P/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=14KZL79TH45ZD&keywords=sunbeam+portable+heating+pad&qid=1670444617&sprefix=sunbeam+port%2Caps%2C176&sr=8-4&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fo...
They also make a USB version, but I haven't tried it yet.
Jumping in to say Sunbeam also makes one with a power bank! :) It gets pretty darn toasty too. I have two of them so I can keep one on the charger while wearing one. I've also seen them in store at Target.
I'm recovering from mine, currently. The things that got me through were these (you can try to get some from the hospital too, I think it depends)
FridaBaby Frida Mom Disposable underwear
they were comfy and I didn't feel like my pad was going to get loose. they pulled up past my incisions and never tugged or irritated me.
I also had stool softeners and started them about a week prior.
a lidded cup with a bendy straw (sitting up is uncomfortable for the first few days)
if you take any regular meds, a daily pill container system helped me recall what I needed to take
a soft thin pillow to put between your body and the seat belt on the way home.
That might be about all I needed. the first few days were kind of awful, I was kept overnight because of intense nausea but I don't think it's so bad for everyone.
They're made by "nature made" if you're in the states you can get them here (amazon) Nature Made Fiber 6 g, Dietary Supplement for Digestive Health Support, 90 Fiber Gummies, 30 Day Supply https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00O2VQJSA/ref=cm_sw_r_apanp_PcWvAbn2Qnzqe
I do believe there is a connection with mind and body. I haven’t read this book yet but I’ve heard a lot of great things and it sounds like you may enjoy it too: The Body Keeps the Score
THIS has been a life saver! Just got it this month and it has a 10ft cord and its extra large! 12x24”! I’m a big woman and it still gets hip to hip and when I need other relief i can wrap and get my back and wrap it around my hip too!
Hey OP and anyone looking for electric heating pad recommendations! THIS is phenomenal! Low Med and High setting, med gets HOT and two hour shut off timer never failed me yet!
Absorbent Bikini Brief: Super... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09F5N2M1H?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Best. Purchase. Ever. I really wish they had these back when I was a teenager. I combine this with the Diva Cup, and they are designed to cover all the way to the front, and all the way to the back (butt crack and all). No more pads, no more tampons, no more stained bedsheets or clothes since I got these.
Read The Doctor Will See You Now
This was an eye opener to help me understand my wife and her disease.
I am so sorry you have experienced SA. I am a victim too. Apparently there is a huge overlap of women who have endo and have been victims of SA.
The cramping can 100% be a response to trauma. My pelvic floor was constantly tight and had issues related to SA.
You might want to check out this book The Body Keeps Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma. You can probably get a copy from the library too, if you don't want to buy it.
Ok, yes that definitely sounds like you could have vestibulodynia! If you've had it as long as you remember, I wonder if it's congenital neuroproliferative vestibulodynia. I had a vestibulectomy to treat it and that helped. Pelvic floor PT also helped, but it helped way more after I treated the underlying vestibulodynia via surgery. I know it's a lot to deal with endo on top of that. Feel free to message any time. The book When Sex Hurts is a good place to start though! It explains the connection with the belly button pain.
i got these to wear after my hyster and they're amazing. just tight enough to not fall off, but soft enough to not feel
I've been having great luck with these. They're mostly cotton and dense enough I don't feel like the only thing people can see are my panty liners. Pockets suck if course but they've almost completely replaced all my pants now.
SunnyBay Heat Patches for Pain Relief - Heat Therapy Patch, 30-Pack – Air-Activated Disposable Pack, Adhesive Heating Pad for Shoulder, Neck, Back, Menstrual, & Knee, 3.5x5 in. https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B018HUQ4C2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_ZYQQNNMPNFA41DF3EW2J?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
These are my fave for on the go!!
I've recently had a lot of success and pain being almost non existing with a 10 day parasite cleanse. There's a deep connection between parasites and Endo that you can research on. I WI add the link to the cleanse I did. Good to do 3 in a row.
I'm attaching a link to the 10 day parasite cleanse I did and will attach another link to the podcast that delves deep into the connection between Endo and parasites.
I’m not sure if they ship to the UK but I’ve been using various Bed Buddy heat pack products for years. The Bed Buddy Back Wrap has an adjustable strap with velcro! It’s filled with herbs, grains, and flowers and you heat it in the microwave for a few minutes to activate them. It has a scent to it, but I personally don’t think it smells bad, and it is definitely better than a sulfury smell. It’s a little bulky but I’ve hidden it under baggy clothes before.
Here’s a link to one that’s on sale on Amazon right now: BedBuddyBackWrapHeatPad-MicrowaveableHeatingPad-MoistHeatingPadandColdPackforBackPain,BackPain,NeckPain,MusclePain
So I went looking for it, and I can’t seem to find it on Amazon anymore 😭 which is upsetting because my cat actually broke mine and I had planned on buying another one for the summer. Anyway I found this fan that is the closest to what I had. It looks like the only difference is where the light is located which wouldn’t impact what you need it for.
get one of these pillows because it'll be hard to sit up alone for a few days. maybe you could stay overnight, too, since you'll be alone.
>Definitely worth a try if you can afford to get a TENS unit.
They're so much less expensive than they used to be
I bought a cheapie like this one for $20 and it's been a lifesaver
You might look at an endo specific diet. There are a couple different ones rather than one universal one.
You could also look up the AIP diet or autoimmune protocol diet.
I have heard that gluten can irritate some people, so it could be that the pancake is making things worse.
Here is one such diet. https://smile.amazon.com/dp/077880562X/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_6D0Y7KACG1QKWFTVZMAJ
So there’s two brands I use one is without alcohol
Cramp Bark Tincture Alcohol-Free Liquid Extract, Organic Cramp Bark (Viburnum Opulus) Dried Bark (2 FL OZ) https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07116GTSN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_DD7TPYBV4BC38RHYQ82F?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 And one has alcohol
Herb Pharm Cramp Bark Extract for Musculoskeletal Support - 1 Ounce (DCRAMP01) https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B0016B7TC4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_DX94E815JGH6XH40QYA7
They both work! One is organic and one isn’t! One says it’s more potent , the organic one but I started with the regular cramp bark tincture.
You take 1 dropper full wait about 20-30 minutes and then if still have pain take another dropper full. It works a lot like Tylenol for me. It works really fast. When I first tried it I didn’t notice a difference but that’s because I didn’t take enough of it. It does have a strong bitter taste which is less noticeable when it’s non alcoholic tincture.
As far as cannabis, if you are having a bad pain flare consider edibles. Start with 5 mg. If it doesn’t work next time consider 7.5 or 10 mg. That should really help but some people need up to 15-20. Just start low and go slow. For my worst pain I take edibles because smoking doesn’t really relieve major pain for me though if I am looking for something to relieve pain I do recommend a strong indica.
Hope you find something that helps
i got mine from walgreens for like 30ish dollars and it’s very similar to this. probably the best thing i’ve bought aside from my cooling sheets and comforter (i have a v annoying heat intolerance and night sweats)
And a third recommendation that just came to me 😂: Hydro Seal Bandaids
You’ll have for 1/2” wounds. One is in your bellybutton, so you can’t do much for one, but for the others I don’t recommend bandaids because they’ll fall off, they can let dirt in, and there are truly just better options, like hydro seal bandaids (linked below). These are commonly use for blisters but I use them for all my cuts. When you get home and have your first rest, make sure you keep an eye on your wounds and keep them clean. I’d remove the butterfly bandages they send you home in, clean the dried blood, then put a hydro seal bandaid on it. They keep moisture out, they won’t fall off, and they maintain a sanitary and safe environment for your wound to heal with minimal scarring. Keep this on until your post op check in. You’ll thank me later! My doctor was impressed that used these (which I had originally done because I’m allergic to the adhesive used in my normal bandaids).
A second recommendation I just thought of: ice pack. There’s a link to the one I use below. They’ll give you a temporary one when you leave the hospital, but the ice helps tremendously with the pain and tenderness. The one I recommended wraps around your body so it stays in place, and it comes with two ice packs so you aren’t without one waiting for it to get cold again.
Do you have animals? If so, I’d recommend getting one of those trays with fold out legs that help you eat in bed. This isn’t to eat in bed though. Your stomach is going to feel like you did 10,000 sit ups and ripped your abdomen muscles. You don’t want cats or dogs jumping on you, walking across your body, or sleeping on you. If you’re a belly sleeper it’ll be a a bit before you’ll be able to sleep your stomach again.
I would keep the tray set up over my stomach area when I slept. It’s convenient too to keep snacks and drinks so you don’t have to lean over to bedside table (because that also activates those tender core muscles that have been cut through in the surgery).
Best of luck and wishing you a speedy recovery!!
Dual Channel TENS EMS Unit 24... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07Q32KX3J?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
This is the one I have, it works great and I’ve bought other replacement pads that are XXL so I can do back and front at the same time
Dual Channel TENS EMS Unit 24... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07Q32KX3J?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
This is the one I have, it works great and I’ve bought other replacement pads that are XXL so I can do back and front at the same time
SATINA Palazzo Pants for Women - Buttery Soft High Waisted Flare Pants - Leggings Available in 16 Colors https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074CLXNTG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_6FPNNCM4YV4AR6DV92H7?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
These are my fav go to bloat pants!
Ok so I only have my personal experience to share. I used a cbd cream once and really liked it thinking the cbd was doing something. What really was happening was the capsaicin in the lotion was doing something. There wasn't enough cbd in that lotion to be doing a damn thing. You can get capsaicin lotion for the cheap at walmart/walgreens etc. I also learn that hip flexor stretching can help. There are streching guides on yt. Now I have done these streches in literally tears on the floor wanting to throw up because of the pain. But it did help just a little bit. Also there are xxl size heating pads (go for the "wet" heat kind) the one I have has a safety style one switch lol. https://www.amazon.com/BT055EA-Thermophore-Classic-Deep-Heat-Standard/dp/B005HEZSPQ/ref=mp_s_a_1_13?crid=3RMTSMSJ7D7IK&keywords=thermophore+moist+heating+pad&qid=1648417302&sprefix=thermophore%2Caps%2C279&sr=8-13
It's no joke gets super hot. As for pain meds I have no help. I'm on orilissa at this point and looking at surgery. I hope this helps!
Easy@Home EHE009 TENS Handheld Electronic Pulse Massager Unit, Health Canada, OTC for Home Use, Pain Relief therapy Device - a portable Muscle Stimulator for Electrotherapy Pain Management | Pain Relief on the Shoulder, Waist, Joint, Back, Arm,Leg … https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00O9P2VLI/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_YZWZ8FR4Q4BTVM5M94YC
I’m in Canada but I’m assuming it’s on the other country stores as well!
I’ve had chronic nausea too, it’s the worst. I have been taking Unisom and B6 to help, and then on really bad days I cut up a Promethazine (prescription) and take some of that. Promethazine is also a sedative so if I take too much it makes me sleep. I’m actually pregnant now but I started this regimen before finding that out.
For moments when I can’t eat but know I need to I like to drink Orgain nutritional drinks. They taste like chocolate milk to me. I also drink a lot of ginger ale, suck on UpSpring stomach settle drops, and when I can’t focus on anything but the nausea I’ll use an ice pack on my head. I had one doctor tell me complex carbs like oatmeal and peas help with nausea too. Zofran (prescription) never worked for me but everyone is different so you could ask to try that as well. I also recently bought Sea-Band armbands but I couldn’t tell you if those help because my nausea has been under control lately from the Unisom + B6.
Sorry for the information overload. I’ve been dealing with nausea for years now and I’ve tried so many things so I am just passing what has worked for me along.
Would I recommend it? Ehhhh….it’s not bad but it’s not amazing either. My hips are a wider compared to my waist, so the strap keeps moving up and the heating portion doesn’t sit over my very low pelvic region, but that may not be a problem for you. If you get this make sure to wear a layer underneath the heating pad since it gets pretty hot (which is actually really nice on my worst days). The battery itself lasts about 2-3 hours for me depending on the heat setting, but the part I like about this is that it’s thin enough it’s pretty discreet if worn under a loose dress or shirt
Gonna try commenting again. We use a strap like the one in the link below to keep the beds from moving apart when we do cuddle.
FeelAtHome Strap for Twin Beds - Twin to King Bed Mattress Joiner Converter, Twin Connector for Converting Split Twins or Twin XL to King | 33ft Long Connecting Belt Strap Convert Twin Beds into King https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N4KK0NI/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_6MPAC06QPHCBBBFERZEB?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
A tip if you decide to do two separate beds: we bought a strap like this one to keep the beds from moving apart when we do snuggle.
My hormones are not perfect but they are MUCH better on Prometrium. You just need to get it from a compounding pharmacy. My dr regularly checks my estrogen/progesterone ratio. Ideally it should be 100-500 and the best mine has ever been is 94. I’m hoping it gets into the 100-500 range after surgery.
Congratulations on working out and all your progress! I didn’t know that about estrogen either but it’s helpful to know. Yes! organic passionflower extract, the alcohol free kind, is what I take! Also here’s a link to the antioxidant blend! It does contain a very small amount of caffeine from the green tea extract (15 mg) but it doesn’t bother me at all. I can’t even tell it’s there. I take it in the morning. Here’s the link NOW Supplements, Super Antioxidants with Herbal Extracts and a Broad Spectrum of Flavonoids, 120 Veg Capsules https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B0013OXK8Q/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_990CAYFWRGYSC1V4EATD?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
These are the ones I use and I recommend them to everyone I know who gets BV or yeast infections. They’re potent, kill infections in 1-3 days, and the capsule dissolves really well. I recommend putting it in overnight and wearing a liner. Most of the contents will be gone a few hours after waking up
NutraBlast Boric Acid Vaginal Suppositories - 100% Pure Made in USA - Boric Life Intimate Health Support (30 Count) https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07212DK9F/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_WSFJ96W3Q7EFAQ47YQ9S?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This is the skirt I have it black or grey. CHARLES RICHARDS CR Women's High Waist A-line Flared Long Skirt Winter Fall Midi Skirt https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LXCSZRX/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_2QVQT8XMGKT6NTJ22EHD?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I’ve sized it down/up over the years. Just fold over the waist and sew it down. Or rip the seam when you need the space again.
I'd like to ask, did you get pulling or tagging pain as a result of the adhesions? Also, did you find anything that helped with your pain? Thank you so much for sharing your story with us, and also this is what we prescribe to patients at my hospital after their throats are sore post surgery: https://www.amazon.com/Chloraseptic-Throat-Spray-Berries-Bottle/dp/B001LFCYLQ
I like Comfort Choice briefs. They're mostly a plus size brand, so they start at underwear size 7 (same as a Hanes/Fruit of the Loom 7), so they might be too big for some. But they are the biggest granny panties to ever granny panty. Above the belly button. Lots of rear coverage, good at staying put even on my wedgie-prone butt that feels like it's eating most underwear. And they're 100% cotton.
I have a soothing heartbeat plushy for dogs that I don't need. My last dog had bad anxiety and LOVED to snuggle it, but the dog I have now just thinks it's a chew toy (so I've put it away). Would you like it?
Thank you! I'm 24 weeks now. So far so good. It's hard to believe sometimes.
I used this box of ovulation test strips, which includes pregnancy tests as well: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YXRVBMW/ref=cm_sw_r_apanp_pyYh6Zji2Vvji
And this BBT thermometer: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07S463JTG/ref=cm_sw_r_apanp_n7jDN5BYHzsUQ
The test strips tell you when your LH rises, which indicates when you are probably about to ovulate. Your BBT confirms if you have ovulated because afterwards your temperature suddenly rises by about half a degree. Your BBT drops again when you're about to get your period, but it stays elevated if you are pregnant. If your cycle doesn't behave that way right off the bat, know that it's totally normal for it to be a little wonky for a few months after going of BC. But definitely talk to your doctor if you're worried about anything.
Something to keep in mind is that there are multiple presentations (how it looks) of endo in your abdomen. My endo lesions for example were practically clear (like this) and even though my surgeon spotted them and we confirmed they were endo through lab tests she was pretty sure she hadn't removed all the lesions since they are so hard to spot.
It is important to see a surgical specialist who knows a lot about endo so you can be really sure that nothing has been missed. I would also check to see if your doctor sent any samples that they took during your surgery to the lab for testing.
You are not alone! My right side is the same. I second going and taking your diet really seriously. I did an elimination diet because my gyno+ urologist wanted to isolate the pains. I have some IC-type damage because of a bad surgery from a cystburst and being able to really tell what is hurting me helps! I journal everything in Notion (https://www.notion.so/?r=66e798702574451385c95902a7f09d17) and it lets me correlate my weekly meal planning with journal entries. It helps trying to be thoughtful and pay attention to how your pains are, what types of movements/contractions/“life stabs”/“tension cords” you are experiencing. Let’s me know what’s period, diet or just terrible Endo days. Doesn’t take all the pain away but it helps! Good luck! Stay strong!
I came across this book when I was at my wit's end trying to find things to help with the pain and inflammation (about 10 years ago). Some of the descriptions sounded exactly like my issues. So I tried it out, minus all the supplements they try to get you to buy, and when I reintroduced foods is when I figured out my issue with soy.
i got this one a few months ago and it's great. i like the acupuncture modes. it's also great for the lower back/neck cramps i get from sitting at a desk all day.
NURSAL TENS EMS Unit Upgraded 24 Modes Muscle Stimulator with 16 Electrode Pads, Rechargeable Electronic Massager for Pain Relief & Muscle Therapy with Storage Pouch/Lanyard https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XXHLS75/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_XZCVEZJNH0RYHVGYR0Z9?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Got this one from Amazon two years ago works like a charm
Not sure if they’re able to be shipped to Canada but here are the two heating pads I use. One is a portable Fanny pack style one and one is a regular heating pad.
This gets very hot even at the first setting. Has vibrations but I don’t use it because it’s loud and doesn’t help me personally. It lasts about an hour, maybe an hour and a half of continuous use.
This one is pricy. The clicker on this one lets it get hot until you let go of it. Be careful not to fall asleep with it on. Definitely probably a fire hazard but it’s my absolute fav
Bolivelan Women's Invisible Seamless Hipster Panties Mid-Rise No Show Laser Cut Brief Underwear Pack of 6 https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07QV4GC8P/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_HPG173CKDFAETE4H9PT6?psc=1
These ones are the only undies I can wear right now. Just make sure you follow to size guide.
High waisted cotton undies from Amazon. Limited-time deal: wirarpa Women's High Waisted Cotton Underwear Ladies Soft Full Briefs Panties Multipack https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0772WJ8XY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_dl_FC0G6XN6JB73XVJD0BGH?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I just recently upgraded mine because mine is an old cheap Walmart unit. After spending too much time researching heating pads I finally ended up on this one. So far I really like it. Originally I wanted something wireless but I couldn't find one that met the criteria I was looking for. This one doesn't have an auto shutoff like most heating pads do and it has 3 heating settings. The highest gets SUPER hot, I often have to turn it down to medium and trust me, I LOVE being torched alive.
I love this one! The moist heat feels better to me like it gets in deeper (similar to the clay heating pads they used at my PT place). It also gets super hot up to 167 F. It’s helped me a lot.
Extra Large Moist Heating Pad with Auto Shut Off for Cramps and Back Pain by ThermoRelief - Extra Hot Medical Grade Digital Electric Pad - King Size https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07M79KXKB/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_D9rNUQct6Eakg
I LOVE our squatty potty. We have two. One is the original you listed but I actually prefer this adjustable one, I like having my legs higher.
I used this set and liked them. Also used a diva cup and thinx (together or separate depending on day) They are a little warm and bulky but a good alternative to disposables.
Teamoy 10Pcs Sanitary Pad, Reusable Washable Cloth Menstrual Pads/Panty Liners with Wet Bag, Super-Absorbent, Soft and Comfortable(3pcs×7.9"+4pcs×10"+3pcs×11.6") https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078S6KRX2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_glt_fabc_AHPE5CCY7YXRCC5MAWGA?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Here is what I got and i love it so much it made life a lot easier!! just remember to air it out 48hrs before on a flat surface! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MW65LG6/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_1DST29JEA33DBZTVSRJS
I rely on two Thermalon, the big ones. I microwave mine for 1min30sec and it really helps take my pain away. When it's bad, I'll microwave both and have one on my pelvis and one of my lower back.
Edit: https://www.amazon.com/Thermalon-Microwave-Activated-Shoulder-Abdomen/dp/B000E59GTW
This is my number 1. Can’t recommend it enough: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08QZK68BY/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_apip_iyBlDPAaZ2WRK My fave thing about it is the wide range of timer settings. I always worry about getting burnt in those times that I can’t sleep without the help and being able to set it to 30 min reassures me that it will turn off soon after I’ve fallen asleep.
I got this brand for myself & my spouse for our last vacation, and absolutely love them. Cute and comfy.
I had gallbladder surgery a month ago and what helped me heal faster and stop the tramadol , was a medicine called traummel. It’s from a German laboratory and was recommended by a doctor friend of my dad. I have that medicine to my kid when he got his tonsils out and 3 days later he was all good, no pain killers needed at all on his case. traumeel
I got this off of Amazon! It works both as a heating pad or Ice pack, cute as hell & smells like lavender. It’s heavier too, I personally like the weight of it and works well.
Hot and Cold Large Gel Bead Pack by FOMI Care | 20” x 12” | Ice Therapy for Back, Shoulder, Knee, Thigh Pain Relief | Premium Reusable, Oversized Wrap and Compress | Freezable, Microwaveable https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B081PT1Z9Y/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_2PHPT73HDP8BD14WEG99?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
It sounds a little random but I HIGHLY recommend a bidet. I had a few extra stitches below and that little invention saved me. Nothing fancy either, simple little travel one can do the trick.
I work with and and I am often chasing/running/ lifting/ jumping around with them. I normally wear it with scrubs, but it’s easy to fit into your front pocket and hide the little bit of wire between your pockets and your body with a long shirt or an apron. I hope this helps!!
Belifu Dual Channel TENS EMS Unit 24 Modes Muscle Stimulator for Pain Relief Therapy, Electronic Pulse Massager Muscle Massager with 10 Pads, Dust-Proof Drawstring Storage Bag,Fastening Cable Ties… https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07Q32KX3J/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_0HE7YP2V482TD3WKJHME?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
You are most welcome! The one I bought is currently unavailable but I found one from the same company. The unit will fit in the palm of your hand.
I recommend the book Come As You Are. I can't guarantee that it will be one-way ticket to Sex Drive Town, but it may help you understand libido, how to deal with mismatched sex drives, and more.
I was going to suggest this also. https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B001O4CS7E/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_CKFT51NBRB0P6X4D0H81
This is the brand I use. (Nippies- in case the link doesn't work). They are non-adhesive so you can use them over and over. Your body heat makes them stick.
Yes. Same here. I’ve cried from sports bra and rib pain.
Two suggestions:
Perfect for no bra and nipple hiding!
Hollywood Fashion Secrets Silicone Coverups, Hypoallergenic, Reusable, Washable, Gentle on Skin, Ultra Thin, Self Adhesive, Light Shade, 1 Pack https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01J4AWF6S/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_BCVCXM5HQA3PCC507HQQ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This is my favorite bra. I have like 7-8 of them. So comfy. I ditched the underwire during lockdown but like have something supportive.
Amazon or I think I got mine at just a CVS or Walgreens. This one is fancier than the one I got 10 years ago but it has great reviews. There are also wireless models and some different ideas here as well.
My cycle is currently like this. I don't bleed very much because of the birth control. I generally get cramps and low back pain starting about week before my period officially starts. The cramps come and go and then come back again when the bleeding starts.
For back pain, my tens unit is a life saver. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00O7CM12W/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apap_qWXeTsiJqGYKr
This is the one I have. I use the pads mostly on my low back, and legs. You can supposedly use it for cramps in the front, but personal don't find that helpful.
For belly pain I see my gastro for IBS (that may have been cause by Endo 🤷♀️) Several of my prescriptions really help, so I would suggest seeing a gastro. Over the counter recommendations would be heating pads, anti acids, easy to digest food, and anything to help with nausea. Ibprophen can mess up your stomach, so keep an eye on how much you take and if you notice stomach pain after taking it. I can no longer take any NSAIDs because of this. Sometimes taking herbal leg cramping medications help
I also using a CBD cream/balm for both back pain and cramps. MuscleMX is currently my favorite brand to buy from.
I hope some of this helps
I can't stand any amount of pressure on my abdomen when I'm having a flare, and underwear especially drive me crazy. I recently found these Fruit of the Loom bikinis by chance - usually I stick to cotton but I was looking for something a bit smoother for under dress pants. Anyway, I love these so much that I wear them everyday now - absolutely no pressure from the waistband and they are so comfy!
Hysterectomy Seatbelt Pillow with Pocket for Cervical Cancer Uterine fibroids Abdominal Surgery Abdomen Healing Protector Organ Transplants C-Section Recovery Car Seat Belt Pad (Sunflower) https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07YW4ZTC6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_30FA3ZFHPZKJGRD8K728?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Another option for anyone who's lube-shopping, I absolutely swear by this lube: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N1PWKE8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_5BA7J6WGKB53R52KHWM9
I'm also a cam model, though I've stopped using toys for work because I just had too many issues from my endo getting worse, so I keep any downstairs activity to a minimum and on personal time. Back when I was still using toys for work, good lube was crucial. I literally went to my local sex shop and bought a travel-size bottle of every water-based lube that was free of parabens and glycerin. This one was the winner. It feels EXACTLY like my natural lube, and doesn't get sticky when it starts to dry like some water-based lubes do. I've tried Sliquid too, and it's pretty good, but it doesn't have that "wow, this feels like the real thing" factor.
This is the brand my PFPT uses and I didn't have any issues with it so I got some for at home: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07BFQLV42/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_ACXKYWP9682DZ97B4S16
it's actually pretty cheap for lube and I have yet to have a reaction to it and it does lubricate instead of just getting sticky
This supplement works wonders to get you wet .. I hope it helps. Sorry you're dealing with all this
Fuck yes it does. About a year before I was diagnosed I was always bloated, cycling between diarrhea and constipation, sluggish, etc etc etc. I had been wanting to do a whole 30 type reset, but my boss had just been diagnosed with a candida infection and was really upset about the diet she had to go on so I said I would so that diet with her too. I felt SO MUCH BETTER. No sugar, carbs, or dairy. I didn’t worry so much about some of the fungus related items like cashews, pistachios, and mushrooms but I was really strict about the rest. I’m going to try low fodmaps soon because I’ve realized bread isn’t so big a deal but stuff like brown rice will leave me nauseated and bloated for days. Sugar and dairy are big triggers now though.
I got this book on Amazon that talks a lot about SIBO, candida, fodmaps, paleo, and keto. It also stresses not triggering disordered eating habits and maintaining a healthy relationship with food which I think is really important.
Hey I took a peek through your profile and noticed you also suffer from migraines? If you don’t mind, I found Dr. Stanton’s Fighting the Migraine Epidemic to be life-changing and wanted to share in case you were interested:
Fighting The Migraine Epidemic: A Complete Guide: How To Treat & Prevent Migraines Without Medicine https://www.amazon.com/dp/154697637X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_NQDW73MF3R71W46Y55EG
I have one like this from Amazon, and I love it! It has timed and heat settings which are great. This is the one that I got Weighted Heating Pad, Comfytemp... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08DV4VXS8?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share