I've read The Art of War about seven times. I don't think it says what you believe it says.
I'm just waiting, and have waited for a long, long time for ONE, just one, Paulinian to show he even has a clue about Austrian economics.
Hasn't happened yet.
If you understand a thing, you can state it in your own words. Then it's a nice touch to link to something to back up what you say. But, Paulies don't do that. They say "Go read Mises". I've read Mises, and I laughed until I cried. Then I read Mises with a group, and we all laughed until we cried.
Austrian economics is based on, well, about the same amount of solid evidence as Ancient Aliens and Astrology. It bases its whole principle on the era of the horrendous Hapsburgs and some psycho babble about how, if a society is entirely unregulated, only the "best" will rise and they, these supermen, will save us all. It will all be just like in Atlas Shrugged (easily the worst book ever written by anyone at anytime anywhere), and Galt will come and "START THE ENGINES OF THE WORLD".
Throughout history, without regulating factors, the crooks, liars, cheats and psychopaths have been the ones to prosper and impose endless suffering on others in the name of the goodness that is unbridled greed. Austrian economics is the rationalization of sociopaths, like Rothbard, who wants to see a future where you're free to starve your children because "you own you". And from there, he envisions a free and open baby market. It's nonsense; it's sick, and it's barbaric.
One can draw a line from Hamilton to Hume to Keynes, and these are the men who've delivered a sound plan of a mixed economy. There will always need to be corrections and a resetting of the basic principles; but, it's a mixed economy that works. Always has been.
This pure "magic hand of the free-market" bullshit is just that. Bullshit. It's the stuff of bad novels.
10 seconds of googling would have revealed this. A few minutes with google would have confirmed it.
A 'unit rule' would be if there were 10 delegates who supported Ron Paul from a state, and 90 delegates who supported Mitt Romney, and the state had a rule that forced the 10 Paul supporters to vote for Romney, because more of the delegates supported him.
That is the only thing being prohibited. Ben Swann is just a liar or an idiot of fantastic proportions.
Here's a challenge for you, find me one online poll Ron Paul supporters haven't gamed and spammed the hell out of
I'll wait for your answer.
There are other uses for that word. I still tend to think of it as a fishing term.
Slang To patrol an area in search for someone or something.
Oh god, I had forgot about motherfucking Steorn.
I remember when they first announced, they hit the right media outlets, and everyone was buzzing about it. But it was so clear that everyone needed to be skeptical, and they kept insisting... and then they said this or that went wrong, and they'd show it off shortly after fixing...etc etc... and went into obscurity.
Mother fucking Steorn. Eight years later, still no perpetual motion. Someone must have finished their basic course in physics.
"Fuck, guys, guys... I've got bad news. My physics professor says this ain't gonna work."
"What if we added more swingy crap to the design."
"No... just... no."
"Should we tell people?"
"Oh god no... bitches be investing capital already."
EDIT: It's worse than I thought -
>On 1 April 2010 Steorn opened an online development community, called the Steorn Knowledge Development Base (SKDB), which they said would explain their technology. Access is available only under licence on payment of a fee.
Did someone ask about Ron Paul in connection with mine investments?
Ron Paul's Investment Portfolio, by Tim Iacono - Seeking Alpha (7/10/08)
' His campaign for the Republican Presidential nomination may not have gone as he had hoped, but Ron Paul's investment portfolio has progressed nicely since he began his bid for higher office.
' Late last year, the Texas Congressman's financial disclosure was summarized here (courtesy of data from OpenSecrets.org) and it seemed like a good idea to follow up and see how it has done.
Not too shabby as it turns out. '
And, I cannot find some of the other examples (that one was easy because "Viserys Targaryen" hasn't come up in EPS more than that one time, I don't think), but there have been many times the condescending pricks tell people to "read a book" and link to one of Paul's pieces of trash or they tell you to read Mises. For some reason, they seem to think saying the name "Ludwig von Mises" makes them sound really, really smart.
I remember one of them telling me that "The Art of War" was the best guide to economics and that I should try reading. It's just bizarre. Really, really bizarre.
Alright, I found this, but all the videos there have been removed. Perhaps there is a "conspiracy" going on here after all - just not who you'd expect to be doing it.
> It could be anything, but for this purpose I will use the price of a barrel of oil.
And what precisely would the point of that be? If I want oil, why not use my money to pay for oil with my paycheck?
> No matter what the FED does, your salary will always be able to buy the same amount of Oil.
If the employer is willing to guarantee me that I will always be able to buy X barrels of oil, then why not just have a contract that says, "Employer agrees to pay the monetary equivalent of X barrels of oil." We can do that [i]right now.[/i] Why do we need to end the Fed to get there? Why do we need to create competing currencies?
> Nowadays, it's illegal to do that, you can't for example negotiate contracts in other terms than the dollar.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_community_currencies_in_the_United_States http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Is_it_legal_to_barter_for_goods_in_the_US
Here's what you can't do: 1) Create currency designed to mimic and create confusion with US currency, ala Liberty Dollars. 2) Force your employees to accept company tokens that are only good for the company store, ala Truck Laws. 3) Create your own currency for the sake of evading taxes by printing out fake bucks on your computer and trying to convince the IRS that it's somehow valid.
> Also, I've simplified for practical purposes
And by "practical purposes," what you really mean is "woefully impractical in any way."
> but for the real world you would need a more complex and all inclusive index so your compensation is not based on 1 item alone.
And again, what would the point of that be?
You know, Buzzfeed is kind of terrible for always farming Reddit for content, but they actually have a couple of really in-depth Paul Fest articles that outline the hilarity:
>Ron was magnificent as usual. Just love listening to him !
Dear Leader is Love! Dear Leader is Life! Shower me with your Liberty^tm ! Dear Leader! Dear Leader!
Edit Panoramic view of the countless minorities in attendance to listen to Dear Leader.
From what I can dig up he is pointing to Schreiber Distributing Co. v. Serv-Well Furniture Co. as case law regarding giving the Plaintiff an opportunity to amend their argument even if the Plaintiff doesn't ask for it.
From the Court of Appeals opinion: > >We must decide whether the district court erred in dismissing the RICO claims and abused its discretion in failing to grant plaintiff leave to amend the complaint. We reverse and remand with instructions.
He is using this case law as his basis for not dismissing the case outright and giving Gilbert a chance to amend his argument.
I watched the video and it's pretty bad: http://www.buzzfeed.com/mckaycoppinsrosiegray/prominent-ron-paul-supporter-muses-about-assassina
As a libertarian I have to say that this is absolutely horrible and even contemplating such a thing violates everything we stand for. Fuck this guy. I'm glad the RP campaign disavowed Kokesh a long time ago because he's clearly lost it.
Every few years, something like this comes up. Example from 1972:
i also hear nuggets of crazy catch a pretty penny on the market
Oh, I love both of those works; it's just that I'm pretty sure the Paulinian that was throwing around the name had never actually read it or, if he had, did not fully comprehend it. In fact I have The Art of War on my phone; it's a fascinating work as is "The Prince". Still, they are not a guide to twenty-first century economics. That's a little out there, don't you think? And, how does Paul ... ? Oh, it's all too crazy -- the dots they connect.
>goose bumps ed! Bravo. Your poem made me feel the same way I did when I read Chapter 13 of "Think and Grow Rich". Everyone should check it out, starting at page 212: http://www.sacred-texts.com/nth/tgr/tgr13.htm
Actually it is a pretty fun bar, I guess it was an official mens only club way back in the day when that was popular. Now this is the only outpost left: https://www.facebook.com/liarsclubchicago . It's at Clybourn and Fullterton in downtown Chicago.
"Scientology itself doesn't openly support political candidates or parties. But the Paul supporters and the Scientologists seemed a natural fit with each other; both groups seek higher knowledge; both face a degree of hostility and scorn from the mainstream."
I'll just leave this right here: Republic of Minerva to Rise from the Sea - The London Observer (2/14/72)
And this too: Paulville: the town where rightwingers will be free - The Guardian (4/14/08)
Wait, I just realized he doesn't have control of that Reddit it looks like it got banned. Hmmm, I've been needing a subreddit for my favorite bar, The Liars Club. I think r/Liars may fit nicely ;-).
Thanks for the pics. Direction is sometimes more important than velocity.
I've seen cars picked up, flipped end over end, and crushed. While the same storm picks a car up and then gently sets it back down. One home gone and yet the next home untouched.
These are the ones I share with them because they are recent. I had a friend drive though Joplin recently and tell me there are areas where there is no sign a town ever existed.
His zealots also spend a lot of time surfing sites like reddit and downvoting every post (or sometimes poster) that doesn't conform to their views. Even when this is on sub-reddits that they aren't part of.
If only Ron could turn them into something that would generate money, like force them to work on the mechanical turk for cash for his campaign.
Hey, that's actually a great idea. Not to mention, it's probably as close as you can comfortably get to an accurate arm-chair simulation of the Chinese factory conditions that Libertarians desire so much.
Reminds me, I have some issues with how some libertarians take American civil religion, namely:
The belief that all founding fathers were anti-Federalists. Seriously just saw a gun-related post with several comments that asserted this.
The belief that Jefferson was the ideal politician (he basically tried to upend the judicial system because of a grudge, some historians debate the reality of the yeoman-farmer ideal etc). Conversely, point out that Hamilton's national bank plans were partially inspired by The Wealth of Nations and you get some interesting responses.
Idol worship here also plays a part in demonizing Lincoln, who, in the view of pundit historians like DiLorezno, killed Jeffersonian ideals.
Relating to current events: gun rights issues about historicity (e.g. claims that we had no control before 1934), the 14th Amendment compared to the 2nd, and the activist turn in conservative judges come to mind as well. Adam Winkler has pointed out a lot of these out already I think. Posner too.
bitcoins are based on so much more than security by obscurity. What was happening in those robberies. Was someone agreeing to hold your bitcoins for you under a user account. - those user accounts were hacked into and the service was sent instructions to send bitcoins to someone else. Bitcoins have not been broken.
This is just like someone logging into your bank of america account from their website and wiring money to themselves. Was the wire transfer system hacked? Was the banking transfer system hacked? was the amercian currency system broken into? no
The reason we got off gold is so that the United States could manipulate and leverage it for the better good of the country.