I purchased these. They do the job but I have a couple pieces missing that I need to contact them about.
CupHolderHero fits Ford F150... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JPJH23V?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I installed the Reliance "through the wall" kit $110, and have extension cords ready! Figure I can power the refrigerator, microwave, furnace, tv/dvd, lights, etc. Just have to worry about tripping over cords! Will need some red cones in the house. https://smile.amazon.com/Reliance-Control-Corporation-WKPBN30-EMW3790037/dp/B0743BQDT4/ref=sr_1_3?crid=34RLW9QB1CBW5&keywords=reliance+through+the+wall+generator+kit&qid=1670884968&sprefix=reliance+through%2Caps%2C175&sr=8-3
I’m doing this this year. You need a tt30p to Nema 14-50 adapter. You then need a mobile charger that is adjustable as the ford charger will get confused. You can pull 24a and add 7-10 miles of range per hour with this configuration. You want this adapter adapter.
If you want help finding a charger for the campground we can help with that as well
Mine too…. My dryer is 3 prong so I got a 30amp 3prong extension cord…
RVMATE 3 Prong Dryer Extension... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08LKKTJ5R?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Then I got a 3 prong to 4 prong adapter…
CircleCord NEMA 10-30P to 14-50R... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B097M95SWY?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
And this can charge me up to 100% overnight
Get something on the ground to stop you at the front tires.
Something like this can help a lot - parking is then an autopilot maneuver. I used to use one in and old garage and I would just aim for it in reverse, once I felt a bump, I'd stop.
If you already have wiring for the 240V charger, or an unused plug nearby (like for a electric dryer), you could buy a cheap-ish 240V charger like this one. $300. The problem is you really don't know how long it'll be for the Ford charge station.
You could buy a charger lock. Here's an example of one for Tesla chargers. I've even seen other people 3d print these for their vehicles and hopefully someone comes up with a similar one for when the F150L comes out.
We have a Tesla and had to jump my ICE vehicle, this device worked great. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08M41FX48
I have a Dewalt air compressor/jump starter and it didn't work at all (on a full charge)
Tesla's (and prob most other EVs) have a 12 volt battery. I read it wasn't recommended to use that to jump start a vehicle though.