5 A levels?! You must be crazy!
I cannot help you with the others, but I do have an app to help you with A level physics if you want to try it out.
Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mygdx.TorfALevel
If you find t useful, a positive review would really be appreciated!!
First you must know how to select one at random, which can be done via a random number generator from the "random" library, then loop four times [can be done also with a for loop, but it looks like your worksheet wants a while loop], with a counter. This is a count controlled loop (i think) then use the number generated from the RNG to index the table. If the guess matches the reindeer, then end the game and congratulate, otherwise print the name of the reindeer.
see here: https://repl.it/repls/CompassionateSmugObjectpool
or below if not available.
# santa guesser by u/zelerate
import random # allow us to use the random number generator [rng]
guess = "" # initialises guesses guessnum = 0 # and guessnum
reindeers = ["dancer","dasher","prancer","vixen","comet","cupid","donder","vixen","rudolph"]
index = random.randint(0,8) # taken random reindeer from index 0[dancer] to 8 [rudolph]
print("Santa's Reindeer Guessing Game") good = False
while guessnum < 3: guessnum += 1 guess = input("what reindeer am i thinking of?\n") if guess.lower() in reindeers: # check if input is actually a reindeer if reindeers[index] == guess.lower(): # and if its correct print("yes well done") # if it is, then well done good = True break else: print("wroo00o0ong") # but if it isnt, then oh no. else: print("thats not even a reindeer m8") # if not in list, tell them
if good: print("You guessed the right answer in "+str(guessnum)+" guesses. Congratz") # if guessed, reward them else: print("It was " + reindeers[index][0].upper() + reindeers[index][1:].lower() + ". Ur getting a lump of c0al for Christmas") # and if not, get 'em a lump of c0al.
>Memrise (https://www.memrise.com/) This is another language one. You do actually have to pay for it,
Really? I've got to >5,000,000 points (don't ask) and didn't pay a penny. It's just the annoying advert when you load up the site. Is that about the app?
Nice work haha. Seeing as I've got time to kill, might as well give it a go too.
I think this does all the stuff? https://repl.it/CZqU/2 Can probably still be improved a bit, I usually use Python 2.7 so I may have missed a few technicalities.
Also did a bit of a cleaner algorithm for just the bit we had to do in the exam: https://repl.it/CZqZ/0
e: whoops forgot the key on the sort, better add that
https://www.duolingo.com/ is a good place to pick up vocab and has grammar tips throughout the course. I use Duolingo and I'm on course for an A* in May
> - Put literally all of your vocabulary into an app called Anki , it's free on your computer but £24 on tablet/phone(don't install the free app since it's a fake), it puts it into an effective spaced repitition system that only shows each peice when you're about to forget it so it reduces the amount of times you review and you won't have to cram vocab before the exam
I can definitely vouch for anki, I use it for basically everything. The android version is free, bu the iphone version is paid (you can check the official anki site here to check out both mobile versions)
It's never too late to start revising- some revision will always be better than no revision. And you've still got AGES until your GCSEs and enough time to revise all the necessary content for your mocks too. To ensure you don't procrastinating you might want to use an app such as Habitica or Forest.
Everyone is in the same boat as you, stress is to be expected with exams and succumbing to procrastination lots isn't uncommon at all (I still do that all the time and did so during my GCSEs also)- but you still have time to improve so try to learn to avoid succumbing to procrastination and you'll do great I'm sure! Good luck in your mocks and your GCSEs!
I think this is decent for me plus I had an A in Maths from last year.
Also no idea why it has Business as a resit, I definitely did it only once, I was one mark off an A in that....
If you need vocab help then just try doing a 'word of the day' thing. I still do it now. Go onto Dictionary.com (I hope that link works; I'm on my phone) and just search for a random word. Make sure it's applicable. Finding a word such as apoplexy won't be useful.. Accentuates, however, most definitely will be. Try and use that word in a sentence throughout the day. Make it your goal for the next 2 or 3 days and then it'll remain in your head.
Just work through this and you'll have time. I'm fucked for German too, don't worry. The course is way too hard thanks to that 50-year-old shithead.
If that's what you want then node is your best option. It's very powerful and if you know JavaScript then the learning curve for what you'll need at GCSE level is very small.
Hi, here is the link to the website I used: https://padlet.com/henryboxgeog/GCSErevision
Its basically a page run by a school where they put all their resource for GCSE geography for their students to use and it's really good
Motivation isn't reliable. Habits are.
Get yourself Habitaca, it will get you in the habit of revising, so you won't need to rely on motivation to get work done.
You could use google docs or office online. These are quite good alternatives, although you require an internet connection to use them. You could also use LibreOffice or OpenOffice. They have a lot of the same features and support the same file types as Microsoft word and are usable as alternatives as log as you don’t have to use many complex or specific features like wordart because some aren’t supported. Also saving to pub files isn’t supported unfortunately.
If you really must get the original, you could get the free trial and use RunAsDate to freeze it, or you could get a cracked version.
But keep your eyes out on cyber Monday or some other day and maybe there’ll be a discount. Also maybe you could get a student discount? I’m not too sure about that.
EDIT: I know you can get it for cheaper off r/redditbay or r/microsoftsoftwareswap, but those are probably also cracked keys so if you’d want to buy off there that’s something to keep in mind.
Hi! Im also doing history! the revision book, my revision notes do a great book!
they also do a website where they host their books i think, and host quizzes for the subjects!
I was wondering what history topics you are doing because I don't mind sharing study notes and it might motivate me to do some actual revision, lmao
I recommend this one - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Casio-fx-83GTX-Scientific-Calculator-Black/dp/B07L5YWTPH
It’s the one my school provided us with(we had to pay for it). It’s super useful and has all the functions you need at GSCE and it’s not too expensive. Also I know certain calculators aren’t allowed in gcse maths exams so be careful when buying one
I haven't been using websites for my revision. Maybe Seneca Learning but I've prominently been using my GCSE OCR CGP guide. It also has practice papers in the back of it that are legitimate and will be helpful just getting used to the questions. You can get different exam boards as well but it's been very helpful for me anyway. I'll link Seneca and where you can get a CGP Revision guide. I'd also recommend making your flashcards from now since you'll need to use them next year for PPE 2s and your actual GCSEs. The CGP book is really helpful for that. I'd recommend against finding online flashcards already made since actually making the flashcards helps your understanding and you can easily swap the question and answer so you can explain everything from all aspects.
Seneca Learning: https://senecalearning.com/en-GB/
There is a £7.99 revision guide on Amazon which has EVERYTHING in it that you need - we have had no in-class teaching of the syllabus and this is what I've been using to teach myself into a high B in the paper. Very condensed notes but at the same time very detailed, highly recommend. Link below:
I use the Forest app. What it does is basically force you to not open social media and/or phone games by setting timers in which you can't change the screen. The longer the timer you set, the bigger the "tree" you grow at the end of the time limit Google play linked to the app
My brother has around 15 books on business and economics. I plan on reading them but also ordering
A book about how surnames are derived from wealth. I find it intriguing but also because I want to do it for an EPQ :p
There are other books: Freakonomics, The Intelligent Investor, etc
Well, I did CIE and I'm not sure how similar the syllabuses are but the text book I used (link here) had a pretty decent amount of content and wasn't too much to read. But make sure you check if it's helpful because it probably won't have too much overlap.
With /u/oscarandjo here.
You don't really need much since Computing is REALLY easy.
For books, I recommend this version. (Find a different one, I didn't pay £50 for mine...) Or just get the other one, shouldn't matter too much.
You will probably need to learn a programming language (just the basics) and I recommend Python. Learn it here www.codecademy.com or Google.
Follow this YT series to learn everything else you need.
I'd disagree with TheAdamvg (unless you don't want to spend any money)
I got an A* in OCR computing. I don't know what exam board you are on but I had to do 2 practical coding things and one exam. For the coding things you need to follow the specification very heavily, the programming takes up a fraction of the work and documentation, testing, planning will take up most. My second task took 50 PowerPoint slides BTW.
As for the exam, I used this http://www.amazon.co.uk/Revision-Computing-Computer-Systems-Programming/dp/1444193848 which covers every part of the spec. My friends used school / YouTube provided revision content and that missed some minor details that did come up in the exam whereas I was prepared for them.
Hope that helps.
My school provided both these books which really helped when I did my GCSE's, the question book has questions on every topic and two papers. Really good in conjunction with the revision guide.
Nope. Not worth it and you don't need one at all. They also aren't allowed in exams.
You will however NEED a scientific calculator like these:
This Casio one is probably the best to get since most people and teachers use them and you can get help on how to use them if you don't know how. And just look at the good ratings.
Can confirm! Just took a C1 test a few days ago, Although it only misses out 1 or 2 small details, I definatly reccomend going over Bitesize GCSE Edexcel or Purchasing one of these , I personally used one of these and they are Great along with the CGP.
https://www.amazon.nl/Revision-Notes-c1000-present-Whitechapel-c1870-c1900/dp/151040323X This one is pretty good (but it’s only good for C&P, not Cold War and Nazi Germany).
For Nazi Germany I would recommend just doing a quick Google search, there a lot of free good revision notes online since lots of people do this paper.
This book is actually for teachers but it's literally what you need. See if your school will stock it for you.
I did C&P last year and https://www.amazon.nl/Revision-Notes-c1000-present-Whitechapel-c1870-c1900/dp/151040323X this booklet really helped (like this is no good Germany paper, but for C&P if memorise EVERYTHING from this then ur good). So for the Germany paper you have to memorise details and stats, but for C&P you just need to know the general idea. The wording of exam questions in C&P is often quite bad so make sure you look at all the exam questions before and ask your teacher about interpretations if they seems ambiguous so that you don’t get it wrong in the real exam.
For C&P ur supposed to waffle a lot, like if it seems like there are nothing to write about just waffle and write about things from your own knowledge (not from the textbook). If there’s something about post 1900 c and P in the exam, just make it up like use your common sense, cuz hey, there’s only one page in the textbook about it.
So in summary, you should put more effort into Germany as C&P is very wishy washy.
English teacher pro tip: get the ‘No Fear Shakespeare’ edition when you’re learning it. They translate each line into modern English next to the original version, so you won’t ever be confused about what’s going on. :)
There's the BBC bitesize one which is pretty good, it has execrises at the bottom of all the pages for listening, speaking, listening and reading
I think it was this one: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bitesize-GCSE-French-Revision-Guide/dp/1406685925?ref_=d6k_applink_bb_dls&dplnkId=9855e918-7476-4e8c-945c-9fc4880d16f6
AQA Illuminate Food Tech Textbook Definitely buy this textbook and revise everything in it. Trust me once you learn all the info in it you'll be fine for any written exam
I did my first work placement in year 12, would have been year 11 but covid struck.
It was only half a day in a GP surgery and I really enjoyed it because the staff were so friendly and eager to teach me!.
My parents are both doctors so I got the placement because the GP is a friend of theirs. But otherwise, I have been told that this book is really helpful in giving advice on how to secure placements.
Work experience is definitely not crucial so don't worry. I only did 2 days and that was more than enough. Your local hospital should run a scheme for sixth form students so maybe pop in one day and ask the reception and they should be able to point you in the right direction or just google it.
This book looks really helpful for securing work experience placements: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ultimate-Medical-Work-Experience-Guide/dp/1915091217/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=bDTuC&content-id=amzn1.sym.4d619998-507a-44d3-b580-1c7fc24282f7&pf_rd_p=4d619998-507a-44d3-b580-1c7fc24282f7&pf_rd_r=PEKD26T5XVHYRFY66HWA&pd_rd_wg=hbhU1&pd_rd_r=155f0a73-75b2-4acf-b0a3-3c308336331d&ref_=pd_gw_ci_mcx_mr_hp_atf_m
Definitely much more about A-levels, they understand that students often mature a lot after GCSE summer. But make sure you really work hard at A-Level, because unfortunately 7s would be below avg, so you would need at least 2A* predictions at A-level.
Volunteering is definitely much more important than work experience as it shows that you are committed to a career in which caring for others is at the forefront. I only did one to 2 days of work ex and that was more than enough.
If you're struggling to find placements than this book looks like it could be really helpful https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1915091217?ref_=dbs_m_mng_rwt_calw_tpbk_1&storeType=ebooks&qid=1659013386&sr=8-1-spons
>my shite teacher
i can't believe your teacher didn't go through the lat long and time stuff. I think that and the celestial sphere stuff is the bit that should be the main focus of the teaching because its quite important for understanding the rest.
i ended up having to buy this book because the resources given to me were so bad lol
i hope paper 2 isn't as bad as paper 1 but it'll probably be harder because telescopes and big words
CGP maths revision guide is the way. Easy to digest, and easy on the eyes. It covers everything. Essentially memorise each page, i.e how to solve each type of question. Then do the questions at the bottom of each page.
Make sure it's the revision guide and not the long ass textbook cuz that's too complicated and long. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Edexcel-International-Maths-Revision-Guide/dp/1782946691/ref=asc_df_1782946691/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=310817467131&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2249251881471543896&hvpone=&hvptwo=&...
There's only 100 and a bit pages but each one takes like 5 mins to understand and remember and the questions at the bottom of each page take another 5 mins. If you smash it out, you could get it done in 2 days if u are learning it from scratch and then you'd hopefully have enough knowledge for a 9.
I got a grade 8 after getting a 5 on my December mocks. I used basically only this book to learn everything and a handful of tuition sessions on topics I didn't get. CGP is a cheat code, though it's been about 5 years since I did GCSEs so there may be a better resource out there.
GCSEs are about just remembering stuff, even the maths questions are just redos of old ones so the CGP book will show you how to answer all question types.
For books i suggest the book by edexcel, this is the link for amazon for it
I am exactly the same, history is the only subject I seem to stay at a grade 4-5 for, but something that has really helped me (if you don’t already have it) is this book, it condenses everything down really well and I use it to make flash cards:
History B (there’s obvi one for A as well)
Hth :)
I would recommend purchasing this textbook and copying out all the definitions into flashcards to revise, for the 6 mark essays ask your subject tecaher on what technique to use to get good marks.
I reccomend the aqa English language revision guides by Oxford. I've been using them and it really helped me to know what to write for better grades. You can find them on Amazon. I've got two of them but one doesn't help with the writing task.
I am with you, I totally regretted taking French because I stared out the window half the time and slept. My teachers weren't great, I got picked on a lot even though I was terrible at speaking aloud and basically anything. I'm getting my results in 3 weeks but I'm not expecting anything above a 4.
Listen, French isn't important, no University is going to deny you (unless you want to do French) because you didn't do well in it. My advice is to use Memrise and Duolingo outside of school and try to teach yourself the stuff that examiners look for (like tenses and that stuff, apparently).
Props to you for posting this, if you're worrying it shows you care, im sure you will do great. Just make sure you do well in subjects that matter, especially Maths and English.
tl;dr; if you're not taking french beyond gcse, just try to get a pass by using other resources, if not its not the end of the world :)
If you are interested in doing online notes/revision cards, I'd suggest you use Anki. https://apps.ankiweb.net/
It allows you to make quite a few different types of cards and then uses spaced repetition to test you on what's on the card.
Basically, the first time you get a card right, it'll show it to you again in 10 minutes. The second time you get it right, one day, then three, and so on and so forth.
Pretty much the best way of memorising things.
Hi there, sorry to drag this up after several weeks, but I've been thinking about this on and off for some time and I do see one small issue with this method that I'm wondering if you have any insight into.
The issue as I see it, is that the volume of a cube as a ratio to a cubes
surface area, is not the same proportion as the volume of a cylinder to a
cylinder's surface area. But maybe the numbers involved here are small
enough that it's not too far away from the cubic calulcation.
I don't see how it's possible (at least easily at GCSE level) to calculate the volume of a cylinder from its surface area. So perhaps calculating the cubes volume is considered to be the correct approach.
There's a fantastic website here:
Which says the ratio of a cylinders surface area to volume is the following: 2(R+H)/(RH)
And a cube is 6/L
When I plugged in values for a cube and cylinder of 16 units of surface area, I got the following:
Radius: 1
Height: 1.55
Surface Area: 16.022
Volume: 4.869
Side Length: 1.63
Surface area: 15.94
Volume: 4.331
4.331/4.869 = 0.889 which is a greater than 10% difference, which could be the difference between rounding up or down to 1d.p. so I'm now wondering whether there's another method of solving this?
I have a document of some revision notes I did on Saturday morning that I used to today if you know a way I could send to you, or upload them somewhere? They're not perfect but I'm predicted an A* and felt like I nailed the test today, and there's quite a lot of quotes so it may be helpful.
Edit: http://www.filedropper.com/aviewfromthebridge
There's a link to download it.
Which exam board are you using? I know in AQA you are only required to write pseudocode or flowcharts; try to use pseudocode if possible, it may be confusing at first but it will become much easier and more efficient than flowcharts with a little time.
Rather than revising specifically for the coding exams, I would advise you to practise coding in python in your spare time. Practising writing algorithms on a site such as Codewars will allow you to be more confident writing code as you become more familiar with program flow as well as with algorithmic thinking and decomposition.
Be sure to ask any questions if you need.
^(Obligatory not OP but:)
Depends what you're struggling with, is it the logic behind it? Then use Scratch for a while, there is a reason why people recommend it to start to learn coding; it will teach you the way computers think.
From there Pseudocode is just writing instructions similarly to how you do it in any programming language (including Scratch).
If you're struggling with the instructions then don't worry, you can use whatever you want as long as it makes sense. If you're unsure learn Python syntax (or just python) and use those instructions in your pseudocode.
Geography? I'd completely reccomend this textbook below
My school has given these for free and they're super useful! They condense each topic into a single page! Not to mention they give great examples to help us understand and even give us some questions to try out or to analyse.
It's only £5.99, totally reccomend them.
As for Computer Science?
A mix of making flash cards (ESPECIALLY for paper 1) using craig n' daves videos and past papers. These have helped me alot, I reccomend these.
I do French and I find Memrise very useful. It took me from the bottom of the class a few years ago to now being the top of the class by far. My teachers recommend 5 minutes a day.
I'm guessing you also probably don't spend time listening to hamilton right before your english exam XD. But yeah I do Edexcel (for some reason) but i made these: https://www.brainscape.com/p/25EM3-LH-6X8VP They are edexcel but most stuff will also apply to AQA. (Downside is they are grouped differently) If you want the others just ask :)
Another thing I do when revising exams where it's obvious what you have to learn (check the exam board's website, here's an example) is that I go on Cram and use it to make flashcards on everything. With the Physics iGCSE I linked, I ended up with about 120 cards. Then you use Cram's 'cram mode' to learn all the flashcards (120 flashcards may seem daunting at first, but it becomes really easy to remember using cram mode) and suddenly you know everything on the exam. Making the flashcards usually takes me two or three hours but it is something I don't get distracted doing, especially when listening to my favourite music.
We were allowed a dictionary.
What exam board are you doing so I can give you specific advice? I did AQA
It's super helpful
I never took a language for GCSE, but I'm learning German on the side of my A level courses for the shits and giggles because I was bored over summer and wanted something to do. I'd highly recommend checking out Duolingo, along with other material that your teachers have supplied you, of course.
Viel Glück!!
Edit - words
If you are looking for people to keep you company and motivate u while studying, check this out : https://tinychat.com/room/gottastudy (password : getstudying)
It's an amazing community with people all over the world and from different fields (medical, bio, computer science, law ...) the users either share their desktop screen or put camera on to avoid slacking while study periods. and eventually they can chat and help each other during breaks :)
Cold turkey. really useful at blocking distractions. helped when i did my GCSE. I failed them...but still my point still stands, they helped me pass English (thank Christ, i don't think i could of gone through a extra year of English) and science.
I just use physical flash cards (since they're just more fun for me to make)
Amazon is doing a pack of 100 for £1.79 each with Free P&P, I reccomend going for that as it's the best value I've seen so far https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00T698SWS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Bought two packs and have managed to cover over half of the Biology Chemistry, Physics spec and some of the Computer science one!
Of course, there is anki which I don't know enough off since I haven't used it too much, it seems good though not my thing.
Hope this helps, good luck with revising :)
get this calculator for £30 as it can do all quadratics, that question and tonnes of other things getting you an easy 15-20 marks throughout all the papers. plus you need it if your gonna do a level.
Damn, you took geography and history! Also for the flashcards in geog, you can just buy them online: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Geography-Revision-Question-Cards-Collins/dp/000839931X/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=2L9ZTRDB724ZG&dchild=1&keywords=geography+gcse+aqa+revision+cards&qid=1633457219&sprefix=geography+gcse+aqa+%2Caps%2C154&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExUTBOOU1SR1VVTlE3JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMDE4NTM5MVpURFBNWlo3TVdYWSZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNDQ0OTc1MlY3NEtIU0xNQzVXRCZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=
Expensive but worth it in the long run.
Wait till you start school as you need to know the exam board, and school may give. I recommend these ones
I did German IGCSE and I got 9. There's not too many online resources available, to be honest. However, I did find this revision guide: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.amazon.co.uk/Pearson-Edexcel-International-German-Revision/dp/1510474986&ved=2ahUKEwiTi7Xf8cXyAhUXHcAKHTMsD9kQFnoECAUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0r8CUYwcw4k8DEC8GdCsV6
It's pretty new, so should help. We're here if you need anything particular.
I only uploaded it yesterday and for some reason it takes Google a few days to make it visible via search but here is the link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.blackboard.box
Any approved textbook for your board.
I did the aqa further maths gcse and used this textbook
Seneca does the Edexcel board for Crime and Punishment, so that may be of some help. CGP do a condensed version of the unit, which you can buy here, or, if you want something more in depth, you could use this textbook. .
I also have a big stack of condensed notes, so if the above methods fail, they’re free for you to use, if you can read the handwriting :)
The Quotation Bank: An Inspector Calls GCSE Revision and Study Guide for English Literature 9-1 https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0995608628/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_FlVUCb5QF2NBE Here's the Amazon link you will find all of them on there
I know it sounds silly, but I use an app called "Study bunny". You basically have this cute lil' bunny on your phone, and you earn coins for studying. With those coins, you can buy clothes and food for them. You gotta force yourself to revise with it for the first week or so, but after that, you just revise to make the little guy happy. A month ago, I would only do the homework due, but now I am revising 3.5 hours a day. I might get 7+ in most all of my subjects due to this one app XD
triangle PRQ (which uses N as the hypotonuse) use the pythagorus theroem. so square root 128 is 8root2 then half that and use the perpendicular height halfN to find AP. youre answer should then be 3.9cm
PQR = PTR = 90, [i'm assuming, due to the dot in the middle, otherwise this whole answer would be wrong]
so PRQ = 90-y [angle in triangle], TPR = x [alt seg], TRP = 90 [angles in triangle] and angles on QRS add to 180 [straight line]. As we know that TRS = 180 - 2x - 20,
QRS = 180 - 2x - 20 + (90 - x) + (90-y) = 180 = 340-3x-y = 180, so y = 160 - 3x
you’re welcome!! this is the link for the book. this one is edexcel which was my board but i believe they have similar ones for other boards- though tbh the maths is pretty much the same on all of them!
don't know what exam board you are doing, but I used these textbooks for my History, was very good and detailed https://www.amazon.co.uk/AQA-GCSE-History-Understanding-Modern/dp/1471862941
The link for the Amazon page is here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1292120207/ref=ppx_od_dt_b_asin_title_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I don't actually use the official OCR past papers. I either do questions from a CGP Computer Science workbook I have, or my textbook.
You can find the CGP workbook here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/GCSE-Computer-Science-Practice-Workbook/dp/1782946039/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1549806437&sr=8-1
I find it really useful, and contains answers in the back.
Just to share, a free resource you can try to learn some basic Latin words and phrases on your own would be the Beginner Latin 2 app.
A-Level Maths needs one of these. Not graphical but that's what I was told
Have you considered getting the CGP guide targeted for grade 9. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Edexcel-Targeted-Practice-Workbook-Revision/dp/178294415X/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1520199714&sr=8-4&keywords=cgp+maths+gcse+9+targeted
For anyone still wanting this, I bought an AQA Exam Practice Revision Guide from Oxford , and it is really really great. For £7 it goes through step by step very thoroughly on how to answer 4, 6 and 9 mark questions, with mark schemes, commentaries and clearly highlighting where the marks are gained and lost through the eyes of an examiner. I can't recommend it enough, it'll change your entire approach to answering exam questions.
I am reading :D
I have ordered a plethora of books here is the list:
"Speed Reading" - Ian Tuhovsky
"The Power of Habit" - Charles Duhigg
"Think" - Simon Blackburn
" The Pig That Wants to be Eaten: And Ninety-Nine Other Thought Experiments" - Julian Baggini
"Black Box Thinking" - Matthew Syed
"How to write better essays" - Bryan Greetham
"Critical Thinking Skills" - Stella Cottrell
"The Chimp Paradox" - Prof Steve Peters
"Thinking, Fast and Slow" - Daniel Kahneman
"Study Skills Essentials" - Patrick McMurray
The books are mainly to prepare me for my A-level years and also for future use. As I did add a glimpse of psychology to boost productivity and the stock market.
This is for biology there is one for physics and one for chemistry we had to get them from Amazon for £20 each, school recommended them and so do I
I've been getting F's in RE (doing Luke's Gospel) up until about 2 weeks ago, pulled it up to an A thanks to one book. https://www.amazon.co.uk/AQA-GCSE-Religious-Studies-Gospel/dp/1408504588 This is the same one that I used but with Mark, and I don't know if you'll have enough time to get it but it's been an absolute life saver
I have this one and find it's really good for history. I also do medicine through time and Nazi Germany . I also have this
it;s just on medicine through time although goes into a lot more detail - I felt like I needed this so I got it but it may not be necessary for you depending on how you feel about it.
Source Questions - use MCM Message Context] Motive
For general knowledge questions OTOH OTOH On the one hand On the other hand
I used this to get an A in geography. But I did AQA Geography A and not Geog B so you won't want this one. I've found this revision guide by the same person that looks like it may be of use?
There is an AQA French revision guide and workbook on Amazon.
hey there. For me to enroll in my physics A-level next year in my preferred sixth form i require an A* and was just wondering if this is possible using the official AQA revision guide. (-> http://www.amazon.co.uk/GCSE-Physics-Revision-Guide-Science-y/dp/1408508346/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1459274754&sr=8-1&keywords=aqa+gcse+physics+revision+guide)
I will be doing past papers as well but have you ever used this before, and if this isn't recommended do you have any suitable alternatives?
I use this one. Our teacher bought one for everyone in our class. It's very good and seems to cover all relevant information, only read the first 10 pages or so though, but so far it seems like a great resource.
It's a revision guide not a textbook, but I assume that's what you're looking for.
Are these the right books? £25 total.
EDIT: Oh sorry you wanted PDFs. I'll see if I can find any.
Damn that looks like a good site, thanks for sharing! If you're looking for notebooks, I'd check out "Oxford Campus Notebooks" that's what I'm going to use :)
I use Lonsdale revision guides, and while reading them through I make flashcards of important points / formulas that I then practice over.
there is a CGP revision guide you can get here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/AQA-Level-Certificate-Further-Maths/dp/1782941797/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1433015977&sr=8-1&keywords=aqa+further+maths
NO! CGP revision books miss out some things that you could get a question on! Such as in C1 you need to know about the Deep Sea Pompeii worm, they may ask questions on that and others. CGP books are based on the Edexcel actual book which is rather expensive and most schools don't sell. I'm not sure which book it is but its like this! Its a few days still the first science exams so I hope this helps! And you OP /u/raayy just in case you didn't know! :)
Buy this book It has everything you need to know in it.
Use an app like Memrise so you can revise vocabulary easily when out and about, for example on the bus on the way to school. I used it for my GCSE Latin revision, and it worked like a charm.