This app was mentioned in 149 comments, with an average of 2.60 upvotes
He sounds kinda like a jerk, maybe consider leaving him. Another thing, get post-it sticky notes to remind yourself of things. Try using your phone too with an app like Google Keep and Habitica.
And use your phone alarm clock to set reminders so you don't get late (30 min before, 10 min before)
Original dev here; I keep an ear to the ground, but I've never seen anything that's really stuck. If you go to the app stores and look at similar apps, that'd be a start (Android, iPhone). Back in my day, it was Epic Win (worth checking out), SuperBetter, LifeRPG... something Bull... Anyway, I'm not helping much, point is I haven't personally seen any clear wins out there, but it seems to me there's quite a lot these days so just cast a wide net.
History on the art: I made it with no money or art skills, so I used the Creative Commons BrowserQuest spritesheets. Open-sourced the project and contributors just built off of what was there, none of us considered upping the resolution. Kinda snow-balled that way, and eventually it's just too deep to start over. Basically an accident. Haven't worked for them in many years though, so this just off the record.
They totally exist! Check out Habitica. There are others available, but Habitica is one of the oldest and most popular. You even have a character who earns coins and exp from completing your irl tasks. You can upgrade your character and fight on quests in your downtime, but the main function is a fantasy game themed planner.
Ahh, you're right! Looks like Habitica was the culprit...which I just installed last night after seeing it on the front page of /r/android. Uninstalled and the notifications no longer appear. Reinstalled to confirm and they came back. Unbelievable.
Here's the link:
I've jumped around from many to-do list apps, and this one encourages me to actually complete my list.
The app is currently in beta with some bugs, but they are getting them fixed quickly.
It probably isn't what you are looking for, but I honestly think the best is Habitica. It gamifies your chores, habits, tasks, etc. I use it to motivate myself to do projects, take care of my physical and mental health, and event to remind me to take out the trash. It has ligitimately made me a far more productive person. Oh, and it has a website.
I know you're already using Tasker for this, but Habitica seems to do something similar - though I think it's more geared towards doing positive things, than subbing yourself for doing negative things.
EDIT: Which is actually probably a better way of doing things, if you're looking to reinforce behaviour. I realise that you're looking to gamify your habits, but your point modifiers should be focused on positive reinforcement, considering you already have the potential negative outcome of not getting a high/target score for the day/week/month: Don't sub points from yourself for eating a burger, give yourself points for eating a healthy alternative, or for avoiding snacks for the day, etc. If you still have the burger, you don't lose points, but you don't gain points either, and your final score will reflect that.
Guilting yourself with point subtractions is more likely to have a negative outcome on your self-esteem (and thus willpower to keep up the positive behaviours) than anything else. Depending on your personal viewpoint, you might find yourself focusing more on your failures than your successes.
There are lots of great habit apps; it comes down to personal preference.
HabitHub was perfect when it came to focusing on maintaining a streak, which is its intended purpose. Seeing a wall of greens was a great feeling. However, when I started slipping with various habits, my past failures would be right in my face. It became harder to keep a positive attitude about the present and not dwell on past failures.
The current app I'm using (Habitica) subtly displays the current streak of my daily habits but mostly allows me to focus on the current day. It also has "To Dos" and non-daily habit sections. You can either get into the customizable RPG bits or ignore them.
Check out Habitica It makes habit forming into an RPG of sorts. They also have an Android app
Don't use your phone near the time you go to bed- turn it onto airplane mode and move it away from your bed. For the rest of the evening, use a blue light filter on your phone. Try not to think too hard, often if your brain is racing thinking about something you'll struggle to sleep. Try and experiment with different sleeping positions to see which one fits you best, and make sure your bed is comfortable for you and your duvet/mattress/pillow is best for you. To make yourself tired, you can exercise before bed. Don't feel resigned to the fact that you can't get to sleep earlier, set a time to go to sleep each night and stick to it. You can use Habitica or another application to motivate you to go to sleep earlier- you have to discipline yourself.
It's never too late to start revising- some revision will always be better than no revision. And you've still got AGES until your GCSEs and enough time to revise all the necessary content for your mocks too. To ensure you don't procrastinating you might want to use an app such as Habitica or Forest.
Everyone is in the same boat as you, stress is to be expected with exams and succumbing to procrastination lots isn't uncommon at all (I still do that all the time and did so during my GCSEs also)- but you still have time to improve so try to learn to avoid succumbing to procrastination and you'll do great I'm sure! Good luck in your mocks and your GCSEs!
It turns the whole thing into an RPG which gives you rewards upon completion of each task to level up in the game. There's a little more to it. Visit the play store.
Habitica: Gamify Your Tasks
It is a lot more than just a productivity app which helps you to manage your habits, daily tasks & goals based on Role Playing Game.
Here is the wikia site to know more about it.:
I just typed it in Google, it's an app on the Play Store. Here's their website:
Link to play store:
Looks like they also have a chrome extension that makes it so you lose points for browsing unproductive websites while gaining points for browsing websites that are productive. Seems like a pretty interesting app.
Habitica does what you want without the timer function, but you can specify when it needs to be completed by. The gamification aspect may hold appeal for someone younger. 30:30 is a great one for spacing out tasks and breaks, but you would have to get your head around the interface to log a long list of tasks, plus it is more a countdown timer than "complete this task by" app. Either one, or a blend of both, could be useful though - Seems like it is iOS only but there are copycat versions on Android.
Die wichtigen Dinge sind alle schon gesagt, deswegen nur eine Kleinigkeit: Ein Freund von mir hat mit Habitica Fortschritte in der Tagesplanung gemacht. Ich glaub, es kann funktionieren, weil es so albern ist und man es nicht zu ernst nehmen muss.
Most of the Hellenes on here are pretty casual I think. I know there are quite a few that have a daily routine but I think the vast majority of us just worship or give offerings when we can.
If you are determined to make it a routine you could set an alarm on your phone for every day when you want to perform your rituals. I use an app called Habitica which is designed as a sort of real life RPG to get you into routines. Or maybe you can put a checklist on a mirror or the fridge or somewhere else you are just bound to see it as a reminder.
Best of luck!
Habitica (formerly HabitRPG) has been helping me stay motivated to get things done the past few months. It gamifies daily tasks and one-time to-dos, and you can join parties to work on quests together and/or join challenges, both of which can give you more accountability so you don't let things slide.
Can't you look in previous installed apps?
EDIT: Could it be this app?
I believe I used to apply this method to to dos in habitica. It was a long time a go and the app has a lot of other stuff to gamify action items. I am not sure if that works in the current configuration.
I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for but I use Habitica and you can tag things morning, afternoon, and evening.
EDIT: These apps won't help you more efficiently switch through your games, but may help you out with your phone habits.
These aren't specific to gaming addiction (just phone addiction in general) but try "Habitica." and/or "Forest." Habitica gamefies your effort to create new habits or destroy bad ones while Forrest makes you plant a tree whenever you want to focus on something. It grows while you're in the app and dies when you leave it to check other apps. Kinda' makes it a challege as well.
Apps aside, I'd still recommend you to reduce the number of games in your device - remove the ones you aren't really enjoying anymore. (Or for an even more drastic measure, change to a device where you wouldn't be inclined to play, like a lower-end phone or one of those new Blackberries.) Also, if you have time, maybe try to read Charle's Duhigg's book, "The Power of Habit," see if something helps you there. Lastly, I am no expert, so take my words as a mere friendly advice and seek some help about your situation. It's extremely hard to go through this by yourself (That thing, I know for sure.).
Good luck, mate!
its habitica not habitice stupid autocorrect!
it also has a desktop website which is one of the reason i chose it.
app store link:
desktop version of the app:
I am no longer in college, but I have a lot of projects going on all of the time, chores I have to do daily, every other day, once a week, etc. I used to have a hard time managing it all, and an even harder time getting myself to do them. A few weeks ago I found Habitica from someone on here and it has helped tremendously. You enter in to-dos, dailies (which can be weekly, certain days, etc), and habits. It gamifies it all, so you take damage when you fail to do something on time, indulge in a bad habit, etc, and you get rewarded for doing your dailies, to-dos and reinforcing good habits.
It probably isn't exactly what you're looking for, but hopefully someone else here finds it as useful as I have. Oh, and it is open source with a website, an iOS client, and plenty of plug ins for other apps/websites/browsers/etc.
I have this problem myself and it's a challenge.
Like anything you want to get a child or teenager to do with their own initiative! It's a conundrum because ultimately it will only work if they choose to do it themselves because by definition, you can't make them do it, or even understand that it's important, if they aren't receptive.
This episode of the Neurodivergent Woman podcast is about Alexithymia and Interoception
It's quite common for autistic people to have Alexithymia (lack of ability to know what emotions you experience, and lack of knowing what your bodily needs are)
Establishing a regular schedule for eating and drinking is a excellent way to deal with this problem.
I would suggest letting your teen become responsible for their own schedule sooner rather than later, and let them mess up and learn the consequences while still under your care.
Rather than having to learn to do all of those things only when they move out of home.
It should be a topic of conversation as well, something that you can discuss without it being an emotionally "hot topic" that feels like you are nagging.
There are apps that make a game out of building good habits, like Habitica
That can make the whole thing more fun.
You might want to find something that you yourself struggle with like sticking to an exercise program or reading more books, and have a competition with your teen to see which of you can "win" by developing the different good habits you set as goals for yourselves.
Hummm... Personally I wouldn't use obsidian for that kind of task/project ! Just my opinion:
you can use a can opener to open a bottle of water, it will probably work, but it isn't the most effective way to open your bottle of water! Does it make it a bad tool? No absolutely not ! It's just not good for that kind of task !
Here is probaly a very good altermative !
It's even on Appstore if you want :) give it a try, it's a fantastic app !
It helped me a lot, it converts your daily tasks into games, levels health, MP , energy
If u complete your task it gifts u stickers, level up your avatar, give skins etc
If u fail, it reduces your health, reduce your score, level down in leaderboard too compared with your local area
TIP : make an habit to visit it every hour,
Use it widget on your Homepage
It's more effective when it is done with friends, try to beat your friends score and level
( It may take some time to understand this app but really it have some good feature, if u succeed in msking a habit to visit this app daily, rest depends on it it is made in a way that it will addict u to your tasks )
I found habitica the most helpful of free apps, but I don't know if it has the alarm/schedule thing you're looking for.
You don't need to be into the whole "game" thing for it to be useful, there are also a bunch of communities and such that will help you come up with & track your tasks (if you want that).
Try Habitica. Sounds kinda like what you’d need.
Try Habitica. Turns daily tasks into an RPG game. I only tried it for a few days years ago so I can't really speak to it now, but worth looking into. Good luck!
You may want to try Habatica or Do it now RPG or similiar.
Se ti può interessare c'è un'app che simula questa gamification tramite un rpg: sito , app Android, per un periodo l'ho usata ed è ben fatta I recommend this, find a party, get pets and mounts, upgrade equipment and defeat the monsters. All by doing tasks 😊 Helped me a ton over the years 😉 Helped me now to loose 16 kg 😀
I found Habitica to be a great way to accomplish things like this. 32 now and grew up gaming, but this helped me feel like I was accomplishing something.
Do ya one better; Habitica. Put your own chores in, complete em, get XP for stuff in game. Been using it meself for a while now.
There are already apps that gamify productivity, though - Habitica, for example. I haven't tried it myself but it's popular and there are others too. Do you feel like there might be something missing from those implementations? If so, what might they be?
There's an app for that.
There are phone apps that "gamify" tasks. You set tasks and mark them off as you do them. You get XP, like in a game.
It's silly, but can help with motivation.
I don't exactly know why you do that but if you want help breaking the habit, + any lock app that lokcs down your phone for specific periods of time
This is the best combo I know you can use. Set screen time as a reward in habitica Good luck!
There's this app called habitica which is basically a gamified task manager/do list .
It motivates you to get things done by rewarding you with points and achievements whenever you complete your task , cross something off your to do list . It also helps developing or dropping habits . What makes the app intersting is the community and the ability to post our own challenges , that other people can also participate. You can join guilds, parties , and "get better" with your friends . So I feel like this is a good way to increase our productivity while also not getting bored .
I use Habitica, their catch phrase/title is gamify your tasks.
Works for me. But that all depends on if you set your mind to it or if you're a gamer of course.
Since you're a gamer, you can get app's that turn real life stuff into an RPG like this one (never tried it myself)
Otherwise, set yourself some kind of reward structure? Get more than half of it done and you can order a takeaway type of stuff. Alternatively give the power cords for your phone, PlayStation, and other devices to a trusted someone to only be returned after all tasks are cleared.
Pendant un moment j'utilisais Habitica. Je ne sais pas si elle correspond à tes critères mais je me rappelle qu'on pouvait faire des choses en groupe.
Habitica has a system that may enables that. It is a habit tracker with RPG and gaming elements.
The thing is, you setup tasks (can be do this thing today or not do this thing today or track how many time I did this thing today) and every good behavior award you with coins.
There is a shop to buy cosmetic equipment with those coins. But you also have the option to set custom rewards with arbitrary coin values.
So if you earn 2 coins for every hour studying you can set a "30 minute leisure time" for the cost of three coins.
I dont use the app anymore but it is pretty neat.
Habitica is good for every day stuff and Tody is pretty good for more intermittent chores if you need any help with that.
For what you described I'd definitely say Habitica.
>transforma as minhas metas pessoais em um joguinho.
Outro app muito bom que faz isto é o Habitica. Estou usando para recondicionar meu hábito de me alongar e estudar idiomas:
Habitica is a nice app you might want to look. It is a similar thing but instead of points you get virtual money that you could spend on stuff in the app.
I think Habitica might suit your needs. Personally, I use Loop Habit Tracker because FOSS (no ads!) and Habitica is kind of over the top for me.
My daughter isn't a kid but Habitica is fun and helps her to achieve chores and stuff like eating two fruits every day.
Habitica (previously called HabitRPG)'s official android app which just came out is absolutely beautiful and easy to use. I haven't seen anything like it. I can't believe they got so many of the features they had on the and were able to shove it into such a small app with for a small screen and yet be extremely clear and easy to use. Its insane.
Did you just install Habitica? I had the same issue. It's a bug with the latest release of the app. The devs have pushed a fix for it but it hasn't been released on Google Play yet. Dev's emailed me and said a fix should be coming any day now. In the mean time your only option is to uninstall the app until they fix it.
You could use this app but that's only for yourself and select others I believe. Might be a start
Heh, you just reminded me of this "game"
I was looking for a habit tracking app with negative "consequences" for (not) doing something. Habitica seemed perfect, but it doesn't work offline. Then I found the relatively unknown Nomie and it's great.
Nomie tracks numbers which have a positivity value attached to them, i.e. doing the dishes gives me +1, smoking gives me -2. You can analyze the trackers, compare them, etc. The system is quite flexible, though a bit fiddly at times.
It's under active development, for example the next version will allow Tasker integration. The app is far from perfect (mostly I am missing a widget), but I've noticed changes in my habits because of it.
Edit: I don't know how to do fancified links.
You're looking for Habitica.
Because of the recurrence patterns you're describing, it sounds more like you are looking for a habit app instead of a Todo one. There are great habit apps in the Play Store I recommend you to check: Habitica, HabitBull, etc.
If you still want a Todo app instead, then I can recommend you Memorigi - I'm the dev.
Habitica - An RPG-like habit tracker and to-do list.
Heads-up Notifications -Customizable heads-up notifications for all apps.
Helium App Sync and Backup - Backs up apps and app data, even when unrooted.
Hangouts - A great messaging app which Google will sadly kill off and replace with another app after a while. :(
Cool! They have it for Android also:
I'd definitely recommend Habitica if you haven't come across it already!
Habitica: Gamify Your Tasks | 4.3 rating | Free with IAP | 1,000,000+ downloads | Search manually
> Treat your life like a game to stay motivated and organized! Habitica makes it simple to have fun while accomplishing goals. Input your Habits, your Daily goals, and your To-Do list, and then create a custom ...
Habitica is a good way to make doing routine things more rewards:
Thanks so much! I've been trying to get into Habitica, so some habit examples are really helpful. :)
> Habitica
My 2 cents to help the bot ;)
Habitica for gamefying tasks etc
Habitica - This is what you're looking for.
There's a few options, it seems.
Habitica seems like an actual game that provides you with XP for doing real life tasks.
Life RPG seems like a game that takes real life and actually makes it the game.
Check both out, and use whichever you prefer!
EDIT: Also, here's the actual Level Up Life that I think OP was talking about!
Might be Habitica
habitica is pretty solid as a life-rpg..
I was using something I can't bring up in the store as it's not supported for Android 12 But basically the same premise you collect coins for turning in tasks to buy stuff and you get HP and take hits for tasks you skip etc
I wanted something that would sync across devices and play nice with my other calendars so tusk tasks suits me a bit better and it has an achievement list and neat little graphs of tasks completed
Not self hosted, but you could look at something that Gamifies tasks and etc.
Maybe something like Habitica could work for you. Just make your desired task x amounts of minutes cycling.
Schau dir mal an. Hat mir geholfen!
Try the app Habitica. It turns habit tracking into a fun game.
I also found some apps I could use
Habitica is a free habit-building and productivity app that treats your real life like a game. With in-game rewards and punishments to motivate you and a strong social network to inspire you, Habitica can help you achieve your goals to become healthy, hard-working, and happy.
Epic to-do list — RPG planner with reminders
Do It Now: RPG To Do List. Habit Tracker. Planner
Was thinking I may be able to use something like Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator as a team exercise
Since it includes various roles and skills , leadership and command , clear communication , dealing with a high stress work environment, problem solving and adapting with unexpected changes
Maybe you'll like this if are into RPG & stuff.
Habitica is also something you might want to consider, it adopts an interesting motivation strategy.
Habitica: Gamify Your Tasks - 4.3 rating - Free with IAP - Search manually
Cute Note - DDay Todo - 4.5 rating - Free with IAP - Search manually
Habitica does something similar.
Inspiration for this prompt -
I know one named Habitica
There's actually an app for that!
Check out "Habitica: Gamify Your Tasks"
I think you'll like this app then
Woah cool concept
I don't know if it's for iPhone but here's android
Have you heard about Habitica?
Cool! Mobile app, then? I'll have to check it out.
Here's a few, I've played something like habitica (but much simpler) before, and have used color note, I cannot attest to the rest. Each has its own advantage (more or less involved, collaboration with other users, cross-device account syncing).
RPG-like task/to-do lists:
Pretty detailed, level a character
LifeRPG: You're the character, your tasks level up skills, generate self-made rewards, etc...
LifeRPG Tasks: Similar to the two above but simpler
Pin to home: Colornote: Can pin each note to home screen
Microsoft One Note: Can write notes from home screen without opening app (i believe uses widget)
TickTick: Create reminders for each task, has a snooze option so you don't just ignore alarms.
Todoist: Sort of a mix of above, allegedly simple and straightforward
Check out Habitica:
So here's the link to the site and app itunes, play store and here's to the wiki for more information.
I second HabitRPG/Habitica that /u/succubusfutjab suggested. Also ZombiesRun.
Edit: MyFitnessPal. It's not a game as such, but it definitely has that achievements and stats feel. Plus correctly counting calories is the best way to lose weight.
Habitica: Web | Android | iOS
ZombiesRun: Web | Android | iOS
MyFitnessPal: Web | Android | iOS
Check out something like:
If apps I don't open every day but which run every day count, then add:
List made using List My Apps
Possibly not relevant, but I found that using an app to keep track of the things I need to get done helps a lot. It keeps me focused on the things I need to get done. One I'm using is Habitica. It treats the to-do list and habits you're trying to make as a real life rpg. You get points for accomplishing the tasks on your list, and deducted for not accomplishing daily tasks. It actually made the whole process a lot more fun for me. I don't know if it'll help, but it's helped me a lot. Here are the links for iOS and Android
Not to talk down your app, but /r/habitica has helped me be a more responsible and healthy adult by "gamifying my life"
Edit: store link