No it doesn't. I've been using this one for my wife for the last three years I think. It costs < $170.
It's not great, it's heavy and hurts my back to lift it in and out of the car but it works and replacement parts are available if things break.
The children can get bored, rip the tips of their fingers off and start drawing on the walls in their own blood. has a large Christian lean to it, but a very good read on leprosy and diabetes.
I’m reading the book about him right now. Amazing story! Friend gave it to me because we shared some time in the region.
Ok, so we won't talk about prehistoric humans which were very obviously stronger than us since they were fighting and training constantly for survival. We know the women from back then were stronger than male athletes now and there is plenty of easily Google's articles proving they we're stronger, which makes sense.
If you're interested in knowing if people were stronger, faster and even smarter than us (I bet you're thinking that's not possible with intelligence. In fact I know you are, so ask yourself: How many people you know could craft and think deeply like the people of old? If you think most, then you don't know sufficient history to actually answer the question) then go pick up this book and read it. It has all the facts compiled. We lose in everything but morality and social coherence. We sacrificed might and intellect for the ability to work together, that's all we have now. Nothing else.
There’s also a great picture book about this event that’s great, too...won the 2004 Caldecott Medal!
and the Syncopation book below are classics, I recommend something like that to get started if you can read music?
If not, something easy you can do is start alternating the accent on paradiddles to each of the 4 notes in patterns of 4 to begin with then switch it up, that helps a lot with beginners and is one of the first syncopation exercises I like teaching. Then do something simple like an accent on the first note and a diddle on the second and practice that.
Earliest photo is from 1826 and took an eight hour exposure. But yes, photography and photos of people didn’t really start to happen until the 1830s. And isn’t near this quality.
There is a device called a LifeVac that is literally a life saver
The point is that the West does not and never has cared about genocide except when it lines up with their political goals. They are deathly silent on the genocides perpetrated by themselves and their allies while fastidious about screaming to the heavens about those of the countries that stand in opposition to their economics wishes. Portraying their own human rights abuses as an excusable byproduct of an unwieldy empire who has the best intentions is a key underpinning of American / western propoganda which allows their imperialism to go unexamined.
Please consider getting a copy of The Politics of Genocide and do a bit of research on how this term is specifically only weaponized against countries that don't beat to the drum of western imperialism.
For my fellow Americans 496lbs equivalent to the weight of 76 16inch unloaded ar15's. For another American unit of measurement 496 lbs is equivalent to the weight of 198 full size 1911's. For another fun unit of measurement 496lbs is the weight of 9.8 sexflesh Moby 3ft tall super dildos
> None of that was sanctioned.
It's a complicated story that one the pilot's actually talks about in his book.
It looks like the hammock in the picture. And if the kid is about 3'6" then the hammock in the video is about the same size as this one.
It states that the hammock weighs 95lbs. Is that close enough for you?
It looks like the hammock in the picture. And if the kid is about 3'6" then the hammock in the video is about the same size as this one.
It states that the hammock weighs 95lbs. Is that close enough for you?
This is nice but should also add he had horrible asthma as a kid and basically willed himself to stop having it. And oh yeah, a few years before his death — after a Brazilian politician joked to him that it couldn’t be done — led an expedition through an uncharted Amazon river where he and his men were besieged by starvation, disease, and vicious Indian attacks. Book:
Uh, you know you are 100% wrong right?
If you read her book, and some websites. People were arrested and charged. The UN main branch even helped her deal with it. It was a handful of people in a local chapter involved, not the entire UN.
The downside is the people who worked for the UN had diplomatic immunity, but they were all fired from the UN. The people at Dynacorp were all charged. The UNs humanitarian branch leader helped her push all of this.
People absolutely did get in trouble.
I do so many things, none of them conclusive or 100%. Ice might help forearms. Heat might help hands. I have a manual massager that is pretty tits but obviously requires time and effort to use it constantly. I can really beat up my arms with it. You need some massage cream that's for like physical therapy to give it some slickness on your arm.
I just got a pneumatic massager, like this:
It's interesting... not sure how much it is doing but it at least does something without much effort. I am going to try putting pressure points in it, like marbles, to push on various tendons, etc.
Stretching.. arms in doorways, against walls, prayer position. Whatever... seems to do some help.
Yoga can stretch the arms, but could also make them sore/tired.
I have a clay heating pad which holds heat forever and molds to your hand.
I get massage occasionally. If they are well trained they can work on your arms and such, releasing the tension.
Obviously nothing has worked amazingly well, just all little incremental things and I'm still just as bad as I have been for some time. Frequent breaks. Changing posture, position, layout, arm extension, etc. If you can use a vertical keyboard those seem best but I was not able to use it. Arm support seems to help, trying to keep pressure off wrists and support the whole arm.
It’s not that bad honestly. You can get a good wooden recurve like a Samick for $130, and I’m sure there’s better deals out there. Then just get like 12 crappy wood arrows (cuz you’re going to miss and hit rocks and whatnot) and you’re good to go. There’s a lot of expensive stuff you can get later on, but to start out it’s really not that bad. Also I recommend getting an arm guard, they’re only like $10 tho.