I pretty much followed the protocol in this book: https://www.amazon.com/Fecal-Transplant-Guidebook-Ulcerative-Constipation/dp/0991952022/
As I understand it, I will probably have to repeat the process in the future. Fortunately my donor is a close friend so I have a stable supply, so to speak.
Check out University of Colorado's Gut Check Microbiome Series that offers a full learning course on the Human Microbiome and the best part, its free! You can elect to complete the full course and get a certificate of completion as well. Here is the link, it is offered through coursera.org, which is a GREAT place to find all such courses on many different topics. I ran through this course to see what it was like and its great even if you don't have a science or microbiology background. I hope that helps. https://www.coursera.org/learn/microbiome
Like /u/DrNastyHobo said, please copy/paste the exact error you get. If you want us to help you, you will need to provide as much information as you can: Operating system, python version, your folder structure, the exact command you ran, ... Also, read How do I ask a good question?
Have you tried spore based probiotics? I use Biospora from Klaire Labs. It worked wonders for my SIBO. Started with one and after a week went up to two pills per day. The spore based probiotics crowd out pathogenic bacteria in the small intestine restoring a more normal flora. After about a month I added a prebiotic from Hyperbiotics. The combo really helped out. Good luck.
researchers have also found fungus in the small intestine among some IBS sufferers: Small Intestinal Fungal Overgrowth (SIFO): A Cause of Gastrointestinal Symptoms https://www.researchgate.net/publication/272180253_Small_Intestinal_Fungal_Overgrowth_SIFO_A_Cause_of_Gastrointestinal_Symptoms
Investigation of Small Intestinal Fungal Overgrowth (SIFO) and/or Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) in Chronic, Unexplained Gastrointestinal Symptoms http://www.gastrojournal.org/article/S0016-5085(11)63354-4/pdf
You should try Deglycyrrhizinated licorice, it’s completely stopped my gerd symptoms within a week of using.
This is the one I bought, the omeprazole wasn’t even working for me prior to trying this. I feel it’s helped heal my gut. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Natural-Factors-DGL-Chewable-Tablets/dp/B0001KFGWQ
Reuteri, plantarum, infantis, B.Longum, rhamnosus, breve, bifidum are all great.
Rub some on his gums before nursing once per day.
Fun fact: We are so co-evolved with out gut bacteria that 15% of the sugars in your breast milk can't be digested by humans. They are there only to feed the baby's gut flora.
This happened to me from antibiotics. My dr told me to stop eating dairy. That helped, but I was still having issues. I started taking this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B075STV918/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1. It's a prebiotic (not a probiotic) and it is amazing! It's taken 2 weeks to really start to feel good, but I have so much more energy, I'm less bloated, my body tone is evening out all over the place, and I can think more clearly. It may or may not be a coincidence that I'm procrastinating a lot less. I would 100% recommend an increase in probiotics. Also, I take a magnesium supplement because that helps things "go" more smoothly and readily. Good luck!
I only had luck with this exact probiotic in this picture. probiotic
Yes you can drink kefir while on it and I can't remember what the doctors put me on but nothing worked.
This isn't going to cure you but from my own experience it will get you through the worst GI problems where enzymes can temporarily help substitute the lack of microbiome diversity by doing the "heavy lifting" of breaking down food for your system:
Not sure what is up with the price right now, do not pay more than $15 per box
anyway, it's the ONLY thing that actually seemed to work for me and I've tried a lot of things past few years
After a few months I didn't seem to need it anymore.
"Taurine pills can be had for 9 cents per 1000mg (horse) pill. Powdered taurine is even cheaper and not bad tasting mixed in water."
Four cents - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01CUYHCR2/ , and powder for about half that.
Yes but you can sometimes get sauerkraut that’s kept in a fridge & says live on the label. This is a brand I often see in my local supermarket. raw sauerkraut
I make fresh yogurt out of probiotics that reduce histamine like this brand
I used to have organic Greek yogurt regularly. It did nothing to help my gut issues. Kefir on the other hand made a huge difference. I’m making it myself now with raw milk, much cheaper that way.
As long as you aren’t drinking soda, fruit juice, or eating too many fruits, you’re probably ok.
You could also try this.
that would have to be a very trace amount considering the tiny size of the pill
maybe lactase pill at same time could solve that considering how little
not like you are drinking a glass of milk
Collilen IBS
thats how it looks
This one on Amazon has the same strain of probiotic plus some others and might be cheaper in the long run because to get this and a bottle of pomegranite extract pills because it has more in the bottle and is cheaper to begin with. https://www.amazon.com/Gut-Mate%C2%AE-Probiotics-Clinically-documented/dp/B07XG2W7KC/ref=sr\_1\_3?crid=1TW7C6FAQKV09&keywords=gut+mate&qid=1657389868&sprefix=gut+mate%2Caps%2C114&sr=8-3
Wow, well, you are certainly doing all the right things. You seem like someone that is very thorough and introspective about your body and what you're dealing with. I can relate!
Another direction to pursue is Dr. John Sarno's book The Divided Mind. It talks about the subconscious and its ability to create physical symptoms. Mostly these are chronic pain related, but I wouldn't put it past our devious psyches to inflict HF on a person. What they have in common is that (in his theory at least) it is the body's ability to control blood flow that enables it to create pain in a variety of locations without any true injury.
Many people, including myself, have worked through chronic pain conditions by understanding his ideas. And that's the best part! Simply understanding the philosophy can be curative. Maybe it will help you. At the very least it's an interesting read from a really kind and determined person.
This are the exact strains that have been studied and proven effective: Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus GR-1®‡ and Limosilactobacillus reuteri RC-14®‡
The number at the end makes them unique.
Found in these products: https://jarrow.com/products/fem-dophilus-1-billion-cfu-30-veggie-caps?variant=13023721521195&gclid=CjwKCAjw7cGUBhA9EiwArBAvoqCs4Cno1cgkV_4WnY_cAmE16fmv_b38ptR_4jlm4rsjasS9_mfUIhoCiAYQAvD_BwE
Try any if those brands. I know the former is sold at whole foods in the refrigerated section. Keep it in the fridge.
They work for me. Start by taking 3 capsules a day for 3 days. Then 2 for 2 days and then 1 a day for 2-3 weeks. And yes, you can also insert one in the vagina on the first day. I would put it in before bed time.
Anecdotal: I was using these headphones, to go to sleep https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087MDNJ6S/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_W0FFBT9FS4BJNXMQN9A8?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
After a while I got slight inner ear ache. So I stopped and it went away. I started using them again and after a while the pain was back. So I stopped all together and it hasn't been back since.
This hair test from Doctor's Data is the gold standard for mercury testing: Hair Mineral Analysis https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B01EVLNBDG/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_NG398GJBRJZYFYECNJF9
I worked with a functional rheumatologist in the Bay Area who diagnosed me with mercury but there's a Facebook group that can help interpret the test results https://www.facebook.com/groups/acfanatics/?ref=share be forewarned that some people in the group are anti-vaxxers but please don't let that deter you from the chelation protocol. The chemistry behind the Andy Cutler Chelation protocol is rock solid and has saved countless lives. The people posting can be a lot to take in but given that they have mercury poisoning, it's pretty understandable.
Another thing that comes to mind:
Collagen may be an essential part of gum health:
>The gingival tissues are comprised of 60% collagen, the periodontal ligament is 70-80% collagen and the alveolar bone matrix is 90% collagen
While it's likely you are getting plenty of the main amino acids from which collagen is built of from vegan sources (namely beans, nuts, and seeds), it is unclear how easy it is for the body to convert these building blocks into collagen and integrate them into the various collagen-rich tissues, including the gums. Collagen production also slows down as we age (likely a driving factor behind skin dryness, wrinkles, etc).
You might consider making an exception to your ethical/health-conscious lifestyle and supplementing collagen peptides from animal sources. Apparently it's possible to create vegan collagen from a specific strain of bacteria, but I'm not finding a commercially available product as of yet. You could always try a 'collagen booster' supplement such as this one... although, again, it's unclear without doing more digging how much good that would do you. If collagen is indeed your core issue... I take it this could be due to a lot of things, so I don't know that there are any guarantees with either of the above routes.
Get a nighttime mouth guard if you haven't already! And if you are eating lots of raw foods as part of your diet, dialing that back a bit and cooking food a bit more thoroughly may be helpful as well.
Yep mine seems to be doing better. I started doing rolfing which is basically a more intense deep tissue massage. I discovered I hold tension (subconsciously) in my calves, like when I'm sitting at my desk. The tight, knotted muscle seems to "pull" on the plantar fascia causing it to get inflamed. So we did a few sessions where my rolfer worked on my calves, which hurt like hell. I also have one of these devices which has been very helpful :)
Lately I just notice when my calves are tight and mentally relax them. That alone seems to allow tension to release from the fascia, and I haven't had any issues recently.
I've tried all forms of choline. The best for this purpose is phosphatidylcholine or sunflower lecithin. The best I've found is BodyBio Liposomal Phosphatidylcholine but its a little pricey. If you're on a budget go with Sunflower Lecithin Powder from NOW. I take about 2600mg of BodyBio broken up into 2 doses, or one heaping tablespoon of the lecithin powder taken one time per day.
There's a whole bunch of brands out there for taurine but I aim for 500mg, two times per day for a total of 1000mg.
Just found another product that looks interesting. It has really good proven strains for vaginal health:
What you want to look for are the strains Lactobacillus Rhamnosus GR-1 and Reuteri RC-14.
^ NOT this one. It has propylene glycol which is a known skin irritant, and nothing containing "good" bacteria.
The Tangled Tree by David Quammen dives into mutations and microbe activity like this. Some bacteria can become dangerous then passive then dangerous again and we are still trying to figure out why. This may be a good link.
The Tangled Tree: A Radical New History of Life https://www.amazon.com/dp/1476776636/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_792N8HSVNE0H8K8Z390Y
It sounds like a sluggish gallbladder. That turned out to be the root of all of my digestive issues. A company called Standard Process makes a supplement called A-F Betafood which really helped me out. If that's a little pricy you can also get sunflower lecithin powder and get a similar effect. The key ingredient you need to be looking for is phosphatidylcholine. It thins your bile, which is what naturally keeps methane bacteria at bay. Good luck.
In my opinion the best supplement for bloating is Atrantil
If you click in my Username on my recent comment hist I just did a long post about how this helped heal my Methane SIBO - main symptom was Bloating
This book may have some answers for you, The Psychobiotic Revolution: Mood, Food and the New Science of the Gut-Brain Connection. Check out your local library, note that most libraries have online eBooks for borrowing. I've got a hold on for a copy now. I've only been able to read the first chapter but it looks interesting.
Check out the Wahls Protocol for chronic health issues. Dr. Wahls matches your diet closely and has options to be nightshade and egg free. Her methods focus on strengthening the mitochondrial health which helps many chronic and autoimmune issues fade away.
The Wahls Protocol: A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles https://www.amazon.com/dp/1583335544/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_YX1B8KNSX197SM34XW68
There is a lot of new research that has linked the microbiome to all kinds of conditions. Obesity, depression, mental conditions, you name it. Fecal transplants are now considered one of the most effective measures to resolve C-diff infections that are resistant to most antibiotics. There is a lot of research that has found that the majority of autistic people have digestive issues.
This book discusses fecal transplants helping a number of conditions, including autism.
Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain - for Life https://www.amazon.com/dp/1473619351/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_MM5TJNHZ5GG7ZE966TA3
Check out the Wahls Protocol. It goes into healing all sorts of stuff and optimizing nutrition at the mitochondrial level. The doctor who developed it used to to reduce her MS symptoms but found it works for most chronic health issues. It’s anti inflammatory and dramatically helps the microbiome.
Interesting question, and it applies directly to what I just did. I spent the last two years suffering from 24x7 bloating, fatigue and brain fog, discomfort, troubled bowels movements, and a few other things. One GI said SIBO, another said pelvic floor issues, another...you get the idea. I was already a very healthy eater, and I tried altering my diet many times, but the problems would not improve. That is, until I went all in on plants.
Eating as many different types of plants a day as possible, plus the addition of fermented vegetables, I cleared up my crushing fatigue in almost exactly 2 weeks. Things went so well, I started slowly adding in the forbidden foods that caused me major issues, like garlic. I eventually ate a lot of raw garlic one day, and had my second big breakthrough. I felt like passing out for a while, but the next day I was better than ever. In fact, I felt almost normal for the first time. Still had some bloating, but the discomfort was way down. Next breakthrough came two weeks ago, when I involuntarily fasted all day. Next morning I woke up feeling so sick, but an hour later I was better. Better in fact than I had been since it started. This has remained. My energy levels are also through the roof.
So I view it as threshold levels. Perhaps the first one was to get my intestinal lining repaired, and the other ones were due to die off, from the garlic, then from the fast. Just speculation. Also, while I did go almost 100% plants, I did and still do cheat sometimes. So perfection is not required, but you have to really push it. Just eating healthy is not enough sometimes. At least that is what I have experienced. Link to the plan I followed: https://www.amazon.com/Fiber-Fueled-Plant-Based-Optimizing-Microbiome/dp/059308456X (he as some free podcasts on Youtube if you just want to get an idea).
You can google it and find many places to buy, that's where I bought
I'm no expert, just a challenged owner-operator like you. Where do you live? I'd advise you to get a specialist working for you. It's time.
Beyond that... you might try taking a "Mood Lift" type probiotic, in the evening before bed. That allows the much-happier microbiome to parachute in... and help the fight for the good guys... while your intestines are least busy. I have taken 2-3x the "typical" daily dose, this way, in the evening, and it has done WONDERS for my positive mood.
I know it's hard to do... I know... but don't panic.
My heart goes out to you.
This is just a shot in the dark but have a look at the phone app called Noom.
My wife used it to lose some weight and she loved it. You'll need to log your food, but it's all about giving you tools for modifying your behavior. My wife never ate vegetables before and was really hooked on sugar. Once she got into Noom she changed her diet and her cravings too. I think that shifting your microbiome is really about shifting your diet - and it takes time and effort. You can't just do it willy nilly. So, really, give it a shot. I do not work for them or get money from them. I just really saw it work.
Getting with a naturopath is good, but at the end of the day, you will only see change by doing it yourself... and it is so HARD to just try random stuff. Noom will give you a program to stick with and learn.
I don't know if a botanical antibiotic could work in place of Cipro, but, if you want to avoid Cipro (I concur with the other posts here), there are solutions here worth exploring further:
This doctor deals with helping chronic conditions with a food based approach. She started the diet trials at a VA hospital and many of her clients have very tight budgets. She still has had major improvements in her clients who had all sorts of chronic issues. The Wahls Protocol by Dr. Terry Wahls
We are about to go live for our meeting this month. Feel free to join in, ask questions, or just hang out and listen. Here is the link:
Normally oxygen-absorbing packs are placed into culture vessels, but if the organism is so fragile that any air exposure does them in, then just transferring the cultures to such a vessel is a problem.
But it is possible for some that are not so fragile to survive in culture tubes where the critters are "stabbed" into medium so that there is no oxygen down below.
This PowerPoint may be useful.
Sounds like leaky gut. You need something to fight back the yeast and bacteria in your gut so the mucosa can heal. Here is what I take when I’m out of balance. https://www.amazon.com/NOW-Candida-Support-180-Capsules/dp/B000E7R3FY
Still super early, but I'm about 2 months post antibiotics. Since then, I've been strictly following the microbiome diet from Total Gut Balance book (with some cheating here and there). I don't want to jinx it, but I'm feeling so good while on the diet, and I notice improvements weekly. 2 months ago, I couldn't digest anything normally. It took me a couple of weeks to adjust to the diet, but I stayed disciplined. I'm happy to stay on this diet for however long it takes for my gut to heal.
Dull pain in the liver indicates a fatty liver. You need choline, preferably Alpha GPC. That's the brand I used. 2 Capsules, 3x/day until the dull ache goes away. If your liver is fatty and congested it will alter your bile output which will allow for bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine and a host of other digestive problems. I would add NAC too if you can find it. It will prevent the fatty liver from becoming inflamed and cirrhotic. 5 or 600 mg, 3x/day. Good luck.
So just commenting back on this with some experience now. I've tried this product now for two days: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IO5A3T6/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_9P4ZCBRYYQWB3QGC9754?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I feel awful when I take it. Lot of nausea and feel bloated as hell. I've learned there is different strains of the bacteria that's in this product than the ones I'm looking for. it's the same species and genus but likely the wrong strain I'm looking for. So crap :/
Supersmart - H. Pylori Fight 20 Billion CFU Per Day - Contains Lactobacillus Reuteri (Probiotic) - Relieves Acid Lifts & Stomach Aches | Non-GMO & Gluten Free - Made in USA - 60 Vegetarian Capsules https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07JYJFPJX/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_g_PTDF0HQHH4WKD5D830DN
That's not good. H.pylori causes ulcers and Clostridia is toxic. You need to get treated with the ulcer antibiotic to kill off the pylori and then replace it with a good stomach bacteria like L. Reuteri .
Have you tried taking prebiotics? They're naturally in foods like garlic, oats, leeks, seaweed, apples, and bananas. I also take this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B075STV918/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1. It helps a ton (it started to work after 2 weeks, and I also take a magnesium supplement with it). I try to avoid most common allergenic foods (besides eggs), processed foods, additives, and alcohol. I would try these in addition to getting an overall blood test to rule anything else out from your doctor.
This prebiotic supplement works for me to help curb emotional eating cravings. It's just a part of the bigger journey to heal my digestive system, but it's an important one. The apple peel protocol the other commenter suggested could do a similar thing because both can help the gut flora flourish. I would focus on this before anything else in your journey. I also have removed processed foods, sugars, additives, and commonly allergenic foods from my diet. It's not so bad for you to binge eat a whole bunch of vegetables! It has helped me a lot. Education is half the battle. You can do this. <3
I have been taking these for about 2-3 weeks now: Fiber Prebiotic Sugar-Free Gummies with Inulin, Digestive Support for Kids & Adults - Apple Flavor (60 Ct)
They have erythritol in them, which I would assume isn't great, but my digestive system has massively improved since taking them and I will take them for the forsee-able future. I would recommend them to anybody. 100%. My energy levels have increased tremendously and also along with that I've massively decreased my procrastination.
Don't take a probiotic without improving your prebiotic situation. I've also somewhat increased the prebiotic foods that I eat, like adding more oats, leeks, garlic, and ground flax seeds.
Yup it was this trash
Watch out for the delayed release anti acid caps.
They work REALLY well for me. One teaspoon twice a day.
I’ve taken it with fiberous food each time. Bone broth with some squash/cabbage cooked in for 3 of the 4 uses thus far. A green banana and bone broth for the 4th.
I’m using this 2-3 times a day
Thorne Research - Sacro-B Probiotic - Enhances Immune Function in The Gut - 60 Capsules https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000FGXO7A/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_tSr2FbFCZ773V?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I’ll likely limit it to 2x every other day here shortly so I’m not overdoing anything. Got some Visbiome coming to start mixing in in a few weeks when I feel comfortable
Ok so I saw on amazon it does list it in their list of bacteria. That is really crazy!!!! I am so curious now that I am determined to find out why it’s there!
DrFormulas' Best Probiotics for Women & Men | Nexabiotic Multi Probiotic with Saccharomyces Boulardii, Lactobacillus Acidophilus, B. infantis, Prebiotic 60 Capsules (Not Pearls) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0050FKPU0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_ktxGDbN9C49SD
visit nutritionfacts.org and get the daily dozen app, stick to it and if it's diet related you'll feel better in 30days.
I'd get a doctor to interpret it for you. Did you not have a practitioner order it for you?
TBH it looks pretty normal. You have nothing "bad" flagged and that's really all these tests are good for is screening for pathogens and 1/2 of the GI Function markers (the other 1/2 are useless (link here).
You can't really hang your hat on the opportunistic/normal values other than you may have slight dysbiosis. (Or maybe that's normal for you, who knows)
Again I wouldn't seek out ppl who aren't clinicians to interpret the results for you.
Having spent upwards of $1,500+ on all the tests and similar ones you mention I'd advise you to invest in treatment (and possibly a good practitioner) instead.
The best clinicians who treat the microbiome at this point go 80% based off symptom outlay and use testing as a suggestive guide at best.
If you want a good self-help plan to work through I'd highly recommend "Healthy Gut, Healthy You". If anything it's a great book that will give you a balanced in depth view of gut health.
I use this prebiotic fiber product (inulin and chicory root)
Fiber Gummies Sugar-Free Prebiotic Supplement for Kids & Adults - Digestive Health | Improves Bowel Movement with Inulin & Chicory Root | 100% Natural and Vegan Friendly - 40 Count https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075STV918/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_HhYqFbEM6JCTR
Chios or Falim.
Of course. you'll be amazed at how simple it is. 1 TBSP Organic Milk Kefir Grains and ebook “Milk Kefir Unleashed by Thomas Egbert” - Fresh Live Active Probiotic Starter Cultures https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007GGRJTG/ref=cm_sw_r_u_apa_fab_.V0BFbTC7PNS2. These pearls are what my dad and i use. We also have a milk lady and buy RAW milk. These are the only 2 ingredients needed. (RAW milk has its risks as well as its not pasteurized). Step 1. Milk and pearls in a mason jar. Step 2. Let it sit out at room temp for 24-36hrs (depending on the room temp, 60 degree range then 36hrs, 75* then 24 is fine). It needs to breath, so coffe filter or paper towel and a rubber band work to cover top. Step 3. Strain the pearls out and add a little milk to them. Put them in fridge till next use. Now you have your Kefir. It has a certain smell. You can drink it by itself, little tart. I had it to smoothies. These pearls should last several batches. I think in the 2-3 yrs we've been doing it, we only replaced pearls 2x. I recommend reading some reviews on the Amazon link as it'll help your understanding. Good luck!!
It’s also common in toothpastes, sunscreen, lotions, soaps, cosmetics. You can even buy it in bulk on Amazon.
I have colitis and I’m in remission through diet and using MaryRuth Organics Probiotics. They have their own website, but I purchase through Amazon Organic Liquid Probiotics by MaryRuth's (Plant-Based) - Men Women Kids Babies Toddlers - Non-GMO Vegan RAW Paleo - 12 Live strains of Flora w/acidophilus probiotic for Digestion 4oz Glass
The only thing I can think of is 'Restore' "RESTORE is a unique and proprietary blend of all-natural ancient soil extracts that works to fortify your gut membrane and optimize your gut-brain connection. ... It promotes gut health, alleviates gluten sensitivity, enhances mental clarity, promotes sleep, and strengthens digestion and metabolism." https://www.amazon.com/RESTORE-Terrahydrite-Substances-Complexes-Environmental/dp/B01DVACBIO
As an infectious disease clinician, I'm curious as to exactly which parasite the "turpentine cleanse" is supposed to rid people of?
Edit: Oh my God, these reviews! Still can't find anything beyond "parasites".
This guy warns against those products: https://fixyourgut.com/hsos-part-9-not-recommend-just-thrive-aka-megasporebiotic-lite/
And boy are they expensive as fuck. $1.6 per pill. https://www.amazon.com/Just-Thrive-Probiotic-Antioxidant-Survivability/dp/B00IO9PMDO
I used these, but they appear to be out of stock. There are other empty enteric coated capsules on amazon, tho! I used them in combination with gelatin capsules in an attempt to increase my coverage.
Anyone have a suggestion for products available in the US for something comparable?
This has both, but also lots of other stuff: https://smile.amazon.com/Nexabiotic-Probiotics-Recommended-Acidophilus-Boulardii/dp/B0050FKPU0?th=1
The flora of the vagina does change in the months prior to parturition (cite: Rosebury's classic Life on Man). However, how these changes come about is unknown. Certainly before the days of hospital births, there was greater exposure to the mother's feces which would result in inoculation. Whether or not the mother's vaginal flora is changed by the ingestion of probiotics via the anus- I don't know. Some women claim their yeast infections may be cleared up with oral yogurt, so perhaps it's possible.
As to whether the 1-2-3 (or as many as 10-15) organisms in encapsulated probiotics- many of which do not survive transit through the acid environment of the stomach- are even healthy for newborns- I doubt there are any good data on that.
> It is a fat soluble vitamin, so if you are good about taking a little too much per day, eventually it will catch up with you if you live long enough.
Why? What do you mean by this?
>That's 4 pills.
Number of pills seems pretty irrelevant... I get 5k iu in one pill. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0032BH76O
And this is the k2 I take with it https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004GW4S0G
http://www.amazon.com/Healthy-Origins-Probiotic-Billion-Stable/dp/B00309S4C4 is the probiotic I was using (no affiliation).
Here is my daily log for that period (I know it isn't perfect): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jJXdlcD5u1bbYeRi4bi5cO-nsZ6FLlH4NykT6i-J8f8/edit#gid=0 "supplements" column is what I take every day and when it changes that means from that day on it is what is listed. "Notable Foods\Supplements" is stuff I only had on that particular day. As far as the numbers, higher is better.
Theories welcome. :)
On a related note, do you know of, or do you think it would be possible to make a guide to strain identifiers?
For example, HA-188 vs SD-5865. These have drastically different affects on me, but I have no idea why. I'm guessing that the strain identifier has something to do with where the microbe was found (such as pigs vs humans), but I have no idea what "HA" or "SD" mean. And knowing more about this would likely really help with identifying patterns of which probiotics are likely to be the most beneficial for me and others.
Tests showing that specific strains are important?
This is the webmd article I was referencing: http://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/probiotics-diarrhea
Practically every study that comes out tests a specific strain. They generally do not test muti-strain supplements.
This identical supplement from the same company, but with a different strain identifier, has a massively different affect on me vs the reuteri pearls.
> Lots of probiotics never make it to the gut.
I've seen those claims before. They don't add up in my experience.
>Also, do you refrigerate your probiotics?
The ones that say to.
>floraster made me feel really sick
That's interesting.
>Garden of life Raw
This thing? http://www.amazon.com/Probiotics-Ultimate-Care-100-Garden-Life/dp/B00AR0ENJ2
>Seriously, have you looked at labdoor.com?
These rankings & data are pretty basic. The value is limited.
https://labdoor.com/review/now-foods-probiotic-10 - I've taken this one before during the period where I thought multi-strain and high CFU count was the most important. And it was nowhere near as beneficial as the ones I currently take. Though of course a lot of it is going to vary from person to person due to the differences in the bacteria that are currently in each person's gut.
I found that taking a soil probiotic almost completely negated the positive affects I was getting from the other ones. It wasn't till I was able to clear out the soil bacteria with some homemade sauerkraut that I've started to see the positive affects again.
> septicemia
No, I don't think so.
For the reuteri, there is another cheaper supplement from the same company, but it has a different strain identifier. I found this product to be very significantly inferior to the one I recommended earlier.
Also, if he's going to keep taking s.boulardii, I'd recommend taking it at night, and then taking the others in the morning. That way should provide the least disruption to the good bacteria supplements.
Have you/he tried any diet changes? Extreme diets like 80/10/10 and ketosis, seem to have major affects on gut bacteria.