I have found this one that could be maybe placed under the mesh.
It would have to be to the side of the mesh not directly under it due to melted spice drops. I will order 1 or 2 to try them . I am also looking to open source my project for anyone interested.
Would you mind posting a pic of your non-mushroom installed mesh on a free image hosting site such as https://imgbb.com/ then we can get an idea of what your installation looks like?
Quick update re the syringes. I can now find them, but only in like 10 packs and delivered from pretty far away. Just to bring this up as an alternative - I think glass pipettes could also work when you just mix the dmt and PG in another container beforehand. Or do you think this could lead to some problems, u/minty_love ?
Would this be a suitable mesh for your recommended emesh setup? I'm having an extremely difficult time locating anything vape related that I can have shipped to me in the states.
I picked up one of these because I wanted an internal battery and impatient... I could have it the next day.... I can't compare to others but does everything I need for vaping shatter and dmt-juice. I'm due to receive an emesh knock-off any day now, but I've not tried it yet.
Maybe not what you're looking for but THIS on amazon fits my emesh, roll of mesh, ccell palm and various carts and vials and if I were to arrange everything in a certain way I could probably fit a scale in there. I love this little case. Looks like a travel shave kit. Super discreet.
Thanks so much for responding! You’re really a pioneer.
Do you think this will work? I can’t seem to find 100 on Amazon. It goes from 75 to 120.
Hmmmm, it would probably be OK.
What I've found is that if the mesh resistance drops below about 0.1Ω on my Solo, then temperature control and even Power modes can sometimes go a bit unpredictable. The Solo spec says OK down to 0.05Ω but I disagree.
So with shorter lengths of mesh (i.e. when using smaller RDAs like the Vandy Vape V2) the resistance can start to creep uncomfortably close to this with even #150 mesh. #120 is even coarser (and very slightly lower resistance per unit length) which is why it's not something I'd choose myself.
I would probably choose #200 mesh like this, which might be a bit safer. The only thing to be aware of is that #200 (75 micron) and finer mesh seems to reduce and stabilise its resistance following the initial red heat burnoff. So once you've done this it's an idea to do a coil reset.
Hope that helps! Good luck.
Hey Minty! Thank you so much for taking the time to help me out :)
Here’s the link to the mesh:
TIMESETL 304 Stainless Steel Woven Wire 120 Mesh - 12"X40" Filter Screen Sheet Filtration Cloth https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07L1LLV63/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_BY4J1DG901KM1Q5Y3CS4?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Hey Minty! Thank you so much for taking the time to help me out :)
Here’s the link to the mesh:
TIMESETL 304 Stainless Steel Woven Wire 120 Mesh - 12"X40" Filter Screen Sheet Filtration Cloth https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07L1LLV63/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_BY4J1DG901KM1Q5Y3CS4?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
the voltage will always be displayed on the screen, it auto adjust as you move the wattage around. Each piece of Stainless Steel mesh will have a slight difference in resistance or Ohms which means the wattage and voltage will move around a bit from mesh coil to mesh coil.
I recommend this mesh 304 Stainless Steel Woven Wire 200 Mesh - 12"X 40" Filter Screen Sheet Filtration Cloth it's finer so less material leaks through to drip onto the deck, it has a slightly better resistance profile and one roll of this shit will last you the rest of your life for only 13 bucks.
Do these ship to you? I briefly checked UK amazon and didn't see any glass fiber filters that weren't prohibitively expensive, but nylon 0.45µm filters will do the trick. Also don't order the CA filters recommended by the user above. Propylene glycol is not compatible with cellulose acetate. PG is compatible with every other filter type, but I don't have experience outside of nylon and glass fiber so I can't personally speak on it.
Any thoughts on this mesh, I too have been chasing the ss316 to no avail so I got this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08XZ51C9X?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details
I'm not sure what the difference is between the 316 and 304 mesh, wire diameter, wire alloy?
no need to apologise i really appreciate the input! i believe the carts i will be using for thc are 1.2ohms-1.4, i'll post link below so you can correct me if im wrong, i always assumed the lower voltage setting on the battery the kinder it will be on the cart and won't burn through the coil or the goods inside too quickly but from what you've said it sounds like the opposite (sorry if i'm mistaken) so basically if i get the Yocan and am using the carts in the link below which i believe says 1.2 - 1.4ohms then keep it on the highest voltage to be on the safe side and they will run fine. thanks so much for the advice, it's much appreciated! :)
Geekvape Aegis Solo 100W TC Box MOD dernière AS chipset pour étanche antichoc 100% authentique aucune cigarette électronique Nicotine MOD (Noir-) https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B07YDVFYRY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_D0Z714JZVEFWJB6R7JAX
The mod is the red version and is £39.99
Aegis Max 100W 21700 GeekVape Box - Red Phoenix https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08M5R1181/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_KC5VNMN66PYKR8K1K2NR?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Hello there Minty. I'm trying to find a rda tank for tripping balls via vape. Ive had a gander at your vids, and scowering amazon and vape shops for a suitable one is straightning out my nutsak. Would the dual mesh one do, or... https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07GZGHSL3/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_7VFVB81PEWXB3CMEB7C2
Can anybody help a guy out and fire a link here for one that will be of use, and is available. I've got the vandy vape 200mesh enroute so best if compatible with that.
Thanks in advance
You may want to grab a charger, even though some of my mods have micro USB, they recommend removing batteries to charge. These kind are handy, they do pretty much any kind that fits and can be used as a battery bank in a pinch
I dunno how good this is, but personally I woudn't risk it when bona-fide naphtha is available on amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/Azure-Naphtha-petroleum-hydrotreated-light/dp/B07NHHRWFM/ref=sr\_1\_2?crid=1WHI5VYIXB33&keywords=azure+naphtha&qid=1640697393&sprefix=azure+naph%2Caps%2C1179&sr=8-2
Then they are lying I guess :D
I have a more expensive one like this (and I can measure every mg):
G&G FC50 Precision Jewellery / Gold Scales (50 g / 0.001 g) with Calibration Weight https://www.amazon.de/dp/B003KMX9FS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_2BH57DBX4AAAQW7W40E7
Just buy jewelry/gold scales. They can measure 0.001, the cheaper ones only do 0.01.
For example:
Digital Scales 50g / 0.001g, Milligram Scale, Jewellery Scales with Calibration Weights Tweezers and Weighing Pans. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09KLZNG2M/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_a_PND6FAQ5EG9G427RA9R1
I've done well with this one: Weigh Gram Scale Digital Pocket Scale,100g by 0.01g,Digital Grams Scale, Food Scale, Jewelry Scale Black, Kitchen Scale 100g https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06Y61YW7S/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_JRP68CYSBAYR4CEAXBV1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Well, I have ordered this 75 micron mesh already, will give it a test run to report any information the mesh, not that I have lots of experience testing it, my first vape experience.
Second Eluski's opinion on the calibration weight being an essential. Some cheap scales boast an "automatic calibration" and then fail to state that a calibration weight is needed to achieve it (which is not included).
I'm very happy using my cheapo Ebay scales together with a good dollop of common sense. They're "8028 Series Professional Jewelery Scale", outwardly indistinguishable to these in all but label.
Others will prefer more expensive items, but I expect I'll never need another set.
Thank you once more Minty, I guess I have to fiddle around with thistill my mesh roll arrives from UK.
Thanks again Mintu, Phew I guess I just have to order this till I get my roll from UK.
Phew I guess I just have to order this till I get my roll from UK.
I found this on my local Amazon, will cut through the mesh, this is the best I could find listed online in my country,
Although my friend is sending me the mesh #200 roll and drip tip from Uk. What ebay links do you have?? Cheers
Do you think something like this.
Staggered Fused Clapton wire 10ft - (26GA+32GA) x2+32GA Resistance Wire, Stainless Steel 316L Prebuilt Wires for Household Wiring Use https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07DLWPS9V/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_SK3NFXSQ91NPWY369Q5F
Or this
KKDUCK Stainless Steel 316 Staggered Fused Clapton Wire (26G+32G) https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B0975KYQSS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_TZ06SW7HMR04R5JTH6JN
Would work better?
I’m trying to avoid vaping websites to avoid the ridiculous shipping costs that came with the US vape mail ban
yeah its not showing for India , i figured out , but maybe my local vendors said that he might get an aegis mod , now i gotta arrange rda and and mesh wire , will the ‘Generic Stainless Steel mesh ‘ from amazon work as an alternative to vandyvape ?Mesh link