I mean, that pot could really be more than $100.00. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09479Z8WG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_EXX0Y4005PVKCSJP05PV?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 depending on where they got it. It's a beautiful plant, congratulations!
That's my view from my computer chair :D
I absolutely LOVE that tent. It has a triangle footprint & fits in a corner so I can have it right next to my desk. The best part though is that massive viewing window on the front. It's the only tent I've ever seen designed like that, most tents either don't have a window or only a small one up around eye level with a flap so you can peek in. https://www.amazon.com/VIVOSUN-Triangle-Bigger-Window-Growing/dp/B07FCC7LXM
I've got that Thai Constellation, a Monstera standleyana albo, a Begonia taconite, a Begonia pavonina & a Begonia 'Steves Leaves Phantom' in the tent at the moment.
Here's a pic of the Thai Constellation in natural lighting from a couple days ago when I pulled it out to repot it. It's still in the old 1 gallon fabric pot in this pic: https://i.imgur.com/jceA3JP.png
I use this digital light meter( this one is super cheap and works great! it doesn't come with batteries however just a heads up! Also reading the manual a little helps with controlling it :D) -> https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07RK932TB/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_nU9-Fb4PP3V3K
Neither. The aerial roots are too big for moss poles and coir poles don’t have anything for them to wrap around. I use metal stakes, but you could also use a trellis.
Edit to add for the hater: I have 12 monstera delicious varieties (4 large forms, 2 round forms, 3 albos, 2 Thai cons, 1 aurea), in my care, some for as long as 10 years. They all thrive, even throughout the Midwest winters. I shared what has worked well for me & what my monsteras have appreciated. Monsteras are hemi-epiphytes. Even the large forms need substantial support, but especially the vining forms like this albo. For a monstera this size, a tiny moss or coir pole just isn’t going to cut it.
I use these bulbs and I have a tall standing lamp that holds 3 lamp shades so that works well to get a good coverage from many angles. The plants go a little dormant in winter so less growth and water much less. MiracleLED 604594 Grow Light, 1 Pack, Multi-Plant White 150W https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DFDW3FV/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_7J7BXJC230GKTJ9KNGKT?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Having done a looooot of plants with watercolour I decided to try a new style, this time a more minimalistic/abstract version! I thought it was really fun and will try other styles aswell in the future, so please come with suggestions!
And as a starving artist trying to make some ends meet, please endulge me in a shameless plug if you'd like it on a tshirt, if you'd like a print/sticker DM me: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09BBKS5VW
I got 2 sets of Monios 4 foot lights (there are 6 lights in each set, so I have 12 strips total here). Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B086BWPBHL
I tried square panels for about $200 also, but it was not enough coverage for me.
At first I had more narrow shelves, about 12" wide, so I just used one light, not two like here for 18" width.
Getting some grow light bulbs and a floor 3-bulb lamp for my bigger ones. And a monitoring cam 🤓 cus why not. Should be all done upgrading to that this weekend.
i have these heating pads VIVOSUN Durable Waterproof... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00P7U259C?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
and i use this thermostat that also lets me know the humidity ! Hygrometer Indoor 2 Pack Max... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07Z77FK4C?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Thats when you'll want to take action. Supplying a grow light for it (at least as a temporary solution) should help you push out of this winter weather in pretty good condition. If you do go that route, I dont recommend anything below 100 watts based on the size pot I see in the picture. Go smaller will only supply less lighting to lower leaves. I also dont recommend 300 watts unless you have a room that no one uses where the plant will sit. 300 is pretty bright but will supply you with great lighting. There are some that have an adjustment knob to them that I've found on amazon. like this one which I use in my grow tent. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B088KK88NH/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 For the price, its really hard to beat compared to others. Its a full spectrum which will penetrate the canopy area better then a purple on. With this one you'll also have full control of the lighting between 5%-100%. Low output heat as well so no fear of burning your plants. (in a grow room, this light will increase temps). I think you're one step away from having one of the happiest plants on the block lol.
Try a CFL like this one.
They trick you with those little LED bulbs. Not that all LED are bad. Yours is a 30w equivalent, which split up between all the tiny bulbs doesn’t give you the intensity you want. I didn’t see lumens mentioned on yours. But I did see another measurement 120 umol. Which is pretty low. Even if you had the light right on the plant
I used to do a lot of indoor gardening. CFL are so nice. I would always use 2 bulbs with a double ended fixture like this
Then I would cover the top with some type of a hood. Usually a throw away aluminum turkey pan. I’m sure you could find something nicer than that to use, just make sure the bulbs are horizontal. More light comes out the side of bulbs as opposed to the tip.
But anyways that’s my suggestion is more light is needed.
It’s this one: Grow Lights for Indoor Plants Full Spectrum, Elaine 132W Auto ON/Off Plant Grow Light 3/6/12H Timing Function Sunlike Clip On Grow Light Lamp for Succ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07VN337LF/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_3bzkul8bXbfpG
This far away: https://i.imgur.com/o30cvAf.jpg
Go basic. Here's the one I use. You'll need a co2 tank and a solenoid regulator purchased separately.
Titan Controls HGC702618 Professional Series Atlas 2-Preset CO2 Monitor/Controller, 120 Volt, White https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00819A642/ref=cm_sw_r_u_apa_fabc_Emp2FbJ0P8Q90
I got one from Amazon also. I purchased it before for some deciduous caudiciforms that were pushing themselves into dormancy during the summer so I knew it worked well. I may need to get stronger bulbs so I can keep the light farther but otherwise I'm happy with it.
Thank you so much! Glamazon for the dress! I seriously have like four of them, sooo light + flowy for summer! My boyfriend & I went to see the corpse flower blooming & spent a good 2+ hours in the conservatory and I stayed super cool in this dress! I’ll share the link cause girl code 💁🏻♀️
The lights I'm using I got off amazon for really cheap & I've been using them a bit over a year now and really like them. They're 50W, fanless, IP67 waterproof, come with a long cord w/ a switch & cost $50 for a pack of 2. https://www.amazon.com/FECiDA-Waterproof-Equivalent-Spectrum-Greenhouse/dp/B07TL9VFD4
If you're looking for grow lights it's hard to beat these for the price.
Oh you already cut off the mushy parts. I’m sorry! Ive done some research and many people suggest potting in a mix of potting soil, orchid bark, and perlite so that the soil doesn’t stay soggy. Mine is currently potted in regular potting soil on top of this thing I bought on amazon DrainIt! Plant Container Disc, 12 to 15-Inch https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00K72X68Y/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_d1CmFb7CH4QQ0
I have read that a 30 min soak in diluted hydrogen peroxide can help though. 1tbsp/cup
Of course no problem! Don’t worry much they are hard to kill plant lol. Most monstera split leaves sometimes take years to split. Some don’t some do. There’s nothing to worry about. I have one split leave out of all 20 leaves and they are babies still. Yours looks like baby monstera almost similar to my new ones I just bought so time will come! :) I have 3 monsteras in my home and one propagated monstera starting to roots now. That’s good your monstera have Ariel roots! I didn’t repot mine when I put in moss pole. Most people prefer to wait and repot but I rather train mine to stay upright. There are some helpful YouTube videos how to put moss pole in without repotting. Mine is doing very well with moss pole without repotting. Mine is from amazon 24in. Mosser Lee ML1010H Totem Pole... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000UOCYFA?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share That’s what I have. :)
Would you suggest I repot into a smaller pot?
I re-potted using a store bought re-potting soil pack.
It lives about a meter away from a window, doesnt receive direct light just in-direct. I also live in the UK though so sunny days can be far and few between especially in winter.
The soil is still damp, after watering it about a month ago.
Thank you! I just unrestrainted all the petioles. I ordered this soil for this monstera specifically: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09HSWMP2K?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1
Do you still think I should replace it?
I actually get great light when the sun is up, and previously I had the table scooted directly in front of the window (I just moved it back because I read it should get indirect light and was worried).
It's sounding like everyone thinks the soil is an issue so I'm just waiting to hear back from people regarding the mix I purchased. Thanks for your tips though!
I haven't had experience with it, but I'm generally really skeptical of MiracleGro stuff. Their regular potting soil tends to be too peat heavy and retains too much moisture and I had an issue where I used their cactus mix and it had the same problem, drowning a sansevaria I had (there might have been a little user error there lol) Also, different tropicals require different types of soil, so I'm a bit skeptical about a "one size fits all" mix as well. Personally, I would order some specialty stuff, you could use a retailer like repotme or just grab some stuff on amazon that is specialty for monstera, like this, although I've never tried that one. Another option if you want to do it immediately and not wait is go to a big box store like Lowes and grab some Miracle grow stuff, but make your own mix. So grab a bag of regular potting soil, a bag of perlite, and a bag of orchid bark, and mix them. This should still work fine, and you could probably find a recipe online that uses stuff you can get at lowes.
Hi! I ordered this soil off amazon specifically for this monstera: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09HSWMP2K?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1
I felt it wasn't chunky enough too, but since this is specifically marketed for tropicals let me know if you still think I should order something else instead.
Thank you for the tip on the petioles.. I assumed the top portion counted as a stem not a petiole, but I just undid those ties.
I can see the thirps from here! No worries though, i use Monterey garden insect spray for mine and i treat every few months as a preventative. Ive had thrips before in a large dense plant room that also includes fish and invertebrates and its never harmed anything that wasnt a bug on the plants. The good stuff
Mine do fine in ambient humidity, which is usually around 40-60%. They do appreciate lots of light, though. In winter they can take direct sunlight that is filtered through a window. I don't have any good windows, so I use artificial lights (these) from October to May. In summer I put them outside in filtered light.
GE LED grow light! My plants love it. It's a lil pinkish hue so if thats a turn-off, you go with soltec light. Both are great, soltec is more expensive, $75ish, and more "white light". The GE one is around $20-$30. I got 1 at Lowes a couple weeks ago for $20 bc it was on sale.
i can recommend this one. helped me get rid of a nasty thrips invasion. did not treat the soil tho, still they never returned to this day.
It’s a GE PAR38
I think they’re fairly popular and easy to find. I got mine on Amazon for under $30.
okay good.
If you just place them in water, Get an airstone. It will drastically improve your odds of avoiding rot, and getting roots (by adding oxygen to root area)
Or can go the sphagnum route, but you won't be able to keep an eye on your roots as well.
It loves growing up moss poles! I water directly down the pole every 3 days, and mix this fertilizer at half strength in with the water.
I’ve got it in a very chunky soil mix and a slotted orchid pot, so the roots never sit in moisture for too long. They’re pretty forgiving plants so long as they’re in the right soil mix!
My soil mix:
7c orchid bark 1 c perlite 1 c charcoal 2 c tree fern fiber 2 c organic soil
I actually got them off Amazon! Heres the link mosspoles
I also have them in the 10 inch too that are super cute.
Ps they definitely smell mossy
It's a Swedish brand called Venso Ecosolutions, you can get it off of German or Swedish Amazon! German(in English) Swedish
here's the fertalizer i use https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00MKBC7OO?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details~!
I personally staw away from other water-based plant foods aside from this one! I suppose i swear by it lmao oh boy! I'm havin' a moment XD
So, for this fertilizer, you mix one tablespoon with a gallon of water, water turns green after a few seconds, and you mix that well and bam! plant food! ^^ you use that for your water based plants! All of my monstera are in water and leca~ I stopped using soil last year~ Too many fungus gnats and it's far too hot here~
Cool. I bought this for the adansonii and hoya shown, I'll move them a tad closer and position it so the adansonii gets more. I got [this](amazon.com/gp/product/B07BRKG7X1/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) for my deliciosa but that isn't too necessary since it's in an east facing window.
I decided to go with this which seems like it'll be a good in-between lamp. I can aim 1 at the Hoya's general direction, and two at the monstera.
The Hoya I've had for like 3 months now and it seems happy with the gentle light it gets thrown from the open window blinds across, but I'll give it more light.
Yes. You are correct. I made a mistake when I posted. I meant to say 3 feet away. My husband can tell you I am terrible with measurements. Hahaha. But here is the light: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09PD2P1W1?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details
Hello! I got it off of Amazon. I also made a mistake and meant I place the light 3 feet away not 6 feet. Sorry about that! Here is the light: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09PD2P1W1?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details
Also, if you are just now introducing a grow light to your plant, I would slowly acclimate it. I think I did like 6 hours a day at first and then went up to 12 hours in a matter of a few weeks. Keep an eye to make sure the leaves don't burn at first.
Hello! I got it off of Amazon. I also made a mistake and meant I place it 3 feet away not 6 feet. Sorry about that! Here is the light: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09PD2P1W1?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details
Also, if you are just now introducing a grow light to your plant, I would slowly acclimate it. I think I did like 6 hours a day at first and then went up to 12 hours in a matter of a few weeks. Keep an eye to make sure the leaves don't burn at first.
The ones in the pic are 20w Dommia LED panels from Amazon. They come 2 for around $20. Each of the cubbies in this pic has 2 panels in it. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08NX1N3YJ?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details
I've used self-watering ones and stackable ones from Etsy and they have been fine. I just today made a bunch of my own. It was a fun project.
I didn't see your photo before. You've got multiple plants in the pot. I've also got multiple plants in my pot (4). I use extendable garden trellis poles. They are very sturdy and I use one for each plant. They are also dark green, so they disappear once the plant gets fuller. The only downside is that the aerial roots won't have a medium to uptake water and nutrients until they extend down to the soil. They do keep the plant neat and more compact though. Mine have 17inch sections.
CKE 3 Pack Tomato Cage – Plant... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08DR2FLT6?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I’d say buy something like this: humidity gauge
I use this one and I also mix worm castings in
If you look at my most recent posts you should be able to see the grow light setup that I posted to this subreddit. It looks pretty clean in my opinion and most important it contains a lot of the light into that corner of the room( I was worried about having super bright lights that would get annoying)
The lamp was $40 from Amazon-
And the spotlight reflector was about $30 from Amazon-
And for the lights I just got 2x 36 watt Sansi grow bulbs, sorry I don’t have the link for those right now.
Hope this helps you!
I don’t mind sharing at all. I am super stoked to find something that works this well so I definitely want to help anyone else who’s in the same boat.
The lamp was $40 from Amazon-
And the spotlight reflector was about $30 from Amazon-
And for the lights I just got 2x 36 watt Sansi grow bulbs, sorry I don’t have the link for those right now.
Hope this helps you!
I have a grow light on mine. It has a timer that turns on every day at 8 am for 12 hours. I have it about 20 inches from my monstera. Since I bought the light two months ago, I have had three new fenestrated leaves as well as a new stem that is currently growing in. I have one light pointed at my monstera and the other at my pink princess which has also grown two highly variegated leaves since I got it. Here is the link to the light I have: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09PD2P1W1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&ref_=cm_sw_r_ud_dp_GN8SKXBB6C8QVFGX0DVP
I have mine about 20 inches from my monstera and have it on for about 12 hours a day. I would watch closely the first few days if you are nervous about it. They also have lights with different settings so you could start out with a lower setting and slowly work up to the brightest one to make sure your plant can handle it. This is the one I have: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09PD2P1W1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&ref_=cm_sw_r_ud_dp_37B1C3TA9QZHCP41RC0W
this is all you'll need my friend. The "seeds and greens" version 32watt one. I use 3 of them for mine during fall winter cause mine is huge but 1 will be fine if you position the light correctly. They are the best bang for your buck grow lights I've tried so far and I've tried at least 10 different ones.
I cant say anything about the fenestrations but I will say you should really replace that string with some plant velcro. Once the plant moves around or gets thicker it will put pressure on the plant and even cause a laceration. I learned this the hard way
I've got 3 I actually got to grow from a node. I also bought this off of Amazon to jump start them & I also bought the heating pad. You might want to try this method. It's worked great for me so far. This was purchased after I lost my Aurea. They have some fancier big ones and I actually bought me another different kind then the one I listed below. Then from there.... I decided to build me an Ikea Glass Terrarium with ton's of mod's including steam humidifier, grow lights & fans. LOL - And I'm building my 2nd one this weekend. My plant addiction has gone through the roof in the past few years. I'm that one that sneaks a new one in before the hubs busts me! ha ha! I'm a mess!
Any moisture meter as long as there’s a stick that goes in the soil and it has decent reviews. I know a few people who have this one and it worked wonders for them:
100% Organic Material All Natural Orchid Bark, Long Lasting All Natural, High Flowering and Aeration for Orchid Plants, Vanda,Phalaenopsis, Cattleya and Houseplant Repotting- 8QTs https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08DP4N2K3/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_F6EGG3GV0X99W0MNPF9G?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Here ya go! Best option is 8 quarts IMO, you might not need it all now but money wise it only costs $4 more for 4x the quantity of the smallest option!
I use Velcro plant tape & plant clips
REMIAWY Plant Clips for Climbing Plants, 65 pcs Self-Adhesive Plant Climbing Wall Fixture Clips, Invisible Leaf Shaped Plant Vine Wall Clips for Hanging Indoor Outdoor Garden Plant Vegetable Support https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09M6XMLFL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_BAXENQDF3DS6G1N209XW?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Continuous Spray Bottle Hair Water Ultra Fine Mister Sprayer Propellant Free for Hairstyling, Cleaning, Gardening, Misting & Skin Care BPA Free (10 ounce, White) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08LZQB5S1/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_YY8294SMFACG470ETFMA?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
You want this bottle! Spray the pole all around so the outer moss is wet. Then, unscrew the bottle and pour straight down the middle on the top of the pole and the moss should soak it up— if you don’t wet the outer moss first, the water will just get deflected out of the pole when pouring and make a mess
I was actually eyeing GE growlights because they came out best in reviews. I moved and was worried my plants wouldn’t have enough light, but they’re doing fine.
GOLETIO Potted Plant Mover Dolly with Flat-Free Rubber Wheels - Heavy-Duty Plant Pot Mover Caddy with Adjustable Grip and Foldable Handle for Indoor and Outdoor - with Protective Gardening Gloves https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08MY7XTBF/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_GMYR8B15PF33CJJ8PWFS
I guess this will do the job then. But should I be concerned with the 2-1 effect if some of the plants have alredy some fertilizer?
Is there big risk of over fertilization this this?
Substral Celaflor Careo Pest-Free Combi Sticks, 2-in-1: Plant Protection and Fertiliser Function, Pack of 40 https://www.amazon.de/dp/B09796RH5R/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_9JFVJRDEPYJV33GVC2TD?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Oh, I felt you… I started taking cuttings before I took this, but this was right before I had the idea for the third moss pole and just untangle and wrap it up: https://flic.kr/p/2niVrpS
It was going behind the TV/entertainment unit and everything. 😅
Oh, and I used tiny little hair clips to hold the wrapped strands up on the moss pole before I tied them to the pole with jute rope / twine. It helped a lot!
Simple Deluxe HIWKLTCLAMPLIGHTM Clamp Lamp Light with 8.5 Inch Aluminum Reflector Up to 150 Watt E26 Socket (No Bulb Included) 6 Feet 18/2 SPT-2 Cord, 1-Pack , Silver https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01E9IY6US/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_BVY7PBDKFR3KNP6AV5HB?psc=1
There’s this one that clamps on to things and you can change the tilt
I can't find the exact one I used but it was similar to this
Modern Grey-Black Gold Reading Floor Lamp, Adjustable LED Standing Floor lamp, E27 Bulb Base, LED Floor Light for Bedroom, Living Room, Library,Office(Bulb Not Include) https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B087QZH46F/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_ZDDXXDC2YJ8A4DN3NT12?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Yes here is my absolute favorite. I use it for my adansonii, deliciosa, several philodendron, Hoya, ficus, umbrella plant, and begonias.
JNDJNFV 2Pcs 26in Real Moss Pole for Monstera Bendable Plant Stakes, Sphagnum Handmade Slim Forest Moss Stick, Coco Plant Support Support Extension Indoor Potted Plants to Grow Upwards https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09QMF9WD5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_A9X9XVWR4GEDPF255PZX?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This is a good one and although not recommended for outdoor use because it kills bees, in this case I don't think that applies like if it were used on flowers.
Captain Jack for treating existing pests and Bonide systemic pesticide works very well from keeping those pests from coming back for a couple of months ( doesn’t work on spider mites tho ).
Bonide (BND95349) - Insect Control Systemic Granules, 0.22% Imidacloprid Insecticide (4 lb.) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000BWZ9U8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_NJKVTZGG2YZ9WCS4H14W
I notice my monsteras like to be watered about every 3-4 weeks. I agree to remove that self watering bottle. I began using a fertilizer for philodendron and they love it. Philodendron Fertilizer... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WX5KZJK?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
It took A LOT of patience lol. I started by putting her in a better pot with proper drainage holes. I make my own “soil” using Epsoma Cactus Soiland add Bonsai Jack to it. After that it was put in a room with a southwest facing window and under a grow light with a 12 hour timer. I also had a humidifier going and kept the humidity around 50-60%. I only water with distilled water most of the time since my city water is crap. It took her a long time to start putting off bigger leaves and she just now started putting out leaves with fenestrations about a month ago. In the winter she moved to a northwest facing window under the same grow light and she was actually under a heater vent which I personally think help with the humidity/airflow. Today I took her out of the pot, removed a bunch of soil from her roots and then actually put her back in the same pot and added her moss pole! I was even able to separate out a baby plant she made today too! Sorry for the long comment but I hope this helps!
I suggest using these root tabs
They work great for things like scale and thrips without having to spray things on the plant which could harm or kill it.
I used these for a really bad scale infestation I had in one of my chameleon vivs and they worked great without even killing any of my clean up crew insects.
maybe??? try to find better ones that will suit your plant.
Here’s the one i use.
I’m new to monsteras as well so I thought mine was dying when this happened a couple weeks ago lol. Get a thin stake, maybe something like this
and get some bread ties so you can (gently) prop it up and manipulate it to look how you want. I have some green metal stakes like this
You can hardly even tell they’re there. it looks fantastic. they look a bit big for your plant for now but maybe you can find some smaller ones at Home Depot or something. Good luck :)
I’d say leave as much green on it as possible so as you might normally cut closely to the branching off point, if the stem is green and healthy leave it long and lop off the burnt foliage. At this point I think anything with chlorophyll is a good thing. I don’t think you need to treat the area you prune. It should harden off on its own in a day or two.
Regarding fertilizer focused to foliage growth I know of hydroponic nutrient solutions that are. Outside of that I’m not sure. The google is your bff on that one.
The Blooming Jungle Moss Pole - 2 Coco Coir Poles Extending to 28.7 Inches - Train Indoor Plants to Grow Upwards - Use Plant Support Poles Individually or Together https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YVJC7NF/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_QBYRKCS9ZC0V306HQ92G?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I use these. It comes with plastic ties (I'm not sure what they are called) that you can tie to Monster to the moss pole.
Monsteras are a vine and love to climb.
Also. I love using fish emulsion fertilizer (Neptune's Harvest Fish Fertilizer 2-4-1, 18 Ounce https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009L8ZHVY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_G8JN7C3VV2PZJJX34QAQ)
More tips for wet stick happiness:
--Proper humidity really really really helps. A humidifer and a wifi-enabled hygrometer can both be had for under 50 bucks on Amazon.
--More humidity, but less watering overall seems to fix a LOT of tropical plant issues overall.
--If you can buy it in your country, this container of Capstan will last you the rest of your life and will stop stem rot in its tracks like nothing else.
Thrips are tough. I had an infestation while back and I used a topical pesticide and a systemic as well. Captain jacks or something similar for topical treatment and these guys for the systemic treatment. Systemic is beneficial because it treats for a longer period of time, ensuring that if there are any you missed, they’ll die too.
The best tool I ever got was this root rake from Amazon. It has changed my reporting game! It separates and brushes out the roots so gently. It’s a game changer!
Get Velcro ones off Amazon, reusable and they don’t have to be tight to the pile, the idea is for the pole to support it, not to strangle it x VELCRO Brand VEL-30664-WEU ONE-WRAP Plant Ties Pre-Cut 25pcs, Suitable for Garden Tomatoes Flowers or Vegetables in Raised Beds, 20cm x 1.2cm, Green - Recycled Plastic https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08Y5ZQGXB/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_JJXDJE0PF0BDPAGMKV7D
Maybe try getting a grow light Wolezek Upgraded 4-Head LED Grow Light with Tripod Stand for Indoor Plants, 80 LED Full Spectrum Floor Grow Lamp with Dual Controllers, 4/8/12H Timer (Tripod Adjustable 15-48 inch) https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B087JN3CVR/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_X5Y06THSS1ZT2F1W4N4E I have one of these it works pretty good
I find it’s best to look into an air circulator and point it up near or at the center of the room. Don’t look for fan even one with oscillation won’t really do the same thing. Vornado has some really affordable air circulators (even mini ones). There are other brands that will do well just make sure you pay attention to the shape the column of air will produce when it’s hitting your room. I personally love vornado circulators because they really do circulate the room well, often better than a fan would.
More circulation means the humidity and air temperature will be more even across the room. Cold or warm/hot damp with stagnant air flow always will lead to mold or those water marks. And hey you don’t need to go insane with the fan, I have the Vornado 660 Large Whole Room Air Circulator Fan w 4 Speeds and 90-Degree Tilt 660-Large in black.
I’ve heard wonderful things about these and have seen many youtubers and hobbyist growers use these, cheap, good quality and pretty damn good area for their size! There are many colors to choose from! (Not an affiliate or sponsored link I just like these in particular and they were my first choice before I decided on a larger model)
Vornado Flippi V6 Personal Air Circulator Fan, Bliss Blue
A lot of moss poles will fit inside each other to increase length. They just slot inside the other one similar to this link from amazon
LYFETC Moss Poles 2pack 40cm & 2pack 60cm Moss Pole For Monstera Adjustable Moss Stick Moss Pole For Cheese Plant Monstera Moss Pole Cheese Plant Support https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08FY8426G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_A1E9M61M5SAVK7S2QE4R?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Likesun I think the 30W
https://www.amazon.com/Safer-Brand-5118-Insect-Killing/dp/B00192AO90/ref=asc_df_B00192AO90/ all day every day. This is the only thing you need, for everything!!! Kills all bugs, not toxic, cheap, smells fine. I use it on all of my dozens of plants ~once a month.
Placing it in floral water tubes with water to help with more growth
Anjmd 50pcs Clear Plastic Floral Water Tubes Long Flower Vials Floral Tubes Bouquet Holders Floral Craft Supply for Valentine's Day Flower Arrangements Rubber Cap with Hole for Flower stem(4.3inch) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JZ1JBY8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_8MRAH8VR22JNDV928041
You may not need that many but I’ve seen people everywhere talk about doing it
I’m having the same issue. I just got thisMoss Pole
GREAT EAGLE LIGHTING CORPORATION 100W Equivalent LED Light Bulb 1500 Lumens A19 5000K Daylight Non-Dimmable 15-Watt UL Listed (6-Pack) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NC63KXZ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_HFRHEZSJFQKER18TDBR6?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
These are my favorite and they work really well for a single plant. Enough to give it full sun if focused (not sponsored or affiliate link)
I have almost no natural light this time of year and used this bulb with a painters light set on a timer. This plus a humidifier makes happy plants!
I used a Sansi grow bulb
Is it 2 plants or one? Kinda look like 2.
The big leaf doesn't look like root rot, more like burning. The pot doesn't seem too big.
Get one of those moisture meters from amazon and water only when it shows red.
Top soil can be super dry, but the inside of the pot might be super wet, so u might be watering too early.
In winter, I water my philodendrons & monsteras like once a month, because it takes that long to dry out.
I’m obsessed with this serum. It has everything you could ever want for your face. I use it morning and night if I haven’t done any other type of exfoliation. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01BT02Q88?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I’m gonna link it anyways (if I can). I swear it’s been perfect so far. I got a fairly inexpensive floor lamp to set right over my gals and, I dunno…may be worth a try. Ok, I’ve never tried to link anything directly to comments so bare with me (I’m going the ol’ copy/paste method for now)
Haus Bright LED Grow Light Bulb - for Indoor Plants Full Spectrum Lamp | Seed Starting, House, Garden, Vegetable, Succulent, Hydroponic, Greenhouse Growing | 100W E27 (Pure White) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WNB1L73/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_Z8B6FG9XP2AZ331PAVZN?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
It’s likely winter, so grow lights 14 hours a day. These are the ones I have had tremendous success with.
These are the ones I have, but I’m not sure if they’re available in Germany. When I was looking to buy some, I just got the highest rated ones from Amazon and they’ve worked really well!
Do you have 2 small humidifiers? I'd get one of these https://www.amazon.com/dp/B098X3LB3R/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_6311BW4QH5C63KETYQRC?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I use this in my house and it's a large room humidifier, you can also take a large pot of water and simmer it on your stove for a while. If your soil is drying out fast, it does not hurt to water the soil again if the plant is asking for more water. Just make sure to poke the soil a couple inches down to make sure it's bone dry.
Most of the humidity they need is in the soil for the roots not necessarily the leaves. Though it does help have higher humidity when it's pushing new leaves so they don't get stuck.
I’ve seen people with Thais and albos on here suggest this one.
I'm in the UK, had an awful thrip infestation on maybe 40 plants. I got this on amazon and one treatment annihilated them, treated in November and seen nothing since! Provanto 86600245 Ultimate Bug Killer, Insecticide Protects For up to Four Weeks, 30ML, Concentrate https://smile.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07MSQMGFC/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_K7YAGJCNYQYYHM2ANBHK?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Is it this ge bulb: GE Lighting Grow Light PAR38 Light Bulb, Full Spectrum, 32-Watts, 1-Pack https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NNT3G7J/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_ENTEF8FBTVM5DKKBPFH8
I have this one and it took quite a bit of trial and error to figure it out. It's way too bright for houseplants to keep at the recommended distance on the box.
They work great once you get it figured out though
You can get a 2 pack of them on Amazon for 25 here the seller also sells 1 for 14 I think as well. Might be worth getting if you can!