The latest version of this book was written by Nancy Tuckerman, who served on First Lady Kennedy's staff.
Good manners don't cost you anything and will get you a long way in life. I see lots of bad behavior from folks who dress the part well.
If you ever need a reference guide on how to handle different situations in society, this is a good one.
I just finished Catch-22 and absolutely loved it. One of those books that's totally entrenched in the cultural lexicon and yet so many people haven't actually read it. I'm about halfway through The Stranger and it's good so far. Probably going to check out Brideshead Revisited or reread 1984 after.
As far as non-fiction goes (I like having both a fiction and nonfiction that I'm working through at the same time) I'm currently reading The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt.
The standard Timex Marlin hand-wound reissue is on sale for $115 on Amazon.
On Monday I posted how much I loved the olive/brass version. I ordered the champagne dial linked above last night. For $115 it's hard to pass up.
Reading: Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. Just finished The Power of Broke by Damon John; a signed copy no less.
Watching: Mad Men. It is great.
Listening to: I am not a huge music guy. I usually indulge in classical music though.
I have a few books on my nightstand right now I've been working through. I enjoyed Bret Easton Ellis Less Than Zero and have started The Rules of Attraction. It's interesting to see his writing style develop and get into the mind of the author a bit, which adds some more context to American Psycho which is another novel most of us on here have heard of (and hopefully read).
I have also started reading Scott Adams' (of Dilbert fame) How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life which I strongly recommend picking up. Offers some really good insights from a very intelligent entrepreneur.
I'm a finance major and a value investing minor and the books my professors tell us to treat as our bible(s) is "Security Analysis" and "The Intelligent Investor" by Benjamin Graham also "Value Investing: From Graham to Buffet and Beyond". These are investing gospels and I highly recommend them.
I have wanted a Patagonia Snap T for a while and received 2 today as well as a pair of Audio Technica M50x's! I also got The Art of War and The Art of Strategy so I'm looking forward to reading those.
I use this Chrome extension to bypass most paywalls. I believe it works with Microsoft Edge, too. I just went to and didn't encounter any paywall.
Everyone keeps saying everywhere but not providing links. Here’s a cheap one from amazon:
Goodthreads Men's Soft Cotton Cable Stitch Crewneck Sweater, Solid Navy, X-Small
...I feel like the global mass of navy blazer-wearing businessmen just screamed in unison.
I feel like the author might be better served fashion-wise here -
I use unscented ladies Dove deodorant (antiperspirant). It lasts longer than anything I've ever used.
I use Irish spring in the shower and ladyfriends enjoy it.
That being said, I used:
for a while, it just got tiresome to keep ordering it from amazon, I can't easily source the stuff locally.
The pine-tar soap is really interesting with how it first feels on your skin.
Free to Choose by Friedman, of course you've got to have Wealth of Nations, both to remind yourself of the economic freedoms that the great USA was based on, and to shield yourself from being easily lied to and convinced by economic illiterates such as Bernie Sanders that you are immoral for believing in the true American Dream. Don't forget The Holy Bible. (Might I suggest NIV for it's ease of read or ESV for it's translational accuracy) Perhaps How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie, and also The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham. All of the above to shape you into a knowledgeable and hopefully discerning man, one truly worthy of that navy blazer.
I had sort of a crazy week at work, with a major presentation and two proposals all to assist meaning some hectic days with tight deadlines. This lead to me blowing off a bit too much steam on Friday night...
The weekend weather was absolutely gorgeous however. While I wasn't so functional on Saturday I focused on recuperating and Sunday completed a 90-mile bike ride from Boston to New Hampshire and back. If there are any other cyclists on NB I'd love to hear from you.
Kinda hard to beat these from costco when you get four pairs of 70% merino wool socks for $11.99 with free shipping.
Read: Plato’s Republic. Pretty weird. I’m debating what my interpretation is, but I’m partial to the Straussian reading—it’s just ironic, bro!—that Plato is demonstrating the pitfalls of political rationalism, mostly because it’s heterodox and nutty.
Reading: Hamlet and Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics.
Watched: Stranger Things Season 2. Pretty good, but not as intriguing as the first season. We know how the rules work now, so most of the mystery and sense of discovery is gone. Also episode seven is complete garbage; who greenlit that edginess?
Both The Elements of Style by Strunk & White, and The History of Love by Nicole Krauss have been good reads, albeit in very different ways. My girlfriend recommends the poetry of Anne Carson, which appeals to my inner classicist, but I've never much liked experimental poetry.
Aliexpress is an ever changing beast. I did a quick search and couldn't find them. here is a link though, plenty of cheap watch options if you are looking for one.
Among other things that others have brought up, you could explore sports like tennis, golf, sailing (as someone else said), horseback riding, etc. if you don't already. Playing tennis and golf really does it for me for whatever reason.
Also, read Class: A Guide Through the American Status System by Paul Fussell. Follow it up with any library books you can find that discuss the western class system in general.
If you're able to, look into joining a country club or some other non-academic private club. I figure the exclusive nature of clubs in and around NYC will make this harder for you than it was for me living in the rural midwest, but if you can make it happen, it's a great way to make friends with similar interests.
Once events start up again, you could also consider going to fund-raiser galas for causes you care about. This isn't specifically a preppy thing, but they are a lot of fun, and it's another good way to meet people.
I am looking buy a quality leather weekender bag for under $200. Is such a thing possible? I found this one on amazon, but I worry it wont last long. Any suggestions or thoughts on this bag?
This listing appears to be fully stocked and it's fulfilled by Amazon with free returns.
Sperry Top-Sider Men's A/O 2 Eye Boat Shoe,Tan,11 M US
I got these a few months back, I didn’t realize they were “no tie” because the picture shows real lacing. But they’re “no tie”.
Reading: Trying to finish 10% Happier and skimming through Tools of Titans
Watching: Finishing House of Cards, The Crown, and the Robin Williams interview on Inside the Actors Studio
Listening to: Southern folk playlist and The Axe Files podcast.
I am currently reading (and thoroughly enjoying) Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Walden, and A Clash of Kings. I am watching Better Call Saul, which I didn't like at first but gave it another chance and I love it. I'm also watching Twin Peaks, which I read about on here and people made it sound like the best TV show ever. It's pretty corny and campy, but there is some good mystery to it. I got in too deep to stop by the time I realized people had just talked it up.
Burton G Malkiel talks about this extensively in his book "A Random Walk Down Wall Street" as well. The idea is nothing new but my point with the WSJ article is that even recently they have discovered even more evidence enforcing the point. It's staggering how relatively unknown it remains though
Just finished On Writing Well by William Zinsser. I wish I read this in high school, it would have helped me so much cus I can't write for shit. I think it was suggested on here too. I'm currently reading Liar's Poker and Moby Dick.
Just looked over to my bookshelf and here are my tops:
What do you guys think?
The New York Bartender's Guide is the quintessential bar book.
Also, when I was in NYC a few weeks ago I stayed at the Waldorf and learned that they just updated their own bar book, which I had a chance to pick through. If you're a fan of all the post-war tiki drinks definitely pick this guy up.
I got them on amazon. About what I expected? I go TTS with stf because I like the extra rise length and breathing room in the top block. With that being said, I’ve lost a few LBs since I ordered them (and my tailor taking three tries to get it right) so they are a smidge loose on me now. I went 4” longer on my inseam but could’ve done 2” (though it’s always a risk and I err on having to hem them).
Savanne has done great things for me. I got tired of my only options being poly-cotton blend, and when I found Savanne carried pants up to 60, and in pleats no less, and are 100 percent cotton, AND they fade and soften like m'khaks did back in prep school... Well, it was a good discovery.
They've gone up a bit from their usual 30 dollar range, but what hasn't? Amazon is your best bet these days.
Prima facie, here's a quick link.
Cashmere generally isn't a year-round tailoring material. Honestly, I wouldn't keep it just because it's more delicate than other blazer fabric options, so you have to baby it compared to the doeskin.
Oxyclean is the near universal answer to collar yellowing.
Maybe try running the washer with a cleaner?
I'll agree that Insta killed the blogs. Oxfordcloth Button Down was the best blog for ivy inspo, but now it's just him working out (boy is jacked). Then again how much can you talk about a topic that had it's heyday in 1968? I would kill for someone to find the best articles and put them in one place and call it a day or someone that just has articles regarding factories/manufacturers that still make great products. Though I'm more interested in the secret language of the WASPS after reading Paul Flusser's Class: A Guide Through the American Status System.
Always. Gildan cotton v neck . I’ve tried the synthetic ones from Uniqlo. But nothing compares to the comfort of cotton.
I wear these
I might have to give the rest a listen too. I'm curious if he talks about how he "helped hundreds of families create the homes of their dreams" including "tens of millions of dollars of high-end construction" for "the rich and famous" in New York City and its toniest suburbs, details of which seem curiously hard to track down.
Here's my recommendation:
Made in Germany insoles. When they get super dirty, throw them in the washing machine. I've used mine through two summers. Replaced them after very heavy summer use and my feet sweat like you can't believe.
I got a cheap ass pair from Bass, but I don't think they make them any more.
In terms of shoe care, is it entirely necessary to use shoe polish, or is Saphir Renovator sufficient? I would rather not buy black shoe polish if I don't need to; I only have one pair of black shoes. I understand that Saphir Renovator is not the same as shoe polish, but it could be used on all of my leather products, making it more versatile.
For reference, I'm talking about:
Are they newer or older? If they're newer, the gap will close with wear as the leather stretches. You might be able to accelerate that process by applying leather conditioner or leather stretch spray to the inside and outside of the quarters. I'd be careful to stay well clear of the lace holes though. Don't want you to tear the leather at a hole because you softened it too much.
If they're older, they've probably already stretched as much as they are going to.
I don't understand the need for boatshoes. If I'm on a boat, I'm being active, so I'm either barefoot or I am in some water shoes.
This might get me banned, but crocs make a great boat shoe alternative\_1\_1\_mod\_primary\_new?keywords=crocs%2Bboat%2Bshoes%2Bmen&qid=1646245241&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=crocs%2Bboat%2Bshoe%2Caps%2C...
I fly this one out front of my house. It's sturdy. The stars are embroidered and stripes are assembled by sewing together red and white nylon.
Been using something similar to this for years. The ties go on it and cannot slip off, and you can fold them back so they don't take up space. Just don't yank them off.
Interesting. Each spoke on my rack angles upwards at the end, which seems to do the trick for keeping them in place. I've had the rack for probably a decade and I've never had a tie fall off.
This might be the right rack for you.
What about this one? It ships from Amazon Germany.
Buy a package of handwarmers. My wife and I use them for our longer winter walks.
They're better with mittens than gloves, but if you keep one in your palm it'll help, though the tips of your fringers will freeze.
I definitely go cheap on undershirts. A few months ago I bought this Fruit of the Loom 12-pack on Amazon for $30. They’re V-necks like yours, so as to eliminate visibility with an open collar, and they’re designed to be longer so that they stay tucked in easily. Even after multiple washes (and consequent shrinking), I still have zero issues with keeping them tucked, whereas I have had issues with this, unless I size up, with other undershirts. Pretty satisfied with this purchase. Not sure how long they’ll last, but I’m not paying much per shirt, so I’m not all that concerned about it.
Does anyone have rubber rain boot recommendations? Calf-height.
My yard has some spots that flood and get standing water, and we have a stream in our backyard, and I've learned the hard way that Bean boots aren't sufficient when we get heavy rain and I need to get out there and clear the water. Eventually I'll put in a curtain drain but there are a million other house and yard projects that get priority.
I wouldn't wear the boots very often so I'm not looking to spend a ton of money. The Kamik Men's Goliath 1 is a popular recommendation around the web. Any other options? I need a larger size (14 or 15).
Orient Men's '2nd Gen. Bambino Ver. 2' Japanese Automatic Stainless Steel and Leather Dress Watch
Try this. I’d also take a look at the following brands. Citizen, Orient, and Seiko
Budget? Style? How fancy are you looking to get?
I bought this six months ago for $90 during an Amazon DOTD. I really like it, but obviously it's just a table. No drawers or anything. But it's sturdy and plenty big for two monitors, a monitor stand, and a docking station & laptop.
The relationship between Japan and traditional American styles (prep, Ivy looks, workwear, western wear) is really fascinating. “Ametora” is sort of <em>the book</em> when it comes to learning about this trend, but there are plenty of good summaries available online.
That’s why some of the “best” Americana or Ivy League type clothes are actually coming from Japanese brands - Kamakura, Beams, and roughly a million different selvedge denim brands.
Not sure if this is what you’re looking for, but I have this one it’s plastic with a flip top so it’s easy to clean and no worries about anything left inside. I use it for backpacking, and I wanted something that I could fill up easily on the go with no funnel.
Re: your pair being too big, try putting in a thin terry cloth insert. I do that with one pair of AE longwings that are too big for me (whatever last they're made on is much bigger than usual in my experience) and they fit well.
I own these inserts. They're also great for going sockless in the summer. I have a pair in my boat shoes and camp mocs.
OP you may enjoy True Prep by Lisa Birnbach. It's the modern follow up to her opus The Official Preppy Handbook.
The lifestyle has shifted, but it has not changed.
Here's the link to the strap:
To be honest it doesn't look very much like the pictures on amazon inrl...
Here's a pic of mine from an old wrist check thread or /r/watches
O'Rourke references "an idiotic Florida Keys bonefishing hat with brims at both ends," but this one appears to have only one brim...
It's a long-billed fishing cap. You can get them on Amazon
Edit - Looks like they're also called duck billed fishing hats, and apparently Filson used to make some beautiful ones
I have had a very large bag similar to this one since the early 90s and it still looks new, but it was an investment.
Almost two years ago I started looking for a slightly lighter bag with a shoulder strap and I found a bag and found this was highly rated on Amazon: KPL 18 Inch Rustic Vintage Leather Messenger Bag Laptop Bag Briefcase Satchel Bag. It had a strong leather smell the first week or so, but since then it has become my everyday work bag and has held up beautifully. At under $63 it costs about 10% as much as my briefcase, but I get a lot of compliments for it.
I got those during the gonzo sale days and was very disappointed. They're considerably lower quality than even these cheapo Amazon gloves:
Given how often I lose gloves I never want to spend too much on them...
In my experience, heel grips are terrible. Tongue pads or insole liners are better options.
If you want it to be preppy, $100 is perfect (for 3 watches individually). You’ll want to get yourself a Timex Weekender (maybe chrono, depending on what style you like most). Then you’ll want to get yourself an orient bambino (I recommend this one: Orient Men's '2nd Gen. Bambino Ver. 2' Japanese Automatic Stainless Steel and Leather Dress Watch Finally you’ll want either a Blue or Pepsi bezel orient mako 2 or a black Casio Duro (and replace the rubber band for a metal bracelet, I’ve done this and you can see the result in my post history).
And then as a welcome to the watch community you’ll want to join the r/watches sub to find inspiration, and sometimes super good deals on vintage or luxury watches.
Btw, it’s not worth buying watches over $200 until you have covered your bases. Your bases being a dress, everyday, and diver watch. I’ve given you that collection and it should cost you about $300 for all 3 unless you get the Casio Duro instead of the mako 2 in which it’ll be about $250. No one watch will ever be worth your 3 bases unless that watch is a Omega Aqua Terra or a Rolex explorer since they cover all 3 bases.
Oh good lord, don't waste your money buying directly from Pendelton, they are available right now on Amazon for $40.
I wear them all fall and winter as my daily, "beater" crew neck. That stays warm, are comfortable, don't stretch or lose shape (much), and generally great stuff. You can always find them for belowe MSRP.
Not super trad, but I love the Clarks desert boot look and the Bushacre IIs are pretty heavily discounted on Amazon right now. I just bought the Dark Brown leather ones for 45 bucks. I have pretty much beaten my last pair to death after about 3 years.
Clarks Men's Bushacre 2 Chukka Boot,Dark Brown,8.5 M US
This Acer would be the newest version of what I have (supplied by work). It's a cheap plasticky thing but I've had it for years and it's never failed me. I wish the stand had more settings, the angle is a little high for me, but that's a small complaint. It's not exactly slim, thicker than most slim laptops these days, in fact the reason I bought the Filson is because it's a big bag that can fit my laptop and the monitor with ease.
I have an obsession with finding the perfect planner and my wife is sick of it. I’ve had this one I really like for the past few months. I use it more-so to track big events and to keep my to-do lists in. But I just recently got into using google calendars to do time blocking and track/schedule appointments for work.
When selling clothing items, I send nearly all of them out in bags like this
I figure if it's good enough for J Crew/Gap/LL Bean, etc., it's good enough for me. Just try to fold it as nicely as possible.
The Influence of Sea Power upon History - Alfred Thayer Mahan
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Edward Gibbon
The Last Lion - William Manchester & Paul Reid
Orwell & Hemingway.
Others have mentioned this but anything by Jefferson, Adams, Paine, Madison, Hamilton, Locke, Adam Smith, Edmund Burke, Milton Freidman, Charles Krauthammer, William F. Buckley, Jr. and other founding fathers or conservative thought leaders would be right at home in a trad library.
My personal favorite is Tocqueville's 'Democracy in America,' but if you only get one book for your budding NB library make sure it's this bonafide masterpiece.
Looks like they don't make it anymore but we have two of these guys and they've been good to us. Survived multiple flights and cruises, though we arent crazy heavy travelers. I've never noticed the weight of them and the wheels have had no problems.
Washington: A Life was fantastic. Took me a few weeks to get through though and set me back on my goals. Great introductory look into the revolution as well. So little is actually taught about him in school history classes.
Is there a 'definitive' translation of The Count of Monte Cristo? I ask because I have a few translations of The Art of War, that vary widely, and I've read the Stieg Larsson estate isn't impressed with the english translations of the Millennium series.
Currently reading a smattering of things, kind of just pickup which ever book I'm in the mood for at the time.
Unfortunately it's finals and I don't have nearly as much time to read as I'd prefer. So far the most interesting of the three is actually Wealth of Nations, it's quite enjoyable to read a seminal text even if it can be a slog to contextualize.
And not certain it really counts, but I've also been quite enjoying this series on Linear Algebra lately, it's amazing how much more the algebraic definitions make sense when you understand the geometric interpretation. The Essence of Linear Algebra
Oh, and let's just say East Planet is the best TV show out right now. Can't wait for the season finale.
Reading: Steven Pinker - How the Mind Works, Adam Smith - The Wealth of Nations, Bradley Beaulieu - Twelve Kings in Sharakhai, Brian Staveley - The Last Mortal Bond.
Thoughts: I'm familiar with Pinker's neurolingustics work, and he does a good job of making evolutionary psych seem reasonable, despite claims of un-falsifiable. Smith is very pro-worker for being the classic read on lasseiz faire capitalism. Staveley got a lot darker a lot faster than I expected and I love it, just starting Twelve Kings.
Listening: Mesarthim: - .- -... ... . -. -.-. ., Chthe'ilist:Le Dernier Crépuscule.
Thoughts: Wew lads, good year for black/death metal. Mesarthim is like a more palatable Darkspace, and Chthe'ilist is just oozing Lovecraftian goodness.
Watching: Rogue One was incredible and I am so glad they didn't force a kissing scene.
Interesting I've never heard this book suggested. Can you suggest anymore? Currently in non-prof financial books some books I'm looking at reading next:
The Intelligent Investor Early Retirement Extreme Your Money or Your Life The Bogleheads Guide to Investing The Total Money Makeover The Old Money Book
> The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt
Edmund Morris was at his peak when he did this book. Theodore Rex the follow-on is also excellent. Reading them lets you understand why Ronald Reagan wanted Morris to be his official biographer and -- also why -- so many were disappointed at the resulting book.
Read Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt. - I wish someone would've told me a little this book when I was in high school. Also, look up Porter Stansberry (Stansberry Research). You have to pay for most of his newsletters, but he has some free podcasts.
Dune- Frank Herbert
Benjamin Franklin: An American Life- Walter Isaacson
The Martian Chronicles- Ray Bradbury
The Lord of the Rings (TTW and ROTK)- J.R.R. Tolkien
Norwegian Wood- Haruki Murakami
Completely cleaned out my room/closet, gave some old clothes away, got a new desk, and hung up some new posters/flags.
I also picked up some new books such as Republic by Plato and The Myth of Sisyphus by Camus.
Picked up a new pair of white J.Crew chinos.
Played a couple nice sets of tennis with my father.
Prepared for the upcoming debate season.
In the time that I wasn't doing the above, I was reading Franny and Zooey by JD Salinger.
Chance he would like a money clip? I have a small metal one like this that I put a couple dollars in and my credit card, debit, and license. Probably not a good option if he doesn't ever carry cash though.
Thx--it rains here wayyy too much for that unfortunately. I did some research this morning though and decided to go with the Sperry Hampden Venetians. Will follow up on how they work out.
> The lady friend isn't too thrilled about having a bonus fridge in the living room though.
Yeeeeeeah, I'm running into that as well lol. I picked up one of these a couple weeks ago, which should be more than sufficient along with some frozen water bottles. I'm hoping to start a new batch this weekend, we'll see how it works!
Thanks for the recommendation. I read Sugar Barons earlier this year.
The Sugar Barons: Family, Corruption, Empire, and War in the West Indies
Thoughts and opinions on this navy blazer? It's a brand I'm not familiar and can't find much info online. I'm looking for something very casual for summer. I know that side vents and patch pockets aren't what is usually recommended around here but those are details I am looking for.
Wearing the same one right now, it's my go-to for every day wear. Every once in a while I'll mix it up with a SKX009, especially if it's a more casual situation.
What's a good rain jacket/windbreaker that is not baggy or overly big? I had this: and it was waaaaay too big for me, even with a size smaller. Any suggestions?
There are some regular nylites on Amazon and zappos. But it does look like a lot less size and color options compared to the nylite plus.
Should I buy these Timberland boots? I never thought I'd actually like a pair of Tims before but these seem like a great budget option. I need something in between my Bean Boots and regular CDBs that I can beat up a bit but also look good. Stuff like Red Wings are way out of my price range :/
Just buy a suede eraser and brush. They're super cheap and work with a little effort
don't worry about it man youre good. those are a solid pair! so what I would advise you to do is load up your arsenal of supplies. I assume you have a horsehair brush. if you don't, here is a great brush that will last you a long time. Next, you will need saphir renovateur.
they appear to look a little dry. when you get them, i suggest you start brushing em for a good 10 minutes each (its long I know but it gets them looking great) as shell is quite oily and the brushing will bring out that shine. I would hit the shoes with a dab of saphir reno, apply evenly, wait for 5 minutes and brush away. I would re apply every 25 or so wearings. brush the hell out of em after each wearing. do this and your shells will last a lifetime
Should I buy these Timberland boots? I never thought I'd actually like a pair of Tims before but these seem like a great budget option. I need something in between my Bean Boots and regular CDBs that I can beat up a bit but also look good. Stuff like Red Wings are way out of my price range :/
Trying to choose between these two loafers ( (, bearing in mind I have a pair of dark brown pennies already. Thoughts?
I've been reading my buddy's book Finale and it's great so far (I'm roughly 100 pages in). Listening? Re-discovered Boingo's "Dead Man's Party," v hooked on Help Me. Also discovered Turandot, without realizing that it included this Chinese folksong I used to sing in choir as a kiddo.
Uh, currently reading books on eaglecad to bone up for a project. Def recommend the book by Simon Monk ( if you want to start making your own circuits.
Also Luke Cage. One of the better 'flix originals I've seen this year (along with Stranger Things) for sure.
I've used bick4 for a lot of years. I use it on everything from boots that step on shit in a pasture, to my high end lucchese boots.
I also recommend getting some reusable cocktail picks. They're cheap, and definitely class up the drink vs. a toothpick.
You'll probably want a bar mat, too, though you can just use a towel. If you're shaking drinks, there will be some spillage. I use an Oxo silicone mat that you can throw in the dishwasher.
I've been using these inserts lately for anything I don't want to wear socks with. They're super soft, easy to clean and keep most of the moisture and bacteria that stink up your shoes away from the deepest, darkest, hard to dry out crevices of your shoes.
edit: Also no-show socks. I'm a big fan of ninja sox.
what do you guys think of shirt stays and things that keep your button downs tucked into your pants? I was thinking about getting something like this, but wondered about the magnets and my phone. Anyone else entertain the idea of using something to keep their shirts tucked?
I love this thing. Had mine a few years with zero issues. Affordable too
Anyone have any experience or opinions with these?
Thank you for the guidance. I am hesitant to wear penny loafers to school, but I value your insight over mine. I am thinking of going with a minimalist/casual cognac penny. I think they will last longer but serve a similar role to drivers. Right now I'm looking at these: or maybe these: