One way to do it is to disable "USB charging" or "USB on when power plugged in" on the laptop, so it doesn't send power to that USB port when the laptop is shut down or sleeping.
Another way is to buy a cheap USB hub with switches on the ports. Something like this:
This is a very cheap option that doesn't require power:
Knobs instead of faders, but it's four channels!
I've been using this one for about a year or so, and I haven't had any problems with it. I don't use the SLMKIII, but I don't see why it wouldn't work.
powered usb hub with per port power buttons is a great way to manage usb devices that dont need to be on all the time but are used regularly enough to cause extra wear at connect points. picked up 2 of these 11/2019 and they have in constant use, plenty of power button on/off use no issues on both mac and pc...and a 4 port version on an ipad.. the dedicated power only port is always hot which is great for ipad charge cable to usb adapter or for charging anything else.
I'm no artist so please forgive the crummy picture... I love this synth. I love that so many parameters are available on the surface. I also use a midi controller, a Beringer x-touch mini, to surface additional hidden parameters like unison, spread, vsync, saw density, envelope velocities, etc.
However, I feel like the layout is OK but not completely intuitive. The uniformity of the knobs and the lack of clear visual indicators for each section leaves something to be desired when you're trying to come to grips with this beast.
Here's my attempt to remedy the situation. I'm thinking of giving it a shot simply using stickers off Amazon. Something like this maybe:
Anyone have experience with makeshift overlays like this? Any tips?
for anyone else wondering, this cable works with this keyboard as an on/off switch; just got mine today.
Sorry if I wasn’t clear I have a Launchpad MK2
Here it is for reference:
Sorry if I wasn’t clear, the USB A-Type end (rectangle plugs into my computer) and the Micro-USB A plugs into the launchpad. I would normally use something like an old android charging cord but the launchpad cord has two cylindrical things on each end of the cord right before the ends of it.
It looks like the Circuit has two of the newish 1/8" MIDI jacks on the back, marked MIDI IN and MIDI Out. The Keystep has regular 5-pin MIDI DIN outputs and inputs. You will need to buy an adapter that changes a 5-pin MIDI DIN connection to the 1/8" MIDI connection. Unless the circuit came with them...
Just plug a normal MIDI DIN cable into the Keystep MIDI OUT, connect this to the other end of the cable, and plug it into the "MIDI IN" on the Circuit. You should then be good to go...
Also wanted to clarify that the mk3 is slightly larger wider and taller than the old one, so cases that fit the old one, like this one (that amazon fkin recommends with the product), won't fit.
There are some options on Amazon (US), the better one I've found is this one from Korg, but I have not personally tried it.
I made a Type A to Type B 3.5mm cable to connect my Circuit to the Launchkey Mini Mk3 by cutting a regular audio cable, switching the cables inside and resoldering everything. It's been working good so far!