Get some wrist guards at lest!
Demon Flexmeter Wrist Guards Double Sided, Large ...
I broke my wrist a couple years ago . I’m 49 now, wish I had these!
Good luck, have fun, it’s a blast!!!! 🤙🏽
You made it work! I wonder if you could use a fall harness like this:
KwikSafety (Charlotte, NC) SCORPION Safety Harness w/attached 6ft. Tubular Lanyard on back | OSHA ANSI Fall Protection | INTERNAL Shock Absorbing Lanyard | Construction Carpenter Scaffolding
You can get padded board shorts for your butt as well. Something like this that goes underneath your pants:
Triple Eight Bumsaver
I skated for transportation as a kid, but I didn't go to the skatepark until I was 45. I learned to drop in on my first day, and I was blown away that I had waited so long to start. On the very next day I dislocated my shoulder dropping in, and I couldn't use my arm at all for 6 months. I lost a lot of weight from the injury, and I couldn't throw anything for 9 months. I started skating again at 47, slowly, and from the bottom of the bowl. Now I would say I'm fully ate up with it, skating (and dropping in) every chance I get, going a little harder every time, and learning new skills. I'm very careful, with steady, slow progression. I actively practice falling and going to my knees.
I recommend a bidet. This one is easy to install and works really well. A life saver with a damaged dominant arm.
If you want something less bulky I use g-form baseball slide when skating bigger transition. They also make more padded ones for skiing/biking you could use for more protection. I believe there called impact shorts
I went with these off Amazon to try out
Men’s Padded Shorts Skate Compression Short Basketball Hip Protective Underwear
I’ll be skating them for first time tomorrow so I can report back. I threw them on under som athletic fit Levi’s and GF said she couldn’t even tell I had em on. Seem comfy
As far ankle braces go, I've found that this style works well for skateboarding. Tactics used to sell some, but I don't see it on their website anymore. I used this brace (while skateboarding) for a few months after rolling my ankle, and it really helped.
Ever since I broke my ankle, I use these wraps. It’s just the right support, not too weak, and not too stiff. About like using high top shoes but I hate hightops.
I sprained my ankle pretty bad about 6 years ago when I started skating again. Rolled it real bad and it swelled up instantly. since then I've been using ankle wraps/supports kinda like these:
I've been skating twice a week at the skatepark with my daughters and only had one ankle sprain since. Yes its important to strengthen your ankles, but its also helpful to prevent rolling them too far. So I do both.
I'm 29 yo and still a beginner since 2017. I pushed myself too hard at my first level, almost learned to land ollies properly but had to stop skating until this year (2022) because of constant mild pain in my knees. I was lucky enough not to end up with significant injuries. What I've understood, that as you get older, your board riding program should be better well-organised and planned just like any other physical activity. As time goes by, your body constantly loses its ability to adapt to impacts and excess amounts off exercising. I don't know why almost no one assumes skating as kind of exercising and never pay attention to adequate dosing and recovery. Please, be careful. It's better to skate in you old ages with very slow overlife progress than being injured and quit.
By the way, I'm absolutely paranoid and also wear protective shorts like this most of the time (because I rather be looking silly than have a broken femur)
I save a bit of money buying the legs for a standup desk (with a crank, not electronic) and attaching an old desktop to it.
47 and just started back after almost 30 years. You will thank me..
Send me a message if you want a detailed story but this brace is the best thing ever (tried 5 over the counter models and NOTHING compares). NO MORE KNEE PAIN!
Oh Thanks man!
I don't post enough videos, mostly because of my back pain.
Its hard to not skate on Sunday. My routine with my daughters is Sat mornings and Sunday mornings.
Those are the perfect days at the skatepark! Been doing it for 6 years and counting...
But I definitely get breaks in between the weekends. We have a tiny quarter-pipe in our carport and we skate it during the week sometimes.
I recently lost almost 20lbs by cutting out dinner each night. I'm tall 6ft 2in and now weigh about 210. I was up to 230lbs so yeah, I totally get weight causing back extra back pain.
I just purchased this Back Brace by Sparthos
Read the reviews that thought even if it helps reduce some of the impact pain during skateboarding it might be worth it. Gonna try this weekend.
I honestly don't do a lot of tricks or crazy high impact... mostly carving, grinding, ollying a pyramid, small rail and some flatground. So if the belt helps my back by transferring the compression it might actually work.
Thanks for your tips! I will report my finding here!
After a painful slam onto my hip, I bought and tried on 4 different sets from amazon. Several had gaps between pads right where my hip bone is, but these were a keeper. I have fallen a couple more times, not as bad, but these do help.
First, nice job!
This is a personal preference thing, but I hate flash when it comes from on top of the camera. It flattens the subject and makes them much brighter than the background so it feels very artificial to me. I try to shoot with available light when possible (adjust your ISO and/or aperture to get the right exposure at your desired shutter speed).
For indoors you do often need a flash, but if you use a flash trigger you can set your flash someplace else in the environment (in the first of your images I'd try it behind the skater, pointing frame left) so the light comes from a different direction. This will allow some shadows on your subject which will provide a better sense of their shape (they'll look more 3 dimensional and less flat) and instead of your whole subject being bright you will instead give them a nice highlight which won't affect the overall exposure as much so the background won't look so dark.
Experiment and play with light (direction, intensity, color, etc), that is one of the things that will make your images stand out.
Here is an example of the trigger I mentioned. I have no experience with this particular model, I just want to show you what I am talking about:
Baker deck $60 on Amazon.
At my local shop it's $100
Temple Tape Headbands for Men and Women - Mens Sweatband & Sports Headband Moisture Wicking Workout Sweatbands for Running, Cross Training, Yoga and Bike Helmet Friendly
Sweet ass grip tape - note it's extra long because the anderson board concave is crazy...let's you decide how much light and dark you want on the board
You can do it man just be patient. It was really hard for me to get back in any sort of shape and I still got work to do. I suggest getting a jumprope and checking out “jump rope dudes” channel on YouTube. Diet and lifestyle has a lot to do with it too. If you’re really serious about it you can definitely get back into both. Don’t be afraid to wear these to save some pain
I wear basically Nike combat shorts while riding transition and other stuff that I tend to fall on my hip during (usually slick surface parks and stuff like that).
I don’t wear anything while riding flat ground (most of what I ride) but wear just a helmet and these when I pad up. I’ve never been one to land on elbows or knees, but if I skated smooth enough quarterlipes to knee slide down, I’d wear knee pads for sure. The ramps I ride are smooth ish, but when you get to the bottom it’s rough so it sucks to slide in general.
Here’s a link to what I’m talking about:
Bodyprox Protective Padded Shorts for Snowboard,Skate and Ski,3D Protection for Hip,Butt and Tailbone
Here you go homie. They also sell jessup in 10inch wide rolls which is what I do since I longboard as well.
SKATERTRAINER A Place for Your...
It seems kind of cheap and flimsy when you first put it together but it does exactly what it supposed to do
Nice work! Have you considered trying some of these? Might let you concentrate more on the pop. Either way, good luck!
Make sure you get THE certified helmet Triple Eight THE Certified Sweatsaver Helmet for Skateboarding, BMX, and Roller Skating
Or else the other one is useless and not certified
These ankle guards, worn backwards to how the pic shows.
I can wear them both under my socks too, so it's slightly less obvious I'm lame.
They’re 187 Killer Pads and it came as a combo pack at a reasonable price. They’ve been great so far for me. This style has a velcro strap above one and a strap to tighten and loosen as needed below the knee. I bought a cheap set as my first pair and they ripped after only three uses/falls, so I upgraded to these once I realized I was getting what I paid for. These are super comfy and the extra padding in them is really great for absorbing impact and softening the blow.
187 Killer Pads Knee Pads, Elbow Pads Combo Pack
Man, that’s a huge bummer. Glad you’re alive to tell the tale. I grew up skating concrete so I’m pretty good at bailing safely with my upper body (ankles are another story). Recently I skated a little park in Northern Ca though with metal ramps and was surprised how forgiving they were. Hope you can get back to it soon! If you need a little inspiration check out the Danny Way doc on Prime- It won’t fix anything but a good watch when you’re out.
I'm a 57 year old skater and I ride bamboo longboards for cruising, and I have a Andy Anderson deck with mini Cubic wheels (old school) for park and ramp riding. I built a 31" x 9" maple deck with old 8" Gullwings and I found some NOS OJs for it.
I would recommend this deck, it reminds me of my old Zorlac, but has the flex of a Simms.
Triple Eight KP 22 Heavy-Duty Skateboarding Knee Pads (Pair), X-Large, 6081, Black I like them a lot. Since you don’t have to take your shoe off to put them on
Also in WI, wondering same thing. Put this one on my Amazon list but sold out. Have some old PT exercises for ankle and hip strength I may try to start a routine with, thinking about yoga too.
Your skating is so smooth!
Oh and ankle straps have been a life saver for me in all activities. The nice thing is it’s easy to get a shoe over them. For me, the bigger braces made my shoe fit too tight.
It hasn’t happen to me so far as a beginner skateboarder [41YO] but I have a history of lower back problems. If I screw my back up for whatever reason I’m done doing anything physical for at least a week.
The frequency was significantly decreased once I started doing CrossFit about 8 years ago. I’m not saying go out and drink the CrossFit kool aid but I will recommend getting a foam roller to stretch before and after skating, maybe doing some research on core strengthening exercises based on you current level of fitness. There is a book called Supple Leopard that has done wonders for me.
get yourself a pair of these: or any other knee compression sleeve. I got back into skating about 4 months ago. I'm 34 and I took about 18 years off from skating. My knees and ankles were the first things I noticed the biggest change in.
thanks! i was thinking of going with the triple 8 set. do you like their gear? it's between their pads and pro-tec pads
I wear knee sleeves under my pads. They work great. Wear them for squatting, too. Look at my profile and see my recent squat video too see them in action. I’d say look at my skate posts, but they’re under the pads.
Here’s the one I use, from Amazon amazon link
Less than $20. Keep at it! 💪
Lol thankfully it is not. It’s this one and it’s got pretty solid reviews for that price range though admittedly I didn’t spend a ton of time shopping around.
I heard oust bearings are good too. My wheels are skatepark formula, but I would experiment with softer wheels if it made skating concrete pools easier.
You seem to have rolled out of that slam well. I can't stress the importance of all the padding for us older guys learning vert/transition. I just bought these and they are amazing!