I just upgraded from the generic vivosun trimmers to some chikamasa flourine coated ones with the curved blade and the two biggest differences between them are the chikamasa don’t collect gunk on em nearly as much (they still do get gooey but not NEARLY as bad and they are SUPER easy to wipe down) and the curved blades really make trimming less of a hassle. I can get a cleaner cut without jabbing all around the buds. Highly recommend them if you’re buying some trimmers. Lemme find a link real quick
Spider Farmer Grow Tent Kit Complete SF-2000 LED Grow Light Dimmable Full Spectrum Use Samsung Diodes MeanWell Driver 24" x 47" x 71" 1680D Growing Tent 4 Inch Ventilation System Setup Package https://www.amazon.com/dp/B088R4B8N2/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_apa_glt_i_Y7J20E1Z3QN7CCRHWST8
As others have said this won't be everything you need, still need growing medium and nutes of some sort, definitely a couple fans for circulation, probably some other random things. But this is a really solid starting point and a good light.
I got this one a few weeks ago and it’s great and feels like it’s gonna last much longer. Also make sure to store the ph mater in ro or a storage solution Apera Instruments AI209 Value Series PH20 Waterproof pH Tester Kit, ±0.1 pH Accuracy https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01ENFOHN8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_SM92819V7MJ6Q5YME5W0?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Get some LED/HID UV protection glasses. Great for eye protection, seeing your plants more clearly and can use them as a filter for your photos by putting them in front of your camera.
Hydrogarden Lumii Growroom Lenses https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B007RGY2LI/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabc_bzAbGb7AETBHP
I always get a second opinion from a solution sample and the pH test drops. Like you, I often second guess the meter.
These are the drops that came with the pH Up/Down solutions:
I’d definitely recommend it. This is especially important if you are exhausting air into the same room. I have this one and it works pretty well. Another product that might be useful is an inkbird humidity controller . These controllers were game changes for me. Set your target ranges, plug your equipment in and the controller (with humidity sensor) helps to regulate the environment. Hope this helps! Good luck!
this is the one i use; i couldn't recommend it enough: Bluelab METCOM Combo Meter for pH, Temperature, and Conductivity Measures, Easy Calibration https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003PD2N8Q/
try to find it locally. they'll often give you a deal at hydro/fish shops if you pay cash, at the very least they'll match the online price
I'd mix the big bloom and calmag together, I don't see the harm in that. Just make sure you're using the appropriate ratios of water to chems, and mix one in thoroughly at a time. The recharge, I would do it on non-chem days, especially since your fertilizer might be 2x a week and recharge might be once every week or every 10 days. You may also decide to do calmag separately if you don't need that much. YMMV.
I personally bought one of these graduate pitchers and some pipettes like these (non affiliate links), these were a huge help getting the measurements right. Make sure you get the right pipette size, I'm just linking some here as an example. You can use them over to save some $$$. The other thing I did, every item that I've used for chems (pitcher, tablespoon measure, etc), I clearly label with a sharpie "GARDEN CHEMS", so that someone else in the household knows not to use them for water or anything else.
Previously growing under this light and results definitely have room for improvement!
Previously we had taken the tent down because I was pregnant and couldn’t keep up with the grows, but I am super hyped to put the 5x5 back together with this gorgeous light as the main attraction.
I am infinitely grateful to this community for sponsoring the giveaway for the light, and u/epicledgrowlight for their generosity!
I have an upside down 5 gallon bucket that I put this on inside the tent
IRIS USA PCF-SC12 WOOZOO Mini Personal Oscillating Circulator Fan with Remote control White Small (9.8x7.1 inch) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B094YK23N1/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_62M1YTB3KVNDWCQM51TB?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I use Secret Jardin Monkey fans and would definitely recommend. One of mine broke after ~6 months but the other is going good on almost a year
Heres what I use on my lights and I like that it’s basically just “push each pin down for 15 minute intervals of no-power” instead of needing to program software.
Try this during your next harvest as a preventative. It’s safe from seedling to day of harvest.
You really need to test your runoff PH and EC.
Do as you wish but if you wanna learn something, label each plant.
This should be done already before you clip your plants: Have soil already completely watered, let drain for several hours in the 0.7 g.
If you want more plants, clone each one simultaneously topping each one. The top 8 inches are snipped off, cut with a clean blade obliqely, then cut again through the wedge that formed on the first cut to make a "two-tongued devil", I'll score a few cuts vertically too, not very deep. Slather with CloneX or something with IAA in it. and put it in a 0.7 gal container with a 1 gal slider bag (I use walmart store brand) for a moisture holder. The two things are super cheap, oh, some drip pans or you could use a large rectangular one for six or something.
This should be done already before you clip your plants: Have soil already completely watered, let drain for several hours in the 0.7 g.
Poke a hole in the soil with a pencil and gently insert the stem vertically downward.
it could be a week or three, but after a while white roots will stick out of the many holes. This is when I remove the slider bag. Make sure it has enough water and cross-fingers. If the next day it is suffering, I put the bag back on. This can save about 1/2 the clones, then I wait a week. It isn't to often that happens
If your humidifier does not have a humidistat and your space heater/AC does not have a thermostat:
AC infinity exhaust fans are known for being pretty quiet. Most peoples grow tents are kinda loud tho.
AC infinity has controllers to help regulate the tent so it's not exhausting too much or not enough.
If you exhaust to the room that your tent is in, your lung room, it can cause problems (heat/humidity) but can be done. It's best to just exhaust outside.
Carbon filters work best when the tent is under some negative pressure (walls suck inward). I don't smell anything until I open the tent up.
I try to support my hydroponics stores, even tho the little things are usually overpriced. Soil is usually cheaper at the store because of shipping cost.
Haven’t used them myself yet but I’ve heard some pretty good things about this kit. Greensadi Trim Bin and Trimming Scissors Set for Buds and Herbs – Durable, Premium Quality Set w/ 2-Tier Tray, Curved and Straight Blade Trim Scissors, 150 Micron Screen Kief Tray, Brush (Blue) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SZDT9BX/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_Z5BE1TKS6A642K6HHEW6?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Would this work?
Waterproof pH Pocket Tester Kit, Replaceable Probe, ±0.01 pH Accuracy https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01ENFOIQE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_7TC2NBA7Q4MA3VPGZ3Q8?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Thanks in advance.
Limited-time deal: BN-LINK WiFi Heavy Duty Smart Plug Outlet, No Hub Required with Energy Monitoring and Timer Function, White, Compatible with Alexa and Google Assistant, 2.4 Ghz Network Only (4 Pack) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CX5KLXN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_PAS7TSH2T9BG3XHKJAS7?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
You need to buy a jewelers loupe and check trichome ripeness. https://www.amazon.com/JARLINK-Illuminated-Jewelers-Magnifier-Foldable/dp/B078N34WZR/ref=zg_bs_8090802011_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=X7DT5QSK835V7KK97Q8M Clear is unripe, milky or cloudy is an energetic high, amber or golden is a body high. I harvest at 15% amber trichomes.
I upgraded to this last year and my plants LOVE IT. Only $128 on Amazon.
PARFACTWORKS RA2000 LED Grow Light,Full Spectrum Growth Lighting Bulb for Indoor Plant Flower Hydroponic Greenhouse
I got one FSGTEK 1000 at amazon (right light) and I wish I got two. Wait till they have a coupon. I didn't. Right now they have 15$ coupon at amazon for that light. Also those lights daisy chain so that if you wanna dim, you dim on one controller, and they all dim the same.
Thanks! The smell isn't noticeable when the tent is closed. I have the tent located in the closet in my bedroom and it vents into the bedroom, and my wife hasn't complained about a smell. I've been using this filter.
Ha man it really is, I am just waiting on my seeds for now. Not sure what size you are looking for but I found a 3x3 and it's decent for the money. All metal corners and the bottom corners can take casters if you want it to roll. feels pretty rugged for the price point.
I'm in a tiny 2x2x4 tent, I used this Vivosun blurple and I just didn't feel like I got the coverage I wanted. I've since switched to the SF-1000 and I'm liking it way more, I feel like I get more coverage and the dimmer is nice.
Bluelab METCOM Combo Meter for pH, Temperature, and Conductivity Measures, Easy Calibration https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003PD2N8Q/
this is what i use. five year warranty. accurate AF, you can let it sit there while it mixes and it gives you temp of water, ec, and ph with different options for ec or ppm, etc. wouldn't trade it for a thing. unless that thing was hooked to an RO system and auto fed my plants.
Yikes! Here's the one I bought: https://www.amazon.com/8T8-Splitter-Standard-Converter-Commercial/dp/B06ZZ6RY4H/ref=sr_1_6?crid=1YTSXE2IBSZ3M&keywords=7+in+1+bulb+adapter&qid=1550629050&s=gateway&sprefix=7+in+1++bulb%2Caps%2C197&sr=8-6
So far it's worked fine. No flicker or abnormally hot, etc. Seems fairly well constructed and I've been running it for the past 8 days 24/0 with no issues.
This mars 960watt $337 and $276 720 watt
Marshydro Reflector 960W LED Grow Light Full Spectrum for Hydroponic Indoor Garden and Greenhouse Veg and Bloom Switches Added https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00XBYHORY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_ExJ4BbH3TJSTT