Thankfully yes. Check out the other books titles Chuck has written. Hilarious.
Slammed In The Butt By My Handsome Laundry Detergent Pod
The honest review on Goodreads even pointed out they're all from Florida and have only read/reviewed this book.
Reminds me of this terrible book where the author had all of the 5 star reviews that sounded exactly like her terrible writing style.
I've read in multiple places that Theis was interviewed in 1984 on a radio show called Hour 25. Anyone know where I can find a recording, if it exists?
I did find this interview the OSFAN zine did with its "star" author.
i forgot the link. i am a giddy goose!
i just thought of another one, chapter two describes Loyola from an jesuit perspective, it's an interesting perspective
It's out of print, sorry. I've seen a few copies in used bookstores but they're pretty expensive and besides, the book's not that good. I'd recommend "Buried to the Brim With No Yankee" as a better book on the same subject, it's available on Amazon
>Deeming the Whore’s Head Inn no longer safe to hide in, the gang decide to take a more proactive role in their pursuit to get back to reality, or at least to keep Mordred from doing so.
I admit, I haven't read this but it sounds like a Carlton Mellick knockoff
I see your Stokholm syndrome and I raise you an even shittier book in the same 'genre'. Consequences, will make you want to reach inside the book and strangle every other character, chop them to pieces and feed them to the author.
IT's on amazon. Select the mass market paperback to get this awesome art for your book!
Dude THIS was fucking in the "Customers Also Bought" section. There is seriously an audiobook of a woman getting railed by a puppet?!