This little devotional will knock you off your sofa! Haha
No but seriously , I am going through it right now and it is really good
Get it! Read it! And let God deliver you from all fear.
I prayed to the LORD, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears.
Psalm 34:4 Listen to this message titled "Breaking free from anxiety , fear and depression"
God bless you
I prayed for you. Keep in mind that God's purpose towards you is always to restore, to redeem, to save, to heal and to recover. That's His heart, even when it's time for chastisement and discipline. The first step is inevitably to admit our failure, brokenness and helplessness, with such the Lord can work [Mark 2:17]. God knows the beginning from the end, surely He has the solution and providence for whatever outcome may result. Please, draw near to God and trust in God more than ever. This is the kind of moment we need Jesus the most. May I suggest this book, it's less than 5$ on Amazon Kindle, and it's a beautiful testimony of the love of God even despite our failures and pitfalls.
I've pasted below a link to the "Christian Birthright Card" we were given in my church as part of a Living Free course. If you're a Christian the statements on it are all true of you, which can be a real comfort because you can know that they're true regardless of how awful your situation on Earth currently is.
In the meantime I'll pray for you ofc.
(Note that the link is to a reuploaded copy of the file, so as to protect privacy by not revealing my church.)
True, in the meantime download something like SunsetScreen and make sure you have a blue-light filter going on your phone as well, and never watch anything in the dark but have a light shining on the monitor at all times at minimum whenever using it.
I don't know if this would help, but maybe you can think about how God loves all the men and women who make the pornographic videos/pictures and how sad it makes him that they are using the beautiful bodies He gave them to sin and to lead others into sin. We are all sons and daughters of God, and He would never want that kind of lifestyle for them. Nor does he want it for anyone watching them. Sex is supposed to be a communication between two people who love each other. It's something a husband and wife can use to show each other how much they love each other. God made sex good, when used at the proper time. Evil tells us that these things are "nasty," that these are "bad girls," that it's something "dirty."
There is a book that really helped me to understand many questions Christians have about sex. It's titled "I Loved a Girl" by Walter Trobisch. I have a few extra copies, I'll mail you one if you like. It's a real-life correspondence between a young man and his pastor. You can read the first few pages on Amazon for free:,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch This book is about a young man in Africa writing to his pastor who now lives in Europe. The young man had a teaching job with a Christian church but he lost the job when it was found out that he had sex with the younger sister of a friend. The book is an insightful discussion on love and sex within the framework of a Christian life. I will be praying for you.
Jesus please deliver this man in to a new season of prosperity and bless him so much with an overflow. I pray that this person will do business going forward that is God ordained and kingdom lead and that they would realize all the money is Gods and that they are good steward of what God is entrusting. I pray they won’t beat themselves up over the past mistake, as we all make them and need the mercy and grace of Jesus. Be generous with this person and let their life flourish and be a blessing to others as the Holy Spirit leads.
note: reading this reminds me that I need to read through this book, which deals with finances and being a Christian.
The Blessed Life: Unlocking the Rewards of Generous Living
May I recommend a book, particularly if you’re Catholic. I get nothing from this if you buy it. It’s written by a well respected exorcist. You can find Fr. Ripperger on YouTube as well
Deliverance Prayers: For Use by the Laity
What does the COVID vaccine have to do with anything?
Also, I have a book recommendation on the subject of pornography that may soften your self-condemning attitude. Check out Samuel Perry's Addicted to Lust: Pornography in the Lives of Conservative Protestants. The book is written strictly from a sociological perspective (i.e., it's not a religious book), which I actually found insightful, revealing, and refreshing. The book includes non-judgmental interviews with many people struggling with your very situation and you may get some useful insight into what you're thinking and feeling and what to do about it. And DEFINITELY read it before you start getting into Christian anti-porn literature.
If you don't want to spring for the book, I can share my electronic copy, too. I highly recommend it.
The Porn Problem: Christian compassion, convictions and wisdom for today's big issues (Talking Points Book 3)
Sexual Sanity for Men: Re-creating Your Mind in a Crazy Culture
Recommended resources for you^^
I hope that you heal. You could try getting a back, shoulder, or posture brace.
Internally, turmeric and glucosamine can help with inflammation. And CBD for pain.
Kind regards.
I'm praying for you. I have also had my gallbladder removed. Please be patient with your body as you make the adjustment to living without your gallbladder.
You'll have to make some changes in your diet and you may feel run down for a while. Keep meals small and on the milder side (skip spices and tomatoes for a bit). I found that digestive enzymes and probiotics helped me a lot.
Join a group of Christians who are on FIRE for God We pray every day at 6am-7am EST on zoom. It is a zoom meeting that's available to all!
God Bless🙏
Join a group of Christians who are on FIRE for God We pray every day at 6am-7am EST on zoom. It is a zoom meeting that's available to all!
God Bless🙏
Join a group of Christians who are on FIRE for God We pray every day at 6am-7am EST on zoom. It is a zoom meeting that's available to all!
God Bless🙏
Join a group of Christians who are on FIRE for God We pray every day at 6am-7am EST on zoom. It is a zoom meeting that's available to all!
God Bless🙏
Join a group of Christians who are on FIRE for God We pray every day at 6am-7am EST on zoom. It is a zoom meeting that's available to all!
God Bless🙏
Hi, I hope your family recovers in good health. You might also consider Heart Miracle, it's a supplement containing many healthy heart nutrients and has hundreds of positive reviews.
Kind regards
Here's a link to the Freedom Fight Check out this app, The Freedom Fight by Student Mobilization, Inc.
It's been helping me, hopefully it can help you too.
I don’t know if you are Catholic, but, I find this book very helpful. Note that I get nothing from any sales of this book. I have no relationship with the exorcist who authored it.
Deliverance Prayers: For Use by the Laity
>I'm sure there is some way I can find access to showers with never-ending hot water.
Our God is truly an amazing God. He has already got you covered, just install one of these bad boys and you can sit under the constant stream of hot water :
If you aren't opposed to natural products, please check out these following products. I had a dog in kidney failure and they lived an additional 6 years thanks to God allowing us to find these. kidney support gold
From Amazon... grass fed kidney glandular.
My vet now gives both of these products to all dogs and cats in kidney distress. He was so shocked at how much my baby improved and lived 6 more years. In fact the blood test before he passed showed his kidneys were functioning perfectly.
If it wasn't for contaminated pet food, that was eventually recalled, he might have lived a few more years.
Anyway, hugs and prayers for you and your furbaby.
I don't know what to tell you about your girlfriend (i've never been in a relationship), but I think your doing the right things, from what you're telling me. Jesus told us in John 16:33 NLT, "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” Now is the time to press into GOD, pray about your worries, then simply leave it in GOD's hands. He does His best work in the background, so be assured, He hears you, and honors the fact you haven't given up on Him. You can get the you version Bible app for android or whatever app store u have, and look for daily devotionals for whatever you're facing. The Bible really is like life's handbook.
Love u brother/sister in Christ. Cool username BTW
This is a great book to start, and RC Sproul is a great theologian and author to read. This book spans a wide variety of topics but is very easy to grasp, and is well organized. His works are specifically geared at teaching people who are just getting into theology. He also has a podcast called Renewing Your Mind where there is a lecture or sermon from him every day. I have used the iTunes podcast in the past, which is free and a great thing to do while doing something mindless, like exercising or doing chores.
Let me know if I can help you with anything else! I'd love to answer any and all questions you have, as I am able to.
I can imagine it being a bit tricky to try to be held accountable by others who don't know what they're accounting for. Personally, my journey was solo. It took me a very long time to ditch the habit myself—years really, but over time you make your way towards decreasing frequency. Try first just setting a goal of a rough target limit per week, and go from there. The most important thing is that you do not be too harsh on yourself ~~if~~ when you relapse. Just acknowledge that it's a long-term journey, enjoy the challenge day by day, and don't beat yourself up!
I seem to have conquered it, and that was undeniably with the active help of Loop - Habit Tracker. This app's daily tracking of a new habit to establish is incredible, with its convenient 1x1 widget for whether you did/did not do any given action per day. If you don't have an Android, probably any habit-tracking app for iOS will do. Prayer for discipline to the rule set you create for yourself would be good, and that's what I'll pray about for you. Eventually you will want to weed out and actively avoid nearly any trigger, which can seem milder than is worth the effort.
But it's worth the effort. Every moment of it.