Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self by Sandra Ingerman is probably a good resource or understanding the basic frame work for soul retrieval. Will that entirely address you issue, probably not, but having the information may help you formulate more of what you need to do.
No problem... you need to learn how to journey. It's very simple (you need drum beats at the right tempo and involves closing your eyes to activate the journey state), but you definitely need to pick up the right book or go on a course. It's very different from meditation.
I would recommend the following book. It goes through how to journey, getting in touch with your power animal, and different things you can do in the journey world. It's a set of 3 books but the first one will totally settle these questions you have:
Another great resource around Celtic mythology and folklore from a shamanic point of view is Tom Cowan - Fire in the Head.
Lots of fascinating insight and guidance in this one
I think a lot of times there's an intuitive sense that something is there. Beyond that, symptoms can include thoughts and feelings that don't seem to come from you (usually negative or obsessive ones), feeling drained of energy and dragged down, hearing voices, and disturbed sleep/bad dreams/sleep paralysis.
This page has a really good list. I also recommend this book by Robert Bruce for some really good discussion of negative entities and attachment thereof (although his methods of getting rid of those attachments didn't work for me personally).
Here’s a great, short podcast on connecting with spirit guides.
This book has free guided audio specifically for connecting with guides. Super helpful
Appreciate your compassion and suggestions. Thank you kindly.
There's an illuminating and relevant collection of work about somewhat similar states of being called "Spiritual Emergency" with Ram Dass, Stan Grof, and others.
Without delving too deep into a complex issue, I've discovered that the resonances I mention extend beyond the online digital matrix. There are definitely algorithms that data-mine everything and create feedback loops using keywords and such, but the really bizarre realization is that the echo-like nature (what Dr. John C Lilly called the Earth Coincidence Control Office [ECCO]) cascades over into the so-called real world. For example, phrases are repeated back to me: I'll say something on the phone to one individual, and then later that day have the exact phrase said to me from an entirely different person. If the reality could indicate the purpose of these recursive repeats it would be easier to deal with why it duplicates and reverberates redundantly. It can be alienating and disorienting to impart a specific phrase to someone, like the number: 161803, and then have a totally different individual repeat it back to me in a separate and unrelated occasion. Is this a common experience for other people? It truly feels like being in the matrix.
Great recommendation about spending time in nature. I enjoy being outdoors - sauntering and cavorting on this beautiful planet. The extended time in cyberspace is due to all of the "pandemic" issues and general lack of friends. I don't need a counselor, I need love.
A little out of left field, but if you enjoy scifi/fantasy/YA, the novel "Uprooted" actually has a lot of (what I think of as) shamanic elements in it. The main thing being this idea of figuring out the unknowable, for yourself, and in your own way.
It might be a fun way to engage with some of those feelings from a simpler starting place. =)
Yes. Read this book. Although not purely shamanic, the methods he describes have been road tested and are effective. His 'New Energy Ways' document (available in pdf online) is fantastic for learning to sense and manipulate energy, and his book Astral Dynamics is also excellent for learning astral projection. Those combine well with the self defense book. Other useful methods can be found in the Hoodoo/Conjure modality e.g. Uncrossing work (you'd want to see a decent rootworker for that). Another book that may have useful methods for you is this one. That one is also not shamanic, but will provide another perspective from a working occultist with decades of experience dealing with this sort of thing.
My friend wrote this wonderful book. It may bring you comfort as you navigate this time:
This is a book written by an actual shaman in the Mongolian tradition. No "light and love" New Age stuff, just details about one specific shamanic tradition.
Every human experience Soul loss. Soul retrieval is the single most healing practice I use with myself, with clients and teach my mentees.
What is commonly called inner child work in Western psychology is an aspect of soul retrieval, all the lost and disassociated soul parts don’t have to be children. We all have unresolved emotional issues and soul retrieval/soul loss is a powerful part of the path to healing and wholeness.
I have done literally countless soul retrieval‘s on myself, well participated with them in my own therapy and if it remains essential part of my personal growth work 35 years on this path.
Internal family systems, Lifespan Integration, regression hypnosis and shamanic soul retrieval are all basically the same work of healing our inner relationships with our authentic self.
You can check out this book for how to do the work yourself.
Here is a book and guided audio series that uses power animals through out each process for healing and empowerment. Also available on Audible.
Here’s the audio only:
Building relationships with power animals happens by spending time with them in both ordinary and non-ordinary reality, By calling their energy into present time in by journey to them in the transpersonal
Hi there. My liver numbers were horrible, and I had symptoms describing what your wife has 2 years ago.
I know you already said Milk Thistle, but this product is amazing. Once in the morning, once in the evening.
I also will make a smoothie of almond milk (vitamin E), blueberries, banana, and turmeric (you can't taste it). Ridiculously healthy.
Make sure she gets up and gets 30 mins of light walking (if she can) to get blood circulation through the liver going.
Blackberries are a great snack food. Healthy and good fiber.
C20 Coconut Water is great for iron.
Almonds are a wonderful snack food that your body loves. Any kind of peanuts really.
Your body loves salmon.
No salt, No processed anything.
I'm not trying to be discouraging when I tell you this, but no one decides to become a shaman. There is a lot of misinformation about what a shaman is and what they really do floating around on the internet and in various New Age books.
Shamans are people chosen by a Power or group of Powers (Gods, Nature Spirits, Ancestors, and many others) to undergo a death/rebirth process in order to serve the Powers who have claimed them. They will be placed into service of both the Power or Powers who claimed them and a specific community as a priest, healer, advisor, and many other roles. If you haven't been chosen to serve by a Power, then you will never be a shaman.
That said, many of the techniques used by shamans can be used by people who are not shamans. There is no reason not to study and learn about shamanism so you can practice these techniques properly and respectfully. This is an excellent book on one shamanic tradition, and will explain the distinction between being a shaman and merely adopting a few of their practices much better than I can.
Best of luck and many blessings to you!
Yes, good point. Modern culture also places a lot of emphasis on endless busyness and productivity, often to the detriment of nature's fecundity. In this day and age, to live simply and let things simply live is a positive sum factor.
Foodnotlawns is also a good strategy and alternative approach to monoculture, grasses, and loud pollution machines on repeat to maintain a mostly unused aesthetic.
Related: Sacred Economics: Money, Gift, and Society in the Age of Transition, by Charles Eisenstein
Kind regards
It really depends upon your spirit and what you want it to do. Iron is the standard answer, any form steel, pig, cobalt. Iron is ferrous and therefore has repellent magnetism, fields typically strong enough to hold spirits at bay (As above so below). Many tricksters will be inclined to resist the field as the potential rewards are enormous and will be resentful of your use of Iron to keep them at bay. Iron keeps spirits at bay, yes, but most spirits it will keep at bay are already disinclined to interact with you, a couple pinches of salt and burnt sage/ sage incense once a year is more than enough to avoid interactions and a wreath at or above the door will keep your home free of 99% of malignancy.
Silver and Moonstone combine into an object which will both keep your body healthy with silver's microbial disinfecting nature and the moonstone works to increase your kindness and loving attributes. This will decrease your anger and hate, thus increasing what keeps tricksters away and decreasing what tricksters are attracted too.
Any stone in the shape of a "doughnut" is effective at warding off targeting by others and tricksters. I like chelcedony but any stone will work, you can wear it of just keep it beside/above your bed. The stone tends to distract spirits while the hole in the middle attracts them creating a sort of feedback loop preventing them from interacting with you at all.
Currently listening to the book The Messengers: Owls, Synchronicity and the UFO Abductee. I was just outside mowing the yard and thinking "I would like to see an owl." Didn't see one outside but as soon as I came in and sat down at the computer, saw this.
The book, "Spiritual Emergencies" may offer helpful clarity for you.
Also, to reimprint yourself with positive, relaxing energy, you may find it worthwhile to connect with nature and silence, to include meditation, and frequency soundscapes that help you to feel at ease.
For a mental reset, here's a map of medical ketamine clinics.
If you want to find an Australian Aboriginal "shaman" type of person, NZ might not be the best/first place to look?
Have a read of this book, it is excellent:
And your best bet would be to go and spend time in Indigenous communities to find such people, they may take a while to open up to you (if at all), though you might get lucky :)
Would you be willing to share your experience? Super curious.
Also, I have a book with free guided audio that I created for solo work, btw. If that’s of interest.
Jeremy Narby does alot of cool stuff bridging the western-indigenous gap.
The story is actually from a book that was published in 1981:
Terminator also is based on same stuff and they originally were talking of the same universe, even tho you dont see this in the movies. Terminator robots are the same robots that control matrix, but the story in terminator talks of how things went south in the humans vs robots war. What happens in matrix is after the humans lost the war.
Then hollywood folks took over the terminator and matrix franchise. If i dont remember wrong, the first two terminators and first 3 matrix movies were from the original story and rest were written by hollywood folks.
Exactly, I'm sure it you've heard the phrase "when you get the message hang up the phone". I loved coffee so much and I'd been on it since I was probably 9 or earlier, but it is a substance like any other. I've had negative entities tell me to keep drinking it too, so that is a major red flag to say the least. I definitely had anxiety problems with it and it is not a good thing to take if you want to stay calm, sober, and aware. I've been drinking this really good coffee alternative called chicory root that tastes a ton like coffee, I love that roasted nut flavor. I just did a cup of that today with some oat milk creamer. Give it a try if you want, I'd highly recommend it.
Here is the stuff, I'm sure you can find different prices and amounts too though or maybe in your local store or health food store:
A great book. I highly recommend. In later parts it does get into brainwaves and floating (sensory deprivation) as modern Shamanic practice. But some very good stuff on metaprogramming that started with John C. Lilly. Ill post another which is a simple reprogramming script. Oh I came to comment to post a link to the book...
I mainly journey via drum-induced trance. This site describes a method very similar to the ones I use:
I've had success with this in earbuds:
This book, along with the process. The more you engage, the more you get out of it. I’ve also done all the stuff you mentioned plus shadow work. Maybe it’s an accumulation of my experiences, but it changed me profoundly. I can’t recommend this book enough. Read the reviews. They are real. It’s an experiential journey towards finding yourself by gently stripping away stored childhood trauma. 10 weeks of breathing meditation. 15 minutes, twice a day. There’s a lot of immersive explanation, which primes your subconscious for the process and helps you understand what is happening and why.
I’ve gone through it once, and I’ve just started it again.
Additional resources from the author’s web site.
IDK Bardon says there is with it's shiny black or velvety back oscillation that aligns with the pancreas and solar plexus......or did you mean this?
I recommend checking out a book called “Liber 420: Cannabis, Magickal Herbs and the Occult” if you’re looking for cannabis usage from ancient times to now. It’s a dense book, but has a bunch of good info.
This one is explains it really well:
As for a drum track, I've used this before with some success: This might be a good place to start! Easy read short sections so you can read in between other activities or before bed. Once you start putting these ideas in it will help break negative thought patterns.
I’m very new to journeying and shamanic practice and I’ve found this book to be very beneficial and explains the shamanic upper lower and middle worlds well Practical Shamanism, A Guide for...
Yes. We are all born with "spiritual gifts". While some may be more naturally inclined, just as some people are more naturally athletic than others, it's something we all possess as humans, even though we have lost touch with it over time. Meditation and energy work are great tools to deepen your gifts and practice. You may find this book interesting:
You can start by learning and practicing journeying. Any type of Shamanic training you might engage with will likely require this skill set. You do not need to be a Shaman or be Shaman-called to journey, but you may find an affinity for it in practice. There are many books and online workshops available about this subject. One book you could start off with is Shamanic Journeying: A Beginner's Guide. Once you begin journeying, you will meet your helping Spirits. That is how you can learn if you have a calling or what type of work you may be called to do in this life.
You can do this yourself, using shamanism. It's called, "Seeing Energy on a Horizon".
The energy is perceived, in one of it's more "raw" forms, as whitish light that's "alive".
If you gaze into it, it forms into something.
It's not a dream, seeing as how you are fully awake with your eyes open.
It's just what shaman elders ought to be able to do for real, but these days cannot.
Here's the book cover of one of the last 3 books Carlos Castaneda wrote, as he was dying.
People who see that don't realize, it's a fairly easy technique.
A good 16 have mastered it now. You can even "leap" into the scene. Land on that moon for example?
People learn to do that over in the "other" shamanism subreddit in just a few weeks, if they have the time. But long before the "few weeks" are up, other magical things happen. Stuff even more fun!
You can summon anything in the sky. Even spy on people, like Ren spied on Rey in one of the last star Wars movies.
Which are based on the books of Castaneda.
Over in that other subreddit, there's no pretending. No angry trolls trying to harm others for their own pleasure, and no snobby fake shaman guys selling shamanism lessons.
It's just magic nerds over there.
Just a perspective to help you out. We try not to call attention to this, but spirit attachments happen very frequently to everyone. Walk into an old pub and have a drink or two, chances are you are walking out with something in your energy field that wasn't there before. Most people are just not aware.
I say this not to concern, more to highlight it's not something that should be holding you back because it's a fairly regular occurrence. Finding a power animal is easy. Go do a journey and ask around to meet your power animal in the lower world. Once you've identified it just keep building up a relationship until it is around you always. It will provide a level of ongoing protection as will other things as you continue to learn.
Basically just start journeying , don't build it up too big in your head. Read this book if you need help (it will walk you through all the steps, getting a power animal etc)
Totally get her loving processed foods. If you can get your hands on this book OP, it will change your life. My daughter was going down the same road as my sister and I read this book and dived deep into the microbiome to help her:\_1\_1?dchild=1&keywords=the+nemechek+protocol&qid=1625751224&sr=8-1
Guides do the soul retrieval for you. Can absolutely be done on yourself if you have power retrieval guides.
Ch. 8 tells you how
Magickal Protection by Damon Brand
The Sword Banishing ritual as well as the Master Protection ritual would be where I would start, and there may be others in the book that may be able to assist you. Good luck.
I do Spiritual Psi-Kology work, a blend of Shamanism, Hypnotherapy, Buddhist philosophy and the best of Western psych. I help people consciously do soul retrieval on themselves rather than me doing all the work for them, as in traditional Shamanism. When there is soul loss, we always have some responsibility to grow in our ability to care for ourselves. That’s much of our work as humans here, growing in love, compassion and empowerment. Spirit guides, the Life Force, ancestors and elements of nature can be instrumental Spiritual help in this process.
Here’s a short podcast on soul retrieval I did. Happy to talk if you want to learn more. I’m also doing a free webinar on Shamanism next week if you’re interested.
I also have a book with free guided audio if you want to do some work yourself.
Happy to talk if you want to talk about Healing sessions. Good luck finding the healing you seek. Suffering pushes us to grow and heal toward our own fulfillment and highest good. Blessings.
Most useful book I have encountered on this subject
Here’s a great book that is linked to 15 free guided audio Inner journeys, or meditations to a wide range of Spirit guides and teachers. Starts with connecting with the earth, A spirit guide an animal form, a teacher in human form and also includes soul retrieval, inner critic work and power retrieval methods. Super helpful!
Allies & Demons: Working with Spirit for Power and Healing
I would start with Neolithic Shamanism. The title is misleading (and not even the one the authors wanted) but it is a great introduction to Northern Tradition spirit working and shamanic practices.
Becoming Nature: Learning the Language of Animals and Plants, by Tamarack Song is a good book about resting in the correct understanding and mindset needed to connect to both plants and animals.
I used weed and shrooms for years to gain perspective on myself and the universe in general. Although they served me to some degree, I no longer need them as I found they only hinder my spiritual progress at this point.
I made an app to facilitate developing meditation skills that works extremely well and requires no drugs. It is based on the same technology Robert Monroe used in his out of body work:
Hope it helps people here!
Healing States is a good book. It is about two psychologists that travel to a few different locations throughout South America observing Shamanic practices and other forms of healing.
I found this book very informative ..
"Why is it so hard to die?
Why do we have to learn how to do it?
Why, if dying is so common, is it so much a mysterious, troubling thing among us?
You may be surprised at the courage and the discernment you will need to keep coming back to these questions. The part of you that wants to be helpful and supportive will regularly be demanding, “Just tell me what to do. Just tell me how to fix it.” And the question that I hope will keep shimmering up out of the pool of your frustrated desire to help people who are suffering is, “Fix what?” It takes a lot of courage to spend time with the dilemmas, the nightmares, the things we do to dying people in the name of compassion that just don’t help, but that is what we will try to come back to: What mayhem are we trying to fix?"
Jenkinson, Stephen. Die Wise (pp. 90-91). North Atlantic Books. Kindle Edition.
In my experience, it is not unusual for beginners to think that they might need to move to another country to investigate shamanism. However, they fail to understand that the strangest/best things can be found just down the road. Also - there is no point in healing others if you dont know what you are doing. Normally I dont recommend books but in this case I think you need to read around the subject and figure out your intentions. This is a good starting point: . All the best
The Path: Psychomancy by Astora Diam has precisely what you are asking for. It talks about how to meet your guide, engage in soul retrieval, hedge crossing, journeying, and possession, which are all core parts of shamanism (taught from the modern perspective from a modern practitioner of course.) Her book is only 3.99.
Core Shamanism is really good to look into in general. The Path: Psychomancy explains a modern interpretation of journeying, possession, and soul retrieval.
Some people considered Carl Jung to be a modern/western shaman. His works are quite interesting regardless of what path you follow.
This book is in my opinion the best introduction you could ever possibly look for. ESPECIALLY because you are into the jungian side, this introduction to shamanism comes from a modern psychotherapy perspective and be the best bridge for you coming from an atheist perspective. There is no dogma in shamanism, what you learn is all from direct experience. IE: the opposite of religion. Starting a few shamanic journeys will start helping you immediately.
You are diving into your subconcious but it is unguided. Following the wisdom of shamanism will give you protection, and open it up in a manner guided by spirit (ie: things will open up more gradually, and in a way that makes more sense). You will also get a more stabilizing effect on the psyche as you start to integrate your mind through the practice of shamanism (lower world journeys specifically).
Experiencing the realm of the subconcious/divinity without proper integration is scary (mainly due to lack of emotional stability). You are very brave for being where you are right now, which shows a tremendous capability to pursue this path if you decide. Getting your emotional state in lock down is a pre-req to being where you are right now, and you don't have that pre-req in place.
The book is downright awesome and following it will start removing your fears after a short time.
this book spends significant time talking about this very issue, and I would highly recommend it. it is an intro to shamanism written by a psychotherapist, and a primary focus of the book is the very integration of shamanism in our individualist society/culture. End of the day, shamanism has and always has been about taking the teachings and making them relevant for the age or day you live in. That's up to you to figure out...... for me it is slowly opening peoples eyes not through education (unless requested) but by BEING. To give you an example, I work in a very stressful job where people are constantly losing their shit. Through my training, it is very easy for me to guide people towards stability in those turbulent situations, with the net affect of reducing fear in my environment for many people (spiritual warrior!). In addition, I reach out to people on a deep level and work to inspire them to go beyond the ego, again just by being that way myself. Its contagious. These are some of the things I think you are seeking.
Go for dark room gazing, and get yourself an Ally.
I first learned from Ruby Modesto out at Morongo Indian Reservation.
Back in the 60s.
Carlos probably met her first in his search.
As she said, there were sorcerers like don Juan all over that valley, out at Morongo. They had to flee when settlers started shooting people to get grazing land.
Their people had irrigated that entire area, and the settlers just thought it was natural growth.
So they overran it.
And herded her people, the Luiseno and Cahuilla, into that reservation.
Ruby, an official honest to goodness Indian female shaman, never learned to see her Ally.
She was a "pul", meaning a spirit talker.
Her book is over here. If you buy it, even used, it helps their little printing press, which my father helped to set up for them.
She could get guidance from the Devil's Weed plant, to help her people.
She brewed a tea. As I recall, dosage was near 6-8 leaves, boiled in water.
If anyone here can correct me on that, I'd really appreciate it.
And don't anyone try that. My memory from 50 years ago is pretty poor.
Get some shrooms if you need to make yourself more flexible.
Somehow, Ruby got trapped at a very basic level of only sensing her spirit.
Don't let that happen to you!
Be a sorcerer. Not a shaman.
Demand to visually see the things you claim to perceive. For real, standing there in front of you. Demons, Angels, Sprits, Fairies, Gnomes, ready to help you learn.
They love to teach!
The Path: Psychomancy by Astora Diam gives examples of spiritual practices from many traditions, including ritual magick and Shamanism, and strips away the dogma giving you the psychological method behind the technique. It's easily used with whatever spiritual paradigm one observes.
The Path: Psychomancy by Astra Diam has a subchapter on soul retrieval. It explains how to use it and what it can potentially be used for and how it may potentially be interpreted.
The Path: Psychomancy by Astora Diam does just that.
The Path: Psychomancy goes over a modern take on a few Shamanic practices.
The Path: Psychomancy by Astora Diam teaches some ritual practice techniques along with a modern take on some Shamanic practices.
Although as others said, Shamans didn't really call their practices rituals, but rather was more of a particular way to approaching the world (animism,) combined with regularly communing inside of themselves in order to create a solution to an external (or internal) problem, healing and a use of herbs and pharmaceutical solutions, reverence for nature and other sacred concepts, and working with spirits/disconnected parts of the self.
The Path: Psychomancy teaches a modern version of some Shamanic practices, such as possession, journeying, and soul retrieval.
Forgive me for being so bold as to say that I feel you need to read this book....
“You must understand that when anybody, bruja or curandera, priest or sinner, tampers with the fate of a man that sometimes a chain of events is set into motion over which no one will have ultimate control. You must be willing to accept this responsibility.”
Anaya, Rudolfo. Bless Me, Ultima
You're evil.
Nothing else about it.
You're like the dog that pisses on food he doesn't want, so no one else can eat it. Don Juan mentioned that.
Now I've seen it.
By the way, Ruby Modesto at Morongo said there were sorcerers like don Juan all over that valley, when she was a child. So I've out expert-ed whatever imaginary Yaqui Indian expert you were imagining.
Here's Ruby, my friend from when I was 9.
She knew Carlos also.
You ran into the real thing here, and pissed on it. Now you're trying to make yourself feel better about it.
And giving a bad history lesson. Come over to the castaneda ubreddit if you want a history lesson on magic.
We actually do it, we don't talk about it.
But there are some excellent history buffs.
And I'm not trying to impress you.
I have no internal dialogue, so that kind of nonsense doesn't occur to me.
I'm trying to hook someone else from here, which I succeeded at doing.
read a-z animal guides and omens its a good one i live by it it never fails and is always 100% spot on much growth was had with and still have with this book
Make a journey to the lower world with the intent to meet a spirit guide, it may take a few attempts but keep journeying.
Basically, to go to the lower world you want to do something that will put you in a trance, 20-30 minutes of shamanic drum beats should do the trick... to go to the lower world while in trance look around for a cave or some form that leads below where you are, you'll know it when you see it.
This book is a great no-frills primer on shamanism and plant medicines
Welcome. Have you been to and/or read Michael Harner's book, Way of the Shaman? Harner is an 80-something year old anthropologist who studied with indigenous shamans in the Amazon in the 1960s and, as a result, quit academia and became a shamanic practitioner and teacher full-time. is his site (or rather the site of the nonprofit shamanic studies foundation he founded). They teach classes in shamanism, publish a magazine on indigenous and non-indigenous shamans, and periodically run fundraisers to help indigenous shamans (some hurricane in Central America wrecks a shaman's home, they raise money to help him or her build a new one). I've taken one of the classes and use their drumming CDs (or rather MP3's) for most of my journeys. Good stuff.
Here's a link to that book:
Silver RavenWolf practices Pow-wow, folk magic originating in the culture of the Pennsylvania Dutch. Don't confuse the Pennsylvania Dutch with the Amish, since there are no Amish shamans. LOL. A Pennsylvania Dutch shaman would be a brauche or braucherei. This just goes to show how universal shamanism is since there is even a Pennsylvania Dutch form of shamanism.
Hex and Spellwork: The Magical Practices of the Pennsylvania Dutch
My experience is the ones that want to work with you make themselves known. Once that opening is there, you're responsible for holding up your end of the engagement. There are no "truer" or less true spirit allies. People who project such wouldn't gain my confidence.
This is purely a personal caveat, though I teach that we're responsible for connecting with the Nature Spirits of where we are. They are the foundation of all of our work and ability to reach into that of other regions and spaces. They are our grounding and we are their active participants-- There's a big trend among modern shamanists to romanticize the Nature spirits of other regions, cultures, or spaces, while skipping over the nature of our own backyard. Uncool.
The ancestors spirit you mention is interesting. Most people aren't aware of them; that's something to explore.
Regarding the drum, mine have never wanted to be painted. I wanted to paint them; they said no. Of people who paint them with, they paint a spirit ally or sigil that is significant to them. I often wonder if they ask the drum what it wanted. In all aspects, I always ask the soul in question what it would like.
Best to you!
Furthermore, look into Carlos Casteneda's "Teaching of Don Juan". It discusses the use of entheogenic plants, dark magic, shamanic shapeshifting, etc. There's some controversy over this book arguing that the shaman/brujo/diablero whom the author goes under the tutelage of is made up; but many believe that he stands as a narrative device, aggregating the many lessons that Castaneda, an anthropology student, learned from his time with the migratory Yaqui people into a single person's teachings.
It's a pretty quick read and discusses the deployment of or traveling as spirit animals to harm one's enemies.
Castaneda is fiction.......good, but fiction. ;) I would seek out Sarangerel Odigon's book 'Chosen by the Spirits' and also look online for free pdf files if your budget is tight. You may also wish to seek out 'Sacred Hoop' magazine produced by Nicholas Breeze Wood and his free articles on . He's a nice guy and may let you have access to Hoop articles for free if you ask nicely. ;)
Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions might have some sections that would interest you, although it's more about his life than the actual practices, there is still a lot of good material.
Honestly, I just googled random sites. There are some good books though. I bought this one but I haven't read much of it yet:
Okay. I am going to weigh in here.
Birds are all messengers of the Spirit world.
Crows, specifically signify law and magic.
A murder of crows is likely, in my experience bearing a strong message that you are ignoring or not seeing.
If I had to suggest a book on this, I would go with Animal Speak