$44 million after 5 years versus
in 2 years 4 months.
He'll be spending two more nights at his Irish golf course (June 5-6) instead of returning to the US straightaway after the D-Day commeration.
A bigger fun is that Kim was met by Singapore PM personally: Kim Jong Un arrives in Singapore for historic summit; <strong>meets Singapore PM</strong>
Rick Reilly wrote a book about this earlier this year - Commander in Cheat - and it's hilarious and exactly what you'd expect. https://www.amazon.com/dp/0316528080/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_LXwLDb43VQ2FW
“The caddies got so used to seeing him kick his ball back onto the fairway they came up with a nickname for him: ‘Pele.’” Basically endless anecdotes about him cheating, winning seniors tournaments he was too young to be in but then claiming he won the pro tournament.
There's that word again, scum. You know there are other insults out there right? Such a small vocabulary for a such an angry little man. Here, let me help you out: http://www.thesaurus.com/browse/scum
For more on this angle.
"As 1865 proceeded, Johnson’s real sympathies became clear: He pardoned former rebels. He restored confiscated lands to rebel owners. Johnson recognized new Southern state governments led by former slaveholding whites. He defended draconian state laws limiting the freedom of former slaves.
In 1866, Johnson moved aggressively to block the Republican Party agenda. He vetoed an extension of the Freedmen’s Bureau, which Congress had established to administer abandoned lands and provide aid to African Americans in the South. He vetoed the Civil Rights Bill, too, which promised rights of contract and basic legal protections. Moderate Republicans had championed the bill as a conservative alternative to more radical measures like land redistribution and voting rights for black men. But Johnson’s zero-sum racial outlook led him to insist that simple equality guarantees actually “operated ‘in favor of the colored and against the white race.’ ”
Critics began calling for impeachment of the politically wounded president. Radical Republican candidates for Congress campaigned on a pro-impeachment platform in 1866. Republicans swept both houses of Congress in the midterm elections, making impeachment a real prospect."
So Johnson's Impeachment is interesting according to this author because they basically impeached him over him just being a generally shitty president with shitty morals and bad, racist behavior. They hung the actual impeachment on a technicality--breaking the tenure of office act.
Johnson was seriously undermining reconstruction efforts, especially anything that helped blacks. He's a piece of shit but was one vote shy of removal in the senate.
Hello, I'm a bot! The movie you linked is called Blades of Glory, here are some Trailers
>And those who can't teach make laws about teaching.
Just in case you didn't know, there is a third part to that old saw: Those who can't teach, administrate. Those who can't administrate, go into politics.
Well they're not exactly wrong.
The Cost of the Office? Trump's Billion-Dollar Loss by Trump, Inc. https://player.fm/1tGQbH #nowplaying
That lays it out. But yeah, noone has any idea exactly how much he's been making out of the golf courses(like charging secret service to stay in his hotels) or how much money lobbyists have pumped into his businesses. Him losing a billion dollars in asset value is no surprise. He's a shit "businessman" as is, no surprise there. Oh and not to forget the potential Moscow towers deal and Saudi Arabia deals he had lined up.
He's waaaay to narcissistic to hire writers for his speeches. Where is it....aha. An interview with one of Obamas speechwriters, for comparison. It seems like decades ago when leaders were valued for their speeches and the nuances in them. When every sentence could be abused/used by the media and scrutinized for weeks. When speeches were meant to inspire or explain issues.
Now it's like a 5 year old with dementia rambling on about whatever the fuck pops into his head, the segways from his obviously written for him speech into his incoherent "jokes" or rants are stunning to behold. What's the last, big speech he supposedly wrote himself? Fuck me was that an embarrassment. How Republicans haven't keeled over and died from shame is beyond me.
>[Trump calls Trudeau] “very dishonest”
That’s fucking rich. Speaking of rich: hasn't Trump been lying about his wealth for decades? Something something about tax returns.
>He is also not contradicting his stance on visiting n Korea
Your own words. His stance on visiting North Korea has changed. That's an objective fact.
CONTEXT: Former Trump Organization VP: ‘Words Like The N-Word Were Used Frequently'
> Barbara Res said “there were always black jokes going back and forth” during her years working for Donald Trump’s company “and he told them too.”
>what kind of oppressive dictatorial monster would Kim have to be to lie?
Of course Trump's friend, Chairman Kim, is a Great Leader and would never lie!
“Whose boat is this? Is this your boat? It’s a nice boat. At least you got a nice boat out of the deal.” - Tяцmp in 2018 marveling at a yacht that floodwaters had washed ashore in the Carolinas after hurricane Florence. Almost as tone deaf as when he handed someone some food and told them to, “have a good time.”
God damn, all of these things feel like they happened ten years ago. The silver lining about the boat comment is that Stephen Colbert has sold thousands of books making light of the subject with proceeds going towards hurricane victims.
I’m not sure you read the whole thing. It supports what I said above. And they refused unconditional surrender which would have exposed the emperor, which was unacceptable and the USA knew that. But they had been trying to surrender with that single condition - protect their god emperor
Read; https://www.amazon.com/Decision-Drop-Atomic-Bomb/dp/0275954757#aw-udpv3-customer-reviews_feature_div
It’s a more thorough and researched account than Wikipedia
No, you really seem to lack an understanding of how polling and statistics work.
When you consider the razor margin he won by, and the fact he lost the popular vote, the odds he was given by 538 were pretty on the money IMO.
As for polls, even the ones Fox uses show massive dissatisfaction. You'd have to be outright delusional to ignore them all.
You should probably read something like this since you seem to be having trouble.