For those of you wondering why hold such a large position in a single stock, I highly recommend the book The Art of Execution. Big money is made using three simple rules:
I wouldn't recommend that you put all your eggs in one basket, but you shouldn't hold 30 positions either. If they're in the same industry like steel it's fine. But if you're spread out having a little bit of biotech, a little bit of rail, a little bit of shipping, a little bit of housing, a little bit of oil, etc. you might as well buy a few ETFs like SPY, QQQ, etc. There's nothing with wrong buying ETFs. But don't diversify too much. You'll have average returns.
Fasincating pickle Biden finds himself in with this:
tl;dr there is a fuck ton of copper under the ground in arizona that could supply about 25% of US coppper demand (we all know how badly that is needed and how much china bought last year), rio tinto RIO has the rights to it and was supposed to begin operations there, but now Native American population in the area and environmentalists are opposing the move.
Biden, I think will eventually have to accept that the mine is needed.
for the wives, daughters, and mothers who have to listen to you constantly talk about steel:
Cheap desensitizing anal lube. I think its water based too, so thats nice.
Alright. Here's the audio file converted to a text file. It's gonna need some love here, it might be worse trying to get through it this way instead of putting in some earbuds and multitasking.
I'm going to take a swing at going through it and pulling out some nuggets but I'm gonna be real, there is a lot here.
Otter is pretty cool, you can listen to the audio as well.
You have heard of the saying "a broken clock is correct twice a day right"? You just said that the world's real estate builder is defaulting. Well, the 60 minutes segment showed an actual empty city with almost no residents (from 10 years ago) Who's the developer behind that? And how big was that development in comparison to Evergrande today? And did it default? What happened to it?
No answers? Well that's why this is faulty analysis. It takes more than a few tweets to analyze the real estate market in China. It will probably take hundreds of thousands of dollar and a team of people on the ground to dig up historical data on those past developments and compare it to today.
There is an entire book called "China: The Bubble that Never Pops". I have not read it, it's on my reading list.
I'm not saying there will be no consequences to Evergrande going bankrupt. I'm saying that without an accurate comparison to other bubble talks that has been around for 10 years, the research is by definition faulty.
I liked watching “InTheMoney” on YouTube when i started
If you have think or swim they also have great educational resources
I've been learning the indicators one at a time. The thesis is, traders watch these levels to time trades. 🤷♂️
This book is the 'bible' but I haven't bothered to read it.
I'm sure a youtube search will find any number of results.
For learning, honestly, I just look at charts that people make who have been doing this for awhile and learn from them. I like Patrick Ceresna a lot.
My approach is - look at a chart and draw some straight lines. This is a bit of an artform but starts to become easier once you look at charts a lot. Trend lines should touch the bottom of at least three candles (the fat part). Also, horizontal lines for historical support/resistances.
EMA - I'm looking at 20D, 50D, 100D, 200D and seeing which one is most significant. Basically - which EMA do the candles touch most often? Is it support (they bounce off and go up) or resistance (they touch it then go down)?
The "Pivots Traditional" can be useful but eh. VWAP and bollinger bands seem useful but I don't totally get how to set them up. Fib retracements I get but seems pretty "hocus pocus". MACD seems kinda useless to me for what I do. I don't understand why anyone cares about Elliot waves.
Most of the more 'advanced TA' is pretty hocus-pocus to me.
Me too, especially since I am early in my career. I am deeply worried that the Fed is going to continue to absolutely destroy any opportunity to move up because of asset inflation.
Karen Petrou just came out with her criticism on the Fed based on Inequality. I just finished it and it is fantastic.
Customer reviews through trustpilot tell a negative story. Seems like a decline in customer service.
Although certainly biased or rather written when a negative experience is made, it’s still interesting. One review even mentions that LULU actively removes negative feedback from their website. A lot of reviews target how wrong items are shipped or aren’t shipped at all, but the money is withdrawn (inventory problems? lack of qualified workforce speaking for higher labor costs?) The baseline of these reviews pretty much states, that LULU used to be top notch but isn’t anymore. Could be a hint to declining customer numbers or revenue per customer. But then again it could mean nothing.
Have you read Peter Zeihan’s Disunited Nations? It, along with some other sources, changed my perspective on Chinese actions and global positioning. The CCP is in quite a tight spot, strategically. They benefited a lot from the dovish attitude of the rest of the world for a long time, but now the jig is up. They are building an admittedly huge navy, but a blue water navy has serious costs in $$$, materials, and manpower. Not to mention the cost of maintenance and repairs over the next few decades!
The Chinese defense budget is second only to ours, but something like HALF is spent on internal security (read: suppressing dissent and imprisoning Uighurs). It’s one thing to militarize the first island chain, it’s going to be another to project sea power and diplomatic power in order to secure a tenuous oil supply line from the Persian Gulf, through the Straits of Malacca and all the way to mainland China. I’m pretty sure that their overland oil pipelines are not capable of satisfying internal demand for crude oil, but could be wrong on this.
What used to look to me like an unstoppable juggernaut now looks like a formidable nation with some substantial vulnerabilities. I think it’s possible that the international community could play hardball to enforce international standards and limit the CCPs other unsavory activities in SE Asia and beyond.
First things first, please switch to a real brokerage. You will get front run and terrible fills on Robinhood, that actually costs you more in profits than you would ever pay in fees to a real brokerage.
Secondly, to my knowledge, $MP has always been available on Robinhood. Perhaps you are thinking of $MT? On January 11, 2021, Robinhood stopped supporting closed-end funds, limited partnerships, royalty trusts, tracking stocks, and New York registry shares/units since those securities have additional fees (~3-5¢/share) that Robinhood is probably to cheap to pay since it provides free trades and would have to absorb the cost. $MT is a New York registry share and therefore is no longer supported.
Theta = Time decay, the higher the theta is the less profit you make. For example, weekly options have a high theta due to the close expiry which will start eating at your profit. Theta will always be a negative number because time moves in one direction. The closer that number is to 0, the less it eats at your profit.
Delta = How likely is the option you are buying going to be ITM by expiry? This is why very low delta calls move very little when the stock price moves unless it is a drastic “cliff diving” drop.
Gamma = How much will Delta change when stock price changes? Gamma changes based on it’s estimation of how Delta will react to the stock changing in price (per $1). If the Delta of an option is .20 and then it rises to .35, the Gamma is .15. Schwab explains it well as, Delta is speed and Gamma is acceleration.
Vega = How will the option reply to stock movement? If the option has a high vega, it will respond to the stock going up or down drastically. If the option has a low vega, it will not respond as much.
Rho = Time value of money. Since most of the contracts you buy will be a couple months, or maybe max 2 years out, Rho will have no affect on you as long as interest rates stay low. Holding an option for a couple months or even a year doesn’t really let time value of money have any sort of affect on your option.
Anyone feel free to correct me if something is off!
Just Google "Arcelor Mittal Robinhood" and follow the link. I think it's
That'll bring you to the ticker. Add it to your list for ease in the future. You can still get the option chain just like usual.
PSA - remove the annoying paywalls on stuff like Barrons, Seeking Alpha and news sites with this- -
Andrew Carnegie by David Nasaw is fine. I read it years ago, but don't remember much about it other than finding it a moderately enjoyable read.
On that tangent, Titan by Ron Chernow is the best non-fiction book I've ever read. I read it a decade ago and still recall it with fondness. You just have to get past the tortuous first 70 pages to get to the good stuff. If you have any non-fiction books of any variety you strongly recommend I'm all ears.
I'm back from Vegas / Zion / Bryce Canyon. What'd I miss last week?
As an aside, 3/6 and 4/8 limit hold 'em is essentially free money if you read this book ... at least for the tables I was at for a couple of days. (I read the much older edition a decade ago and the overall strategy I still remember were enough to be profitable)
Robinhood stopped allowing purchases of royalty trusts over a year ago. Please review this for reference:
And I didn't downvote you. But as a Robinhood user, I can tell you that some people greatly dislike Robinhood and that comments about RH are prone to downvotes.
Really goes to show the value of being so well diversified (thanks u/reversaltheory for the link) . Boring as hell of a call, but just win after win after win, in division after division. u/JayArlington they even did well with gaming. Massive FCF.
In honor of JPY/USD battle, here's something I'm working on:
If you want to step it up a notch, combine with a fruit/syrup like strawberry or blueberry. You can also line the bottom of the container with an oreo pie crust.
I posted this brief book review elsewhere. I think fertilizers are substantially easier to understand than specific crops, but I’m still struggling.
Book review for Commodity Crops
I bought this book thinking it would be helpful for the ag trade. It mostly was not. The book is 300 pages but I wish I could have gotten a pdf of the 10 relevant pages. I heavily skimmed through 290 pages of “ancient Babylonians grew coffee,” followed by “how did you get involved in this trade” and, “how does your firm address deforestation in Brazil.” This is not what I signed up to read.
The 10 pages that discuss the markets for soybeans, wheat, and other relevant crops were highly informative. If I could get those sections expanded and discussions in the interviews with Cargill traders on how they approach their futures trading (like Stock Market Wizards, but for rice), that would have been an amazing book.
As it is, I do not recommend.
Penny we generally have pretty similar views on things, probably because you end up persuading me on most points. I'm interested in agriculture especially after it's taken such a shit kicking, but every time I try to study the industry it's just so... hard. I can't get a hold on it.
Soybeans, corn, wheat and its different kinds, fertilizers, weather, timing of crop plants, storage, shipping to who and where and quality. It makes my head spin. Container shipping is easy; No supply of ships coming online made the trade a no brainer. Oil? Structural supply deficit. Agriculture? I can't get a clear sense of the industry, and everyone talks about it like it's so obvious and maybe it is but I just can't figure it out. I picked up this book and I'll let you know if it helps.
Coal is a great hold, but I know you know that.
Also check out James Catlin's article on Seeking Alpha for LPG (both the ticker LPG and Liquified Petroleum Gas itself). I can't link to it because Reddit hates Seeking Alpha. Everyone loves Mintzmyer (rightfully), but they all forget about his equally brilliant right-hand man Catlin.
For anyone looking to self-educate... via a $10 outlay...
Amazing read; massively under-rated....
Coming soon to Amazon: the Russian Ruble. To join the likes of dinar and dong. 🤣
did anyone watch this? if china invaded taiwan, that would pretty much torpedo all enocmic growth in china. No more apple manfuacturing, no more semis or ai development sales.
It flies in the face of rationale.
They never stopped options trading on MT, you just can’t buy shares. I hate RH but the stoping their support of MT wasn’t nefarious. It effected A LOT of different securities. Although they say you wouldn’t be able to buy options on these securities you can still buy MT options, bought some this AM. Don’t hate me I can only option trade on RH right now still waiting for approval from my other brokerage.
Was under the impression that reported EPS was the GAAP EPS - which is 0.03 per the link that was posted lower down. Am I mistaken and they're using the non-GAAP?
Here's the Barclays report as well instead of some meme filled youtube video it you like it dry.
Why would any nuclear power ever disarm again? We've already broken that treat, why not break it a second time? Oh well. Back to reading, this book does seem relevant to what's going on today. Human nature never changes.
Right, but is paying more going to result in better quality?
My last mattress was this one and was only $380, and I loved it. Only problem is it got soft spots after about 5 years.
So willing paying more for mattress result it in lasting longer? I have a hard time believing it will.
Help me out here... which mattress should I get:
Is there any real difference?
I am on TD Ameritrade, but I thought the restriction went into affect yesterday, or today?
Right here boss. Legit, a bit finnicky but totally worth it. Does some other interesting sites aswell.
Endorsed by your friendly local steel pipe stoner hacker.
There looks to be a good selection under 50$ which are rated 4.7 or higher on Amazon at a cursory glance.
People are saying great for beginners and bearings aren’t super fast.
I can drop you a link if you’d like, but not trying to shill things I don’t know about. it looks like any kind of Amazon search for skateboards comes up with some good options.
This is one I read reviews for Beleev Skateboards for Beginners, 31 Inch Complete Skateboard for Kids Teens Adults, 7 Layer Canadian Maple Double Kick Deck Concave Cruiser Trick Skateboard
Pretty sure there area IR attachments you can get for your phone that may be cheaper than the actual IR camera. I know a buddy at work had one a few years back that seemed to work reasonably well.
Also i have a couple of the actual FLIR cameras at work. They are cool, good for finding temperature related issues. If your just looking to see the world in IR be warned, its only about 5 minutes of fun.
Hey there Bimmelhex - I actually just learned how to do this for the 'ballad of the vitards'. I used the NCH "VideoPad Video Editor" which is free. It works OK, YouTube has some decent tutorials using it. Others probably have more insight (mikeymike??)
I'll try posting the link below, I live in the U.S. so don't know if that makes a difference for you:
Video Editing Software. Free Download. Easy Movie Editor. (
I'm buying 30 stocks for $1k each month each for 2 years. Just wanted to try it out. There's a website that gives you the stocks to buy more or less. It's all beaten down companies that have good ROI. The theory is that ok average this kind of portfolio outperforms the market.
(you have to create an account, but it's free and I haven't found any downside to it)
The way I do it isn't exactly how the book recommends it, but I found it easier to manage that way.
Well, I would argue that this is an assumption, and probably one with the younger crowd investors. Covered calls used to be a huge strategy to generate wealth before everyone had a broker on their phone. I'm definitely not saying you're wrong, but maybe that this has SOME effect on the market, but the institutional accounts trading covered calls probably won't mind their calls being "called away" because they've sold calls on the same shares several times over and will still be profitable on the ledger.
Check out Wall Street Money Machine by Wade Cook
It's a bit antiquated but you can get a good solid idea of some of the old strategies (that still work) implemented by many still in the market from that era.
I hear this is better, u/holdenmcneilgames.\_1\_2?dchild=1&keywords=%22my+pink+wink%22&qid=1632549251&sr=8-2
Fuck hopefully amazon will refund my order.\_1\_4?dchild=1&keywords=barrel+of+lube&qid=1630476610&sr=8-4
They got it on Amazon.
Vito Brain Supplement - Nootropic Cognitive Brain Formula - Support Higher Brain Function, Memory, and Reasoning Ability - Brain Pills - Achieve Apollo Mental Clarity with Apollo Health and Beauty
Headspace is a fantastic way to start. Seriously changed my life too.
If you like what you’re hearing and learning, this book helps further explain many of the ideas:
Bulova is pretty great bang for buck. Maybe something like this.
Your link doesn't work, but I figured it out from the code. I have the same trays. Bought a bunch as Christmas presents the first year they came out too.
And it's exactly what I meant by more money than time. All you really need is a cheap cooler with a removable lid, if you don't mind carving the cubes yourself.
sigh ok… send me your address. got new gloves last year. Should protect my hand while delivering maximum pain. 😁
I've seen a lot of recommendations for Stan Weinstein
I guess since your captain of this steel ship I'll move Mr. Lynch to the top of the list.
If anyone is looking for something to do on memorial day to learn about the Tomb of the Unknown Solider check out this documentary I produced:
It doesn't need to go on forever. As the situation evolves, fiscal and regulatory policy evolve to try and compensate. I recommend China: The Bubble That Never Pops as a well-written, reasonably balanced overview of how this process has gone on over the past several decades (silly title notwithstanding).