If you're planning on keeping it call a pro or work with it personally over time. Either way get a wire cam from Amazon, drill an easily repaired hole and have a peek inside to see if it's worth the effort.
You're looking for r/whatisthisthing. This is "what is IN this thing".
However, I happen to know its a hook for hanging pictures: https://www.banggood.com/Seamless-Hard-Wall-Hooks-Picture-Frame-Hanging-Holder-Steel-Nail-Hanger-Home-Decoration-p-1032293.html?cur_warehouse=CN
Here's a playlist that shows how to crack these types of locks: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1mdjQBV_-Jv2lf9QZ4chNtW656EOVXzl. It's based on the book here: https://www.amazon.com/Safecracking-Everyone-Jared-Dygert/dp/1497416418/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=safecracking&qid=1608243750&sr=8-3.
Look up "scoping the change key hole" for more
The important information is on page 61 and 62.
I have done this. Took me 4 hours. Drill a small hole for a scope below where you think the bottom of the locking door ends with a couple inches to spare, maybe 5" below the top of the door. Preferably in an inconspicuous spot. Bend and insert the scope, angle up and hope the change key hole isn't covered by a plate. The follow the process in the above link to determine the combo, then use that combo to open the safe.
scope: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MYTHWK4/
Mine had a 2nd door below that needed a key. You could always pick that too if you have one. Or just cut the whole thing off.
I kind of find this post disingenuous. Saying 'what exactly is it?' when I just googled it and the first link gave me a [nice wiki entry](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GEOS_(8-bit_operating_system) on it. The links at the end provide a 14 page article on the history!
So, really... asking what it is, is either lazy as hell, or just trying to get people interested in it in order to pay you for it.
(The OS is available as freeware now)
I wouldn't pay dime to a company to get into this. Leverage the fact that there are already almost 70,000 people with their eyes glued to this, with more coming in every day. It has even been in the news. That is probably more free advertising than a local locksmith company would ever get in an entire year.
Its a lock for the port, needs a special type of key to pull it out.
Pretty simple to defeat but slows someone down.
It's in the kitchen, and in the open then it likely isn't illegal. Obviously check laws but more importantly notify guests. I know people that are paranoid of the cameras on their laptop enough that it is just easier to tell people if there is a camera in the dwelling, and not mentioning a security camera is rude, suspicious, but I seriously doubt the cops will do anything for an airbnb listing, unless you can find some state law (which I doubt these cops will know about). There a difference between a hidden camera and security camera, obviously.
I assume though some states have laws stating if there is survellience, but I'm not sure if it is a law or just a deterrent for criminals.
Looks like a picture hanger for hard walls to me. Similar to for example these: https://www.amazon.com/Hardwall-Picture-Hangers-Medium-Product/dp/B003SZKEFK
uhm.. well assuming that you wouldn't need the key (they didn't have the key to lock it, so they wouldn't need the key to unlock it, right?)... maybe step one is to "rotate dial three revolutions to #70" before you start to dial in the combination? just my two cents.. i ain't no pro or anything...
edit: i did some googling, maybe this can help.
What if it's "older man with dementia" porno? Which, if we go by the tenets of Rule 34, opens up a disturbing variety of possibilities.
Personally, I'm hoping to see some nice vintage snot rags, or, as the rich call them "Handkerchiefs". But that's what I'm always hoping for.
Here's a playlist that shows how to crack these types of locks: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1mdjQBV_-Jv2lf9QZ4chNtW656EOVXzl. It's based on the book here: https://www.amazon.com/Safecracking-Everyone-Jared-Dygert/dp/1497416418/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=safecracking&qid=1608243750&sr=8-3.
ADB - Asymmetrically Doped Buried layer chip. So it's a CMOS chip of some kind. From the website of a Chinese company that supplies it it looks as though it's for some kind of tape backup device.Link to website
That first one is an s&g 6700 series, probably a 6741. Easy to manipulate; it's a beginers lock! Here's a good little 25 page book on how to crack it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B89g6zkXku3HVDdpYkg0VjhweEU/edit?usp=sharing The other is what looks like just a generic sentry floor safe. The dial should push in at 0. Read A National Locksmith's Guide to Manipulation for that one. You have to measure how far the dial goes in and out to determine the combination. Good luck!
It's not a "locking screw."
It's a "shelf pin." Correct type of furniture though.
Use something like this (https://www.amazon.com/DEPSTECH-Waterproof-Inspection-Megapixels-Smartphone/dp/B01MYTHWK4/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=Snake+Inspection+Camera&qid=1599060332&sr=8-3)
to look under the door
You mentioned trying skeleton keys, but they were too big… they do make keys for both doors (larger sizes) and furniture (smaller sizes), so I’m curious if you were maybe trying door keys?
You can get replacement skeleton key sets off Amazon if you think those might be worth a shot…
This place also has a guide to finding the right size key: https://www.vandykes.com/how-to-measure-skeleton-keys/a/721/
https://smile.amazon.com/Pin-Stainless-steel-three-piece-tool/dp/B09Y91R8YW/ref=sr_1_9 $40 and it will open the safe so you can reset the combo and re-use it instead of having the super make a huge mess and likely not get it open.
It's one of these.
That was my first though, but a ram's skull doesn't have inventions like that. https://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fpreviews.123rf.com%2Fimages%2Fgiuliano2022%2Fgiuliano20221012%2Fgiuliano2022101200024%2F8526644-Lateral-view-of-a-goat-skull-with-horns--Stock-Photo-skeleton.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fauto...
Ok update is the following:
It's empty...
The back was easy to unscrew once it was out of the wall... So no professional needed after all
Pictures in a few hours...
Ok update is the following:
It's empty...
The back was easy to unscrew once it was out of the wall... So no professional needed after all
Pictures in a few hours...
Ok update is the following:
It's empty...
The back was easy to unscrew once it was out of the wall... So no professional needed after all
Pictures in a few hours...
Ok update is the following:
It's empty...
The back was easy to unscrew once it was out of the wall... So no professional needed after all
Pictures in a few hours...
Ok update is the following:
It's empty...
The back was easy to unscrew once it was out of the wall... So no professional needed after all
Pictures in a few hours...
Ok update is the following:
It's empty...
The back was easy to unscrew once it was out of the wall... So no professional needed after all
Pictures in a few hours...
Call a locksmith? Just look online for a tubular lock picks, buy something like this:
They take essentially zero skill to use, they cost less than a lock smith, are much more fun, and afterwards you own a set of tubular lock picks and can open more locks!
Right now I'm waiting for a reply from the company. Since they provide a service for opening safe I doubt they will give me an helpful response.
To be honest, I pretty busy with the demolition right now and it's not really my priority. I started from the top and I'm not even working on the floor with the safe.
For those curious to see https://gofile.io/?c=dHtU4X
If you can get your hands on something, don't waste your time with regular WD-40. Get an actual penetrant like this: https://smile.amazon.com/Liquid-Wrench-L112-OmC-Each/dp/B000ZZWNYG
WD-40 does have a penetrating oil version but it is more expensive and not as good.
I grew up with one of these (similar, anyway). Ours had a 2-pronged key (looked somewhat similar to this, mostly the pronged part) https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B000VYJW3G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_wlE4FbJJ51SWW?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
To unlock the doors, you push the prongs from the top but behind the circle knob, kind of like using a spatula to get under something, but from the top. I wonder if this one works the same?
I had terrible finding an example of what they key really looks like.
Here's the best info I could find. Looks like this model of razor, which appears to be a Hatteker RFC-690 series razor. Unfortunately, I can't find a charging cable that SPECIFICALLY says it works for this exact model, but if you do a Google/Amazon search it brings up a lot of Braun and Norelco chargers like /u/WhiteHattedRaven mentioned so it could be a good idea.
I won't link you to anything specific, as I can't verify they work, but if you want to do your own digging for the right charger hopefully knowing the model helps. Maybe ask some forums for advice, others on Amazon have had similar questions but I've spent as much time as I can looking for it and they didn't get an answer either. Best of luck!
It's an IDE type connector. You can use this Amazon Link and it'll basically pop up in your computer like it was a External HD/jump drive.
Search for dual lens endoscope.
Magnetic twisty tie
Reusable Twist Ties with Strong Magnet for Bundling and Organizing Cables,Headphone Cables,USB Charging Cords,Hanging & Holding Keychain,Silicone Cord Winder Magnetic Cable Clips (8 Colors - 24 Pack) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07V5H5X8K/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_I2aZFbZ94FSF0?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
it is definitely a chin strap. I found an accessory kit from the same brand as yours on amazon and it has this picture where you can see the chin strap attached to the head strap mount.
Edit: Of course the first one of these I know and hasnt been answered yet and the OP just deletes it instead of marking solved
Please do not use this cheap metal box for burglary protection.
If you want something that can actually withstand an attack, get yourself a B-Rated safe (at least $500) or something very close to it and bolt it down to the floor.
If you cannot afford that, get yourself a V-Line Brute in the $250 range and bolt it down to something solid (ground, wall, heavy furniture).
There's a common type of chair that has these as the end cap to their raise/lower and recline/lock lever. And its real easy to unscrew them accidentally. Sorta looks like these but not these, can't find a link.
From googling it appears to be an amplifier used to boost cable/internet signals. His version there appears to be jerry rigged, appears maybe he lost the original plug for it and made this work? Here's an Amazon listing for a similar one that shows it comes with a the plug. Also, you're in the wrong sub. You wanted /r/whatisthisthing
You can get them from about $300 up. I have THIS ONE I've cut 3/4" steel plate with it, not pretty but it cut it. Not the best unit by far but it works.
Despite what other people are saying.. a safe should have two layers for the door, if you cut through the first one you could do it without going through the second and burning materials inside. And possibly be able to see the blots and possibly cut the bolts or operate them to open the door. They need an air supply though so it could get expensive quick and they do have a bit of a learning curve.
Stanley's FuBar Fucks all kinds of shit up, really well!
Professional grade utility bar is a 4-in-1 tool for prying, splitting, board bending, striking, and a beveled nail slot for pulling and prying nails! All at around 4 pounds!
And boy oh boy, how I have always wanted the FuBar III!