Wheel Takes with Ali and Gus: https://www.buzzsprout.com/762050
Uniquely informed analysis of the screenwriting and storytelling from people with experience in TV writing. Salient points abound. Very in-depth; they talked about ep 1 for three hours, and ep 2 for two. Ep 3 forthcoming.
I'm not any sort of copyright expert but is that true if they haven't trademarked the phrases? In the example they provided "cauthon's horse farms" t shirts I don't think they would have any trademark infringement. Cauthon is not exactly a common name, but it wasn't invented by jordan https://www.ancestry.com/name-origin?surname=cauthon
it’s a common story telling technique for tv writing. it’s called the Dramatic Question. every well-written show has one. you set it up early in the season and let the viewer chew on it.
“Who is the DR” is season 1s DQ. https://www.masterclass.com/articles/how-to-find-the-central-dramatic-question-of-your-story
One of the animated shorts for the show answers your questions: https://www.amazon.com/Wheel-Time-Season-Teaser-Trailer/dp/B09F5KBXB6/ref=sr_1_1/?crid=1IQNAA3XY3Y38&keywords=wheel+of+time&qid=1640908897&sprefix=wheel+of+time+%2Caps%2C347&sr=8-1
Side note: I really like the animated shorts and wish they'd done the entire show this way.
They’re at this link in the “Origin Stories” section.
If the link doesn't work, go to the show page (https://www.amazon.com/Wheel-Time-Season-Teaser-Trailer/dp/B09F5KBXB6/ref=sr_1_2/?keywords=wheel+of+time&qid=1637597311&sr=8-2), then click the review summary and you should see a button that says "Write a customer review" below the chart of the percentages of star ratings.
Interestingly https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09F5KBXB6/ still says "This title isn't available in your location" for me; but the episodes are visible from Prime Video site.
A bit of a fail there, that will lose them some sales.
If they have the shaido die at dumais wells I hope they find a way to keep the scene where he threatens to chop off an aiels arms and leave them to beg..that part gave me goose bumps
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