Amazon Prime Video is avialable in Korea:
Press release from 2016 mentions Korea as a supported region: Amazon Prime Video Now Available in More Than 200 Countries and Territories Around the World
Amazon added a section to the Wheel of Time page on Prime Video where you can explore the characters and the world: (only shows up if you have an Amazon account, I think). The characters are under a section "Who is the Dragon Reborn?"
The real news is that Moiraine was the Dragon all along.
Oh hey, need some entertainment during the snap lockdown? Why not watch a few locally made films that I worked on?
AMAZON PRIME - Pawno and West of Sunshine
NETFLIX - Berlin Syndrome (dunno how to share a Netflix link)
STAN - How Do you Know Chris? (coming in June)
Ho finito da poco di vedere The marvelous Mrs Maisel su Prime Video.
Sono tre serie, e la quarta è in produzione.
E' un capolavoro.
Oltre alla storia della serie, già divertente di suo, ogni puntata sembra un film con scenografie, fotografia, luci e personaggi da concorso cinematografico. La musica non ne parliamo: ti porta negli anni 60 con tutti i pezzi più emozionanti e belli dell'epoca.
Ogni volta che qualcuno sale sul palco, per fare stand up comedy o per cantare, è uno spettacolo nello spettacolo.
E pesca a piene mani da storie reali. Uno dei personaggi, ad esempio, è Lenny Bruce, famoso comico degli anni 60: nella serie ci sono scene che riproducono pezzi di TV reale anni 60, tali e quali.
Davvero, non perdetevela. Credo che funzioni al meglio in lingua originale, per non perdere le sottigliezze della commedia e dei dialoghi.
Oltre a questo ho iniziato a esplorare un po' CuriosityStream: ha sicuramente potenziale, dato il costo bassissimo. Faccio però fatica a trovare raccomandazioni su cosa guardare, sembra che non ci sia una comunità tanto forte.
Enquanto isso, resolvi fazer a assinatura da Amazon Prime e até o presente momento não me decepcionei com o catalogo, apesar de não ter um acervo gigantesco como a netflix, nem uma cacetada de séries originais, pelo valor promocional ta compensando bem, além do mais, vem com uma conta da Twitch Prime associada. Estou em fases de testes ainda e vendo se vale mesmo a pena após o valor promocional.
Whoa. You are in for a treat my friend. I am not the best person to recommend movies. But I guess start with Padosan? It's on Amazon Prime. Prime has a bunch of his movies.
Actually as of late 2016 Amazon Prime Video is available worldwide. In addition for a lot of countries (including mine) it's a stand-alone service where you don't have to pay extra for anime access.
On the downside the selection is worse than US: I count only 29 series available to me at the moment, and a number of those were already on Crunchyroll. Worse still, Made in the Abyss isn't on there for me. On the plus-side I'm only paying €2.99 ($3.50) until January 2018 per month (intro offer).
Migrei pra Amazon Prime Video e estou satisfeito. A grade de filmes são boas e tem séries originais de qualidade também. Cancelei a assinatura da netflix por perder várias horas em busca de filmes que eu gostava que já tinha visto antes há algum tempo no site e que do nada foram removidos.
> this is the trailer, which doesn't show much except that there'll be sex, drugs and cricket. No emphasis on story or no intro of story.
I found this on the prime video page
"Inside Edge is the story of the Mumbai Mavericks, a T20 cricket franchise playing in the Powerplay League. Set in a landscape of conflicting interests, where selfishness is almost a virtue, where sex, money, and power are mere means to an end, Inside Edge is a story that pulls no punches, minces no words, and takes no prisoners. Come witness the game behind the game."
I googled " Wheel of time", it lead me to this link -, then I logged in with my Amazon account and was able to watch it.
> We don't have Hulu (or Amazon's streaming service, for that matter) here. I'm pretty sure Netflix is the only major streaming service in most EU countries.
All EU countries have Amazon Prime Video, it is a worldwide service with a similar amount of countries as Netflix:
But it won't help you with Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
Juuri katselin ensimmäisen jakson Amazonin kautta. Oli 2.99 € / kk tarjouksella vähän aika sitten, mutta en tiedä onko enää.
Edit: Ihan tiedoksi, ettei Primevideo.comissa ole mitään sisältöä suomenkielisellä tekstityksellä, eli täytyy osata lontoota, jos tilaa.
This Sunday I have a movie recommendation for Y'all :
It is a beautifully delicious dark comedy about the state of the Soviet Union, their politics and the mad scramble to capture power after his passing. An hour and a half well spent.
I'm in Canada and I have no problem watching it. Try Prime Video International, Canadians should get redirected there for Prime video stuff.
It really hurt me to see everyone treating Shirogane that horribly.
Anyway, why did this thread took so long to be up? The show was totally watchable through the Prime international link. since yesterday.
Here next week's preview.
Just a PSA for those living in Canada and want to watch this show, if you have an Amazon Prime account, you can find it here.
Buzz. Wrong. While certainly not all series are on Amazon Prime Video in Europe depending on your country you can get them here too. Plus, at least for me, it's ONE service too, no double pricing structure. And reasonably affordable (though on the downside, selection is a bit shit).
For those series that aren't on Amazon Prime Video in Europe, you might want to check HiDive. While it does suck to have to rely on more than one service, it fills some gaps.
Sadly for me Made in Abyss is on neither service :(
If you're Marathi, his movie "Masala" is a must watch. Subtitles are present as well, but his rural Marathi accent will make you releate to the story more. The storyline is very simple or "halka-fulka" as I call it, yet you will love it. Girish Ji and Amruta Subhash's acting along with supporting cast do justice to the characters in the movie. It's my favorite marathi movie.
Prime video works in Switzerland.
But if you want Swiss content: and all the public channels are available for free*, even with a replay service.
*I know we pay for it, but there's no extra fee to access.
You can find these cameras being really used by the development crew when creating different low fidelity prototypes of scenes and capturing the angles for the camera. Here is a documentary about Hideaki Anno making the finale.
PS: cameras are on the 26:08 for instance.
Oh my god I searched so hard because I know this show too!!! I remembered there being something about a medallion and i finally found it- Its Lanfeust Quest!!
Amazon US dropped the ball again. Try logging in through this link to see it:
Hopefully, it will work for you, but apparently, it doesn't work for some users.
Hbo δεν υπάρχει στην Ελλάδα. Ελλάδα έχει μόνο netflix και amazon prime video
Ο μόνος τρόπος για να βάλεις και να δεις hbo είναι ίσως μέσω κανένα vpn ώστε να νομίζει το hbo ότι είσαι τίποτα Αμερική(ή Σουηδία, κλπ). Εγώ πχ είχα hbo nordic στη Σουηδία, αλλά η εφαρμογή δεν φόρτωνε στην Ελλάδα(γιατί έβλεπε ότι είμαι Ελλάδα).
Εάν θέλεις να δεις το game of thrones, τότε είτε βάζεις nova, είτε το κατεβάζεις πειρατικό.
Ganesh : Son of Shiva and Paarvati
Story of Ganesh
Swami Ayyapa : Son of Shiva and Vishnu
Story of Ayyapa:
Kartikeya : Son of Shiva and Paarvat
Story of Kartikeya
It's live on StackTV/Amazon Prime. You can browse the channel guide and it's listed on the Global channel, "Saturday Night Live-Kristen Wiig; Dua Lipa, 11:29pm - 1:02am".
Have you tried Prime Video International? I have the option to switch to German subs in Canada. I'm not actually sure if this works everywhere, it's just where Canadians get redirected to for Prime Video.
You don't need Amazon Prime to watch prime video. It's a separate service.
It's $2.99 per month and comes with a free seven day trial.
So to answer your question:
There is also the much cheaper international subscription ($2.99/mo for 6 months, $5.99/mo afterwards) to Prime Video via
The international site also has more content, including non-Original titles, than is available via the Amazon US site to international visitors without VPN.
sta su amazon prime. io l'ho adorato quando è uscito e continuo a guardarlo a ripetizione
Amazon Prime Video od sada dostupan i u Srbiji \o/
>Introductory price of ~~€5.99~~ €2.99 per month for your first six months.
Grand Tour u 4K HDR formatu ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)
EDIT: Mobilna aplikacija ne podržava Chromecast ŠKK???? Hoće da kupiš njihovo Fire TV govno e pa neću!!! Ništa od ovoga dok ne nabavim TV sa integrisanom Amazon Prime aplikacijom
Alors certes tout le monde ne le sait pas, certains avec peu de connaissances techniques n'y arriveront peut-être pas, mais il faut quand même noter que l'app Amazon Prime Video est dispo sur plein de matos différent (dont les décodeurs Bouygues, Orange, SFR, Free...)
Étant donné que même mes parents ont réussi à l'installer sur leur TV Panasonic qui casse pas des briques sans rien me demander, je pense que c'est jouable pour beaucoup de monde quand même.
I don't think people in Denmark subscribe to Amazon Prime on, since we don't really get many of the benefits normally associated with a Prime membership.
Instead, Prime Video is marketed through They offer Danish subtitles, which is what most people from Denmark would be interested in.
If you're in Canada and have an Amazon prime account (or can sign up for a free month). You can get a free one month subscription to 'stack tv' on prime video. There is a live streaming Showcase channel there.
Are you looking at the correct site?
International Prime Video is managed at, Amazon US Prime is managed at
E.g. any VISA Debit and Mastercard Debit cards also work fine, no need for a credit card. Not sure if those are common in Netherlands, though (here in Finland all debit cards are VISA or Mastercard).
The international Prime Video site is It should show the cost on the front page (for Netherlands, €2.99/mo for first 6 months, €5.99/mo after that).
> Amazon needs to set up its own dedicated site for their video.
Barring US, Germany & Japan, where they've incorporated prime video feature with their mainsite, they do have a dedicated website for most countries where they're present.
Note: Prime Video supports HDR on Android if you get it as a Amazon Prime member. If you just go and get Prime Video on its own, then HDR won't work on any Android link to appropriate page
Also, if you read the license terms, you can see that there are ones applicable to the US, and ones for the rest of the world. The 'rest of the world' ones do not have mobile HDR at the moment. I spent hours talking to Amazon support until we figured this all out.
Le lien :
Bon, ça reste comme Netflix une déception pour ma part, le contenu semble assez limité. Il manque beaucoup d'anciens films, quant aux films récents les lois françaises sont à la ramasse.
Ça va se jouer au niveau des séries.
I thought you were talking about The Family Man (Indian series), but what you were saying didn't seem to make any sense. Then I looked at the name again and realized you're talking about a totally different series! 😂
To your question:
Keep up what you're doing, the history of Turtle Island (the Americas) has only become public knowledge in the last 50 years - or less e.g. the fact that Indigenous people lived in these lands was not accurately described in school textbooks 30 years ago, maybe even 10 years ago.
Will the Smithsonian admit to that? Well known archeologists, William Henry Holmes and Alex Hrdlicka denied that Indigenous people existed before 3000 years ago, even after 32 bison bones and a folsom point were sent to the Smithsonian. (Edwin Barnhart. "Ancient Civilizations of North America". Season 1, ep. 3, Clovis Man: America's First Culture" 2020,
There is A LOT of work to be done in shifting misconceptions and bad information, that have been hammered into people's heads for the last 200 years.
There's a very similar setting in Autofac, episode 2 (8 in the UK) of the anthological series Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams which is available on, ironically enough, Amazon Prime Video (or you can watch it in 360p on Youtube).
Autofac in the series is basically an Amazon in a post-apocalyptic future, that creates demand and supply for the only sake of keeping the cycle of consumption going on forever.
Are you logging in to or logging into Amazon and clicking in through there?
I had similar problems logging using prime through Amazon but none when logging in to the prime site itself.
This movie is available in Amazon Prime with Subtitles. You will need a VPN from the USA.
Uma vez eu aluguei.
Depois de ver Joker ano passado, fui caçar outros filmes com o Joaquin Phoenix. Tava querendo ver o Her, e vi que tava na Amazon Prime, comecei a assistir e achei bizarro, porque tinha legenda só em espanhol e áudio em espanhol ou inglês. Parece que na Prime americana tinha pelo menos a legenda em inglês, que seria suficiente pra eu ver, mas achei bosta o que eu tinha acesso e larguei.
Aí na época tinha uma promoção da Play Store. Aluguei o mesmo Her, agora com legenda legal em ptbr. R$ 6 pra comprar ou R$ 20 pra comprar. Na promoção saiu R$3,90, ótimo preço.
Não sou de rever filme, então só aluguei mesmo em vez de comprar. Recomendo o filme btw.
I am not sure how well it works from within the UK and accessing other country's prime video libraries.
It might work with a smart DNS or a VPN set to Canada, but I am not sure.
A standard DNS will not do anything though.
Here's where all the episodes are located in Canada if you can get it to work:
I bought a Fire TV Stick last year on Prime Day to leave at my in-laws house. Both it and the Fire TV Stick at our house are on my wife’s Amazon account. Both work fine.
Amazon’s published policy is that you may link an unlimited number of compatible devices to your Prime account. Any three of these devices may be streaming simultaneously, with no more than two of them playing the same title. Other services (Netflix, Hulu, HBO, etc.) will have their own rules.
No VPN needed. The Expanse is on Prime Video worldwide except for U.S. sanctioned regions, mainland China, and New Zealand.
Countries without a local Amazon site need to use the international Prime Video site (which is poorly advertised by Amazon).
Try login in through this link. It worked for me when I noticed that it wasn't available in the US. Hopefully, it will work for you too.
Sorry, I figured one could just copy and paste the whole bit from Sargon to Troopers into Youtube.
I forgot this is redddit. :)
Here you go. Well worth the watch. Enjoy.
And if you want to watch the movie again or for the first time, has a 30 day free trial with the movie available to stream.
That is great news I really liked this show then I watched it half years ago and I was sad that I couldn't discuss episodes with others so I think it is my chance.
P.S I think we should add Prime video international link for those who think that this anime only available in USA legally
Unless their are restrictions imposed by the US Open, it looks like that both of you should be able to watch it.
> For a list of devices compatible with our service, visit the Compatible Devices page on the website you are using to access Amazon Prime Video at the following links,,,, or (device compatibility may vary by location). You can stream up to three titles at the same time using the same Amazon account. You can stream the same title to no more than two devices at a time.
All seasons are included in the Prime package free of charge, but the actual fee depends on whether Amazon Prime is available in your country (in which case you get a Prime subscription and get Prime Video as a bonus) or live in one of the countries that got Prime Video during the global rollout (in this case you can get a Prime Video subscription that only gives you streaming access). In any case, Prime Video has a free trial, so you can start a subscription and check whether The Office is available.
Or visit the Season 1 page to see if it is available from your region, it should offer you a trial subscription if it is available. Link below.
Io ho scoperto su Prime Video The Tick, divertente, breve (meno di 30 minuti a puntata per 12 eposodi), supereroi surreali, non sarà un capolavoro ma è molto simpatica; poi la voce di Peter Serafinowicz (in lingua originale) è super.
For those wondering: The Expanse is produced by a company called Alcon. They license distribution to Syfy but syfy is trash so they canceled it. There is only a day left until the producers start selling the set. They are asking fans to tweet and lobby Amazon:
> ... using a VPN ...
(FWIW, just to state the obvious, using a VPN for that purpose would conflict with probably every legal US streaming platform's terms-of-use. For example Amazon's video ToU says " may not use any technology or technique to obscure or disguise your location.")
Has anyone tried prime video from amazon?
It seems to be a bit worse than Netflix, but they are offering it for only $3/month for 6 months, and then up to $6. And you can cancel any time... I'm thinking about just giving it a go for six months @3 bucks...
Amazon will make life difficult for large format offline players. They'll also teach MENA its first set of lessons on ecommerce. But the deal is complete only yesterday. They possibly got the cash yesterday too. If it can take this long for deal completion, might take longer for actual amazon execs to come and play it out . Till then we may have to live with oldschool folks from Uncle souq.
Guess you can subscribe to Amazon Prime Video even now. Try here
Are you using it through ?
I'm in Adelaide and can confirm that it works on there. But as I said, the selection in general is really barebones compared to the American one, so you may not find it worth it anyway.
Can't you just sign up for the international version of Amazon Prime and watch it there?
It's one of the shows they've been hyping up in press coverage about the launch.
FYI Amazon Video does the same thing, except they don't trust PC as a platform at all:
You can only get HD and stereo, no 4K or surround from PC even from their Windows 10 app.
Unfortunately personal computers (including Mac) are going to be limited due to their flexibility. The MPAA still thinks it can stop the pirates if it just forces the rest of the world to bend over just a little bit farther.
I gave up on my HTPC project and bought a streaming device. Which kind of sucks (all of them are a little bit annoying in some way, and none do YouTube as well as a PC) but that's just the way it is right now. Amazon knows nobody is going to cancel Prime over it, because that's also tied to their "free" shipping.
Martha Stewart has a new show “Martha Gets Down and Dirty” (available on Discovery+, Prime and Apple TV). Watched the episode 2 Fire Up the Weiners last night. It’s not just innuendo, Martha and crew get raunchy. Definitely NSFW but totally enjoyable.
I’ve been a huge fan for years and I’ve got to say I love this version of Martha. She has very much relaxed as she ages and Martha don’t give a fuck.
In addition to this, from my country I couldn't watch them on the Amazon webpage (the ones linked this post), but I can watch all of them from (which shows different things to Make sure to check both.
Why not go with Amazon's info? Says if the account is in EU and you travel to another EU country, you will have access to the same titles as you had in your home country.
Took from (Prime Video: Help) -\_hp\_nd\_cnt?nodeId=GG9X94MFPSJH65DS
A Prime Video or Amazon Prime membership is needed to get Prime Gaming.
If you live in one of the following countries, you need an Amazon Prime membership to get Prime Gaming benefits:
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
United States
Outside of these countries, a Prime Video membership is required to receive Prime Gaming benefits.
To link your accounts and enable Prime Gaming benefits:
Go to
Change the sign-up country to Other parts of the world and then select Enable Prime Gaming.
Note: If you live in Australia, currently have a Prime Video membership, and can't link your accounts, contact customer service to learn more about Prime Gaming.
It’s laid out in their terms of service
i. Availability of Purchased Digital Content. Purchased Digital Content will generally continue to be available to you for download or streaming from the Service, as applicable, but may become unavailable due to potential content provider licensing restrictions or for other reasons, and Amazon will not be liable to you if Purchased Digital Content becomes unavailable for further download or streaming.
Available in prime video in India.
Also Tovino Kala is also streaming on Prime.
Stupri si ma non con la stessa quantità morbosa di violenza, ed ovviamente è anche un caso di densità.
Perchè sono razzisti, perchè a scuole gli viene insegnato che Dio fece gli uomini come il pane, solo che al primo tentativo lascio il pane troppo tempo e fini per bruciarlo ecco i neri, al secondo tentativo fece il contrario ed era crudo, ecco i bianchi, al terzo usci dorato bene ed eccoli loro. IMHO hanno un complesso d'inferiorità enorme.
Ti posto quest'articolo su Gandhi. Su come voleva la segregazione, e li vedeva come inferiori (gli africani)
There was some weirdness with the particular version of Vikings that appeared in my playlist a while back - there's a couple of different entry points into the list of episodes. When I go to this URL it loads fine for me:
You perfectly understand the situation yet you write "I don't understand what people don't understand about X." Then go on to say "I'm sure customer service will do X" meaning you are just speaking out of your ass and making guesses at what happens because you're uninformed. Go read Amazon's TOS, or better yet I'll quote it here: >i. Availability of Purchased Digital Content. Purchased Digital Content will generally continue to be available to you for download or streaming from the Service, as applicable, but may become unavailable due to potential content provider licensing restrictions or for other reasons, and Amazon will not be liable to you if Purchased Digital Content becomes unavailable for further download or streaming.
Gee that sounds pretty clear to someone who 'struggles with reading apprehension.'
Are you sure? While Amazon Prime (which is more than just the streaming service) isn't everywhere, Prime Video (just the streaming) is AFAIK available in almost every country with very few rare exceptions.
Edit: Wiki says "Prime Video is available worldwide (except for Mainland China, Iran, North Korea, and Syria)." Are you in one of those four countries?
This has been mentioned a couple times now and this method seems to work.
Do you know how to use a VPN? If so, since you already have a Prime in the UK, all you need to do is turn it on and set it to a location in Canada.
Then you can go to
All 10 seasons are still available in Canada through Amazon Prime, so all you need to do is go to the link and log in with your credentials and then you can watch any episode you want as long as it thinks you're in Canada.
I also think you can turn the VPN off right after you start an episode and it should continue to play without interruption. This is useful if the VPN you are using is slow/has limited bandwidth.
It's there on Prime -
Prime has many classics.
> Have you considered making a feature film?
On motorcycles, only when we have enough really solid material to do so.
A feature I shot actually just got on Amazon Prime if you're keen.
> do you still keep track of the Indian moto scene?
With so many friends on social media from that motoring journalism community, I don't think I have a choice!
Thought this was worth mentioning.
If you're a Prime member in Canada, you can watch all 10 seasons of Smallville right now for free!
Long Strange Trip series is available on Amazon Prime right now.|m_1dqnyTAQm_c385173728364
Enjoyed it and learned a couple of new things, but it ends with Jerry's passing.
>Man on a Mission: Richard Garriott's Road to the Stars
Try to log in your account on the international link. I could watch it through it when I try it after I noticed that it wasn't available yet in the US one.
Googled it for ya
But its a big no for everything, except for private personal use.
I agree that it's not ideal, but I don't see them using "no ads" as a selling point on there website. Could be missing something though.|c_322801032623_m_A2OvVoKI-dm_s__
$5.99 per month ($2.99 for first 6 months) is the Prime Video subscription rate in most non-EU countries that do not have their own full Amazon Prime (with shipping etc).
Wait for the moderator post, it'll be up soon.
Also here's the legal links:
>Twitch Prime is included with Amazon Prime in the US, Mexico, Canada, Italy, France, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Spain, Japan, Singapore, Netherlands, United Kingdom and Australia. Twitch Prime is included with Prime Video in over 200 other countries and territories. -all Ultrawide movies are actually Ultrawide.
Youtube also supports ultrawide format, but the upload needs to be in ultrawide resolution and not encoded with black bars.
This is Amazon's list of supported devices and the resolutions they support. I don't know how accurate it is, but it would seem to suggest that Prime Video does not support 4K on PC either.
you'll also get twitch prime if you'll subscribe to prime video. and they have a deal going for 2.99 usd a month (for the first six months):
> "You also need to use a VPN that isn't blocked by Amazon" ...
... realizing of course that it's a breach of their terms-of-use. ("You may not use any technology or technique to obscure or disguise your location," etc. ... "If you violate any of the terms of this Agreement, your rights under this Agreement will automatically terminate without notice" etc.) ... not that anyone really reads those things lol.
If via Amazon Prime, log into your Amazon account. Click on the "Your Account" page in the drop down menu, then click on Prime and you should see the option to cancel Prime on the left side.
Click this page to see how to cancel Prime Video
I tried a lot of different things. Twitch Support has been non existent for me, so here's what worked!
Contact Prime Video support via "Chat"
I got help within 2 minutes
My Twitch Prime was working within 5 minutes of talking with them.
He/she just worked some magic on the account and then it worked.
EDIT: Oh ye, I had to provide basic info for them to verify it's my account. Nothing that could be abused.
Okay for those wondering, it was Amazon prime video subscription. If you ever get into the same situation, contact them here :
And explain what happened. They refunded my first charge even though it was more than a month ago.
Thank you.
I enabled amazon prime global, no problem.
I can't link it to my twitch account, I get "Oh no! We can’t enable Twitch Prime on your account."
I got no email to confirm I signed up for amazon prime, how the hell do I get rid of it again, there is no global page as far as I know.
EDIT: Fixed that issue by changing my country in primevideo.
But it seems like the offer is not valid in Denmark so I still can't link it, oh well.
Depending on where you live you might be able to access some of the shows on Anime Strike via Amazon's Prime Video service. I'm in Scandinavia and have access to Bahamut, Saekano and Re:Creators from this season.
It's available to me, in Canada, with my Prime account.
Le service vidéo d'Amazon premium est un poil pourav comme même. Y'a grosso modo 400 films dont 350 blockbusters plus quelques séries, dont des séries signées Amazon.
Je vais tester le Maître du haut château.
I haven't verified it but I saw this posted recently & saved it. I plan on using it later this year before autorenew kicks in again.
Link to End Membership and remove card