They were refrenced in Rebels via a Holocron and I beleive theres a guide or something that came out that included them but don't quote me on that.
Edit: apparently this guide is where they are refrenced
Edit 2: The form shown in Rebels is Form 5s other variant Shien which focuses on blaster deflection
>Okay first where'd you get that stat sheet from? All you showing me is the image, not any original source. Some neckbeard in his mom's basement with too much time on his hands could have created that. The second part I don't want to comment on since I only finished part 3, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt
For your information, said page is from Chapter 19 of Part 6. At least on WWW, faking scans hasn't really been an issue. In the years I've been on here I can only recall two really minor scan having had some edited text (which is way easier to fake than an entire stat page) and one user having mistakenly used fanart from deviantart. Every issue was caught quickly as well and the rare moments they come back up they get quickly squashed.
> According to a Japan Animation Creators Association survey of 759 animators, the average yearly income is 1.1 million yen or approximately ten thousand dollars
> Source
You got a source for your number?
Here is the raw and here is the text:
Let's break it down:
Literally along the lines of "That's right."
Now, the first thing to look at here is this:
This is a sound effect used for scattering, dispersing and shit.
Basically to turn small and into pieces.
So the whole thing reads out like:
"I dispersed his body to near molecular level."
The final bit:
It pretty much means: "You're next."
>So why assume the higher of the two? Unless there is something more objective showing why it's an ocean?
One is not higher than the other in Japanese.
>So how would that help with something like the RS, which isn't heat based, unless it's the Lava RS?
The RS isn't heat based, but it's still disintegrating as shown against Pain.
> Disassembly isn't ripping apart molecules my man. It's taking something apart.
Okay, I will word it nicer. It's taking apart molecules.
>It's manipulation of the materials the object is made of and deconstructing them until they aren't making up what they are supposed to.
It's not manipulation, nothing says manipulation in the manga nor the Databook. Do not assume this.
>Disintegration is not that. It's breaking stuff down into parts/fragments/particles. It's not taking those particles apart so they are no longer building what they are supposed to.
The Databook says it's disintegration actually.
>Doesn't the guy say sea in the scans?
He says Umi, which means sea or ocean.
>Isn't that just resisting the force of the lightning, it's heat and shit?
Candice's regular attacks are lightning. Galvano blast is different.
But yes, her's is disintegration via heat.
> So you can't even reference a specific story? Gotcha.
I'm referencing the entire body of work that makes up Jack Kirby's Fourth World omnibus. It consisted the Forever People, New Gods and Mr Miracle series Kirby wrote in the early 1970s. This is it, right here.. Look, you can buy it on Amazon.
How is that difficult to figure out? It's a massive sprawling work which constitutes those three series.
> You can undermine it all you want, but Thanos' relationship with Death is complex and facets of it are thoroughly in Infinity Gauntlet.
Not really. It boils down to Thanos showing off his power, dicking around and Death going "lol, nah". Then Nebula gets the gauntlet and the story ends on something of a whimper.
Plus, Starlin has a way of throwing dozens of characters into a story and making only 3 or 4 truly relevant. Gauntlet and War particularly are really stories about Adam Warlock and Thanos, with other characters just sort of...there. Compare that to Kirby who crafted an entire mythos out of his own mind full of imaginative characters.
> I've never seen anything like it in Kirby's stories, which dramas based around stopping the evildoer and nothing more.
I'm going to venture a guess and say you've never read anything Kirby has ever written.
> I agree 76 probably doesn't particularly care, but that doesn't mean it can't both be a nonlethal weapon/have nonlethal capabilities and also have benefits that make it more useful than a traditional firearm.
Why would a terrorist cell or a rogue nation care about a nonlethal weapon?
The explosive thing is nice but not really nicer that what could be done much more cheaply with a shoulder launched rocket or an underbarrel grenade.
>"This is a highly advanced weapon, originally developed by Overwatch," Guerra said. "We believe the assailant intends to sell it on the black market. Our greatest fear is that it could end up in the hands of a terrorist group or a rogue nation."
What makes this weapons in particular so scary if it ends up in the wrong hands?
> "fuck" is transfer a parasite onto another person? Makes sense considering what the symbiotes do.
Someone missed health class. This is triggering the shit out of me, and as a CHaracterrant shitter, I'm going to debate this.
D-did you not take biology?
No, sperm is not a parasite, it's a biological component which is needed for survival, males and females both have it as the XY in males are actually just an X which has been cut of, thus making that. Anyways that's not even remotely correct, a better example would be the separate organisms which fused to make individual cells all over our bodies. In fact purging, some of our parasites are the reasons why we developed an influx of allergies because of exposure. Parasites are EXTERNAL. <strong>Hence toxoplasmosis</strong>. Reproduction is NOT a parasite. The analogy is void. You aren't even draining resources, as that parasite is yourself, and you aren't a parasite to yourself.
Also, I don't even think Symbiotes are as much parasitic as they are mutualistic, bar other examples ever since the Retcon.
You are trying to grasp meaning out of something which has none.
it's not But that doesn't subjugate it from the fact that this game looks like utter houndoom turds. Seriously I'm glad its a spinoff but that's not an excuse. IT just seems like a watered down version of pokemon go. Speaking of which I pray to arceus that if this sells well( Its a pokemon game, of course, it will) then the crappy go mechanics will not seep into the core series.
The poll is actually only open for about a day to a day and a half. The last one wasn't a landslide either. It was only in the last 12 hours or so that the Carnage fight pulled ahead substantially. For most of the time it was within five votes of the other fights.
I thought you were talking about The Family Man (Indian series), but what you were saying didn't seem to make any sense. Then I looked at the name again and realized you're talking about a totally different series! 😂
This link goes to an article, but the YouTube video at the top is Ray Bradbury's own words. He says his own book, Fahrenheit 451, is about people being turned into morons by TV, and <em>not</em> about censorship at all. Despite what Bradbury himself says about his own story, many people took away from it that censorship was a major theme.
Lindelof can feel the story he wrote ended in a very clear way, but it also ends with enough information set through the season and final episodes and cuts off literally on a cliffhanger that people saying "ambiguous ending" aren't wrong.
It's a great book, really helped me think things over about how to tell a story. He also went into detail on how a story/character with a similar premise can go in wildly different directions, along with focusing a story around a single concept and being able to produce storylines from that single thing.
Who is gonna tell the pearl-clutching maga dopes that Aliens had an actiony female protagist in 1986, and Alien vs. Predator: Prey had a warrior female protagonist in 1994 (
Probably isn't evidence, probably is just a guess.
This coupled with the fact that Goku has never seen Beerus at 100% power makes this unuseable.
>It would have happened off screen
So there's no evidence to say that, only headcanon.
It doesn't work like that.
Goku hasn't been shown to see Beerus's full power.
Rule 2, show me a scan of Goku seeing Beerus's full power.
>It's a guidebook
Not approved by the writer.
>The show always portrayed
Until proven wrong you can't say Jiren > Beerus.
> From what I remember, WSJ was getting tired of KT taking so many sick days because he legitimately was having serious health issues, so when they heard that he was considering retiring, they gave him an ultimatum that he had to finish within a set amount of time or they were just gonna pull Bleach and replace it. So, he had to rush an ending out, and as expected, it SUCKED.
And once again the rumor rears its head...
Do you have a source for this?
Because I have a source of Kubo himself saying that he wanted to drop the series himself because of his health. But rushed into an ending to give it at least one thanks to a fan that inspired him. also for you /u/Greed-the-Avaricious
Here is an interview where he says it was his choice, not the editor's
>No, dismantle would be something else in Japanese.
Wait, who said anything about that?
Disperse = scatter is what I said.
Btw, Disperse is also a synonym of Disassemble :) ^^^get ^^^rekt ^^^scrub
But, yeah, Disperse pretty much means what Disassemble means, taking something apart. Only difference is, is that the first does it and then pushes them away over a wide area(disperse), while the other doesn't(disassemble). So it's better, even.
Still means it kills the Bleach.
>The sound effect implies it's pretty much reduced to small bits, these small bits being on a near molecular level, it's not even molecules since it's bigger as the text says.
Well, yes, it's not on a molecular level, it's on a near molecular level. Onoki states that.
>Technically they're both energy working to disintegration, just applied differently, but both working on the whole body/affected area.
Wouldn't the way it's applied make a difference?
Btw, on the vaporizing thing, do we assume it's the size of a sea or the size of an ocean?
Also, isn't that Ichigo's own swords, meaning their effects won't hurt him?
> 光 why use this then, if it's just flash?
Because 光 means light. With just "閃" it could mean a lot of things.
> its certainly wasn't meant to mean Flashy Flash
His name is there are other translations of the name like I said. Shining Flash is a prominent one
The Matrix transmedia storytelling experience was definitely quite ambitious. You got the 3 live-action movies, a series of animated shorts, 2 video games (one of which had live-action cutscenes), a bunch of comics and the MMO.
The comics got re-released a few years ago which was quite neat.
Funny enough I think Neil Gaiman offers writing classes thought from looking it up its just might be the usual stuff but not sure if that fits
>You don't have to justify everything's existence. They're there because they're there.
In life that's true, but a writer creating a fiction does have that responsibility. I implore you to do some research on what makes good fictional writing. It's interesting stuff and it will vastly affect how you view all fictions from then on. I mean that in a good way too! Here is a random starting point (take note of tip 11 while you're there).
This is the first thing that popped up when I search "character development meaning"
>In fiction writing, character development is the process of building a unique, three-dimensional character with depth, personality, and clear motivations. Character development can also refer to the changes a character undergoes over the course of a story as a result of their actions and experiences.
It's from this 2020 article under "what is character development":
> Minecraft Dungeons failed
Ignoring the rest of the post, I'd like to challenge you on that. Commercially, it's been a success. Probably because it's a good game (or at least, not a bad one) with an average 72/100 score from critics.
It's an action anime with giant robots.
The setup is that when astronauts explored Mars, they found powerful ancient relics, which could be used as power sources and stuff. The first astronaut became linked to the tech at discovery, so only he or his descendants could let others activate stuff, and became King of a new Feudal society. The Mars colony declared independence from Earth to keep all the cool tech, then immediately regretted it because they could barely support their population and had a minimal agriculture base. They then tried to invade earth, accidentally blew up the moon and their prince, and decided to wait a couple more years to build up their forces. The show starts just before the Cold war turns hot again.
The first episode had an amazing ending. I loved it, and I'm pretty sure a lot of people did as well. If you're interested, you can watch it on Crunchyroll. The rest of the first season was a decent, enemy of the week style show, main character finds a fatal flaw and exploits the hell out of it, usually. Nothing phenomenal, but its not bad either. I'd say it leans on the positive side of average, and the hype from the first episode should keep you decently committed. The second season dropped the ball pretty hard, the main characters became assholes or irrelevant, and most people disliked it. I think the people who wank it are either still on the first episode hype, or read the manga and became more dedicated to it or something.
Tl;dr: Probably watch the first episode, maybe watch the rest.
No, you didn't and if you did I'd just point to the fact that the vast majority of Rangers are male. About 30.38 are female. This calculation was done while ignoring Rangers that were too inhuman to be relatable either way, ignoring Rangers with very few(about six) appearances(though I counted those who were important enough thematically or plot-wise to have a larger impact than that). In addition, I included Ranger-like allies that were important enough to the story to be considered "basically Rangers" by fans and counted Ranger teams for every season so teams like MMPR and Dino Charge were counted more than once. Only one Ranger was counted if multiple filled the role so for example only Kimberly and only Kendall for MMPR Pink and Dino Charge Purple. In general, this calculation was more based on what I think a standard viewer(read: kid) who doesn't overthink these things would see rather than what I personally see as a Ranger. I tell you all this so if you want to double-check my math or disagree with what is or isn't a Ranger you can. Other than this I can't see any other reasonable way to prove my point(and even this is kinda pushing it) and honestly feel like you're using the rules to send me on a wild goose chase rather than respond to my points. Especially since you seem so smug in trying to get me to go through every series like some kind of robotic monkey.
You ever seen those magnetic balls you can use to build things? One like these:
Pretty much all crystal type gemstones, including diamonds have this structure. They are connected with a lot of other parts, so it is hard to scrape parts off. But what you can do. Is cut along the points of connection. This is the gems cleavage. This is a very weak point in diamonds allowing them to be cut or smashed more easily than they can be scratched.
> I’ve never read a deadpool where he just decides this battle is too hard so he’s going to page 23 to avoid it.
Well there's Deadpool kills the marvel universe if you want that. Not canon though. This story is basically AU and takes place in a canon that's a lot denser and wackier than post silver age Batman usually is, which is part of the reason why Batmite doing this is okay.
You got nothing to say? A Daemon created a solar system sized fortress in Ruinstorm. Are you too scared to try and prove I am wrong?
He didn’t invent cross training. Do you know who Mitsuyo Maeda is? He didn’t invent cross training either but he’s far earlier than Bruce, far farther ahead of his time, and would viaibly be able to beat 2 Bruce Lee’s at the same time
He trained jujutsu and judo in Japan and went on tour to spread judo to westerners, along the way he got into fights with wrestlers, catch wrestlers, boxers, etc. and combined what he learned to make his own style.
He taught a toned down style to the gracies because their athletics didn’t suit the style he came up with, and after they improved this style on their own it became Brazilian jiu-jitsu.
Read “The Toughest Man Who Ever Lived”
Its third person omniscient. But those two quotes just show he is about 40,000 years old, they say nothing about the shaman origin from the lore of 1st Edition Rogue Trader.
A lot of people I have talked to say they like the Perpetuals, but don't like Perpetual Oll Persson.
Would you read Know No Fear and Mark of Calth? I linked the books in this thread. They have Perpetual Oll Persson.
And check the thread I linked to you in a PM.
David Annandale is the same author who wrote this book where a Masque moved planets and destroyed a star by peircing it with a dagger type object it created from using its palace.
So I agree with you.
No. That is not their max.
This is their max if we go by this since the breath of the gods was powered by a C'ta shard.
Something like that. The mods said I could not post there because I did had to do something first. But anyway, do my quotes satisfy you? The Chaos Gods are Godlike reality warpers within the immaterium and Eye of Terror.
And I show context for Imperials going into the Eye of Terror and every time mortals fight Daemons inside the warp.
In this linked book I post quotes from, Imperials venture into the Eye of Terror and witness a solar system sized Bloodthirster smacking apart a planet, comment on a Daemon creating the rose cluster, and so on. They came out of the Eye of Terror alive. So its not an outlier.
"Dragon Ball Super" is also the name of the Manga. While I enjoy both products, I find that Toei's small additions to the anime confuse people and construe a lot of Toriyama's plot points in a weird way.
Thanks mate! I earnestly enjoy whenever WW2 gets brought up either here or on WWW, it's nice knowing people enjoy rants on the subject.
If you really enjoy the subject, I highly encourage you to peruse this selection by Sir Ian Kershaw, an abridged version of his two other biographies on the life of Adolf Hitler. Note: "abridged", here, means still over 1300 pages. With about 60 pages of citations afterward. Maybe not worth slogging through casually, but the main wartime chapters and citations are hella informative.
Also, sorry if I'm mistaking your enthusiasm, again, still drunk, and just love talkin bout this :)
No problem man! Kershaw is absolutely the best for WW2 as a whole, if you read the latter half of Hitler's life. It's insanely informative. Read up on Barbarossa too, absolutely incredible.
For WW1, I recommend The Great War: 1914-1918, by Ian Beckett. It's actually a damned good overarching view of the entire war, and covers political motivation, war stratagems, etc.
> it's too late to be wasting tequila.
No such thing. Life is never wasted if oneself is enjoying the time he is spending on an endeavor! Nor is tequila, for that matter :p
But, thanks. Been a rough week so debate and whiskey help ease the mind haha. Enjoy the books, or at the very least torrent some pdf sections of them if you're interested. David Glantz, Operation Barbarossa, great opposing view to the traditional view of Barbarossa if you're interested in that.
And yes I've read every thing I recommend personally for courses or for fun haha. On that topic, anything by Christopher Browning is insanely informative for Holocaust studies.