Here is the download link for the script:
All you have to do is to put: [] execVM "Zeus_Respawn_Marker.sqf";
in the init.sqf
Thank you. That was extremely helpful. I found the code of the function, and from what I can tell, the code actually tells it to draw both the Scenario Name and the Author name from the same variable (onLoadName), which seems extremely odd.
Here is the code for the module (Sorry for using Pastebin, Hastebin was down for me)
I'll maybe write a ticket about this sometime later today, but for now I'm thinking I might either salvage what I can of the actual text-drawing section, or maybe try and re-create the whole function.
I've never done the second, and I'm rather confused looking at the code for the most part. I found the parsetext section which is used, though I can't see how it was executed, nor how it does the glitch transition.
That said, thank you again for your help!
Edit: You edit just as I post my comment!
The carrier will come automatically with a bunch of markers to outline its location on the map for you, display a given name, as well as a couple of purple rectangles that you can use to rearm the jets or helicopters.
Here is a supplementary script that will give you a bunch of spawn positions inside of the carrier so that you can teleport players into pretty places at the start of your mission:
Lastly, here is a custom jet rearm/refuel/repair service script that I wrote from scratch. Make sure that this one is compiled clientside, because it will automatically be executed by the trigger that is built into the carrier (the purple marker in the Northeast corner of the carriers' markers):
Why would one want to encrypt SQF in such ways? If you wrote decryption algorithms in SQF it might be useful for some people who want to protect their code from lesser experienced eyes I suppose. Despite it being encryption it's more encryption by obfuscation. I know some fairly new people to programming and SQF that understand that the compiled, unencrypted code, would be easy to take. It's quite simple, it is just finding the decryption function or an encrypted functions real name to output the code as a string in chunks.
Another thing is efficiency. ArmA 3 is quite slow at performing decryption or even conversion between char arrays and strings of chars. So using an encryption method where every single character is encrypted isn't ideal. You can still achieve the same level of protection by encrypting 1 in every 4 characters and leaving the rest as is. Simply because anyone who wants so steal the code would still have to go to the same level of effort.
I wouldn't waste $40 on a converter when a freeware/open source one will do the job (and more than likely better).
Have you tried -> ?
If not, give it a shot. The thing with conversion (transcoding) video formats is that the lower the bitrate, the less the video quality. Bump your video bitrate up in the output anywhere from 1024 to 2048 (or higher bitrate if your video resolution is higher) depending on what quality vs file size you are after (do the video bitrate in multiples of 32, eg 2048 + 32 = 2080 etc) and be sure that your screen resolution conforms to mod8.
Explanation... a mod 8 resolution for example is 1920 x 1080... 1920/8 = 240 (round number is mod8). 1080/8 = 135 (round number is mod8)... in reverse (mod8) is 240 * 8 = 1920, and 135 * 8 = 1080. The resulting resolution must be a round number.
Conforming to mod8 should also help with quality, alongside a higher video encoded bitrate.
But my recommendation is don't waste $40 on paidware.
*EDIT, if you intend on doing a static video bitrate, only do a one-pass encode.
Here's a link to a quick test I made for something like this. Is this what you're looking for?
Alternatively, from the sound of it you might want to consider using sector modules instead of changing marker colors to represent ownership. Here is another test mission that may prove useful to you.
Hope this helps!
What our unit does is we have Eden loaded on the server in case there is anything that the mission uses from Eden. Most notably the ability to edit objects and units placed in editor with Zeus. That’s a function of Eden. So it’s a good idea to at least have it loaded on the server.
CBA, to my understanding, is basically the large Lego baseplate that you can build up from with other mods. You need it to be loaded in order to use other mods. No CBA, no Ace, no maps, etc. So yea you need it loaded.
Here is the .pbo. I wanted a way to upload just the file, so that you wouldn't have to unzip the .pbo, but I guess you probably have the tools for that handy. Thanks again, man. <-- here's a vanilla-friendly download link of what I currently have in my editor as a demo.
It also happens to include an AI spawn script that I made from scratch to populate the AO with enemies. You might want to make the player invincible or remove the line of code that calls the spawn script if it bothers you.
Also, here's what I wrote originally (and deleted):
Sure, no problem. Will respond again in ~20 minutes with a download link and delete this comment.
At first glance I see a few scripting problems that might be why you're having trouble, though:
In the first code block, you used () instead of {} for the if statement
Also, you can just put that entire first code block into in initServer.sqf instead of init.sqf to save time so that the client doesn't have to compile the thing.
In the second code block, you shouldn't have edited the third argument of the second line. Everything in the .sqf file I posted should be untouched.
> zoneClear = false; { if (_x distance trigger > 50) exitWith {zoneClear = true}; } forEach switchableUnits; zoneClear
it breaks the despawn completely. I'm beginning to think this trigger simply cannot be re-fired.
the code is the source of the answer, thanks for the direction. How to fold blocks in Notepad ++
There's something you aren't mentioning.
Put this file in a new folder where your missions are. Try it.
In a trigger. Exact same code. Works Perfectly.
edit: or otherwise upload your mission and I'll have a look. Cheers.
if money is not an issue..
used OVH for multiple years for arma 2 and arma 3 servers. But now we have our own built server so i no longer use them.
I can only get the error "Failed to load mission" when i change the item counts so they don't reflect how many items are actually in that object. EG. In the code below having items=2 works fine but changing it to be items=5 would cause the error.
class List { items=2; class Item0 { className="A3_Characters_F"; name="Arma 3 Alpha - Characters and Clothing"; author="Bohemia Interactive"; url=""; }; class Item1 { className="GR_Medium_Utility_Helicopters"; name="GR_Medium_Utility_Helicopters"; }; };
So that may be an issue, but i've also noticed older editor versions due seem to have a different SQM structure to the new missions. Although when i just replace the binarised contents with that in the CPP it seems to modify it to the new format, upon loading in the editor.
You are asking an awful lot of your poor computer.
No, there is no way built in to Windows OS clients to permanently assign core affinities to apps (you can only do it manually through the GUI after the instance is running). Our group uses Firedaemon for this functionality (and restarting our Epoch server regularly) on our dedicated server box. It's not free but totally worth the money if you have more than one game instance running on a box.
If you're to the point of having to set affinities, it's probably time to step up to a hosted server. They are not that expensive, especially with several people sharing the costs.
okay. Ive had a raid failure..No good deed goes unpunished.. I however managed to squeeze one out before everything went to bloody hell.
Ive placed a marker, it doesn't need a size or shape, just placed a marker called,
everything within 1000m of that marker will go dark once you move 5 feet in any direction and set off my trigger.
trigger/switch/once/blufor/once/not present/
on act.
0 = [0.95] execVM "lights.sqf";
(to kill the lights)
conversely you could place
0 = [0] execVM "lights.sqf";
(on act. if you wanted to create a second trigger and reactivate them all)
Also take note the init box of the unit that removes his NVG's and puts a flashlight on his primary weapon.
this unassignItem "NVGoggles"; this removeItem "NVGoggles"; this addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight"; this enableGunLights "forceOn";
the goods...
i think the link expires in 24 hours.
hopefully that will set you on the right path man!
Now, I have a computer to take to the firing range ;)
Can the Dash compiler and linter be run from the command line? If so, they could be integrated into Sublime Text 3 via build commands and SublimeLinter.
You should strongly consider building the compiler/linter/PBO packager as separate executables so users can use their choice of editor alongside them.