Obligatory "I am not a doctor or medical professional", but this was the type of magnesium recommended to me by my therapist: Magnesium L Threonate Capsules. That specific one is the one I have been taking.
The only adverse effect I have noticed is intense grogginess, so I have not been taking it in the morning. Just two pills at night, about one hour before I plan to fall asleep. It has improved my sleep quality, and I am no longer waking up with TMJ pain.
It was explained to me that because it is a mineral, and not a drug, your body can not build a tolerance as one would to a drug (this was a worry of mine that I discussed in therapy!). But again, I am not a doctor, and she was not a pharmacist, so others may have a different interpretation.
And to respond to your other comment, yes I am! Been a subscriber to The Atlantic for a year now and recently found this subreddit. Big fan of the quality of commenters here.
Does Match.com account for selectivity in its surveys? That is to say, we can say that these results are representative of <em>Match.com</em> users; do they have any statistics regarding whether or not specific demographics -- upper-middle class, college educated, white, etc. -- are overrepresented in their sampling?
> My Antifa Lover is an 88-page <em>romance novella</em> about a young and lonely congresswoman, Alexandria...
> There’s also no sex, which is rather crushing to those who trudge through all 88 pages.
OK, this was 100% written by Ben Shaprio.
One of the best books I have read about Abraham Lincoln was Lincoln's Melancholy: How Depression Challenged a President and Fueled His Greatness by Joshua Wolf Shenk. It shows how Lincoln used humor, empathy, and endurance to manage his chronic mood disorder. All traits that helped him lead the Union through the Civil War. https://www.amazon.com/Lincolns-Melancholy-Depression-Challenged-President/dp/0618773444
Current projection takes Gonzalo south of Hispanola and Cuba. Florida should be all right.
Very well argued and equanimous.
>Legal scholar and Social Democrat Ernst Fraenkel fled Germany in 1938 and three years later published The Dual State: A Contribution to the Theory of Dictatorship. The “dual state” describes the way in which Nazi Germany continued to operate under the formal, democratic legal apparatus that had predated Hitler, while running a parallel state that violated its own laws. Legal impunity for the ruling party is the key pillar in a system that can destroy the rule of law even while retaining laws, judges, and other formal trappings of a working system.
>Trump hasn’t created a dual state, but he has laid the groundwork for it, not only in his rhetorical provocations but also as a kind of legal manifesto.
I disagree with this calm assessment of the US as not being at best a mini-dictatorship. We have had a dual state for at least two decades via the actions of the Republicans -- from the Gulf War lies to Obama era obstruction to falling into line under Trump. The path careening from mini to maxi must have a few exit ramps that provide for repercussions for actions taken.
It really feels like this cannot go unpunished. Someone needs to have more opprobrium directed at them beyond being dissed at a restaurant. Something has to stick other than simply voting the bums out.
black leggings, blue button up...video game tshirt underneath. And these cheap cool water shoes I found on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085RYTT9B/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_U1p4EbW0DSTQ2 I wear them in the yard all the time
Not this exact brand but the shoes are basically identical. He wears them everywhere, with everything. To work, to weddings, to walk around the yard, to go to a nice dinner.
Fortunately I am foresighted and have prepared myself with a car rescue hammer such as this one, which reportedly resembles a tool used by firefighters:
So I simply undo my seatbelt, shatter the glass in the windshield, and crawl out.
We got this a while back:
Does this "Chicago Style Hot Dog Mustard Sauce" have anything to do with Chicago hot dogs?
Also if you dony have one, get a rice cooker for perfect rice every time. https://www.amazon.com/Zojirushi-NP-HCC10XH-Induction-Heating-Stainless/dp/B00VAG84O2?asc_campaign=&asc_source=&asc_refurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.epicurious.com%2Fexpert-advice%2Fwhat-is-the-best-rice-cooker-article&tag=epicurious09-20&...
Listen to the song of its people.
I'd have thought that for breaking up ice (which is what I imagine you would be bashing with that shovel), the park might have a better tool, such as this:
I know plastic is the devil and all, but disposable barf bags with a rigid ring opening are worth it if you have kids. Unless you're using xtmar's 5-gallon bucket (which is never handy), friendly-fire barfsplash is an issue. And even then, misses occur. https://www.amazon.com/YGDZ-Disposable-Disposal-Aircraft-Sickness/dp/B01M0A1TDT/ref=asc_df_B01M0A1TDT/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=167156418710&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=376658359156137986&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9028824&hvtargid=pla-308613288651&psc=1
In honor of his upcoming testimony, allow me to offer him a book of songs:
>I Love to Be Me: Songs in the Mood of the Fifth
>"While much of the world is focused on the coronavirus outbreak, influenza continues to take its toll in the United States, where an estimated 15 million people have been infected and 8,200 have died from the disease so far this flu season.
>While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said those numbers aren't unusually high, they're far higher than the 4,583 cases of coronavirus and 106 deaths confirmed worldwide as of Tuesday morning. Five people have been stricken with coronavirus in the U.S. and no deaths have been reported...."
Federal officials can be impeached correct? Even the Weather Channel reports HUD officials violated and are continuing to violate congressional senate appropriations laws by not providing Puerto Rico approved disaster recovery relief. They should go right at Carson. https://weather.com/news/news/2019-10-19-puerto-rico-maria-hud-funding-withheld
Years ago I enjoyed Daniel Dafoe's gonzo style "A Journal of the Plague Year" depicting that London outbreak.
It's free at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/376/376-h/376-h.htm
"...it was rumoured that an order of the Government was to be issued out to place turnpikes and barriers on the road to prevent people travelling, and that the towns on the road would not suffer people from London to pass for fear of bringing the infection along with them, though neither of these rumours had any foundation but in the imagination, especially at-first."
And thus a 17th century writer shows more understanding of science than Ron Desantis.
John Prine has passed. What a loss.
*Hello in there (*TAD.)
*To believe in this living is just a hard way to go (*TAD.)
*But fortunately "we" have the key to escape reality (*TAD.)
A bit late, but here are some good resolutions from Woodie Guthrie.
I haven't reached this point yet, but I do like number 3:
3. Wash teeth if any
I got a jar similar to this at the fabulous "Cheese Importers" in Longmont lately, and I'm reminded what an unassertive pleasure honey hard candy is:
There are definitely less expensive versions, but the basic idea -- honey inside a hard shell -- is consistent, and classic. This is the candy for honey-lovers.
Forget back alleys and coat hangers. Self-managed abortions can be ‘safer than aspirin’, research says
Her study found that, in the event of a nationwide abortion ban, pregnancy-related deaths would increase by 21% within two years. The numbers would be worst for racial minorities. Black people would experience the greatest rate of increase in deaths (33%), followed by Hispanic people (18%).
I expect a few apps too. You know how we love the free market of ideas (and pills). Can't wait to see Louisiana and Oklahoma try to ban apps from the app store.
Good question. Maybe?
This fascinating documentary on the Chinese Belt and Road initiative shows the extent of Chinese foreign relations efforts in Africa and south Asia. So China already is softening its posture and deepening economic ties to these areas (Russia's allies are mostly vestigial cold war relics). There's no shortage of China re-branding these investments as a 'partnership' alternative to 'western imperialism'.
Well, it's a somewhat longer read, but I've greatly enjoyed the various "Kai Lung" books by the British writer Ernest Bramah, which recount the adventures of the storyteller of that name in a fictional Mandarin China. The books are graciously and cleverly written and plotted, and full of pithy aphorisms, such as this one from Kai Lung's Golden Hours: "“There is a time to silence an adversary with the honey of logical persuasion, and there is a time to silence him with the argument of a heavily directed club.” Or this, from the same book: "Even a mole may instruct a philospher in the art of digging."
A number of these books are available free through the Gutenberg Project. Here's where to find the Golden Hours:
In that book, I found especially amusing "The Story of Wong Pao and the Minstrel."
I'm militant about screen time in part because I was a latchkey kid. That will work until it doesn't.
I was thinking last night about all the jingles I know for products that don't exist anymore. Like the gold record on Voyager playing songs long after humanity is gone.
I think there's less add time, but it's more manipulative.
The challenges are different. Advertising is way more sophisticated and has a much longer view of manufacturing consent for the lifespan of a consumer.
It's always a war of technology. It's a priority during his formative years as much as drugs. I might have stronger feelings about advertising actually. They're certainly much harder to avoid.
https://pi-hole.net/ works for now.
I noticed this the other day. I've routinely skimmed right past all the ads until the first legit result, but this almost caught me off guard.
You can make yourself a network-wide ad-blocker for your home on the cheap using a Raspberry Pi and this easy-to-setup software:
I'm surprised they don't make a version with that built in.
Has anyone read Replay, by Ken Grimwood? It’s about a man who dies at age 43 but ends up back in the body of his nineteen-yo self. It ends up happening multiple times. The first part is him trying to “fix” his life and the pitfalls he runs into; the second part is what happens when he finds another person who is reliving their life too.
A Little Bit Softer Now, a Little Bit Softer Now …The sad, gradual decline of the fade-out in popular music, by William Weir. Slate, September 14, 2014.
The once-ubiquitous, but tragically underappreciated fade-out in music appears to be near its end. And like a classic example of itself, the decline has been long, gradual, and barely noticed.
The fade-out—the technique of ending a song with a slow decrease in volume over its last few seconds—became common in the 1950s and ruled for three decades. Among the year-end top 10 songs for 1985, there’s not one cold ending. But it’s been on the downturn since the ’90s, and the past few years have been particularly unkind. The year-end top 10 lists for 2011, 2012, and 2013 yield a total of one fade-out, Robin Thicke’s purposely retro “ Blurred Lines.” Not since the ’50s have we had such a paucity of fade-out songs.
Good morning TAD.
I saw the sub reddit for posting pictures but couldn't figure out how to post one.
I had a fun time at the knapp-in this weekend and took a few pics that I posted on discus before they closed stuff. My comment history is still there and you can see the pics here
Scroll down until you get to the pics of the 20 or so model Ts that came to the knapp-in.
So the porcupine has pretty much moved in to the cottonwood next to my office. During the day it sleeps on a limb with both forelegs just hanging down. It's a good thing this is reddit and not disqus or I'd basically be posting near-identical but every time slightly better phonepics of this same porcupine in his apparently favorite spot.
Oh hey, I just remembered. There's still a disqus just for lethargic porcupines (and whatever!). https://disqus.com/home/discussion/channel-theatlanticdiscussions/porcupine_pictures_why_not/
Let's play on Disqus!
Well, here's one well-regarded contribution to the history of "angry white ladies" that you proposed, by an historian at the University of North Carolina:
In this account, Prof. Cox discussed exactly the folks who were largely responsible for the Confederate monuments you mention: the United Daughters of the Confederacy. They raised the money, bought the monuments (almost always from Northern factories), bought the land, and got the governmental permissions required to erect them. And they, along with the Sons of Confederate Veterans, have been the most tenacious defenders of those monuments during the decades.
Tangentially, there’s a very scary book called The Cadaver King and the Country Dentist about how much power the local coroner has in Mississippi, and how easily the person holding the position gets corrupted (spoiler alert: it’s heavily influenced by racism).
I don't live in Missouri but this still makes me want to riot.
Kyle Rittenhouse vs Tamir Rice
I've got this book on order.
Maybe it will connect some of the dots for the all lives matter NRA crowd. Philando Castile didn't move the needle much.
I don't know anything about it, but I found myself thinking this morning "Hmm maybe we killed Tupac Shakur?"
I can picture bureaucratic meetings about it.
The related perception that the best role to play is that of the villain has a long history. There was a writer of light essays many decades ago named Jean Kerr, who actually titled a book after this idea:
The title essay, IIRC, is about a play related to the Garden of Eden, and the title itself comes from a remark about the script by one of her children.
>Two decades after the Cold War, the Soviet collapse seems less like a harbinger of the fate of authoritarian regimes and more like the result of particular and contingent factors, from Gorbachev’s personality to <em>shifting oil prices</em> to the mismatch between a centralized political regime and a federal governmental structure. (It’s tempting to speculate one reason Gorbachev endorses the Chernobyl theory of collapse is a structural explanation renders him blameless—the structure would always have collapsed no matter what he did.)
Good point. This is the current understanding, which is vastly different from what prevailed in the 1990s.
An ultra processed food is literally something like a cake or french fries or a hoecake or a biscuit.
We've been eating highly processed foods since forever. This is eating disorder language.
LW2: Your ex made his bed when he took advantage of his position, likely in bed. He ruined his own life for a taste of strange. You don't owe him a damn thing. If you were inclined towards a token gesture, send him one of these:
With a note that says, "I'm sorry you fucked up, but... you cheated on me and fucked up both your work and our marriage. Here's a tiny violin to play some sad songs for your current troubles. Go watch some "It gets better" videos or something."
Currently reading this book:
This after reading Apollo's Arrow, which is more about the current disease, and piqued my curiosity about the history of plagues.
The reliance on medical interventions (cures and vaccines) has never been possible in the past, and, even now, was prideful and cruel, as even with record breaking speed and efficacy for the vaccine. The vaccine for small pox came after over a thousand years of endemic disease, and occasional epidemics. Small pox was the first real vaccine (and the word vaccine comes from it being made from Cow Pox... cow - vacca). And still took nearly 100 years to eliminate it from the world. There are very few diseases that reach endemic stage that have been completely eradicated... I digress. Once the Small Pox vax was created in 1797, and folks warmed to the idea, and finally, it was eliminated, save for stocks at the CDC and the Russian equivalent... by 1982. Other diseases, the vaccine came years after the mortality curve had flattened... even polio.
Any rate, the history of epidemics is one of public health measures, and people defying or deriding them, getting in, and keeping the disease going.
Want to add a small mask pro-tip that Ms. Florist developed. 20 gauge floral wire.
It's long enough to shape the mask all the way to your cheekbones, which ensures a better fit without glass fogging. I think she wrapped the wire in floral tape, which gives it a light tackiness that keeps it in place in the mask.
Favorite face mask? 3m half face respirator. P100 cartridge filters out 99.97 pct of particulates, vs 95 for N95. Much more comfortable. Much better face seal. Doesn’t fog glasses. Can’t speak well through it though.
I tape a piece of surgical mask over the exhaust port, so I don’t spread.
They’re readily available—you’re not stealing one from a health care worker https://www.amazon.com/3M-Respirator-6300-Respiratory-Protection/dp/B007JZ1MK6/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=3m+half+face+respirator&qid=1606927208&sr=8-3
Now that it’s cold, I kind of like wearing a surgical mask outside, keeps me warm.
I give this book to any friend expecting their first child.
> For those who may prefer a fuzzier, less accurate portrayal of plantation life, “Gone with the Wind” is streaming on Amazon and iTunes for $3.99 — a low price but still higher than the average slave’s wage, which was $0.
That's exactly what they want it to be like. Black people and slavery in the background with tales of the gentile Southern aristocracy in the foreground. Look at that beautiful architecture...nevermind who made that possible and how.
LMAO hubs bought me this tee shirt and I love it. I don't even care
>The first, consistent with my toddler thesis, is that Trump is throwing a tantrum. If the president cannot get what he wants, he will just take his ball and go home to remind everyone that he is still the president. Pelosi’s steroid explanation would be consistent with this hypothesis. Toddlers, when they are losing, will often pitch a fit in an attempt to end the game.
Trump's negotiation style is generally bullying, a bit of time manipulation, and then crazy man tantrum.
So, I think I like door #1, because I don't think Trump is introspective enough to execute door #3 until he's actually lost the election, all the way. Since he's planning on trying every dirty trick in the book to win... I don't think he's gonna go scorched earth until the lame duck session.
One of my cousins has a Bose. Kind of in the same price range. It can fill a room with good quality sound. it is on my want list.
As a non-drinker who nonetheless likes grape juice (the special kinds, not ordinary Welch's), I've discovered that it has varietal forms that are quite drinkable. Here's one example:
We have a source in Maryland (the SDA "Living Well" store where we get our vegetarian products) that has this sort of thing in many forms, including riesling, cabernet, chardonnay, and others.
I don't have good china. But I've always liked this Lenox butterfly tea set and would use it when my mom came to visit. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0009MG11Q/?coliid=I2LQVPAF60WAMS&colid=1ZNN4JJ4543LM&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it
Provided one is willing to make some unfamiliar purchases, it's possible to find toilet paper on Amazon -- for example:
It's also possible occasionally, if one checks in fairly often, to find name brands, as I did on one occasion. That's much more hit-or-miss, though.