I told myself the same thing when i took an inteterest in ukuleles and began loving lemon bars but here i am, sitting depressed in my cool jacket being bisexual
Edit: Here is the link to the jacket on Amazon- https://www.amazon.com/Imilan-Pullover-Hoodie-Sweatshirts-X-Large/dp/B077RY8HJD/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=wolf+jacket&qid=1570922310&sr=8-4
Considering someone a few days ago tried to use this study as an argument as well, I looked at the numbers behind it. Here is a quote from that comment:
> Edit: I actually looked up the numbers behind this study, and out of nearly a 1000 cisgender participants, 116 were bisexual/queer/non-binary. This is compared to 112 lesbians, 122 gay men, 401 straight women, and 212 straight men.
> As you can see, the sample size of each group is quite skewed and limited responses will result in skewed results. But even of those groups:
> Compared to other groups surveyed, bi/queer/non-binary people were overwhelmingly more likely to date trans people of either gender.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes, an 110 episode anime (with a few gaiden episodes) from the late 80s to late 90s, based on a 10 volume sci-fi novel series, that was a cult hit for American anime fans. It's about an intragalactic war between the democratic Free Planets Alliance and the authoritarian Galactic Empire and has no aliens. The themes are about how governments strain, break, and change, as well as the enduring nature of war, and how humans never really change that much across history.
You can find the official subs on HiDive and the books on Amazon. You can also watch the Die Neue These adaptation from 2018 on Crunchyroll, but this isn't recommended as it's only the first season and barely covers anything.
So this might sound weird, but have you tried using small scissors to cut your nails? I maintain that this Swiss Army Knife is one of the best ways to take care of your nails available. The little scissors are sharp and cleanly cut the nail, the little file works fine for taking off the sharp edge of the nail, and the little knife is good for cleaning under the nail. I keep it on my keyring, so it's always close by. You can cut your nails silently, and they don't fly off, so you can get away with it at your desk at work if you have to.
I also have sensory issues. Doubling the recommendation for wearing ankle socks underneath, you can also look into “reinforced toe” fishnets. If the lacy style look floats your boats I’ve found that those styles are usually much better about having solid toes.
(Mobile, but something along the lines of this: https://www.amazon.com/VERO-MONTE-Patterned-Fishnets-Stockings/dp/B01M8GEFEU?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1&psc=1 )
>hello my name is dr chuck tingle i am from billings montana and my new tingler is called Domald Tromp Pounded In The Butt By The Handsome Russian T-Rex Who Also Peed On His Butt And Then Blackmailed Him With The Videos Of His Butt Getting Peed On
I love this man
I got these shoes recently that are almost bi pride. They'd be perfect if you switched out the laces with pink but the laces it comes with are cute.
Not saying how this person does it, but this is one way of doing it. That lady was in the news for having 3 boobs a while back turned out to use one o these.
Hokum and Snark Bisexual Pride Chibi Superhero Frog Enamel Pin in Bi LGBT+ Flag Colors | Subtle Pride Jewelry, purple, pink, blue, Small https://www.amazon.com/dp/B095XGC11K/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_WF9ZC95K24EW4PZNG8KV
US version
https://www.wordnik.com/words/dude 4th definition 'a person of either sex' Also 'man' can mean 'human' not necessarily male.
Yes the english language is fucky and some words have different meanings, but the context defines the meaning, if someone were to call me dude, I'd assume it was in the gender neutral way.
Frogge says Bi rights
Also link to where I found the pin
Yes and you can get it on Kindle here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09MCLRXTW/
That's the buy link from the Chuck Tingle official website, not sure if you can get it somewhere other than Amazon though.
I mistook the gay son's flag for the Spanish flag and I got worried there for a second. Thankfully it's just an unfortunate angle of a pride flag from an Indian LGBT movie (still shot can be found here, another angle that confirms it's the pride flag can be found here).
I highly recommend Evolution’s Rainbow it’s written by a trans evolutionary biologist who really gets into the nitty gritty of gender and sexuality in the animal kingdom and how basically everything with a spine has a spectrum of expression
It's doesn't make quite as aesthetic ice, but I've had more luck getting the ice out of this kind of tray. Still small ice bots, but rounded more seems to help.
It's not too bad.
Found this on Amazon USA
I call shenanigans on that part of your story, seeing as how I found that exact same brush on Amazon, but it is a cool brush nonetheless.
Try amazon smile to donate to charity automatically at no cost to you!
^^^I'm ^^^a ^^^bot ^^^and ^^^this ^^^action ^^^was ^^^preformed ^^^automatically.
Sure man it's a Corsair strafe rgb mk 2, have an Amazon link
It does have cherry mx key caps is it's kinda clicky clacky if you like that