This app was mentioned in 153 comments, with an average of 36.07 upvotes
Get yourself the Buycott app from any app-store. Add Nestlé to your boycott list and use the app to scan products in supermarkets you think about buying. The app will tell you whether it's a Nestlé product or not.
Haha, forgot about that, thank you
Hijacking this comment to share this app that lets you scan barcodes and tells you if you should boycott them
There is an app called Buycott that tracks this and is usable when at the store via barcode scanner. Great way to keep track!
iOS: Buycott on Apple AppStore
Android: Buycott on Google Play Store
For anyone wondering how to keep track of what's Nestlé:
there is a smartphone app called "buycott"
It lets you scan barcodes from products and has a database of info on who it's produced by.
You can select to boycott Nestlé and the app will tell you when a product is from a Nestlé brand.
If you want to boycott Nestle (or any other company) I recommend getting the BuyCott app. It scans the bar code and identifies what company creates it.
We still currently have Buycott (that's the Android link; it also works in iOS and Chrome). It doesn't draw dead children on products, but it shows you what products use child slavery if you scan their barcode.
I recommend getting the BuyCott app. It scans the bar code and identifies what company creates it.
there are apps that can tell you which corporation products belong to when you scan the bar code, so you can avoid them, i used this for a while:
There you go. Exactly what you wanted. I love the internet.
There's an Itunes version by the same name, but I'm too lazy to dig up a link.
Chinese stuff maybe not, but Ive been doing nestle for a while now without a single problem.
For everyone interested: Id recommend the app <strong>buycott</strong>.
Buycott is an app that lets you scan a product and see the corporate tree responsible for it. Makes it easy to boycott Nestlé and the Koch Brothers!
This is why I use Buycott on my phone when trying new foods. There are a good companies I absolutely refuse to buy from because of this type of shit, regardless of the product they make. Just scan the barcode and it'll tell you who's behind the product.
For fuck sake, how hard is it to put your damn money where your mouth is?
The only reason they're rich is people keep buying their shit. It's as bad a those that vote against their own interests. Take the time to know what to avoid, and get everyone around you to do the same. Band together and pressure stores to stop carrying their products. Boycott the fuck out of them.
[Edit] There's an app for that!
There's an app called Buycott that lets you scan an item's barcode and tells you if it belongs to a company you or others are protesting.
I got you fam.
Edit: After remembering what this app actually does, it helps make informed choices at retail locations. I haven't found anything yet that rates other companies.
The app lets you select which things matter to you and warns you if whatever company that sells a product is involved with any of them. If even lets you know if they are involved in a positive way so we can reward them for giving a damn.
There are a few. I use one to figure out what brand Nestle is currently pretending to be as I refuse to give those ass hats one red cent.
Not sure if this is it but its the same idea.
I'm surprised no one has suggested the Buycott App (Apple link, Android link). This is my go-to app for making sure I don't support companies I don't like. You simply choose the campaigns you want to support and the level of importance, then you scan the product and it tells you which campaigns it supports and which ones it conflicts with. It can be difficult to keep track of every parent company or cause. If you decide not to buy it, it will give you the option to send a prewritten tweet to the company. Even companies I assumed were innocent turn out to do things like refuse to disclose where they source their Cocoa from (looking at you Lenny and Larry's All-natural Complete Cookie).
EDIT: fixed a typo
I also boycott Nestle and all of their vertically integrated products because of their water-hoarding, among myriad other despicable crimes that define the difference between legality and morality.
If you feel overwhelmed trying to trace the family tree for a product, try Buycott, an app that lets you see who you're paying
Unfortunately it often seems near impossible to avoid their products. There are so many that aren't branded as Nestlé. It's insane that apps like buycott are a virtual requirement to successfully avoid such a deplorable company.
> We need a complete list of products containing Koch products and companies that do business with the Koch companies.
This app on the Google play store may be what you need. I believe they have an iOS version too. Simply scan a barcode and it'll let you know when you're at the supermarket:
Copy of my comment:
Get yourself the Buycott app from any app-store. Add Nestlé to your boycott list and use the app to scan products in supermarkets you think about buying. The app will tell you whether it's a Nestlé product or not.
Just went through that entire list. Outside of the occasional pack of pre-made toll house cookies and some of the candies at Halloween, I actually do boycott them. It was unintentional, but I'm fine with this.
There's an app, can't remember the name, but will tell you who owns what brand. It's for when you actively try to boycott something. I actively avoid any Koch Brothers brands. It's hard as fuck. They own every major brand of toilet paper. The only two they don't own in some way is Kleenex brand and Charmin.
*Buycott. And it's a free app
If you really want to start making a change, you can get this app. It tells you what kind of corruption which each company is up to. Just scan the barcode.
Buycott allows you to join a campaign to boycott Nestle (amongst other companies) and scan all your products before purchase to determine if they are indeed made by Nestle.
It's a pain in the ass, but they're literally stealing the worlds water, so I'd say it's worth it.
Es gibt sogar ne App namens Buycott dafür, die ich mir spassweise mal installiert habe.
Soweit ich mich erinnere, waren die Einstellungen extrem einfach formuliert, a la
"Was willst du boykottieren?"
[ ] Nestle
[ ] Fleisch
[ ] Palmöl
Dann einfach Barcode from Produkt scannen und grünes Häkchen oder rotes Kreuz bekommen. Funktioniert halt am besten mit Produkten grosser Marken, weniger mit der Supermarkthausmarke von Butterkeksen.
Näköjään siihen on jo joku toteutus, mutta kotimaisten arvostelun mukaan suomalaisten tuotteiden kattavuus on heikko.
En sitten tiedä auttaisiko tohon tuo u/Ignorogh huomaama juttu että viivakoodissa pitäisi löytyä valmistajakoodi. Toki niistä pitäisi sitten vielä selvittää omistussuhteet.
With current technology that allows for lightspeed flow of information, I'm surprised there isn't a global boycott on these shady companies. Companies are quick to disassociate themselves from controversial individuals for the fear of bad PR through association but why aren't we pushing for more?
There needs to be a global list of corporations that need to be boycotted. Brands to which we ethically should not and cannot be patrons. We, as a conscious and mindful society, must continue to be informed and aware as well as act on with our solidarity. Any corporation that violates human rights should be punished, if not by the law, then by the boycott by society.
Edit: found a list -
I never thought about looking for an app like that and thought it was a super interesting idea.
No idea if you use android or what, but I found one that could potentially be useful.
This ones called Buycott. It's got a scanner for when you're at the store. I haven't downloaded it yet but I assume it's got a search function as well. The screenshots of the app even show what it looks like if you add Roundup, and it looks like there's lists that show conflicts with other items.
There might be others but I'm missing them in the ocean of Boycott Trump and Boycott Isreal apps, lol.
There is the BuyCott app. It scans the bar code and tells you what company creates it.
People don't care for the most part. I'd even bet you have their products in your home now and you'll have more of their products in a month. Same goes for me and mostly everyone else here bashing them. If they did really hate them as much as they suggest, then this wouldn't be a problem.
I use this app to boycott them for the most part, but I don't boycott everything because I do enjoy the pizzas they offer for the price.
Good time to link a useful play store app: Buycott
Select a campaign in the app, for example, Nestle boycott. Then you can scan barcodes at the grocery store if you're unsure if it's made by a subsidiary of Nestle and the app will let you know.
Here is an app that almost does that. You can select causes you care about our companies you want to avoid, and when you scan stuff it tells you if you should avoid it.
I'm not sure it has to. It seems like there is a list of brands making the rounds and that the institute didn't see a systematic issue beyond these brands.
So I'd suggest to boycott Unilever(they are Iglo and a couple of other unhealthy overpriced crap) and advise against buying Persil anyway since they are overpriced due to advertisement costs. Henkel isn't on my boycott list due to ethical malpractice(they are generally ok) but due to price.
If you need help finding out what belongs to what company, you could use something like this
> I suspect you're not actually avoiding all of Kraft's brands
With all these conglomerates' byzantine holdings structures, it can be difficult to boycott something like Kraft or Nestle (or whatever other gigantic mega-corp).
If you're committed to doing so though, there's an app that might be able to help.
"Buycott" (Android, IOS) lets you scan barcodes on items and it'll tell you whether it's made/sold by a company you're boycotting.
Using an app like this is helpful;
While it's not overly convenient to have to scan things, if you're serious about it then you can make the time.
Googling individual products is often the most in depth way.
But (for Android users at least, unsure of iPhones as I don't own one). There's an app called Buycott
Sign up with an email or Facebook. And then you can take photos of barcodes while doing groceries.
You can select a wide variety of social concerns. From Slavery, to Environmental concerns etc. And then if the product profits these less than favourable companies, the app will give you a warning.
u/apple__blossoms commented in the middle of a thread. and I think it's worth it's own comment.
>Download the app Buycott and you can see what company owns what product by scanning the barcode
I don't have a clue if they did comment it, but if not, IOS and Play Store
Is it having that many names a way for companies to deliberately avoid people being able to identify it?
App idea, for someone with the skills to make it: A text recognition app that that you can use to scan a product's ingredients. If there's one of palm oil's alter egos in there it'll tell you.
Edit. Something similar already exists
Fortunately, there's an app for that.
For anyone who doesn't know, there's an app called 'Buycott' which allows you to add a campaign which makes it easier to identity and avoid Nestlé products (among other things)
It looks like this is the equivalent one for Android.
I just signed into app for the first time and the Kochs already have a campaign on the main menu when you scroll down a little.
So basically, that was easy.
Buycott does some of that. I personally wasn't a fan of the app, but a lot of people recommended it when I first went on my anti-Nestle crusade.
There's a mobile app called buycott that I can never remember to use. It has a "boycott Nestle" campaign that has 136,000 members and which tracks 21 companies under the brand.
Pelligrino‽ Fucking Pelligrino is Nestlé‽ God dammit!
Highjacking top comment:
It has a quick barcode scanner that tells you everything about the company you scanned as well as the parent company and company tree.
Best Feature, you can add specific campaigns to your profile in case you don't want anything GMO or a company that fights GMO, anti-illusion of choice, workers' rights, etc.
I use this on EVERYTHING I shop
If you're into that sort of thing there's an app that makes it significantly easier to vote with your wallet. (I think the effort is better spent lobbying government directly yourself, but you do you.)
i tried the Buycott mobile app (not just for clothing items) but i looked like a weirdo in stores.
From Google Play Store:
>Buycott helps you use your dollars to create change. Use our barcode scanner to get the unfiltered look at every product in the store.
Fuck Nestle and everything they do.
Also shootout to the Boycott app, it really helps navigating past all the crap Nestle makes.
I was just thinking there must be an app for that. And it seems like there is:
No idea if its any good, nor whether I could use it, being outside the US. But give it a try maybe.
It's handy to download Buycott on your phone. You tell it what companies or causes you want to boycott and simply scan a UPC to see if it conflicts with your boycotts.
Boycotting Nestlé is a huge undertaking but if you want to do it I suggest this app as it knows all of Nestle's subsidiaries and will tell you if a product you scan belongs to one of them.
Edit: I'll add links for the lazy.
Somebody should invent an app where you can check boxes of companies you wish to boycott, and when you go shopping you scan an item you want and it shows you an alternative.
Edit: somebody best me to it.
Get yourself the Buycott app from any app-store. Add Nestlé to your boycott list and use the app to scan products in supermarkets you think about buying. The app will tell you whether it's a Nestlé product or not.
We could try using something like the buycott app to figure out what the parent company really is for each product. Hopefully it is still possible to tell.
Could there be made an app to scan the bar code of products in the store and it showed if it was on your boycott list?
^(I will remove this idea for money)
Edit: It exists buycott
I will definitely download these! I already posted this in r/environment, but I'm surprised that this article doesn't mention the app buycott.
"I'm surprised no one has suggested the Buycott App (Apple link , Android link ). This is my go-to app for making sure I don't support companies I don't like. You simply choose the campaigns you want to support and the level of importance, then you scan the product and it tells you which campaigns it supports and which ones it conflicts with. It can be difficult to keep track of every parent company or cause. If you decide not to buy it, it will give you the option to send a prewritten tweet to the company. Even companies I assumed were innocent turn out to do things like refuse to disclose where they source their Cocoa from (looking at you Lenny and Larry's All-natural Complete Cookie)."
Want to boycott specific brands? I suggest checking out the app Buycott. I remember coming across it when the whole Nestle wanting to privatize water crap starting coming about. I have never really used it much/at all or have a need to because I try and keep my product consumption to as raw as possible. I focus more on eating good and staying away from desserts and whatnot..except beer. I fucking love craft beer.
There's also a pretty nifty app for the supermarket:
EDIT: Here's a link to the Buycott App for Android
Though I couldn't decide if it was funny or scary that you could choose between boycotting or supporting Koch Industries when I was setting up my preferences.
You're missing the part about them dressing up as nurses to give it away.
Also fully knew that mothers would stop producing milk, making them dependent on a product they couldn't really afford, and in need of clean water they didn't really have.
E: this also kind of fits with their CEO saying he doesn't believe water is a human right. This after outrage that they buy up lakes of water in poor countries (and drought suffering California) to bottle it and sell it at huge profits, killing who the fuck knows how many in the process. And the price, you ask? Nestle pays just $200 a year to the state of Michigan to pump more than 130 million gallons of water., Nestle Pays $2.25 to Bottle and Sell a Million Litres of BC Water
E: actually just read this (at least the headlines)
Final edit: since this is getting traction, I wanna plug the app Buycott (iOS) and for Android. Nestle is a HUGE conglomerate, owning everything from your favorite chocolate and coffee maker, to Diesel and Ralph Lauren. This app lets you easily scan and check a product so you can (try) to buy alternative brands. Vote with your wallet, as they say.
Buycott website:
Buycott app for iOS:
Buycott app for Android:
Android version.
You mean buycott? It does pretty much that.
I use buycott to do exactly that! Here is the google play link, I don't know if it or something similar exists for apple.
Hey remember when Nestle dressed up as nurses and distributed milk formula to new mom's in Africa fully knowing they would stop producing milk and be dependent on the formula but didn't have access to clean water so a bunch of babies died? Remember that?
E: here are all the companies owned by Nestle. here an app that lets you scan a product and make sure it's not Nestle (or other brands), and here it is for Android.
Buycott, if you wanna make it easier on yourself to boycott companies that support the World Cup.
Is there??
Just checked Google Play and yep, they do exist!
> Your complete list would be 1000s of pages long
PlayStore link for the lazy
For those who are interested. Not sure I'm sold on it yet, but looks interesting.
lol , it does actually exist
That is an app called Buycott. I just did a very quick search. I hope that helps mate.
This app will help if you're vigilant and want to scan barcodes.
A mate just sent this if you want to check what you are buying and make sure it isn't a scummy unethical company...
Buycott. Android link:
Playstore link
There's an app that can help with that: Buycott
Mi-ai amintit ca exista aplicatia buycott.
Apparently there is an app for that; buycott
Havent tried it myself, just looked it up because of this topic.
Thin its called buycott
There's an app for that
Thank you. I do try my best when it comes to my co2 footprint, but i'm sure there'll be others out there that would be fare more qualified to answer your question..or far more coherent. Though i will do my best to answer them as best as i can. It's hard to express my thought process behind everything as it was a process that grew over years of information gathering. ;D
Generally speaking there are a lot of different areas where we can influence our footprint either directly or indirectly. But i think whether it is a big step or a small step isn't as important, as long as we make a step in the right direction. support companies that try to help the environment (not just as an alibi action) and shun the ones that threat it like their personal candystore.
I hope i could give you a few ideas. If you need me to clarify anything or elaborate, feel free to ask. :D
You might be interested in this
This shows a bunch of Nestle products (as well as some other companies)
Also check out the buycott app (apple link) if you have a smartphone. You can scan barcodes with it to see if it's something you want to boycott.
Fortunately there's an app for that. But still, it's a whole lot of stuff you'll have to leave at the store.
Play Store link:
Certainly is; cheers for the heads up!
Link to the Android version for the lazy
This one could help.
It's free on the Google play store 🤷🏻♀️ buycott
Since this comes up quite often, I'll re-post that everyone concerned, should go install "Buycott" on their mobile devices.
You can choose which campaigns to support, including those that don't violate their water rights 25 years after those patents expire, like Nestlé.
You can also use the website and do a search while shopping, so you know if the products you're buying, will financially support a company you don't wish to do business with. Nestlé for example, owns over 2,000 brands, and you're probably supporting dozens of them without realizing it.
Buycott!! play store
You can sign up to different causes (nestle, palm oil, animal right, supply chain things)
Here is a phone app called Buycott
Like Buycott?
Maybe apps like this will help, where you can scan a product to see if there's any moral obligations to it.
For the android lazy
Buycott geht ein wenig in die Richtung.
I downloaded it a few weeks ago and like it so far.
You might be interested in this
If you want to be able to do that for everything, check this app out.
Now you can ruin more industries faster and more efficiently
Here's a shortcut for doing that.
If you want to get real efficient with your cancelling, there's an app for that.
If you're into that sort of thing, there's an app to make it much easier. is this the app? Buycott has a campaign for Nestle very helpful. Unfortunately it only has about 30 of their company's.
I cannot recommend these apps enough. Subscribe to different causes, eg boycott Nestlé, Chinese made products, Israel made products, non kosher, whatever (examples, not meant to convey my affiliation). Then scan barcodes and they show you if the product conflicts with your subscriptions. All this is user made and maintained.
Is this legal to do?
Try this if it helps a little boycott
I would recommend the Buycott-App, because there are so many products our there you didn't know are from those countries.****
Not what you asked, but this app helps you to avoid terrible companies, and find what subcompanies belong to it
Theres an app called buycott.
You should check it out!
I use Buycott, it's available on Android, Iphone, and for Chrome. You set up the app by signing up for certain boycott campaigns for certain causes, or by choosing specific companies, and then use it to scan items before you purchase them.
It even tells you if the product you're buying is made by a company that is a subsidiary of a mega-corporation that you are boycotting.
It's really surprising how many things you buy on the regular are ultimately owned by just a couple giant food conglomerates that have some heinous ethical and moral issues.
Not sure if there are any other equivalent options, but Buycott is one I've used for years (it's been around 5 or so IIRC),and it does a good job at what I use it for. The information is curated by the public though, so as companies are bought and sold or otherwise hidden and manipulated, the information has to be updated by the community. But they seem to do a good job from my experience, as someone who is just an end-user and not a contributor.
theres an app called Buycott that can help
There is an app for android called Buycott which can help you identify these companies by scanning barcodes.
Buycott - Barcode scanner
There's an app for that.
Buycott - Barcode scanner
Here's an app to help you not buy their products or products from any other company you care to boycott.
That's where apps like Buycott come in handy.
The Buycott app can help with that.
> is an Internet-based platform and smart-phone application that reads the Universal Product Codes barcode on a product, and suggests whether a consumer should buy or avoid that product based on how well it aligns with the consumer's values and principles.
"Vote with your wallet"