(seriously I found this guy on an article with the photo from here, you can check him out. if u want. i have no power to force you)
I had the very same thought as your title earlier today.
I do both hot and cold, and I intend to buy one of those cheap, portable saunas at Amazon, like this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00MX19M9E/ref=s9_acsd_top_hd_bw_b2hX9Nr_c_x_w?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-3&pf_rd_r=CDXQWG5R25YGD73PNMKK&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=788ce2a6-23ee-5189-9fd0-fe6ba382ba01&pf_rd_i=...
Heat has it's own therapeutic value. There is no law against doing both.
I found a thermometer for my shower that works out really well. Not sure about the water temp/freezing though. I imagine it's possible for flowing water to be below freezing, but I don't know where your water source is, and if it's kept slightly above freezing so that the supply pipes don't freeze.
https://www.coursera.org/learn/learning-how-to-learn is a good place to start. I can almost guarantee you'll learn something.
Next up I'd suggest making a plan of everything you want to learn and number them based on importance. You will burn out fast if you're trying to do too much at once. I like to focus on one physical, mental, and spiritual practice at a time. Right now for me that is lifting, programming, and getting out in nature.
I'd be interested to see your plan with numbered priorities.
Edit - These are excellent if you want to take some smell with you out and about. I've got loads with all types of cologne in! https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B081ZRSPM1/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_dl_0E4NTHF7NV3Y7AQ1TA97
The average lowest is 25F so...about -8c. Houses are built for averages.
Also, with climate change, the extremes have gotten more extreme.
Texas would be used to primarily hot weather. Especially 30 some years ago, roughly speaking, many houses would have been built in the population booms which haven't really happened for 30 or so years. Even disregarding that, which I feel fully likely, houses take time to build. If the weather was warmer even 30 years ago, that's a lot of houses built for warmer weather. The US usually doesn't plan their houses for outages, especially not long outages. We're usually pretty confident help will be on the way. Heck, most the people I know make (zero) preparations for any emergency. We don't store water, or food, or blankets. Not really. Maybe generators. Maybe some extra cash. Probably not even filling up a tank. Not unless the government gives an announcement directing us to.
We're confident (maybe cocky) that other people have stuff and will share and all failing that other people/agencies will help. I mean, it showed pretty heavily and my neighbor scooped my walk for me. That's really common for my state, and really common overall. Even failing our reliance on goodwill, churches often act as emergency supply and help. And texas has a lot of churches.
Meditation: helps improve focus, melts away stress, keeps you more mindful
Flossing: keeps away gingivitis lol
Intermittent Fasting: helps you lose weight, helps you stay very healthy - a recent study came out by the New England Journal of Medicine about how it can keep you healthy and free of disease https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMra1905136 Fasting also helps you focus and treat food like what it is, an energy source (also makes food experience better, esp after hours of fasting)
Reading for a 15 mins or more everyday: the knowledge you can obtain if you read everyday my word, right now I'm reading a bunch of self improvement books and you begin to enjoy it after building the habit
Going to bed and waking up at a set time: if you want to be at your most productive sleep is first priority in all of it. no joke
Listening to a self improvement podcast everyday: I like to listen to Seven Good Minutes a lot of good motivation and lessons I've learnt https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc3ByZWFrZXIuY29tL3Nob3cvMzM2Nzk5NC9lcGlzb2Rlcy9mZWVk
throw some ice in that bad boy
How about making an ice bath in one of these https://www.amazon.com/Happy-Life-Portable-Plastic-Bathtub/dp/B008XSXQIO/ref=sr\_1\_5?dchild=1&keywords=cold+bath+tub&qid=1626563808&sr=8-5#customerReviews
I need to reiterate: this stuff smells strong till you rinse it out. You do not need to use much at a time - it's super duper concentrated. You'll end up smelling like a pine tree or a campfire when you get out of the shower as well just fyi, which I personally love. 😊
So this shower head doesn’t have a container for ice; but it’s specifically made for humid weather and keeps the water freezing cold. PIH High Pressure Ice-Cool Handheld Shower Head, Quick Removing away the Sweat, Freeze showering from your Hot Summer, Full Stainless Steel Material, Solid Quality https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07TWQFKZ4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_C0DMFbGNKZ3G4
You are looking for something like this https://www.amazon.co.uk/Really-Useful-Drawer-Tower-Rainbow/dp/B00AZL79UI/ref=sr_1_28?crid=38XQB7YZHFGZ0&dchild=1&keywords=plastic+filing+cabinet+with+wheels&qid=1602442147&sprefix=Plastic+filing+cabinet+%2Caps%2C145&sr=8-28 I think this is the one I got. Basically it's a4 size it like 2kg of ice if you do 2 you'll be fucking freezing your nuts off.
Try Amazon.
ordered this one today: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00551N8Q2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_WtnIAb2PJBB0T arrives tomorrow. I'll start a new post with the temperature, stay tuned!
edit: here's the post.