I downloaded a windwaker-esque looking game called Oceanhorn earlier. I was just looking at games lists and trying to find stuff. It's well.reviewed and has a good art style, but I've not had a chance to try it yet. The only thing that scares me about it is that it's free.
EDIT: Did a little bit more looking. Looks like the free part is a demo of sorts, and a single iAP unlocks the rest of the content.
> LG Stylo > >I search the play store and it doesn't pull up but does pull up some other games of yours like quadropus Rampage
That's exactly what happened to me, but I've got a different LG phone though. Did it make you accept the terms of the Play Store or somewhen you cleared the data, if not it wasn't cleared properly.
Check here first though it should say your device is compatible with this app and let you remote install.
Edit: Weird, I cleared Play Store's data and it's back to saying it's not compatible with this device again even though I can see it on my installed apps list and Browser Play Store still says it is compatible though. Maybe this is a problem with LG phones.