If you are looking for cheap travel between Cologne and Düsseldorf, Flix train is a good option, from cologne hbf to Düsseldorf hbf it costs around 3-4 euros, otherwise db would cost 11 euros (it includes taking bus or a tram or u bahn till your stop). Bla bla is also a good option since some people commute for work daily between these cities.
As suggested by others, the best app to look for connections also you can buy tickets. It has day passes, week passes too.
Thanks! There seems to be so many different taxi apps out there, I never know if they're legit or if they even have drivers signed up.
Although this is in English, I know of some natives who go to the events. http://rhinebuzz.blogspot.de/
Another possible option: https://www.xing.com/communities/groups/neu-in-duesseldorf-1069041