I can't speak for everyone but i use this app instead of the pdfs, and sleeved cards during play. There are others out there also but this one works well for me.
hahaha yep its definitely interesting, took a bit of digging but here's the link:
Each season has it's own little section and theres a bit about each guild and its players.
When you're a little further in heres the audio bits for season....3(?) onwards, when the church rears its head https://www.buzzsprout.com/152310
I have figured out a way to make some duplex pdfs using the following way:
To NanDeck:
I have used the following script:
PAGE=21,29.7,PORTRAIT,HV,#FFFFFF,10-18 ;BORDER=RECTANGLE,#000000,0.5,MARKDOT FONT=Arial,64,,#0000FF DPI=300 CARDSIZE=6.3,8.8
[images]=DIRFILES("D:\SkyDrive\Dokumente\Tabletop\Guild Ball\Season3_Alle","jpg") [range]=1-{(images)} IMAGE=[range],[images],0,0,100%,100%,0,P
DUPLEX=1-{(images) / 2},{((images) / 2)+1}-{(images)} PRINT=DUPLEX
With NanDeck I created a pdf which I can print duplex.
So something like this would suffice (for normal players atleast)? https://www.amazon.com/Round-Bases-Warhammer-Workshop-Wargame/dp/B0847M62SM/ref=sr_1_12?dchild=1&keywords=32mm+bases&qid=1602631456&sr=8-12
I have a few of these
Aldi actually had them on sale a few years ago for like 20 bucks a pop. I use them for infinity/guildball/40k, and my wife uses them when we have parties.
This is what I used for files:
Not sure the grit, but they work great!
As for bits... What are you using to pin with? I started with Privateer Press models so I just got their pinning set. Comes with a bunch of metal to pin with and then 2 or 3 bits. Work great for me! It was one of these three, I forget the exact size I bought:
As for getting more bits: I would just search Amazon for pin vice bit set or just pin vice set. That will be what you're looking for. I don't know of any place that would sell individual sets of small bits except for a specialty hardware store or a hobby store(Michaels, ACMoore, etc)
I haven't had to replace them yet. But if you need a new set I would probably go with something like this:
Carbide should stay nice and sharp for a long time to come. Plus with that particular set you can get a variety of sizes and they should fit into your pin vice. I would make sure to double check, or just buy a pin vice that would fit it. Bonus: if you ever get a dremmel these will fit right in for all your pinning needs! They are also available on eBay, not sure of the price difference though.
I don't own these but a buddy said one of his friends got them and loves them. Hasn't had to buy a new set in a while.