For everyone asking, I got this on Amazon
woah i never thought about this. I'd feel like a dingus saying "4 beer please" to my bartender... I guess it's a regional thing, but I do understand your deer comparison.
Not op but me and my husband store our hockey stuff in our apartment for some years now.
If you have a rack or something where you can put you gear to air out and dry, that will in itself greatly reduce the odor. Sometimes I wonder if other people never even open their bags because I never experienced stink that bad as I smell in the rink regularly. If you just hung it up it will smell a bit, but not that bad that you cant be in the same room with it.
Wash everything washable like jerseys and sweatgear as often as possible.
For smell intensive gear like helmets or gloves we discovered these: and they work like a charm. There are many other different products like these that accomplish the same feat. I also read that some people just use a 50/50 vinegar water solution and spray it on their stuff - but that makes it more important the gear can properly dry.
For a rack there are different DIY solutions: we recently build something where we put our stuff on hangers and hooks that are tied to a rope, which we then can pull up under the ceiling and use the space under it to store the bags.
I did not have to punch a hole.
Ah...just checked my Amazon history, they are A&R.
I have them I think on the 2nd to last hole. Of course I'm an adult with a size 9 skate, so mileage will vary.
My oldest, 15 next week, had a similar complaint with soccer/gymnastics, not goalie. We had to get her to a Orthopedic who recommended PT, PT didn't do much(admittedly she didn't do the work she should have), but we eventually went back and fought to get an MRI(took 8+ weeks to get through red tape) and they did the MRI and found she had mild OGS( )
Translation...get her to an Orthopedic and get a diagnosis. With a real diagnosis, not an internet one, you can build an action plan to resolve it or mitigate it.
Spray it on and let it sit for 20-30 minutes. The gunk almost literally wipes out clean with a papertowel.
I know this is a few days old, just saw this today 😂. I live in a 2bd by myself currently. I use my spare bedroom as a combo workspace and storage room for my hockey things. A few things work for me.
First, immediately after I come home after every game I make sure and take all of my gear out. I place my pants upright so it can air out, and do the same with my chesty. I also open up my glove so it can air out. I wash my clothes ASAP as well. I have never had any trouble with smell, and when I did have a roomie, I stored my gear in my room. Never had a problem. Here is my storage solution:
I luckily had a separate laundry room in my apartment when I lived there. I always washed my gear after playing and for the stuff that wouldn't fit in the wash, I would air outside in the summer or use this in the bathroom with the fan running. Worked well as a dryer and as a stand for the gear after washing.
I got a mylec glove off Amazon and it actually worked wonders
Edit: I bit pricier, I got mine for $50 a few years back
That's awesome you cracked this for yourself. In todays world we have the a robust collection of human knowledge literally at our fingertips and 2 day shipping on relatively inexpensive products. Good on you for having the motivation to use it.
This could all be in psychosomatic but I swear that my game improved easily 10X over when I started these three things...
I can't stress enough. For me these three things unlocked something next level (still a low level but next level for me) that was deficient in my game. $15 bucks and a lot of experimenting and talking with people about their experiences.
Skate guards specifically for walking outdoors on hard surfaces/concrete - as old as skates themselves.
I bought the generic elastic straps from AR and this Velcro. I basically just made double sided "adaptors" and stuck them to the leg pads. Did that for a couple years and it never failed me.
Also, I emailed Warrior. They told me they dont make the straps any longer. Maybe that will change with enough requests?
I would get one of these, it’s super easy to cut the length of the pipes to customize the length. I did it to a similar type years ago.
If you buy this clamp you will figure out what to do with it on your glove. In fact two of these can be used at the same time.
Irwin 6" clamp on Amazon.
I got the Grit GT2 Sumo 40" Goalie Bag back in June of 2014. The wheels have held up much better than any other wheeled bag I've had. I like the organization inside. The only downside is that the leg pads have to hang on the outside. Works in my car. Might be a problem for bug trips. Apparently, the GT2 is not longer being made. But there is a GT3. Amazon.
I bought this mesh laundry bag from Amazon.
I can fit my XL Chest Protector in it. I run it through my agitator-less washing machine. After a full season of use I usually put it through a couple of cycles and it comes out smelling brand new.
I have Warrior Catcher/Blocker with removable liners, I throw them in the mesh bag along with my neck guard and a few other pieces.
I have used Magic Erases/Lectric Shave to remove puck marks in the off season. Then I coat with Snow-Seal to help treat the synthetic materiel's that the lectric shave dries out. Nash makes a product called puck-off I have read good things about it, I am going to give a try this off season.
As far as maintaining:
I have a boot dryer that I put my gloves and skates on after every skate. Everything else gets hung up to air dry.
I wash my jock, jersey, socks, undershirt after every game.
It's called a SKLZ Lightning Bolt. You can find it here on Amazon. You can adjust the height of the trajectory, but the balls come out at different speeds and such so it's never really the same each time. I find it very useful. As you can see from the thread above there's a lot of debate on whether or not it helps to wear the glove/blocker. I do it barehanded and so far so good.
My girlfriend is an absolute saint and lets me use the guest bathroom to dry out my gear, since we don't use it and rarely have people over. Built-in ventilation fan means most stuff dries overnight, and I bought an inexpensive boot/glove drier from Amazon (similar to this one) that has defied all expectations and lasted me for five years so far. Drying stuff out quickly is the best way to fight odor.
Buy some 3M vinyl film and apply it over effected areas. Inexpensive. Easy. Durable. Enhanced sliding.
there is a story that Ken Dryden was almost completely dressed for a game one night and realized he had put his gear on in the wrong order... so he stripped back down and got dressed from scratch (i believe it was left sock/skate/leg/skate/arm, then right, which made me think of the story).
clearly i was not there, so cant corroborate first hand, but i believe it was documented in the great goalies of pro hockey by Frank Orr. great book, read it many times as a kid.
I just made my own (also for Warrior pads). I ordered 2 UHMW plastic sheets. It can be easily cut and stuck on (and made removable) with dollar-store velcro tape. It slides so beautifully well. I've only played twice with the DIY plates so far, but so far shows no sign of wear, loosening, etc. Best $20 I ever spent.
You think a $170 mask from an unknown Amazon seller is going to be safe to play in? AND you want to find something cheaper? Holy hell, you're asking for trouble.
I found the same mask on Amazon:
Literally the title of the listing is Home Decor. It's a decoration. It's not intended for any type of ice hockey play.
If you use that, your next post will be from the recovery room after having facial reconstruction surgery. That's even if your brain survives getting knocked around like a mariachi shaker.
You seem like a really stubborn and unreasonable person, but I absolutely BEG OF YOU to please not use this mask to play ice hockey. If not for your sake, then for your loved ones.
Try clear plastic tape. It helps a lot with sliding and if applied correctly you shouldn't have to replace it as much as the spray or polish.
I had a wicked case of lace bite as a player due to using unwaxed laces / cranking my skates so tight. I solved it with BungaPads (I’ll put the link down below), but I think depending on the severity you may also need to take a couple weeks off to let it heal up or it’ll just get worse. You can change up your ways of lacing too so it doesn’t put as much pressure on the sore area.
I use this and I know many goalies have in the past as well. It's essentially a baseball pitching machine you can safely use at home. Shoots small yellow HD foam balls (it's not that hard or soft) and meant for baseball practice. It doesn't pitch randomly, but sometimes the quality of the ball itself will cause it to shoot the ball faster or slower. It plugs in to the wall or you can pop some batteries in there to make it portable.
Long ago, I used to just throw a tennis or squash ball at a stationary yoga ball which would cause it to bounce back more unpredictably. Or I would throw a ball off the corner of the wall (so bounces off both walls) to mimic a deflection.
I didn't want to make this post until I skated with them, and after a few skates I can report that these are holding up.
What I did:
Ordered a set of these online
I cut the cord into two separate 24" pieces. After I used my old skate lace toe ties to wrap around them. I used the entire 72 inches, but I believe if you just doubled the length it would be fine (it's used to protect the cord and have slack for when it expands).
I then attached the included hooks. Used hockey tape to wrap around the ends (and to keep the skate lace in place) and I was done.
It attaches to the pad with a skate lace in the bridge (got this idea from Miklin) and I am super happy with the result. I can't comment on the durability of the hooks as it hasn't been long enough to do so, but if they fail I have a backup method that will use two S-carabiners.
I have the same setup. I put a dehumidifier where your pads are and turn it on for a few hours when hanging my gear, then zip it up. Works great!
I also have a boot dryer for my gloves and skates.
I have this bag and its really nice. I can kinda just throw my shit in there and I'm good to go. But its a very big bag, and I get caught on doors occasionally.
The way I do it is I use a generic shoulder strap, like this one on amazon, and I clip it to the part of the bungie toe ties that loop through the leather flap. It stays put enough because I happen to also tie a simple knot in the bungie cords. I mean, I wouldn't trust my life if I had to hang from it or whatever, but it gets my pads from my house to the car and the car to the locker room without any issue.
I had the same problem smashing my knees with Bauers. Even landing on the block Bauer’s knee pads feel like they are made out of wood lol Get you a pair of dirt bike knee pads with d30 foam. I got mine off of Amazon. Not too bulky. Not too hot. Perfect. What us goalies have wanted the entire time. I love Warriors but they are unnecessarily bulky and Bauer forget to tell you that you need to provide your own padding for the knee pads lol. So these fit perfectly underneath Bauers. No issues now. My seriously 😳 fucked up knees approve🤩. Here’s the link 🤙
Demon Hyper X D30 V3 Mountain...
When I had long hair I used these for hockey and lacrosse.
My knee pain also started with running, though I'd been catching and goaltending for years before I picked up running. As much as possible, run on soft surfaces (ie the grass next to the sidewalk instead of the sidewalk), and definitely not treadmills if it's avoidable.
I have a few of these, which I wear under my gear on days that my knee is really bothering me, so definitely agree that you should wear a sleeve tonight.
Good luck! Hope it feels better.
I have PAW knee pads and use these leg compression sleeves over them. No tape needed- they stay in place all game. Sara will customize the knee pads to your measurements, can't recommend her enough.
I have one of these and it's been really great.
I made a protective box for it out of an electrical junction box, foam, and some white duct tape. I've hung it from the glass, and hung it from the bar inside the net.
Recently bought these in 30” length and wear them over my knee pads. I’m 6’1” and knit socks always seems short. I’ll still do a wrap of clear tape over the sock, at the bottom of my knee pads to keep them from slipping. As others have said, these are also cooler than knit.
I don't use socks, I use these compression knee sleeves that go over my PAW knee pads. They're great, they cover my legs and keep my knee pads in place. I'm 6' and the XL's fit just fine and cover from my thigh down to my ankles.
They make two lengths. I replaced the Velcro straps from my second hand Reebok P4s with these and they're great.
These were the ones I got.
They’re also good for self massage. Maria Mountain’s butterfly challenge has a bunch of flexibility exercises that use them
I ended up buying this( link at bottom) I read other people had issues with it cracking when applying with a heat gun, but other 3m was sold out, so I got it, and just stuck it on like a sticker.
I'm only 1 skate in, but I just did a rough cut out and put it on the landing gear and I was flying in the crease. The difference was wild.
I'm going to try the whole bottom of the pad next time. Might be too much, but I can just peel it off if it sucks.
There's also a ton of extra material to play with and get it looking right.
These are the ones I've been using for a while
Went with them over the G-Form because they're cheaper and since they're under other knee pads they don't need to have the same outer plastic for durability where those were designed to be the outer-most knee pad
You can get some bmx knee pads that do the same thing, but are way cheaper. I wear them with other compression pants. It's nice to be able to swap out pants between games.
These have worked great for me. I wear them under my Bauer Knee pads with Vaughn Pads. Without these my knees get sore after lots of dropping to butterfly. With these I haven't had any issues. I play 3 to 5 times a week.
Pretty cheap. I've had them over a year and have noticed they are not as soft as new but still do a great job of removing knee pain. I'll probably replace them in a while but even with over a year of use and some wear they are still doing the job.
have fun
follow the puck into your glove
have fun
think about what you could have done to prevent a goal, but then immediately let it go from memory and move on to the next save
have fun
grab one of these
Wear both.
For a dangler, I like the A&R dangler on Amazon. It's held up for about 4 years now with no issues. I like it versus a lot of the other name brand models because it's wider and taller and more "open" giving you more coverage and less interference with your mask.
I just watched a video where the goalie (I think trav4oilers?) said his goaliecoach recommended these bmx kneepads under his goalie knee pads to absorb extra shock.
so for velcro that i have permanently in a spot i have used a secondary velcro strap to hold it tight like these guys i just loop it around so it holds but is not "permanent" so i can still clean my gear.
you can always pay a seamstress to replace it with better quality stuff too
I've done the same with wrestler's knee pads. Neoprene sleeve with a padded bit over the knee. Of course, going to Amazon to get a link, I discover they are no longer available. Looking for a close match, I see several that have puffier pads. I'll have to think about those. One pair that I noticed are the Volleyball Knee Pads for Dancers. So Volleyball Knee Pads for Dancers for Hockey Goalies?
Volleyball knee pads- soft, padded knee pads that I slide/rotate so the padded area sits over the inside of my knee caps.
They are unnoticeable to wear, provide some cushioning to my old knees and give you a little bit of protection against pucks that make their way onto your knee.
They aren't an equal replacement for proper goalie knee pads but I can never get used to the big bulky knee pads and the volleyball pads help my knees. via @amazon
Would it be possible to use buckle straps like these?
Would still need laces to tie them to either end but hookup would be a fast.
I would drill out the existing rivet. This opens the leather which looks to be in good shape. Insert new buckle in place of old buckle. Install new rivet. Insert rivet from bottom. Install washer on the exposed end. Support the rivet head metal. Anvil, metal vice, or even a hammer. Push the rivet down by putting the hole of the rivet tool and tapping the tool with hammer. Round the rivet by placing the dome-shaped depression over the rivet and tapping vigorously with hammer. Found a saddlery video showing How to Install Copper Rivets. I usually don't do the peening step he shows at the end.
Supplies needed:
* Copper rivets and setting tool
Do NOT use player skates, for sure goalie skates. Sideline swap is a good place to start and eBay is also not a bad spot, eBay is the GOAT. For Chest protectors, I found that bigger is not always better and recommend vaughn if possible (curious to see other peoples suggestions), for sure get a goalie cup, protect them McNuggets. Helmet, stick to white but good quality, I don't think a used helmet is bad but make sure its good quality, do your research. For Leg Pads, check out goalie monkey for sizing I like a more flexible pad so vaughn and CCM are decent options. Also, you might want to buy some athletics leggings. ( I have learned to put my knee guards (optional, but it only takes getting hit in the knee once) on first then I throw on light leggings and then my leg pads. its light and breathes and I like the feel. Also, YOUTUBE is great for understanding positions, gear, and all kinds of other goalie related things. Happy puck stopping.
These in XL Compression Leg Sleeves - Full Leg Sleeves for Men, Women & Youth - Basketball & Football Leg Sleeves - UPF 50 UV Protection
I bought a cheap ~$50 one off of Amazon and have been happy with it. Most of the attachments are too firm for me, so I just use the soft rounded ball one in most spots.
This is the one I bought;
Originally purchased for a 5 game weekend tournament, it was super handy to have.
I don't think its sold anymore, but I used to use a yi lite to record my games. Not the best quality but it did the job and was about $60. If you search action camera on amazon, there's quite a few options under $100, but I couldn't say if they're any good or not.
I recently picked up a gopro hero 9, it was $350 but the quality is much better. You might be able to find an older one elsewhere for ~$100.
When I play, I have a gopro suction cup attachment I use that I put on the inside of the glass behind me. I've recorded my games for about 3 years and it hasn't got hit yet!
Same thing here. I play with a soft compression knee brace on each knee now. Been doing it for years and it gives me enough support without restricting maneuverability.
Sorry for the huge link. Its just an example of what I use.
No socks- I use these compression leg sleeves over my PAW knee pads. They keep the knee pads in place and no issues with pad rotation.
I have some older leg pads where my knee would hit a knot between the pads when dropping to a butterfly. I bought some volleyball kneepads that helped cushion the drop similar to these...
Volleyball Knee Pads with High Shock Absorbing Cushion,Adult Junior Youth Men &Women Boy Girls Gift (black, X-large)
I've done the shoe repair guy's method with a variety of items. I wonder if the Cobler only did one layer or thin thread. Did the thread break or the knot come undone?
IMHO every goalie needs to have and learn to use a leather sewing awl. I've fixed skates (tongue ripped out), Chesty, leg pads, breezers (pants), gloves and knee pads. Use it's thick thread to needle to stick most anything together. I would recommend putting some shoe goo or 3m 90 adhesive spray on the stitches after to really secure them.
Add two of these:
and you have everything you need for DIY toe ties. The carabiners don't wear out like Velcro does.
Get something similar to this, you can modify the shelves for what you need, and put a fan or glove warmer inside it
I have heard people have good results with this: Tear-Aid Fabric Repair Kit, Gold Box Type A (2 Pack) I bought some to have but have on hand but have not had to use it yet.
Don’t the Vegas sports stores have them? The Arsenal at City National Arena, and the team store in T-Mobile.
Also, bruh
So, what I would do in this situation is tear off the extra bits there and try to create flat surface because you're going to be putting something else on top of it.
Padskinz are an option, I saw /u/HockeyReviews mentioned that this stuff is used by miklin custom to high wear spots and it does a pretty good job as a sliding surface. So putting either, creating a new surface, might be an option to try out.
Simple things like squats, standing on one leg and lunges with help strengthen the muscles you use to balance. Using a balance board will help even more. All the exercises should be done slow with mostly just body weight. Here is an article with some simple moves
Ahh ok gotcha. I think all you really need is a rack and it will dry well enough on its own without any other special equipment. I've always lived in apartments and never had issues with equipment getting smelly. You just have to accept the equipment being out somewhere while drying and not out of sight like it would be in a home with garage or basement.
I use a heavy duty laundry rack just like this, so it has double utility of being able to use it for laundry too.
So this all depends on what you want to do. If you just want to record and see how you play and not really take it anywhere past that you can get basically any of the action cameras on Amazon that you can get a waterproof plastic shock case for. Just make sure it does 1080p 60fps.
If you want the footage to actually look really good you can look for a used GoPro or make sure the camera can do 4K 60fps.
Something like this would do the trick:
Second this. Sara @ PAW makes them custom to your measurements, they’re not too bulky and stay in place. I use mine with McDavid knee pads underneath.
It would have been around the time the Aces were the farm club for the Nordiques, but I was up there helping a friend who was repping some goalie gear. It was the Rick Heinz goalie school, if memory serves. Tabaracci was up there as a coach.
At the time he was wearing black Vaughn pads with red and blue accents, from Winnipeg, but the color scheme was the same for the Caps so he continued wearing those. But he had an all white Harrison so I jumped on the idea.
I tried to upload an image but it’s hanging up, but if you want to see the design you can google ‘Tabaracci Caps’. He played twice in DC, so there are a few paint jobs. Mine is the one with the eagle on top, and tattered American flag on the side. The design was the same for Beaupres, but I had his capital building on top like his original. I don’t have that sketch as I sent it to him and didn’t receive it back.
Edit: was able to get the upload to work. Top right mask.
I was thinking of maybe getting a pair of these, cut a few openings between the holes near the toes to anchor the laces, and then hockey tape the whole thing over my shoe... anchor, toe protection, and possible some extra slipperiness. I do find runners to be too grippy most of the time... really messes with the quick reactions sometime when you get a weird grip from your shoes.
Wardrobe with a fan or a glove warmer. Super cheap and does the job
basic sliders that ive seen in the past are usually just chunks of uhmw palstic velcro or adhered to pads to give a little slide
heres an example of a cheap sheet you could cut to size with any cheap saw
I started using this polyethyline tape on the insides of my pads and its works pretty well — i play on an outdoor cement rink and can slide decently
Magic Erasers work GREAT, but they also wear out the face of the pads. If you don't mind a tiny bit of extra wear, I'd say to use them. However, if you don't want the extra wear, get a microfiber cloth and some 'Lectric Shave - this stuff is insane, and eats puck marks like nobody's business, plus you don't get the extra wear on the pads like you do with Magic Erasers.
Use steam. Get something like this or just hang the glove over a pot of boiling water for like 10 mins.
Put it on and open and close it till it cools and repeat as necessary.
Same concept as pouring hot water only you can actually use the thing same day.
I use those metal 12"x24" shelving things that have like a 1x1 inch wire grid to store my pads on the wall. It's utilitarian but would be easy to paint them to clean them up
Same boat as you. I use these and havn't had that problem again. (You can find different makers and sellers, just linked this one)
You can probably stitch it back up yourself. Go on Amazon and order a stitching Awl. They are invaluable to and goalie or player. I keep one in each of my bags. There are many youtube videos out there on how to use them. Here's the one I have:
Are there any buckles or loops you can hook to? If so there are some really nice flat bungies on Amazon that I use to carry mine. They work super well and do not hurt the shoulder.
I am using this bag from Amazon.
It just fits all of my gear and I strap the leg pads to the top/outside using the shoulder belt. The three outside pockets are smaller than they look. I use them for little things like laces, tape, etc. I've never tried, but I don't think they will fit jerseys, which I just put in the main pocket.
But I will caution that it really just fits my gear (minus the leg pads). I had to experiment with how to pack the back to maximize the space, but for the price, I can't complain. is the Canadian amazon link, but the name is the same on the US Amazon.
I bought the machine and the extra bucket of balls off of Amazon. I think when it was all said and done with shipping and tax it was like $140 CAD. Good deal for killing boredom during quarantine. I bought it when things were still really locked down. Here's the the Amazon link. I highly recommend the extra bucket of balls. Th machine only comes with 12.
I ended up getting this thing from Amazon.
I, like you, don't really have a place to store my equipment besides my car. For what it's worth I have an SUV so it's not really stuffed in a small trunk. The smell is really going to come from the pieces of equipment that get sweaty. To help combat this, I take my catch glove, blocker, skates, mask, neck guard, jersey, and under clothes inside and air them out/wash them. I take my chest protector out of the bag and hang it from the headrest on the back seat with the inside facing out. I keep one of these in front of my chest protector to help dry it. I dry my leg pads at the rink with a towel to try to get all of the water off. I keep one of these in my bag with my leg pads, pants, and jock. I'll keep my car windows cracked for a day after I play to help give the moisture somewhere to go as it evaporates. It's been three months of this routine and so far nothing smells.
Perhaps consider picking up some reading material - I'd suggest this book which is in my home, that both myself and my boy have read... Solid read. Goaltending is the toughest position in sports...
It might sound weird, but The Inner Game of Tennis is one of the best books I’ve read to help with goaltending.
The Inner Game of Tennis: The Classic Guide to the Mental Side of Peak Performance
It talks a lot about ways to get out of your head and stay in the moment. Ultimately you’ll hit a point where your body knows what it needs to do, and you just need to stop your mind from focusing on it.
I had a bad game last week where I let in a stupid soft goal. I banged my stick on the ice and was mad at myself. I thought I shrugged it off but a few seconds later they beat me on another soft goal, and a few seconds after that I got beat on a saveable one-timer. In sixty seconds I had mucked things up royally.
Between periods I joked with my team that the next time I stopped playing for 60 seconds I would just burn our timeout.
Consistency is the hardest thing to get down.
Just remember that you’re not defined by the worst game you ever played, but you’re also not defined by the best game you’ve ever played. What defines you is how those games average out over time.
I run SmartThings throughout the house and wanted to be able to remotely control the gear fan.
I ended up finding the run timer feature was more useful. Now I hang everything up as soon as I get home, hit the button on the outlet, and that triggers the timer.
I just did this repair on my pads, you just need to buy this leather stitcher (I got mine at Walmart): Speedy Stitcher Sewing Awl
Then watch this:
You can repair ANYTHING now!
As other mentioned, I wear knee pads under my leg pads. But mine are neoprene wrestling pads. The kneeling pad part is nice for landing on. The neoprene sleeve is comfortable.
I picked up one of these wardrobe dryer racks. There are a couple settings for heat (fast, normal, eco) and the timer can be set in 15 minute increments up to 3 hours.
Could maybe make a little extension piece with something like this. VELCRO Brand - ONE-WRAP Roll, Double-Sided, Self Gripping Multi-Purpose Hook and Loop Tape, Reusable, 12' x 3/4" Roll - Black
Edit: don't need a whole roll of course. They sell stuff like this at hardware and craft stores.