Penny: Sheldon, what ya doing ?
> Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaa.
Leonard: squirms and blushes ..He's.. creating ..a new Dungeons and Dragons quest.
> Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaa.
Penny: Silly Sheldon, Dragons are extinct!
> Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaa.
> Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaa.
IIRC the rape bit comes from the part where they're forcibly/artificially inseminated by people/machinery for reproduction.
edit: People can/have/will argue over this point ad nauseam, don't assume that I'm the one making the claim.
If we were to attempt to settle the matter of whether or not it is rape, per se, we'd need to establish a contextual definition of the word rape and what is considered consent in this case. is a good start. I'm sure that this very topic has been debated by more adept minds than mine so I won't conclusively say that it is/isn't rape... just that the convention of humans artificially procuring, diluting, and injecting bovine semen sure looks a lot like something that may be called rape.
^^I'm ^^very ^^tempted ^^to ^^prompt ^^discussion ^^on ^^the ^^Chestburster ^^scene ^^from ^^Aliens ^^and ^^its ^^implications ^^on ^^what ^^is/isn't ^^consent ^^or ^^reproduction ^^being ^^thrust ^^upon ^^those ^^deemed ^^to ^^be ^^'lesser' ^^beings... ^^but ^^IDK ^^how ^^to ^^phrase ^^it ^^and ^^I'm ^^tired/talking ^^too ^^much.
We have a similar problem in Bloomington, IN.
We have a good social net here for homeless who appear here. The problem with that, is that anything you do to assist with homeless attracts more. And I mean a lot more.
As city government, what can you do? We have shelters, we have food banks, we have free delivered food; really there's lots of resources. And our numbers have doubled in the last 2 years. Any money left available is eagerly gobbled up by people coming from out of city/state to here. Add this to greyhound therapy, from other cities, and this is a problem.
What needs to be done is a war on poverty and homelessness, and it needs to be applied across the whole country. That will stem the flood of moving homeless to better areas, and we can start really fighting it.
EDIT(11:53 -500): "war on poverty and homelessness" was a bad phrase, and is derailing by attacking that phrase. Call it "ending homelessness", "fixing homelessness", or something.
EDIT(2:30 -500): /u/NoMoreNicksLeft has an intriguing solution revolving around stopping the game theory attributes of cities helping the homeless. Read about it here. It's a rough draft, but contains essential pieces to start solving the problems locally!
He was zero black. As a Hebrew/Israeli/Jew, he was Hebrew/Israeli/Jew.
EDIT: For clarity and mostly because people are nit-picking the semantics of things.
EDIT 2: I did not mistype. Semantic is a real word too and the one I used on purpose because people were arguing about my choice of words. That is literally the definition of semantics.
Up your diction, foo.
According to dictionaries now, the primary definition is
>the underdeveloped nations of the world, especially those with widespread poverty
>the group of developing nations, especially of Asia and Africa, that do not align themselves with the policies of either the U.S. or the former Soviet Union
being the second definition. Wikipedia says the same thing on the very page you linked. The above use is completely legitimate, though the ambiguity means you should probably use another term to describe poor underdeveloped nations.
I was thinking that he looked like Jack McBrayer.
... Wait.
Illamanati confirmed!
I wouldn't rub a lemon in my eye either that doesn't make it unsanitary. Just because something is an irritant doesn't mean it's not sanitary. Acidity doesn't mean unsanitary.
The dictionary definition of unsanitary is unclean, unhealthful or with a tendency to harbour or spread disease. This is simply not the case of vaginal discharge which is completely healthy and does not harbour disease.
I really don't understand the point of this silly semantics argument. The common definition of racism is either poor treatment/violence of a person because of their race or the belief that a race is better than another.
Yet some want to use institutional racism to define all racism. Obviously institutional racism is far more powerful and destructive as than non-institutional racism but I fail to see how this justifies changing the definitions.
I mean most black people that I know view racism as the common definition rather than it requiring power and influence. I was always told by my parents (who are black) not to be racist, they never said bigoted. I really don't get the reason for changing the definition other than to make it hard to call a minority racist. Just because Ta Nehisis Coates and a couple other people in academia says it doesn't make it a good idea.
By this definition a native American could deny service to a black person and call him an ape and not be racist because natives have no power in America.
Edit- It would seem like Coates didn't make that argument as OP pointed out, my bad
1. (sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
2. (sometimes initial capital letter) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.
3. (initial capital letter) a political movement that employs the principles and methods of fascism, especially the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43.
I could be wrong, but I believe that piqued should have been used here instead of peaked. For future reference of course.
That being said, very interesting read. I'm surprised he had to actually sue the PGA in order for them to let him use a cart. Seems like a dick move on the PGA's part.
First, a primer.
> Buffalo, n: A large bisonic creature.
> Buffalo, n: A city in New York.
> Buffalo, v: To intimidate.
North America is positively rife with buffalo. Some of the most prominent buffalo of North America hail from the Northeastern part of the United States, particularly in the general vicinity of Buffalo, New York. Such buffalo tend to be more aggressive than most; these Buffalo buffalo have been known to buffalo western buffalo with no mercy. In fact, Buffalo buffalo sometimes buffalo other Buffalo buffalo just for the hell of it. However, Buffalo buffalo most prefer to buffalo Buffalo buffalo that Buffalo buffalo buffalo.
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
Rape = unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim.
She was raped.
It wasn't necessarily sexual; "puss" just meant 'face', like sometimes you hear "sourpuss".
> puss^2 : noun, Slang.
> 1. face: "She smacked him in the puss."
> 2. mouth: "Shut your puss before I shut it for you."
> Origin: 1880-85; from Irish pus lip, mouth
In Avatar: The Last Airbender Book 3 (Fire), the main characters are infiltrating the Fire Nation and are trying to blend in undetected.
Aang is a character who was frozen in ice for a hundred years. Before he was frozen, the world was at peace and he traveled the world, including visiting the Fire Nation before it had invaded the other lands. So, when the group arrives in the Fire Nation, Aang tells them about "Fire Nation slang" that he picked up back before he was frozen, including "flameo", "hotman", and "stay flamin'".
The joke is that the slang is archaic, being from a hundred years ago and all. So whenever he says it, people look at him weirdly.
It'd be like calling someone a "simp" (1910's slang for "simpleton") or asking for a "jitney" (1900's slang for a nickle).
Opening a dictionary is at least twice as hard as yelling on twitter.
> Promiscuous > > 1) … > > 2) consisting of parts, elements, or individuals of different kinds brought together without order. > > 3) indiscriminate; without discrimination. > > 4) casual; irregular; haphazard.
Matt with the joke of the video:
> Jeremy: What are you freaking out about Geoff? We're the man. We're the man, collectively.
> Ryan: Mens.
> Jeremy: We're the mens.
> Geoff: Menzies?
> Matt: Eh, maybe once a month.
Genuinely fascinated by this. Disclaimer: regarding some points, I may not properly understand the cultural context of what's being claimed in this list.
>Being an unapologetic gentrifer.
Assuming that they meant "gentrifier", I found a dictionary definition that says it means improving a neighbourhood. Why would you have to apologize for doing something constructive, unless you have masochist tendencies or problems with your self-esteem?
>Unchecked white/class privlege.
The way they intend to, in turn, check whether this was properly 'checked' raises some questions. It should be interesting, for sure.
>Destroying Black and Brown communities.
My knowledge and comprehension of life in the US is probably lacking here, but I seriously doubt if this is actively pursued.
>Making mortgages/rent unaffordable.
May be another cultural gap on my part; in my country, you live where you can afford it. Want to live in a bigger house and/or in a nicer area? Start to earn more.
>Exasperating income segregation.
Cannot reasonably comment; the definition clashes with my view on what I understand is affirmative action. I hope that I can safely assume that Seattle has its share of 'white' people living in poverty as well.
>Stealing Black culture while displacing Black people
This, I find the most intriguing bit. Here, I picture well-nurtured, cruel white fat cat landlords evicting black families from their homes for being unable to pay the rent by day, after which they play their new gangsta rap project to their friends at the country club that evening, boasting about how they invented a new style of music.
"You gonna love dis sick beatz, dawg!"
It doesn't belong to the time. We're supposedly in 200 years after the world was obliterated, but all the music belongs to some 120 years even before that. That's pretty much textbook anachronism right there.
Edit: Of course, that goes for the entire game series, being a 1990s+ take on a 1950s post-nuclear war fantasy, played out in a future we know perfectly well would never come to pass -- but even then, no one in the 1950s would imagine people still listening to the same music in 2077. The music isn't there to add verisimilitude to the world as a 1950s fantasy, it's there to give it some 1950s colour.
I've also heard of people using that term, but whitecap is definitely correct.
"Whitewash" is also what you call that old lime and chalk paint used to paint barns, so that's what it makes me think of, lol.
While certainly a handful of profanity has remained tried and true, consider what slang and swearing sounded like in 1956. Hell, consider what slang and swearing sounded like in 1989 -- we've experienced that history so it doesn't sound so foreign to us, but imagine how we're going to feel about the slang our grandkids use. (Also, drek is a word.) I mean, that whizzer frood is on fleek, home skillet.
The real answer, obviously, is twofold: avoiding censorship in the 80s/90s, and creating a "punk" future that was partly incomprehensible to a modern reader (tvtropes warning).
It actually is. The most common definition of 'Digital' does apply in this case:
displaying a readout in numerical digits rather than by a pointer or hands on a dial
Old school flip clocks like this one used to be called digital clocks, despite being entirely mechanical.
They aren't electronic, but the displays in both cases are digital according to the pre-computer-revolution definition of the word.
Why can't it be both? He is a hero for using his intelligence and professionalism in not allowing a series of events to occur that might have triggered WWIII. Maybe the higher-ups would have been just as rational as him, but maybe not. Given that he's not a hero sandwich, I'd say this first definition fits him very well. He was courageous and brave in disobeying orders, especially in the strict and often retaliatory Soviet Union.
>Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook on Wednesday morning sounded an almost desperate tone in a fundraising email, saying Mrs. Clinton needs more money or she risks falling even further behind against Mr. Trump.
>“I can’t say this enough times: These polls don’t predict the future. We can change them by making sure voters know about Hillary’s vision for our country. But we need to get started RIGHT NOW,” he said before asking supporters to donate to the campaign.
Actually, head to head polls this late in the primary season have been shown to be REALLY predictive, Robby.
Mook: Definition
That's what I find so crazy about them. They're usually speaking for you, or above you.
I don't need or want a lecture about colorism/racism from a white teenage girl in Seattle, thanks. To me, it has vibes of the White Man's Burden all over it.
Before I had checked out I was accused of internalized racism - their go to attack for women, LGBT, minorities, etc, who disagree.
A little advice: try not to be so condescending when providing your unsolicited advice. And it looks like quite a few people appreciated my comment.
Also, did you even read the article you linked? A glutton is a person who eats and drinks excessively or voraciously. From the article you linked, a gourmand is "someone who is extremely (and often excessively) fond of eating and drinking," while a gourmet is "someone with refined tastes in food and drink." It's pretty clear which one is more like a glutton.
Lastly, gourmet and gourmand are both words borrowed from French. The French word for gluttony is gourmandise.
I like to say French Fries.
I saw somewhere (Forgot where) that French in French fries could have come from:
"French" (often lowercase) to cut (snap beans) into slivers or thin strips before cooking.
>information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.
Propaganda doesn't have to come from the government. Propaganda doesn't even need to be political at all. Every single commercial you see on TV is propaganda. If it's promoting a particular viewpoint, it's propaganda.
>We as audience are supposed to criticise the product we're receiving.
I hate statements like these. It's this overwhelming negative culture that seeps into people who spend even just a fair amount of time online. The point of a product is to enjoy it. Generally you buy things you think you will enjoy, and by extension the point is to enjoy it.
if you don't enjoy it, or if some parts just don't live up to what you hoped, that's when criticizing is needed. This inherently negative thought process that you think you need to criticize or scrutinize everything is unnecessary and only doing yourself the disservice of having a harder time enjoying anything.
If you go into something with the intent to find fault with it, you're just not going to have a good time. At least not as good as you could've had if you would just relax on your convictions a little.
> Cleanse an area of Prophe*cized* vermin
> Complete a Prophe*cised* Mission for a master
Should probably be consistent or correct.
Compare: (verb) (noun)
Edit: formatting
Chthonian is a term that existed before Lovecraft was born, referring to earth and underworld-aligned deities and spirits. In all likelihood, the term probably influenced him instead of the reverse. More you know!
Wow, a word I've never heard of before:
1. of, relating to, or characterized by atavism; reverting to or suggesting the characteristics of a remote ancestor or primitive type.
Essentially, a genetic throwback:
Now what the hell is he?
7. to disable; impair; weaken Your post reads like someone just looking for something to be offended about. You might want to work on that choosing your battles thing.
> "It really bothers me when people confuse nerd with geek.
As well it should since the <em>original</em> definition of a geek is a man at the circus who bites the heads of live chickens.
>Regardless doesn't "well trained, supplied, and led" inherently mean regulated by the government?
Why ever would you think that? Until the 20th century, the raising of militia units was undertaken by individuals, towns, and by volunteers themselves all the time. Some of them elected their own officers, even. The Civil War is full of examples. So is the Revolutionary War. We have existing descriptions of militias, as well as how they were raised and run, going back centuries. The early Militia Acts corroborate the fact that militias involved citizens with their own arms.
The idea that government must be involved in the arming of citizens is a modern myth. It's sole purpose is to pretend that the 2nd amendment does not apply to citizens, regardless of the fact that the other nine amendments exist solely to protect the individual rights of citizens, not to limit the rights of citizens.
>> Look, I'm sick of arguing semantics with someone who's on a completely different page. Suffice it to say, saying mean things about white males isn't even remotely equivalent to the police targeting of black people and bombing countries in the middle east. "Reverse racism" is a myth because minorities don't wield any power over white people.
This isn't semantics, it's you not understanding the definition of racism.
"reverse racism" doesn't exist, you're right, it's simply called "racism."
Second, you realize the gender gap in the justice system is 6 times larger than the racial gap, and a white man is more likely to be shot by the police, will get longer in jail, and is more likely to be convicted than a black woman is?
Again, no matter how badly you kick, no matter how badly you cry, no matter how badly you scream. The definition of racism is not going to change, you do not get to exempt yourself from being a racist by simply changing the definition. That is not how the world works.
>> Government isn't society, hence why it's called government, not society. Directly participating in a consensus-based economic system is not the same thing as the red bureaucracy envisioned by liberals when socialism is mentioned.
Socialism, at least one of the forms of socialism, as correctly used is the public owning the means of production, that is the literal definition of socialism.
>> the political direction and control exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, and states; direction of the affairs of a state, community, etc.; political administration:
Your entire ideology seems to be based on you changing the definition of words.
The government, an elected government, is the people.
Is /u/irbytremor illiterate? >Neither of those are myths. If you'd like a myth, open your dictionary to 'Misandry' Oh. Wait. It won't be in there. :)
characterized by assumption of dignity or importance, especially when exaggerated or undeserved: a pretentious, self-important waiter.
making an exaggerated outward show; ostentatious.
full of pretense or pretension; having no factual basis; false.
EDIT: Source
Yup...that's literally what the word backlash means.
"backlash: noun
a strong or violent reaction, as to some social or political change"
OP is saying something that isn't completely true. While the primary definition of jealousy is as he says, the dictionary will also state that "jealousy" is a synonym of "envy".
The tabla to be precise, but yes. But let's not get too amazed. This little girl has obviously been forced into becoming a performer at the age she should be in school. And, I would bet that the money she gets is not even going to her but that guy playing the tabla.
The phrase you're looking for is "I hereby pronounce", not "hear by announce".
Also, it's "hon*<em>o</em>*rary", not "honarary", and "me*<em>d</em>*al", not "metal".
Edit: And while I'm at it, why did you upload a picture of a tweet instead of linking to it?
Interesting question. The word omnipotent is defined (1, 2, 3) as "having unlimited power."
If you accept the premise that God is omnipotent, then therefore his power is by definition without limits. In that case, I think the answer to your question is no, it is not to limit God's power - or rather, it doesn't make any sense for that to be possible.
Now, that premise is a debate in and of itself, but that's a whole separate can of worms.
The definition of Kayak is literally "a canoe of a type used originally by the Inuit, made of a light frame with a watertight covering having a small opening in the top to sit in."
Doesn't matter what "your definition" is. It is a type of canoe, plain and simple.
Edit: Yeah! Downvote me! My fact is wrong!
>noun 1. a loan translation, especially one resulting from bilingual interference in which the internal structure of a borrowed word or phrase is maintained but its morphemes are replaced by those of the native language, as German halbinsel for peninsula.
The ever-so-tenuous connections people can make in order to call something offensive!
"Promiscuous" certainly can be about sexuality, but it really means "indeterminate mingling", and can refer to far more than sex. I took a course in alcoholic beverage marketing last year, and the speaker noted the "promiscuity" of craft beer drinkers. They will go for some Oskar Blues, some Bell's, some Sierra Nevada, etc.
And what is worse is the reflexive action by organizers to fold in the face of such flimsy allegations. There will always be petty busybodies complaining about ultimately insignificant things. But it is really difficult for me to believe that, say, getting catered by a Mexican restaurant for a sci-fi conventionis a way of telling attendees that Mexicans aren't human. Yet UC-Santa Cruz did exactly that, and issued a sniveling apology letter that promised punishment for the event's organizers.
This site defines hate speech as " speech that attacks, threatens, or insults a person or group on the basis of national origin, ethnicity, color, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability. "
So, when they insult us based on our gender, that's hate speech.
If we insult them based on their opinions and ideas and purported behaviors, that's hateful speech. We are discussing how much we hate them, true, but that isn't what that term means.
Now, I don't hate them personally. I just don't think they matter enough to create any real emotion in me.
I'm sure there are people who genuinely hate them here. While that's probably unnecessary, that isn't discrimination. Calling it discrimination is some pussy-ass, socially inept, retard, virgin loser, mommy issue having nonsense.
Alright, a couple things here:
> Praxology is a tool not an ideology.
It presupposes, without any evidence, a given view of all sorts of things. Like, for example, human free will, the natural of rational thought, the nature of intention, and the definition of humanity insofar as it relates to action. Then it uses these beliefs to found a theory of economics that gives prescriptions for behavior. That is almost the exact definition of ideology:
>the body of doctrine, myth, belief, etc., that guides an individual, social movement, institution, class, or large group. *
>2. suggestive of the ancient Spartans; sternly disciplined and rigorously simple, frugal, or austere.
Here's a tip from an older guy: don't be a pedantic little shit, especially when you're not familiar with basic idioms.
Exactly. Females should get no special treatment in business, including politics. It's getting to a point where there is sexism towards men. It's about equality, putting one sex over another. Yes, I am a female. Yes, I am a feminist. (in case anyone has been using "urban dictionary" and doesn't know what it really means).
Sorry- I know this is /r/jokes and not really a place for politics but it needs to be said.
Paraphernalia is just a general term, not necessarily tied to religion. Actually, I think I see "drug paraphernalia" more than "religious paraphernalia"...
In a high school environment it absolutely would be considered bullying. Do you honestly think that physical violence is the only kind of bullying? Because I think most would disagree. Psychological abuse is a thing, after all.
>Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception, by the bully or by others, of an imbalance of social or physical power, which distinguishes bullying from conflict.
>a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people.
past tense: occulted; past participle: occulted äˈkʌlt/
"a wooden screen designed to occult the competitors"
(of a celestial body) conceal (an apparently smaller body) from view by passing or being in front of it.
4) hidden from view.
The word is foolhardy. I have nothing more to add to this discussion, I just want to help you not look illiterate in a more heated argument. Feel free to downvote me to death.
>And yes, I consider trans elitists.
TIL, people with extremely high rates of poverty and who suffer such great rates of harassment in school that it affects their ability to perform there. Are collectively, as a group, elitists.
>build bɪld verb 1. construct (something) by putting parts or material together. "the ironworks were built in 1736" synonyms: construct, erect, put up, assemble, set up, raise
Seems like English is not your primary language, it's OK, we all make mistakes. hint: look at the word "parts" and see synonyms.
I'm sorry but the definition of Transgender does not agree with that interpretation. People who identify as gender neutral, genderfluid, etc. all fall under that category. We have a gender neutral flair on this sub for a reason. is respecting pronouns as directly urgent as preventing murder? No, but advocating for basic respect of these people's identities is a good step in convincing the general public "Hey, maybe we shouldn't kill these innocent people".
[](/fluttershh) "Caroling." [](/sp)
[](/raritywut) Right, that. What was I doing, then? [](/sp)
[](/flutterfear-r) Having too much cider. [](/sp)
[](/fabulous) ... [](/sp)
[](/wahaha) Let's do both! [](/whattheflut-in-r)
Why are you being so obtuse? They are not even used in the same way.
>exalt - verb (used with object) - 1. to raise in rank, honor, power, character, quality, etc.; elevate: He was exalted to the position of president. 2. to praise; extol:to exalt someone to the skies. 3. to stimulate, as the imagination: The lyrics of Shakespeare exalted the audience. 4. to intensify, as a color: complementary colors exalt each other. 5. Obsolete. to elate, as with pride or joy.
>exult - verb (used without object) - 1. to show or feel a lively or triumphant joy; rejoice exceedingly; be highly elated or jubilant: They exulted over their victory. 2. Obsolete. to leap, especially for joy.
Even more tellingly, at the bottom of the page: >Can be confused : exalt, exult.
You probably should have linked a source. Such definitions, while not the most common, are still used. Granted, I could not find your exact definition, but I could find similar definitions.
Of course, if people disagree with you, it would be more useful for them to explain why, rather than just downvote you. Discussion is more conducive to learning than burying opinions you don't like/agree with.
What the fuck is happening to this country? Is everyone a special snowflake now?
'The Great Unwashed' just means the general public. Are we getting offended by nearly two hundred year old phrases now?
I mean it's my second language, but I don't think so.
> a couple of, more than two, but not many, of; a small number of; a few: It will take a couple of days for the package to get there.
Is the missing "of" the problem?
According to dictionary: a person who regularly enters competitions in newspapers, magazines, etc, esp competitions offering consumer goods as prizes + anime
It can be used in this context "a prescribed or necessary course of action." Although I'd never use it like that. I'd only really ever use it as in snooker cue or cue actor to come on stage.
A: It can be used as a general term.
> Priest > > \3. a minister of any religion.
B: I specifically gave blessing wine as an example of a drug being blessed.
He's objectively wrong?
Objectively? As in you're saying he's wrong objectively, meaning there is absolute empirical and clear evidence that he's clearly in the wrong?
Something tells me you don't really know what objectively actually means, do you?
So you're telling me you've got access to some magical fact database telling you that there are no memorable locations in Skyrim, yet Witcher 3 somehow is filled entirely with memorable locations?
Alrightey, let me 'objectively' give my 'fact-based' perspective on the memorable locations of Skyrim and Witcher 3.
Witcher 3
...Now clearly as you can tell I think a lot of locations from Skyrim are pretty memorable, so clearly my 'objective' perspective isn't objective at all. It's subjective.
Just like your opinion is about memorable locations in Witcher 3.
Seriously, just actually pause and read what you're writing for a single bloody second for once.
> end of itself
Not sure if it was a typo or just a misheard expression, but either way just trying to help, not trying to be a dick.
>the person is also in a state of mind that mutilating their genitals makes good sense.
No, the person is suffering from a condition where the gender of the Brain does not match the gender of the Body... this is not a state of mind, this is a physical mismatch.
The only viable treatment is GRS... in all it's various forms and degrees.
>And trans people aren't hated and vilified
You just posted something that matched the fucking definition of Vilify to a fucking "T"... well done, you just vilified Trans people.
I saw this in /r/bestofoutrageculture earlier but I missed this gem...
>More people will sign out into their VR worlds (imagine World of warcraft on steroids combined with porn) and we will have accelerated population attrition and huge swathes of new MGTOWs.
Oh yeah, virtual reality porn is the ONLY thing stopping "swathes" of men from forsaking women entirely in favor of being bitter, misogynistic, socially inept winners like these guys. It'll be like World of Warcraft but porn!
You seem like the kind of person who would interpret the "good artists copy, great artists steal" quote as meaning that great artists should literally walk into a museum and take the painting off the wall.
As much as you want to try and play language police with the word steal and state that wholesale copying of someone's original work isn't stealing, the concept of stealing non-physical entities that can be copied is a well established one in modern language. In fact, it's so well established that many dictionaries explicitly include a definition relating to this:
> Dishonestly pass off (another person's ideas) as one's own.
> to wrongly take and use (another person's idea, words, etc.)
> to appropriate (ideas, credit, words, etc.) without right or acknowledgment.
I would like to suggest to you that you clarify what exactly you're objecting to. You seem to be taking issue solely with using "female" instead of "girl/woman" when female IS a noun. I would also suggest users don't try to police the language others use outside of our established rules. This comment thread is being removed and if it continues the post will be locked and ban warnings given out.
Apathy is the fault of the person feeling it.
EDIT: Okay, I obviously didn't explain what I was trying to say. The argument was that the system is designed to create voter apathy. I do not believe that it is rigged, just that the people who bring about change are those who are informed and willing to actually work within the system. Those that are not willing to inform themselves of the system, are by definition, apathetic.
There is already a word:
1300-50; Middle English bougre < Anglo-French bugre < Medieval Latin Bulgarus heretic, literally, Bulgarian, by association of the Balkans with heretical sects such as the Bogomils and their alleged deviant sexual practices
You simply have to be being obtuse on purpose for the sake of fighting about this, otherwise you'd realize the use of "you" in this case is not the accusatory form targeted at you personally. (its definition number 2, just in case this is too hard)
Reprehensible ideas are best addressed when they're allowed to fail under the scrutiny of reasonable people, and exposing hypocrisy is one of the tools to lead to such a pass.
Why is it that both and say it's a fungus? Wikipedia disagrees however. Not sure what to believe.
I wasn't using the legal meaning of the word there, no.
I called it a slanderous lie.
Because it fits the definition above, he did not state any individuals. for a source btw.
Or if you'd prefer
Under 26 USCA § 861 (a), firearms is defined as “"a shot gun or rifle having a barrel of less than eighteen inches in length, or any other weapon, except a pistol or revolver, from which a shot is discharged by an explosive if such weapon is capable of being concealed on the person, or a machine gun, and includes a muffler or silencer for any firearm whether or not such firearm is included within the foregoing definition."
I don't think it's stupid at all. Here are a few standard dictionary definitions of murder:
All three of these define murder as a crime or an unlawful killing. Thus, the very definition of the word "murder" comes from law. Using it to describe homicide of any kind is simply incorrect.
Finally, please keep in mind that this is /r/neutralnews. Please try to be civil; calling people stupid will probably not convince them of anything you are saying, and can get your comment removed per the subreddit rules. The sidebar has more information on this kind of thing.
Wrong. Both forms are acceptable.
See, for example, the Oakland A's
Sluta anta att ett ord bara kan betyda en sak.
welfare [wel-fair] noun 1. the good fortune, health, happiness, prosperity, etc., of a person, group, or organization; well-being: to look after a child's welfare; the physical or moral welfare of society.
Just because a TOS allows them to act as censors doesn't mean it's magically not censorship.
an official who examines books, plays, news reports, motion pictures, radio and television programs, letters, cablegrams, etc., for the purpose of suppressing parts deemed objectionable on moral, political, military, or other grounds.
any person who supervises the manners or morality of others.
3-5 are historical / obscure definitions
as a verb (used with object)
to examine and act upon as a censor.
to delete (a word or passage of text) in one's capacity as a censor.
>one primary tenant?
[Edit] /u/ZeusHatesTrees may be the only person I've ever seen who has a good excuse for this. ;-)
I think you misunderstand what "armchair developers" means. It's similar to "armchair quarterback":
> a person who offers advice or an opinion on something in which they have no expertise or involvement
He's not criticising amateur devs, which is what you're talking about.
I think "ungodly" would have worked just as well.
> 3.
> outrageous; shocking; dreadful; insufferable:
> an ungodly roar; an ungodly hour to drop in.
Hey ass hat....... read definition #2 on the dictionary definiton of waiting serve/wait on are interchangable adjectives. Being arrogant about your opinion doesn't make you right.
> Since when is nationality a race?
Since race ceased being a biological term and started to be used as a social term.
>any people united by common history, language, cultural traits, etc.: the Dutch race.
You can also read the "Usage Note" which explains about how race is used and this includes National and geographic location and religious affiliation.
Even in microsoft parlance, that window is restored.
Behold, the minimize button. Click it yourself and see what a minimized window looks like.
I want to post this post title to this subreddit. Meta-infuriating.
Arguably, the M-W definition kinda supports that, as "waste and discarded material" suggests without outright saying that it is "useless" and/or "junk".
The definition doesn't quite go that far, with "old, discarded, or rejected item" not really suggesting "useless" entirely.
Regardless, there's nothing proscriptive about the term "scrap" that requires it to be useless material. The common element in all of the definitions is that it's small portions or fragments or detached parts. Without comment on relative usefullness of the bits and pieces.
Consider that in its verb form, "to scrap", say, a car, is specifically to break it down in a hunt for the useful parts.
He disassembled ("scrapped") various things for the parts he wanted, and discarded the rest. Arguably, the very definition of scrap.
Guillible is still on the first three dictionaries on google: ; ;
I think what's going on here is a case of Separated By A Common Language. Apparently, British use of the word is more positive than American use. Source:
Dude chill. Here is the definition of a "Joke":
> Something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement, as a witticism, a short and amusing anecdote, or a prankish act.
I hope it helps.
> Don't say "ethnic". You can say International or just name the cuisines. The food I was raised with wasn't "ethnic food" it was just "food".
pertaining to or characteristic of a people, especially a group (ethnic group) sharing a common and distinctive culture, religion, language, or the like.
You're welcome to be offended or sensitive if you'd like, but I used the word correctly and with respect. The problem is yours, not mine.
> indeed, I got confused between my french and my english.
As a matter of fact, you were using perfectly correct English. <em>Résumé</em> has the same meaning in English as it does in French. It's not as common with this meaning as words like summary, so some English speakers may be ignorant of it, but I say let them broaden their vocabulary!
We do realize there's a difference between Waterproof and Water-resistant right? The ad states it is water-resistant Like so. So, Consumer Reports is right (as the phones fail the water-resistant test) but Fortune is wrong as the phones weren't waterproof to begin with.
>We don't need "a lot" added as an official definition for "a million."
> 8. amounting to a very great number: > a million things to do.