While certainly a handful of profanity has remained tried and true, consider what slang and swearing sounded like in 1956. Hell, consider what slang and swearing sounded like in 1989 -- we've experienced that history so it doesn't sound so foreign to us, but imagine how we're going to feel about the slang our grandkids use. (Also, drek is a word.) I mean, that whizzer frood is on fleek, home skillet.
The real answer, obviously, is twofold: avoiding censorship in the 80s/90s, and creating a "punk" future that was partly incomprehensible to a modern reader (tvtropes warning).
Check out the Amazon Reviews
Check out the DTRPG Reviews
You can glean what people here say about it, but its better to hear it from people you know bought the game and then made reviews to be sure you are not in an echo chamber.
Personally, 6E is a game that was designed without a clear design goal, no oversight or direction, and no one in the design process understanding modern game design. I say this as someone who studies and practices game design. It isn't easy, but to mess it up at this level is quite frankly an outstanding display of incompetent potency.
One of the more bizarre ones I recall is that the humanis politician Brackhaven has a thing for dwarven prostitutes.
I would link, but I can't recall the adventure its in. Involves evidence of such, the FBI and some rather elite assassins, if that jogs anyone's mind.
I'd Google it, but frankly its early in the morning and I can't handle those search results.
At least one 1980's moral panic was correct. In the 'Total eclipse' adventure, a band (the elementals) accidently (with help) devised music that can summon something close to the devil. Rock n roll! It needs a total rework to run , but I've run several versions of this adventure and loved it every time.
Not a book I remember being great, but it does include the juicy morsel that the Vatican has nuclear weapons. Scary! https://www.amazon.co.uk/Shadowrun-20-Black-Madonna-S/dp/0451453735
Whelp, I think this discussion is why context matters. As some people have pointed out, this blog post was never meant to be about Shadowrun. The only reason Shadowrun came up is because it inspired me to create my own game. Was pretty shocked to see it on the Shadowrun reddit, actually.
It's interesting to read the discussion it's generated. I will say:
a) my experience with Shadowrun was 1E to 5E, and the shift in direction the game took wasn't to my taste. I think people who started with later versions have a very different experience/viewpoint. I don't see anything wrong with either side.
b) I worked on video game design before tabletop design. As a result, when I think about design I think about how mechanics and player experience interact and reinforce each other.
You can absolutely play a TTRPG to create an experience apart from the mechanics. I think any non-combat only D&D game shows that. I've also played very narrative driven Shadowrun 5e games. It's just not how I design. Jesse Schell's book on game design influenced me a lot when I first started, for those who are interested in the design perspective.
It's a Hebrew word (שדים) pronounced <em>she-deem</em>. The word originates from Babylonian/Akkadian, but the -im suffix comes from Hebrew (the word is actually plural in Hebrew; a single demon is "Shed").
The equivalent word in Arabic is شياطين, pronounced Shayatin, but I think that it has a different origin (Hebrew "Satan", or an older source that influenced both).
We do have a link to these cheat sheets up on the wiki.
They help a lot.
I first saw it in neuromancer. If you haven't read neuromancer yet... You really should. Also count zero and mona Lisa overdrive; these 3 books form the Sprawl trilogy and were hugely influential in the formation of the cyberpunk genre.
On an interesting note, as someone who knows a little gaelic, their pronunciation of Tir na nog is wrong. Oxford English dictionary with audio pronunciation.
Edit: it would also stand to reason that tir tairngire has the wrong pronunciation as well. The Ts do not make Sh sounds but T sounds. So it should be like "tear tayrn gire".
To add for fun, Tir means "land of", Tairn is an alternate of tarn (from old norse tjǫrn) meaning a small mountain lake. Gire is an outdated word for gyre (latin gyrus) meaning circular.
So Tir Tairngire is essentially "The Land of Lake Circle" which I have a feeling is a nod to Crater Lake.
Edit 2: Baring of course a pronunciation difference from gaelic to Sperethial but I doubt that's the case.
Jackpoint in the PDF lists Run & Gun, Bullets & Bandages, Street Grimoire, and Lockdown. Do we have any info on B&B and Lockdown?
Edit: Just found this on Lockdown: http://www.miniaturemarket.com/cat27300.html "Strange voices, dissonant voices, sometimes babbling nonsense, sometimes telling stories too unbelievable to be true. People are falling prey to the voices, losing their identities as someone or something else slips into their skin. Its affecting people at all levels of society; its spreading, and at the moment no one can figure out how to stop it.
Boston-based NeoNET is at the center of this storm. People are scared and people are dying, which means there are large sums of money to be made. Finding work wont be the problem. Getting out of the sprawl, however, will be. Lockdown is a plot sourcebook for Shadowrun, Fifth Edition with plot hooks, setting details of Boston, character details, and surprising reveals that will keep characters on their toes and running for their lives."
Also, I guess Lockdown is a Shadowrun Online sourcebook, according to the Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1964352341/shadowrun-online/posts/457639
Product description (translated using (DeepL)[https://www.deepl.com/translator]):
> Fairytale Awakening
> Once upon a time, a long time ago: People used to explain their world in ancient fables, myths and legends. They gave form to dark figures and whispered horror stories to their sons and daughters by the bed. But now magic has awakened. The monsters, fairy pacts and legends from these past times come to life and manifest themselves in the fairy tale rich AGS. Children are hunted, old promises reminded and myths demand their toll of blood. Good for all those who still know the backgrounds and origins of these old fairy tales. If they don't want to die in the end.
> Grimmes Erwachen is an adventure collection for Shadowrun 5, which plays in the Allied German States. It presents three adventures that all revolve around awakened legends and fairy tales. In addition, the volume contains backgrounds and suggestions for reviving legends and letting Shadowrunner dive deep into these myths.
> Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator
You've updated the classic WWII model of Infantry spotter with a radio to an infantry spotter with a Drone. This isn't a massive paradigm shift. Kill the drone, the soldier controlling the Drone, or dig deep enough to survive the Artillery.
I'll give you the Spotting Infantry are vastly safer. Huge plus. But displacing dug in Infantry in a built up area with Air support and Artillery is far easier said than done as evidenced by the fact it's taken a month to take about half of Mosul. Pre-war population about 650,000 people. This isn't a huge sprawling metropolis, this is about the size of a large American Suburb.
IMO, the main change to warfare in the Sixth world is the scale. Like EmperorJon notes, the Sixth world doesn't see Armies of millions marching across continents. The Aztlan / Amazonian Conflict is really the only large scale conflict we've seen, and even then it was more like a thousand smaller scale battles. Amazonia just never fielded Armored Divisions in an open field battle with Aztlan. And IIRC the borders only shifted a little, not like Amazonia (or the CAS) was cleaned off the map by Aztlan.
The logistics change. Magic screws up all sorts of things, but by and large The Art of War is still valid after 2500 years.
Its also apart of the Humble Bundle right now.
And you also get a bunch of other cool games, and help out charity. I definitely recommend tossing in a few extra bucks towards the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
On an interesting Shadowrun side note, the EFF existed in the Sixth World and became an internet pirate organization in the 90's hunted by the NSA. After the first Crash one of the founding members started the Denver Nexus. They say his e-ghosts still haunts the Denver Nexus to this day. Oooooh.
There are no mixed race offspring. Not officially. You can have or gain damaged metagenetics, which allow you to express features of one race while being another, but that's not the same thing.
Metagenes aren't just dormant or active, they're essentially walled off behind common genes. The only way to interact with them as a geneticist is to alter the genes they're tied to, and even when you activate the correct metagenes, they only express in certain groupings. (ie; metatypes & metavariants)
IIRC, Target: Wastelands has some info on the subject. I remember finding reference in the wiki, but I'm not sure where. If you dig through the first three editions of core books, there's a surprising amount of info there, too.
>Does one parent win out, are some metatypes dominant, or is it random?
Goblinoid races are dominant with humans, (hence the perjorative "breeders") but it is possible to be born human to goblinoid parent(s) - in which case you have something like a 1/20 chance of not goblinising during puberty.
>Are there any rough demographics tables, at least for the UCAS area?
>Outside of the wiki, is there a good, searchable source for setting questions?
The books.
I did all the political borders more-or-less as they should be, considering you can't draw straight lines for borders. All the meta-data stuff, populations, armed forces, religions, ethnicities, are all off a bit. National capitols may also be a bit wonky.
Basically it's just a passable world map, but it's neat and adds to my game, thought it may help someone else too.
Edit: Link to Azgaar's thing: https://azgaar.github.io/Fantasy-Map-Generator/
post up your sheet would be a good start.
Are you using hacking stuff or resonance stuff that your spending all your edge on? Without drugs there isn't much that is a good boost. however depending on how deep into the character you have gotten, the gm may allow some base dice tweaking. Your "I am always gonna use this skill" dicepool should be at least 12 imo.
depending on how much "re-writing" your gm may allow.
Do you have codeslinger, brute force or hack on the fly?
You can specialize software into a particular Complex form.
Are you focusing on one style of getting marks?
Are you trying to be more offensive, or more reactionary? (are you running around bricking guns, or are you doing more support actions. hacking cameras, diverting communications)
This is the sheet I used for my techno https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2jTV4sGyFDBMUE3aW44dHlGUDA/edit?usp=sharing
What you're asking about is not a feature of a character creator. It's a feature of a virtual printer driver.
I used to use cutepdf, which when installed was listed as a printer my computer was connected to, and when I printed a document to it from any source, in instead output a .pdf file.
Sounds like what you want is similar.
I've never tried to do what you're doing, but from a quick google search I found some options.
Apparently you can do it with pdfcreator which is free with some finagling.
I also found Universal Document Converter, which is $29, but there's a full function free version that just leaves a watermark if you don't mind that.
I'm sure there are other free options out there with a quick search.
> If that doesn't work, drop a cow on his character and tell him to make a new one. I forget where it came from originally, but we always used the threat of falling cows as thw GM fiat punishment for screwing up the game, by using out of character knowledge, cheating, or otherwise making the game Not Fun.
I remember this from Blackjack's Guide to Bitter Gamemastering.
basic chargen advice where I go in more depth
Reaction and intution contribute to
It powers
Compared to
In addition it gives you knowledge skill points, and powers knowledge skills.
It's an on going joke among my friends after I forced one of them to play Shining Force. You see Gort is an old, grumpy Dwarf. He also becomes the strongest fighter in the game (after the PC) by the end of the game. Every battle Gort would just walk up to the enemy forces and cleave through them like a mono-filament chainsaw.
So when I made my Dwarf Decker in 5E and just started dropping Dataspikes on everything... well the name stuck.
Simply clicking the link gives me an error since you guys seem to have forgotten to set up https, and apparently reddit defaults to that when generating links for an URI without a protocol. Switching the protocol to http works.
You should probably look into getting a certificate for https, you can get them for free from Let's Encrypt.
I asked the same thing regarding Gentry's character sheet that came with the Runner's Toolkit: Alphaware on the official forums. They said a bunch of things from "it's a throwback to when deckers NEEDED multiple datajacks" to "One of the writers says you get +1 Noise Reduction for every datajack you have," which sounds really dumb to me since you're not using all the datajacks on one device.
I personally like to think of it as being able to link to your deck and your Smartgun without going wireless, or your deck and a device on the Host you're trying to hack, at the same time.
That's true, plus the official website has a nice little four-part story tied into the Shadowrun Online setting.
Here is a link including the entirety of the Harbor Heist story and the first parts of two other stories.
A good option is run your campaign on a private subreddit.
The best part is how easy it is to make extra accounts and send mail from them to your runners.
Reddit won't email you directly but you can subscribe to these feeds. https://ssl.reddit.com/prefs/feeds/ then turn them into email with https://ifttt.com/
I hope folks dig it! Less than a buck gets you a couple thousand words of Kincaid fiction, stats for a new mentor (guess who?) and stats for a souped-up muscle car (guess whose?). We've got a few more of these enhanced-fiction pieces in the pipeline, and I'm hoping they do well enough I can keep a steady stream of 'em coming.
Just FYI, it's available on Amazon, too, for those that prefer that: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B083SBMG6L/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=shadowrun%3A+adversary&qid=1578936102&s=digital-text&sr=1-1
There are certain times i really like to implement it into my background stories
For example, Crash, is a mx biker all grown up. He went from that into combat biking. Over time, he crashed, got injured, his agent convinced him to get this that or the other thing replaced. Faster than medical treatments and rehab. After a while, he just didn't feel alive anymore. The only times he does in when things really get crazy and the adrenaline starts to flow. (.02 essence) For those interested https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2jTV4sGyFDBaGFtTVB3OXZ5MEk/edit?usp=sharing
The easiest solution would be to start using roll20.net (it's free you just need an accounts), it's dice roller can pretty much do anything you need for a shadowrun game as and it shows everything in chat.
(*cue people incoming because of recent roll20 drama*)
Roll20.net has a good charactersheet for shadowrun with a chummer import option (there are multiple sheets, I don't recall the exact name right now). Logging into it would be very easy for everyone and it also works good on tablets, small screens might have issues though
For those who don't know, there is a viral marketing campaign CGL started to have in world fluff posted on twitter and Shadowrun.com but it doesn't look like they've kept up with it since SR5 launched. Which is a bit sad. I'd love to see them tease new books using these, but I realize that it takes a while to do that and CGL doesn't exactly have a huge staff as is.
Convince a cash register that your empty Credstick really has tons of money. Or even convince an ATM that it should fill your Credstick with money from an empty bank account.
I remember seeing this fan based comic. The forum has some links to some artwork on DA. It's not quite canon but fun is fun Omae. Not sure if there is more.
Good look finding it reasonably priced. Here's a link to a very expensive copy on Amazon. Or, using whatever podcast service you use, look up the Neo Anarchist Podcast by Opti. It's pretty fantastic, and covers a lot.
A guy who looks remarkably like me in the mirror... whipped this up for his group. They all loved it! So much so, that they showered him with gifts... women threw themselves at his feet... and he never had want for anything for the rest of his days...
Some parts of that may be slightly exaggerated. =)
here is a first draft of something that may meet your ideas
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2jTV4sGyFDBM1hrWWRpcklZblk/edit?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2jTV4sGyFDBU0g4V1Z4Mm80Zjg/edit?usp=sharing
It has a couple holes that your input is needed to fill.
Needs 15+ points of negative qualities. in order to bring it back in line.
7 active skill points can be spent
22 knowledge skills
7 spells
gear will need money from karma, Or maybe drop the weapon foci off the sword, either way.
anything social related.
Fine tuning things
Some of the pp can obviously be spread around or changed.
For spells, I would recommend only 1 or 2 offensive spells the rest utility. Imp invis, physical barrier, heal, levitate,
I would stay away from things like control thoughts/actions. They are big red flags of various degrees. Keep in mind anything you do to npc's is fair game for the dm to to you. I would find it hard for a paragon of honor to mess with the minds of his opponents. maaaaaaybe the influence spell, as a jedi mind trick, but I don't remember any jedi trying to use it on someone they were fighting.
Also remember that gms have final say. My current fri gm, straight up veto'ed control thoughts from my sheet. It doesn't break your concept, just keeps you from getting into trouble
Here's step-by-step instructions to open it.
If you've played through the game before and you don't care to grind shit battles for karma and nuyen and just want to experience the story again, this is the one.
EDIT: Also, a youtube video walkthrough for those that prefer those.
Throwaway for game.
Emerald scans through the job posts and decides to log off in order to spend yet another night alone and inebriated when she sees the OrangeRed icon flash and hears the familiar but estranged "Ding!" She opens the message like a spoiled child eagerly unwrapping her penultimate Winter Solstice gift, a luxury she'd long since abandoned. Anonymous, of course, and encrypted - she has a feeling she is going to need to hit the ground running on this one.
Emerald, female Elf Street Samurai
I went ahead and bit the bullet and bought HeroLab to make your life easier Val, instead of print screening my entire sheet (lol)
This should work, this is my first ever rolled character so let me know how I did!
I really like it more when you have video as well as audio, so skype/discord etc are well suited but for voice only Teamspeak will always be my choice
roll20.net has a neat character sheet integration for shadowrun and the map and initiative tracking it allows is just amazing, but you can totally play by rolling physical dice on your table at home and just tell the others the result or use any dice roller like the one already integrated into chummer (I trust my players to report their actual rolls, because who would cheat in a rpg, where it everything is about telling a story?)
Currently, Seattle averages 152 rainy days a year - often going entire months with some rain every day.
Gecko gloves are useless when wet.
Do the math.
Levitate is the typical winner, though wise corps probably have caught on after 30 years of getting abused by levitating thieves and could have built layered defenses that break LOS from any mage back on the ground to prevent uninterrupted levitating right into a target. So the adept's climbing abilities can still be useful.
Grappling hooks and lines provide the all-around best pink mohawk when you need to slide down them while hanging from a single neon-colored carabiner and firing full auto back at the guards as the building explodes.
Intent and resolve are actually synonyms.
Detect enemies is not detect people who are mad at you. It detects people who whave hostile intent. As in people who intend to do you harm. Meaning people who are actually going to do it, rather than just dream about it. That isn't overlap with danger sense, it is stronger, with the caviat that it doesn't detect danger from sources of danger who don't intend you harm.
> very heavily teched out.
Um... No?
Plus wireless pickups exist.
Don't get me wrong, I agree with you that it's not practical. But it could be done if you had to.
Found some maps : Seattle : https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=zEBUYCTivoac.kwMu1fNdStN8&hl=en_US Few others : http://www.shadowrun.com/forums/discussion/26583/sr-interactive-maps-vault
Hope it helps ;)
I love the idea of an undercity below the city streets where the persecuted have made themselves a home. Ork Underground gets a big rubber-stamp of approval from me.
Have you read this? It's pretty entertaining: http://www.shadowrun.com/2070/2013/07/12/orzet-for-tourists/
They're doing a data pack for shadowrun to be used with hero lab.
You didn't specify edition. It matters, because any engine that tries to implement the mechanics will have to be edition-aware.
Personally, I run SR5 with Foundry VTT. More specifically, I'm running SR5 (rather than SR4) because Foundry has decent support for it. It's not feature complete, but it's in active development.
I used Fantasy Grounds when I was running D&D, but neither the SR4 nor SR5 support has received any developer attention in a long time. The implementations that do exist do not work in the latest version (FG Unity).
Check out my Pandora station for some good Shadowrun tunes. Its been tailored over a couple years now and you might find some songs that work for you. Vendetta Violent herself sounds like the Kidney Thieves, particularly 'the invisible plan' CD.
Direct download link: https://github.com/chummer5a/chummer5a/releases/download/5.193.0/Chummer5.193.0.zip (5MB zip file)
Make sure you have .Net installed: https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/framework
If I really need a custom map I'm using tiled (https://www.mapeditor.org/) with shadowplans' resources (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/m/product/181136). Tiled is free and quite customizable and shadowplans' maps and tiles graphically match my imagination.
As for the city, I decided to take the city we live in and transform it into how I think Shadowrun timeline would treat it. I feel that there is an added value when players can remember the streets their characters are riding through instead of pointing finger on the map.
I don't know, I'm a .NET guy myself. But my company keeps throwing tech at me because they know I learn it fast. I call it the curse of competency.
In case you need it, the URL for Cordova is https://cordova.apache.org/.
There are none directly (as in "fundamentally broken"), but there are some caveats, which can cause problems, if you do not handle them well. They are mentioned here, in the lower third under <em>Bad Apples</em>. I can provide more details if you want.
SR123 are considered the "old style" SR, due to rolls being either attributes or skills vs a changing target number. SR456 are considered the "new style" SR, with attribute + skill being the dice pool versus a set target number of 5. Make sure that you use the SR4 20th Anniversary, not the "SR4 normal version".
I guess I should bog down and (re)read the Matrix section of the core book again.
Luckily the Shadowrun Cyberdeck Aid helped me a lot already. It gave me the dice pools I needed, so at least I didn't have to keep track of the number of dice myself.
I have yet to read Data Trails, is that the big corebook expansion for Deckers/Technomancers?
I strongly recommend using this: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nuedge.Cyberdeck&hl=en
It does all your spreadsheet does (except the part "list of programms owned") and a LOT more! It helps rolling stuff and if you don't like that tells you the rules to roll yourself.
If you want, you can take a look at my decker I used in the community games which is very close to the one I am currently running in my homegroup. Spiderbyte is a very competent and well rounded combat decker, with decent dicepools. If you prefer a more stealthy approach, simply swap out code slinger brute force with hack on the fly. For my normal group, I shuffled some of the ware around to save some essence, but its basicly the same just with more long-term capability. I have run this character on many runs now and it should be a very good guideline for you. Thorbinator covered all the general basics, if you have any specific questions go ahead.
well, in good news as your intending to buy two of them so could just buy the single. also there is a start for you
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2jTV4sGyFDBR3h0NlFjYlFqdUU/edit?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2jTV4sGyFDBVkQtMWxpSEpEdXM/edit?usp=sharing
To give some suggestions on where to find a group Online. Roll20.net is a great location. 4chan's /tg/ often has group finder threads. tavern-keeper.com is another good place (though I haven't fared overly well there with the specific games I've tried, but I have a crappy schedule).
Aside from those locations and the other ones mentioned in the thread. Your local game store should be able to provide a functional group and as suggested by others, try your friends. They might just be interested in it.
Well, I would be happy if you make DeepL burn and translate one of my PDFs and review it.
I recommend Datapuls: Proteus https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/273989/Shadowrun-Datapuls-Proteus?filters=0_0_0_0_40051
I would have suggested Google drive, too. If you don't want that, I hope you find an alternative (like https://www.mediafire.com maybe?). I would be interested, don't really need the English version though.
On a sidenote, as you are German, where does your group play?
Aaaaall right. Finally managed to whip something up. Took a glance at the other characters in my time slot. I don't think I'm stepping on anyone's toes if I go with a face.
Edit: New sheet. Should be legal now. Also, bought some drugs.
I was checking out the characters the players in my group have build so far and to my suprise, we did not have a matrix user yet. I put one together, but I am fine with filling anything our group needs. So far dylanger did not yet put his character up, so if you want to play a decker / technomancer just go for it and I will roll up something else. Since I have been wanting to play a meta-choice character for a while now, I am definitly running an ork. If I stick with a decker, this is the one I am going to play: Annika "Spiderbyte" Reuter
Alright one last time. Here you go.
I added some reaction boosters as well as picked up some Jazz. I'm no 13+3d6, but I'm not too far off either.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5gSClpl9hHaNTdFSDBsYmhiNkU/edit?usp=sharing I changed some things around. I now have a vehicle.
EDIT: Reupload since Hero Lab was using Attribute Boost stats which I must have forgotten to disable.
I've thrown together at present a charismatic face / hitman who works with the vory
Need to have a fiddle and add a garotte to the finger compartment, and check out ammo options, but the base character is down.
Will likely make another character soonish, but from what I can see deckers / hackers are quite popular, I might put together a shaman.
Adept Sniper/Infiltrator. This ok? The positive quality is from Assassin's Primer and was a bit annoying to add to Hero Lab. So I apologize if it looks strange.
I would swap your resonance. The only real useful skill you can get with it is compiling. decompliing is for enemy technomancers, which you will probably never meet. where as registering is questionable at best.
You should probably also lower one of your hacking stats, chances are you will either sleaze or brute force everything. it will let you even out your stats a bit.
take codeslinger (hack on the fly, or brute force) depending on which way you want to go.
puppeteer, resonance spike, editor, and transcend grid are the forms I'd recommend.
in fact, this link is my first draft as itw ere, before I had the chance to play him. Some of the stuff here is things I would change after a little bit of play time.
I did something similar for edging post and pre: http://jsfiddle.net/mn4hc/2/
It's a bit ugly but functional. For rerolling 6's look at getExplodingCount. Note though that I am using the computer(ish) numbers instead of human. So 5 in that would be a 6, and 4 would be 5.
Techinical note: Reason I did the above is because of lazyness, Math.Random in most languages gives a number >0 and <1, so ((int)Math.random()*6) will give a number 0-5.
edit: Just realized you did excel magic, so JS won't help much.
A few non canon sources that fit the canon material well might be of use to you, like https://tinyurl.com/ycw46afc
This looks at computers in the Sixth World from the viewpoint of software and storage.
Also in my games, I treat optical storage as quantum memory. It just makes sense with the architecture, in my headspace at any rate.
Sure thing. I don't remember struggling to make it work and I have lately updated and used version but here goes what I can tell you:
Nice find! Tried to look it up on Amazon and got nothing, but it's apparently available online/in-store at Barnes and Noble. Not sure why it didn't get plugged more by Catalyst if this is their big first attempt at bringing full-length Shadowrun novels back to stores. Or maybe I just missed it?
Apparently, this first run of books is supposed to justify the existence of more novels going forward, so definitely pick up a copy if you have an interest in supporting that.
>virtual table top
I use roll20.net
>Do you know of any good resources for maps and mapmaking?
Just skip maps. Engagement ranges and movement speed are silly in how large they can make areas.
>because of all the modifiers depending on light and visibility
>When fleshing out recurring NPCs, though, I found a disturbing tendency towards munchkinism (Hello, charisma 8, magic 6 elf shaman. Hello, improved reflexes 3 at chargen. That's just some examples.)
rule of 12 NPC quick generation.
>Is there a corp or society that would be more likely than the others to kidnap and experiment on Awakened SURGE Changelings?
Any and all
P2.0. I have a thing for you. :]
I posted this a while ago. The dropbox link is down, but let me reupload to Mega and post it again. Stand by...
E: here it is: https://mega.nz/#!3FdyxK4S!b_JiESQvOTJVE3qMjn6kAQAN7TOSTnx0GvSEkpDv9i8
And now, over to Razanir the ork with today's weather forecast!
Seattle 2072 (page 9) quotes the average temperature at 21 ºC (about 70 ºF). Highs in summer average 31 ºC (88 ºF) and lows in winter average 4.5 ºC (40 ºF).
According to Weather Underground, using the range from 01 Jan 2015 to 01 Jan 2016, the average temperature for Seattle, WA was 58 ºF. The mean summer high was recorded at 83 ºF and for winter the mean low was 34 ºF.
Each of the 2015 Seattle values are a fair amount lower than the temperatures in Sixth World 2072. I'd conclude that global warming is still an issue, and likely has been throughout the century.
Some years ago CGl got a Long-Term License Extension. I don't know how long 'Long-Term' is in a business context, but I'd guess at least 6th edition is gonna be from Catalyst, maybe even 7th...
Thanks a lot for that, very helpful.
6 Is a huge difference to how I thought it would be, that makes a big big difference. Ok back to the drawing board a bit.
Found this thread http://www.shadowrun.com/forums/discussion/27989/mystic-adepts-what-the
which says the same thing. Good to know, almost made a big mistake :D.
For 2/ It was more about when they decide to go away due to when all the services being fulfilled. Just wanted confirmation that cast this spell, and sustain it until sundown/rise was one service, as opposed to cast this spell and sustatin it until all the other services are gone.
For 5/ it was more about if for example the viewer fails to resist the magic to see through the physical mask do you have to roll impersonation as well. At that point you have someone who looks like Bob, and sounds like Bob. If you just walk past you think it is bob, but if you talk to them at length? I guess impersonate like disguise is moot if you have
Will take one rank of voice control anyway, as the spell might not always be the best way, and getting more powerpoints will take a LONG time, and it could be useful.
Anyway that helped a lot, almost there, just need to write some background, think of a name and put it all together.
They are terrible at updating it. What were you looking for about bullets and bandages?
The above site is pretty good about your current iteration updates. As for a complete sourcebook listing try the Shadowrun Wiki. Its a fair tool to a point.
I can't seem to find that one.
Ok, I googled it and found it on the shadowrun forums...
...this is cool! Thanks for bringing this up.
They've released some short fiction for SRO.
But aside from the small handful of things they're released on Shadowrun.com, I don't think there is much on the current state of Boston.
(Copied from lower)
If you’re looking for alternatives, Foundry is a new VTT and has a Shadowrun system in active development: https://foundryvtt.com/packages/shadowrun5e/
I’m the Shadowrun5e system dev if you have any questions about it!
If you have the money for it, I'd recommend using Crossover. It's basically Wine with commercial support. You pay money and in return, CodeWeavers does all the fiddling for you instead of you having to fiddle with stuff yourself.
I used AutoREALM for creating the maps of buildings, but sadly I haven't found tilesets for modern buildings yet, so I drew most of the interior myself.
I would really love a huge library of blueprints for this, especially office buildings, warehouses, bars, restaurants and other public places.
There are some really really good podcasts on this topic and others that bring the size impact of the Megacorps into focus at https://shadowcasters.network
Specifically, I am going to point out this episode of the Neo-Anarchist Podcast.
I don't use spotify anymore but I have one of these for deezer.
I tried to avoid anything from well known movies (though there are some glitch mob tracks that were in some things).
I play this when i'm working on a game at home, but I have mp3s on my laptop for actual play time, split into "scenes," since I don't want to have to rely on internet access.
You need to surround words with * to use italics and bold on reddit. Here is a link to a primer on how to use reddit markdown.
Or if you want something a bit easier, use the web extension RES which comes with a lot of tools to help make reddit more...manageable.
It seems I have been a little hasty. The official errata that is out at the moment does not add back regen etc. but only discribes the Shift power:
The changes from the errata thread above (when online again) are only provisional. Writers want them in but for some reason don't have the approval yet. I would highly reccomend talking to your GM about using these provisional erratas when the forums are back online.
As I said, houseruling with shapeshifters is pretty important.
I've been using CutePDF Writer - it makes a fake printer on your system that will "print" your pdf to a file. Super useful for may things (not just Chummer)
I haven't played since 4e, so please correct me if I'm off.
Combat is Shadowrun is much more quick and dirty. You can massively front load damage compared to DnD. I have heard Shadworun combat called eggshells with hammers. Combat in DnD is a bit slower. Also, speed and being able to strike first is a much bigger deal than in DnD.
Also, character creation is much more customized. You buy each attribute and skill rather than taking a class. You start out much more powerful, but you advance much more slowly.
Some checks you may not be aware of:
I prefer larger dice as I don't have small hands and lack some feeling to allow me to manipulate smaller dice.
I bought this guy on amazon. The sleeves are just over 9in wide and since standard letter paper is 8.5in wide I had to cut and fold a bit to optimize the space. I cut up some of my favorite references on affinity photo so that I could fit the most content per inch. If I'm at my computer later I can send you the files to print out. That particular screen has sleeves on both sides so you can have a lot of info for player reference as well. Not sure what exactly I'll use that for, maybe maps or mockups of in-game literature.
I used a lot of content from others who were more willing to do the bulk of the dirty work so once I've got it available I'll make sure to shout out to everyone who contributed to any content I used.
I haven't read it yet, but I've been meaning to try out Utopiates written by Josh Finney, which sounds like a BTL focused Shadowrun setting.
In the future, science has formulated a way to distill human personalities into a drug-form. On the street, they are called Utopiates and allow the user to swap personalities with the mental imprints of other people... for a short while. Within these pages you will follow the interconnected lives of individuals who inject the souls of others. Each is a user for their own reasons, but all learn the cost of soul swapping is extremely high.
Sounds like a good time to me, I hope to get to it sometime later this year. Click the Amazon image and it gives you the first few pages of preview, and some of it almost feels like a 2e sourcebook.
I was going to offer To sell you mine for a reasonable price when I can dig it out of my parents attic, but a quick search of amazon shows plenty of them for sale for under $5. Cheers!!
Street Samurai Catalog/Shadowrun 7104 https://www.amazon.com/dp/1555601227/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_6k3FBbD17P2PH
I kind of want to order this for future in-person games. Otherwise Deadzone minis look sweet or find a patreon person that does .STL models if you happen to have a 3d printer.
There's a book. Lone Star
You might find it for sale at other sites. Didn't see it in pdf form at DriveThruRPG.com though.
Edit: Also note that it's a Wiki. At the bottom. There are references. It lists two books from which information was taken in which to write the wiki page. One of them is Lone Star. The other is Hard Targets.
Edit 2: I'm the idiot. I'm leaving all the above as is to remind me that I'm the idiot. I did not read carefully. I need to read more carefully. To actually answer the question: I do no know of any detailed source material about the House Police Corporation.
I had it on my galaxy note II and it was actually really good. or just crashed periodically and drained the battery extremely fast.
initiative app. realized that it subtracts initiative right after pass. Back to pen and paper now.
Dice rolling app with predefined dice pools or easy handling "Runner Dice" is okay. makes combat smoother and while rolling dice is fun, watching others to count hits gets a little boring.
I wrote Exploding Dice since there weren't any SR5 die rollers I liked when I started. It lets you set up a number of different die pools, keeps a history of rolls, and alerts you if you glitch. As a GM it's really handy to be able to preset a bunch of standard rolls when dealing with a big combat.
Cyberdeck Aid is pretty useful for Deckers.
And there's a lot of Dice apps, I use this one
aforementioned Cyberdeck Aid, and I've got this die roller on my home screen. Has a tap feature for when you want to reroll, kinda handy.
One word: Cyberdeck Aid. Dammit, that was two words.
Anyhow, if you got Android, this covers everything in the core book. For Data Trails content, you have to wait until the developer gets on with it. Still, this is massive help in dealing with tracking all the stuff. You could use this and track the few programms not in core outside of the app, which should be manageable.
As I never found any limit on preset configurations, I tend to save a lot of different set-ups, Array-wise and Programm-wise, and try to give them helpfull names (eg "sneaky hacking", "legal legwork", "defensive duell", "tracking duel", "idle" and so on). This includes running the configurator programm in a lot of them to be able to switch on the fly. This helps me a lot.
The Android app Cyberdeck Aid is definitely along those lines. Highly, highly, highly recommended. Something like that, expanded for each role sounds close to what you're getting at.
As for me, this project is about streamlining the mechanics into a more elegant, universal system. A reduction in complexity is not just a side effect, it is a core goal of the project.
As for some software, I'm not an engineer; I'm a writer, communication scholar, sometimes musician and occasional game designer. Not making software anytime soon.