When Amazon subscribe and save first came out, i did it w/o paying too much attention to actual size.
I got like 2.5 gallons of hand soap refill bags im still using like 5 years later cause the overall price/oz saved $.03
But i also got 6 liters of cleaning spray concentrate... where 1tbs + liter of water fills a spray bottle... Im not even through the first concentrate bottle after 5 years....
This is a stupid graph. They both fluctuate a decent amount if you look at them on your own, it just doesn't look like it on the combined graph because the number of times "fluctuating" has been used is so much smaller than the number of times "constant" has been used. Harder to see fluctuations in a smaller value.
EDIT: Since this appears to be the top comment, I'll post OP's separate graphs, taken from his post further down.
Seems to me that both vary by approximately the same amount relative to their proportions used.
EDIT 2: Thanks for the gold!
EDIT 3: /u/herptydurr pointed out that even when you blow each graph up to the same size, the usage of "constant" has changed more over time. But you wouldn't be able to tell that from the original graph OP put in the link since the scales are so different. My original intent was more to point out that using the same axis for data sets that differ by an order of magnitude is a poor way to communicate trends. This data would make more sense with 2 y-axes.
For the curious, here's the solution:
>containing up to a 15% solution of water, seasoning (salt, spice, modified food starch, monosodium glutamate, nonfat dry milk, maltodextrin, gum acacia, flavorings, fractionated coconut oil), soy protein concentrate, sodium phosphates, spice extractives.
Those two pictures look nearly identical with F.lux. I had no idea what I was supposed to be seeing until I disabled it and saw the blue stripes.
> the manager in charge of food cost is always on my ass about 'wasting chicken'
Your manager is an idiot then. This is an industry bible.
As far as JUST meat goes, waste on whole chickens is like ~50%. Of course thats as far as meat is concerned, you can still throw everything else in a stock pot, but you shouldnt expect even 2lbs of meat from a 4lb chicken.
A lot of times those custom mailboxes just surround a regular mailbox. Like, the bass fish has an ordinary mailbox in his mouth.
It's also a well known marketing trick that Dan Ariely described in his book (Predictably Irrational, great read if you have time). It's a lot like the trick subscriptions will use to turn you into a "bargain hunter". I'm paraphrasing, but he was trying to buy a subscription to The Economist and noted that the price for a web only subscription was something like $50, print only was $120, but the web+print was $120. They know no one wants the print only, but they put the price there to make the print+web option seem like a great deal. You now see it and compare the top 2 options, print only, or print and web, and think that the $120 p&w option is a great deal and buy that one, when the reality is you would have just chosen the $50 web only version if that middle option didn't exist.
They will do this on restaurant menus sometimes, too. You think to yourself "The blah blah is $59, I would never pay that. I'll have the $39 porterhouse instead." Chances are you could ask for the blah and they'd tell you the kitchen ran out, because no one buys it and they don't expect anyone to, but it made the $39 porterhouse look cheap by comparison which is what they really wanted you to buy. They tricked you into making a false comparison the same way a retailer will say 80% off MSRP (which we just made up to make it seem like a deal).
Maybe this store doesn't expect to sell the 8 packs and they don't even have a lot of them in stock. But they are getting you to think the 12 pack is on sale so you buy that instead, which they have a lot of and that's the normal price.
Edited for book name.
This is actually probably a volunteer, not a Google employee. Google actually rents these things out if you are going somewhere interesting.
As an Alaskan resident who contributes regularly to Streetview using Photosphere on my camera, I've considered applying to rent one of these (Alaska has so much undocumented wonder, and so many people want to see it, but it's very expensive to visit) but I'm worried about some locals desiring to not be on camera.
EDIT: Realized I may make Alaskans sound like crazy coots, which is not the intent. I edited my comment appropriately. Alaska has the strongest privacy laws in the US, all the way to the Constitution level. This is the reason, for example, that the Anchorage man who shot up an airport in Florida had his guns returned to him after turning himself into the FBI with clear mental health issues and seeking help (before going on a spree.) This draws a very certain type of individual who wants privacy and things left off the internet, which I can respect. Nearly any Alaskan you will ever meet is very kind and nonviolent, but privacy advocates are definitely up here in a higher concentration.
Only the tubes are from the old Soviet Union, the clock itself is new production. This looked way too modern to be vintage: https://www.amazon.com/Vintage-Assembled-Tested-Wooden-Firefly/dp/B07BDQSTRV
$99 USD. I think it's good value for what you get. Not as expensive as some of the Razer ones.
amazon prime brotha. Beats buying it at a UPS store. Fucking crooks in there.
and the price on amazon is super reasonable
All the responses you've gotten so far are "cocaine." And while that's definitely not wrong in any way...
...if you were 4 in 1979, as I was, this was a very different, but no less wonderous, tool.
It was the magic, perfectly-shaped object that allowed you to carefully fill in the teeny-tiny spaces of a make-it-and-bake-it suncatcher with teeny-tiny colorful plastic beads...as opposed to sprinkling a fine layer of them over every surface.
It's the last one in the US, not the world. And their Twitter account is hilarious @loneblockbuster. Sample tweet "A lot of people don't know this but we own a large portion of Netflix. Just kidding our electricity just got shut off."
Edit: After further review, u/certified_anus_beef s comment below mine is correct. The Twitter account is not associated with the store in Bend... https://thenextweb.com/shareables/2017/08/04/the-last-blockbuster-might-be-the-funniest-account-on-twitter/amp/ . It's still a super funny Twitter account
Those might actually be new. You can buy these in many big theaters that focus on opera and plays.
Or you can buy this exact pair on amazon for about $20. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B073PWCJ2C/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_gjG0Cb775THG2
My take :)
EDIT: This is the icon pack I'm using :)
Funyuns are a delicious onion flavored snack. I don't know if they are regularly available in Australia, but you can buy them on Amazon or other places online. I'm guessing the shipping costs would make this not worth it though, but I'm also not a huge fan of them. I think they are good once in a while, but some people really love the fuckers.
I ran across this while trying to find out if a stereo would fit my car. It goes all the way back to year 0.
Amazon. A Japanese puzzle company, Tenyo, makes beautiful Disney puzzles - and the plastic pieces are fun because they snap together!
This 1000P Disney characters stained glass one was my favorite to put together
I have a Jasmine one, a Cinderella one, a few Totoro ones too. You can find them if you click around on Amazon under similar items.
Average inflation is 2%
That means that, every year, your money is worth around 2% less. Flipping that around, we can say that every year, your money is worth on average 98% of what it once was.
So, we can multiply $4,300,000,000 by 0.98^1000 to find out what that would be in today's dollars.
0.98^1000 is 1.68*10^-9. So, multiplying $4,300,000,000 we can get our answer:
Which is, coincidentally, just enough to cover a tin of Roland Flat Anchovie fillets on Amazon, priced at $7.19.
Luckily, this would mean that Fry has 5 cents in Current Dollars left over to play with after purchasing this tin of anchovies from Amazon. Converting back is easy: now we divide $0.05 by 98^1000, and we can find that Fry has the following amount left over in Future Dollars:
In one of his books (probably On Writing), he said that busy people have to learn to read in one or two page sips during moments of downtime, or else they end up never having enough time to read anything.
I kinda took this advice to heart and used to carry a novel around with me at the gym to read between sets, like some kind of mutant offspring of /fit/ and /lit/.
This will get buried but in King's 'On Writing' he emphasizes over and over that good writers must spend many hours per day either reading or writing. I love baseball and would never read a book in the stands, but he's a better writer than me and this photo is simply a snippet of the man practicing what he preaches.
Buy those and please try to find who the fuck asked.
I assume they aren't talking about biodegradable plastic. You can make straws similar to plastic using only plant starch/fibers.
Hah @ the Cutco drones downvoting your facts. Who the fuck needs a $72 cheese knife? Of course he couldn't sell it! Edit: even a wustof spreader is $20! ��
Wusthof Gourmet 5-Inch Spreader https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002CZOSL8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_AOuBAbT4T4ZJT
These are just titanium coated knives. You can find them in most grocery stores in both a rainbow and gold tint and they usually seem more focused on looks than effectiveness.
I think this is it: http://i.imgur.com/UsJQ8.png. Here's the Google maps link.
If you click formatting help it’s super easy to learn how to make your comment look like this.
Its called zentangle, and there are a lot of books out there. Heres an example:
People people... Please. You are all rushing to conclusions saying this letter means he's not an alcoholic. Perhaps if you were of more sober mind you would see that's its likely not what was meant.
More specifically, this is the 1961 design for Swiss soldiers. The contemporary standard issue Victorinox Soldier feels a bit more like a random multitool knife that you’d find at REI.
Forget the cup.
Buy a magnet and just toss the loose staples onto it. You can then play with the forms and they'll more or less stay in place as a desk toy
I have a can of 50 painted versions of that. I got them from some Boeing representatives at my school's career fair. Idk if Boeing made these though.
Edit: I'm not mailing anyone paper clips . . . If you really want some.
That's a book from India. It costs ₹185 (~$2.5). India has cheap books. Though things are changing, just hoping that it does not get as bad as western countries. Amazon link
It's run by a few employees of that store, not the official Blockbuster company itself
Edit: After further review, u/certified_anus_beef s comment above mine is correct. The Twitter account is not associated with the store in Bend... https://thenextweb.com/shareables/2017/08/04/the-last-blockbuster-might-be-the-funniest-account-on-twitter/amp/ . It's still a super funny Twitter account
There's like 91 slides and I couldn't take the time to figure out which slide this content is on. Full slideshow: https://www.slideshare.net/aarmau/yeot-spring-2015-webinar-6-ancient-engineering-architecture
There are travel compressed towels that are actual towels. I've seen cheap ones in the 90s.
I tried to find an image of a Brüssel sprout in a toy truck. I found this instead
Old World Christmas Vegetables Glass Blown Ornaments for Christmas Tree, Brussel Sprout https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074XHSPZ6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_s8-2Db6BCRG0N
Here's a list of VPNs that work in China. It's tested and up-to-date as of June.
ExpressVPN and NordVPN work and I think they have free trials. He might have to leave China to actually download the VPN though...
Took this picture in downtown Atlanta a while back, it's an apartment building next to the library.
I got my memory foam mattress topper from Costco! Love this thing.
But the great part about Costco is that you can return things much later. I bought a chair there that broke after 3 months, returned it and the second one I bought (for a full refund! What, what!), and Costco stopped selling that brand because they got enough complaints/returns.
So, I may not update my reviews on Amazon, but Costco takes the quality of the stuff they sell seriously.
But seriously, I've had this mattress topper for 3 years and it's AMAZING.
100% humidity is, at any temperature, the dew point where moisture from the air begins actively condensing into water. The highest recorded dew point in US history is 88 degrees (source: https://www.wunderground.com/blog/weatherhistorian/record-dew-point-temperatures.html ) so it seems unlikely that you've experienced a 95+ degree dew point in South Carolina.
Maybe you weren't quite at 100% relative humidity at 95+ degrees? There's an inverse relation between temperature and relative humidity, the higher the temperature the lower the relative humidity, so while it's possible to experience a 100% relative humidity day on cool, 40 degree, foggy day, it's almost impossible as temperatures go above 80 degrees.
Seriously. I goto 3-4 major festivals a year like Electric Forest, Bonaroo, Hulaween, and Camp Bisco (plus a Bassnectar gathering or two). This bag is the TITS.
- It has an internal frame that keeps it about an inch off your back so air can blow through
- The osprey hydration system is second to none
- it has exactly as many pockets as you need for a 14 hour festival day
- it has a build in rain fly
- it weighs less than 2 lbs empty
I found the perfect impulse stocking stuffer (Weekend Update Tina Fey and Amy Pohler action figures, or as I presented them to the wife Liz Lemon and Leslie Knope action figures) for my wife on Friday, December 22nd. I was bummed I found them so late, but between Amazon Prime and USPS Sunday Delivery, they arrived at 1pm Sunday December 24th.
A goddamned Christmas miracle. No one talks shit about the USPS in this house.
Actually, seating like this is called "short term seating". It's for exactly the purpose op states, moving customers quickly. Though, this is a bit of an extreme example. Source: https://books.google.com/books?id=KR31uMoIarUC&pg=PA100&lpg=PA100&dq=short+term+seating&source=bl&ots=OuCi-UOzxd&sig=RhveUGo88ewgeYtYE9Ytrgk-6SE&hl=en&sa=X&ei=mSvDVOC8CYarggS9mYD4Bg&ved=0CBMQ6AEwAg
I think it’s direct input, which relates to PA systems. This particular cash register has a built-in microphone, so I think that it most likely turns the mic on/off. It’s a weird abbreviation, though
When I was a security guard, I tried to do that with a life-size chess set that was set up at a community college. I would move one piece, but return with no other moves. So I ended up just playing against myself until they put it in storage.
Well this is supes dead and dyed, but some varieties of dyed lichen are further chemically treated so they'll stay soft without being wet all the time (sometimes they'll add flame retardant too).
It went like this : https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMUxJ0vRzZgmvh-2VOJ2WBXsKA0RHsfTcBFFRZtAZAkmvdzsfflCa-MzoQtTTaV-w?key=YTlna3lMV1dXd0V4Y2dzZUZwQkZNZTZVOXJvdDRB , we only had to use science to check if it fits to our elevator.
Toss it into a rock tumbler for a month or so and you could sell it on eBay for a few bucks. Might have to get one a little larger than this one though.
To be fair vaping can cause popcorn lung.
So I guess the choice is take a chance on popcorn lung or have a much greater chance at getting black lung.
edit: See snopes for more details. Little is known just yet about vaping compared to an already existing century of smoking. Vaping so far has shown to be less risky as a whole comapared to smoking, but we cannot say conclusively if it is risk free on your lungs.
Still have to move. This fella has three images!
credit for finding the picture
Just add a car charger and you're all set.
More pics from [another comment](/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/681pcc/theyre_selling_a_thousand_pack_of_beer_in_finland/dgve5s1/).
I'm guessing this is a lower cost option to the tiny little glass bottles they used to put in MREs (which you can get on amazon (of course)).
Cameras are so cheap now it's worth getting real ones for peace of mind. You can get a Blint XT2 2-camera kit for $180 regular price but I've seen them as low as $100 for two on sale. They're completely wireless so you just screw them in, set up the app, and call it a day.
Edit: Pedanticity
That's why you kill the person while wearing a full-body hazmat suit ($9.99 on Amazon), melt down the weapon in an affordable DIY furnace, throw everything in a wood chipper you rented with cash and a fake name in another state, melt the chunks in acid, get a boat, and pour it out all over international waters. Bring the wood chipper too, you're not getting any kind of deposit back.
Now you can live with the knowledge that if anyone ever solves the case, they've totally earned the right to put you away.
This one is in Freeport, ME
Here's something similar in Hyde Park, New York
Something else mildly interesting. Teds Luncheonette in Largo Florida is where parts of this scene were filmed.
I like to go there for my birthdays to have breakfast, the inside is pretty different, but there are still pictures of Samuel L. Jackson, Tim Roth, Quentin Tarantino, etc on the walls. Plus they make some awesome food too.
>Use "tu" when it is the subject and "ti" when it is the object. For example: Tu eres importante. You are important. (subject) Es importante para ti. It's important to you. (object)
This is from "Mike Meyers' CompTIA Security+ Certification Guide, Second Edition (Exam SY0-501), 2nd Edition"
(Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/Meyers-CompTIA-Security-Certification-SY0-501/dp/126002637X)
It's on page 459.
Not an affiliate link btw.
Anyway those are the 8" ones which I have and they're the best set of dykes i've ever used. You can get 6" ones which may be better for stashing on a boat or in a fishing bag but I find 8" is good enough for my shop use.
I'm not sure if those are the same as the ER ones, I honestly can't remember if they were 8" or 6" but they were dykes and we used them a lot.
2nd best ring cutter in the business? Leatherman raptor sheers. Great for soft metal rings and makes such a clean cut jewelers can fix it easy.
If you where going to have a set of pliers for the shop I'd have: 8" channel locks, 6" needle nose, 6" linemans pliers, 8" dykes. That should cover a lot of applications and probably about $150 worth of Knipex. But then again about $150 money saved in gas going back and forth to lowes to get a better tool.
That’s why I got this Reversible Double Sided Clean Dirty Dishwasher Magnet - Super Strong, Durable & Waterproof - Premium Kitchen Gadget for Home & Office - Sticks to Stainless Steel - Modern Digital Flip Magnet https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074S7T67M/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_FZ17Ab1WBKF80
Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Smart Phone, Pink https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00J0V5XIE/
It's interesting that the pink one is half the price. It's usually the other way around.
Also, they make a tablet version.
This is interesting. I am German and just searched for it on Amazon.
Apparently the hardcover uses Joanne K. Rowling but the paperback uses J.K. Rowling.
Hardcover: https://www.amazon.de/dp/3551555559/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_wa6Cub0QE55SH
Paperback: https://www.amazon.de/dp/3551313105/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_E75Cub0GTKQQ8
I live in Louisiana and also needed to cover my window over the summer. I bought these and they work perfectly, just in case this might help anyone: https://www.amazon.com/NICETOWN-Thermal-Insulated-Blackout-Curtains/dp/B01CS31NV6/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=blackout+curtains&qid=1572197824&sr=8-4
For people like me who want this, here's a link to Amazon.
You can also get copies of the Bill of Rights and, of course, the Declaration of independence for $25 total (+shipping). Pretty nice deal for nice hardcovers like these.
That's on the roofer, should have been billing them for not picking up the site properly. They make rolling magnets for shops and work sites for just this application.
No excuse for them not at least cleaning up for themselves.
Catching a few bits of plastic or broken shingle here and there is one thing, but half a dozen flat tires is just lazy contractors.
Well you see I'm just a dumb highschool student so the reason I bought them was to... Give them away I guess? There was no real thought. A friend text a chat I'm in and said they could be purchased for like 2 cents a piece. Earlier in the year, someone had given away hundreds of USPS stickers, which were actually free. But I decided I'd do one better and get pizza tables. The first box of 1000, I took on one of the last days of school, and as kids flooded into the cafeteria for post exam lunch (I had been in there already, as I didn't have an exam the last block and could have left if I'd chosen to), we handed them to people. I ended up giving the rest of the box to the kid who helped me, saying that I had no reason to take them home as I had an additional 1000 at home. I took the final box to school the next day, and handed a few of the sleeves like the one in the picture to some people. I also gave one to my sister who gave some to her friends at her school. This school year, I took some to school and managed to give more away from the roughly 350 that I still had, and am now at about 200-250, give or take.
Bonus fact: I showed them to my computer science teacher, and he thought it was funny. Fast forward to the beginning of this year, and it inspired this app that I made. If you have an Android phone, it's free and no ads. It was made purely because of my stupid antics.
I need these too! I found them!
"Hi there plane neighbor! Let me tell you all about this amazing Bigfoot erotica book called Namaste with Sasquatch that I am reading right now. What!? Oh my goodness, look, you've got the same one right there!"
But it does match fag
in fag-mobile
At least in PHP, JS and Python, tested here: http://regex101.com/
Yours matches 'fag-'
, 'Fag '
and ' fag'
fag-mobile Fag had it coming. What a fag
Well $122 for 5 pounds comes out to approximately $1.54 per ounce. Buying individual babybels on amazon comes out to $1.67 per ounce. So if you're planning on eating 5 pounds of cheese it's cheaper to buy in bulk.
Also, the prices could be inflated, ya know "list price" vs "sales price." A quick look at Amazon shows the first Harry Potter (illustrated version) with a list price of $39.99, but they're selling it for $22.79. Wouldn't at all be surprised if the library's calc is using the "list price" in their calculation.
This is not a big deal.
But now you know where moisture & cold enters your home, It will pay in the long run to address it.
Take a look https://smile.amazon.com/econoLED-Waterproof-Endoscope-Borescope-Inspection/dp/B06XKC3GNK?sa-no-redirect=1
I had one when I worked as a bellman. They were an essential piece of equipment. This is the closest thing I could find.
There are, they're called butter bells. It's basically a cup attached to underside of a jar lid. You fill the jar with water and the cup with butter. The water in the jar keeps the butter cool enough to stay solid.
I keep on the counter in my non climate controlled south Texas kitchen. Never had a melting problem.
You can get these on amazon for under ten bucks.
Any curio shop in a decent sized tourist town likely sells them decorated with some local flair.
Here's the one with OPs design for $8: https://www.amazon.com/Nautical-Calendar-Handmade-Brass-Keychain/dp/B00OBW6DI6/ref=sr_1_15?ie=UTF8&qid=1540177499&sr=8-15&keywords=50+year+calendar
No, Stephen King is a die hard Red Sox fan. Mentions it in his book On Writing. But he also always carries a book everywhere, so he probably just got bored during a commercial break or something. Those still happen for people at the live event, but they can't change the channel, so he reads a book instead.
Dude... calm down. That is very unlikely, the airbag is designed to aim for your chest. Even if you're unlucky and the airbag hits you in the face, it's just as likely that your glasses will fly off your face instead of breaking. Roughly 30% of people in the US wear glasses, i highly doubt the manifactures would make their airbags dangerous to 30% of people without some type of warning.
I hope you don't read my comment as demeaning, i'm just trying to make you feel a bit better :)
*Edit: Also wanted to add that
1: If you have plastic lenses (i'm pretty sure plastic lenses are the most common today) then they would shatter in much larger, less sharp pieces. And some materials used for lenses, such as polycarbonate are very durable and could likely survive being hit by an airbag.
2: I found an article on WebMD about a finnish study on wether airbags can cause eye injury, according to that study people with glasses are no more likely to get eye injuries than those without. Here is the WebMD article i think you might find it interesting.
There are different ways to calculate gray values from a RGB image to arrive at a grayscale representation. You can just average out the red, green and blue values, but that's not the preferred way, or the way that, say, digital cameras, TVs, or quality software like Photoshop do it (or colour spaces that have a luminance channel like Y/Pr/Pb, Lab, etc).
This is because, according to our perception, the amount of green makes much more difference to how light or dark we perceive something to be, and blue makes much less difference. So for the Y channel (Luminance) we calculate a weighted average, giving more weight to green, slightly less to red, and very little at all to blue - blue makes very little difference to how light we perceive things.
A naive "saturation" control would just average the R G B, but any quality piece of software (eg Photoshop) should do it according to the relative luminance standard by default:
Y = 0.2126 R + 0.7152 G + 0.0722 B
Calculation must be done in linear space not gamma corrected.
I just did a little research. It's from a company called Joansam. They don't show pictures of the soles but one of the reviewers says it's there.
Mate, treat yourself and get something like this:
The other on is utter crap.
You might want to get a critter-safe skimmer cover.
Contrary to popular belief being a soldier in the First World War was often characterized by long periods of waiting around not doing a whole lot, and a lot of soldiers engaged in crafting things like this to pass the time and take their minds off the stress of being at the front. These aspects of soldiers' lives are discussed in Tim Cook's new book which focuses on Canadian soldiers in the Great War, The Secret Lives of Soldiers. I'd highly recommend any of his books, he uses a ton of primary sources from men who were there which really brings the history to life.
It's a smartphone in the shape of a flip phone. The screen is the same size as the original iPhone, it's not like this is an old hacked Razr or something. Looks like one of these.
Just a good ole camping spork.
Link that gives money to Doctors without Borders
Also I own a pair and they cut amazingly well.
You know your biz but I’m going to piggyback on your comment.
For anyone curious about the Rocky Mountain locust swarms there’s this excellent book.
Once upon a time I read a book called giants in the earth Ole Edvart Rølvaag and he mentions the locust plagues in the story. I was curious and found the afore mentioned book. It’s a really bizarre and fascinating phenomena (if you’re into that sort of thing I guess.)
Welp, the shipping weight of this is 20 pounds. Make of that what you will. It also has a faux-leather rolling area. On amazon now(for the low price of $219.98)!
edit: Sorry, I forgot #ad
I'm not sure if this is where the OP got theirs, but this is where I got mine. They came as a little gift with the furniture protectors.
I didn't find pictures of them, which makes me think they're unremarkable. You can buy 15 giant pumpkin seeds for $3.10 on Amazon. Here's a pic of the inside of a giant pumpkin.
Actually the old way of doing this was using the business card sized CD/DVD media. Example. 50 megs of storage. But now that a lot of files are kept at such high resolution, 50 megs just... Yeah it doesn't cut it. And 4-8 gigs of flash memory is dirt. Cheap.
It's uh... for rectal use only.
Don't ask me why I know this or why my coworkers refuse to leave personal effects around their cubicles anymore. HR said they would drop it if I did.