This guide is excellent, it's what I followed when I first started playing a couple months ago. It will show you were to go to learn the game and what to play for your first bunch of games.
I have a large TV that I'll throw this Rohan music and video on. It can be incredibly distracting with the visuals and a bit repetitive. Still the best way I've found to immerse myself in the world and have a backdrop for my own stories instead of scenes from the movies.
I've tried table top audio, but found it hit or miss right now.
I love these suggestions! Thanks for posting them, I'll try em out tonight!
It's available here in the UK: Amazon. Not sure about shipping costs though.
For travel, I always make use of two long cardboard boxes. One keeps the player decks that I have built and sleeved, as well as the dice I use as counters (or a small box with the tokens), and the threat trackers.
The other box I store a few cycles of cards that I want to play with.
Here is an Amazon link to one of those boxes:
$10 seems quite steep to me. At my game store (which services mainly magic: the gathering), I could get one of these boxes for somewhere around $2-$5.
This way, I have tons of options to play with, and it is quite portable and durable. You can also find the magic: the gather "fat pack" boxes if you want to downsize. My game store has these for $1 each or something like that, so you don't have to buy the magic cards.
For Hobbits, the Black Riders and Mountain of Fire saga packs are nigh-on essential. Hero hobbits in the former are very strong, and the ally hobbits and events in the latter are major support players (especially Rosie Cotton). The Mount Gundabad adventure pack also looks boss for hobbit support, although I have not personally gotten to try it yet.
I know you're looking for a single box, but you would probably be able to store them all in two of the hobby lobby artist cases using the go7 gaming inserts if you're interested in that.
I think you will find this thread on BGG relevant. (Note: this may spoil the fun of trying to build your own deck!)
Looking at this thread at BGG seems to coincide with how I'm interpreting him.
There are a few higher threat, weaker enemies that Dunhere is useful for. But, unless you have very low threat, a lot of the trash will be engaging before he can act. However, the same thread suggests that you could use Quick Strike (tactics) on Dunhere before the engagement check.
It also looks like you could use Unlimited Courage to attack the staging area twice if that helps.
That said, even though I play a lot of Tactics/Spirit, Dunhere has never been one of my heros. I tend to run Eowyn and Frodo as Spirit heroes and like Gimli and Thalin as Tactics choices. I just got Tactics Boromir in the mail today, though, so my tactics heroes choices may be changing. I can see a Spirit/Tactics eagle deck coming together with the full Mirkwood Cycle.
I'll be following this guide and Beorn's Path to begin with and then proceed gradually.
Try the first custom scenario from here. It's an really good quest that bridges the difficulty gape between PfM and JdtA, with hill trolls deliberately set as the final boss etc.
It looks like it will be reprinted again soon. One thing you can do is go to this link and click the notify me button. I ordered it from here last summer, and I paid around $11 including shipping.
Some people think that pressing that button does nothing, but I have registered my email for two different APs on the site and gotten them in-stock again within a couple of weeks.
I just ordered from two different sites: eBay ( and Amazon (\_1\_2?dchild=1&keywords=dread+realm&qid=1622540559&sr=8-2), and looking forward to seeing which one is real. Hopefully both.
This was sold by Gamezenter on Amazon. It's my first copy so I can't part with it but I had this Amazon link bookmarked
I just clicked that pretty much every day and eventually got the notification that it was in stock.
Amazon in the UK have some stock: Not sure about shipping costs though.
I used the Broken Token laser cut LCG organizer. Note this won't fit in the smaller newer core set boxes. I have the original core set sized boxes.
Back when I had access to a working printer, I printed these double sided dividers. They only go up to Ered Mithren I believe. I made ones to print out for some of the recent releases. Then Covid happened and I lost access to a working printer. I've since been making similar temporary dividers with colored note cards. I've also laminated the printed ones since that picture was taken.
Fortres of Nurn is currently available at Amazon in the uk:
I really like the Staples Better Binders with Ultra Pro 9-Pocket Platinum pages. Each sphere fits in a 1" binder with three sleeved (60 micron) cards per pocket, though it's a tight fit now with a complete collection. These binders are a bit bigger than advertised, but the 1.5" binders might be better for a complete collection. Anyway, they are super durable and look really nice, especially when you but some inserts on the cover and spine!
Amazon has 1 copy left of the deluxe box, though the price is marked up a bit
I buy DeElf card sleeves on Amazon, which are the best value, but not the best qualtity: 1,000 sleeves for $12 USD.
I use them for Aeon's End and lotr lcg, since I have a lot of cards, and I don't need to shuffle my decks a whole lot in either game. Shuffling with them is kind of pain.
I got 1 inch binders Avery easy turn binders in 5 colors (one for each sphere color and one for neutral). Mostly any binder like this will do, but make sure not to get the cheap binders that have perfectly round rings because they can catch your sheets easily and potentially dent your cards. Also, cheap rings bend out of shape easily and make it hard to turn.
I don't recommend a large binder to hold all your cards because it makes it hard to carry and look through. I do not sleeve either and use these:
Yeah, I have my full collection organized like this. I like the binders, and I think it speeds up deck building.
These Sheets will hold 3 sleeved cards in each pocket
I use binders. If you have an entire set or plan to, get more than 1.5" 3 ring binder.
I separate mine out by sphere >> Allies/Events/Upgrades/Heroes >> keyword groups (Hobbits, Gondor, etc)
A set of small dice can be placed on top of the stat icons. You can even use different colors for stat boosts and nerfs. I just usually don't find this necessary. Something like this might work:
But unless you are playing a deck that combines lots of different stat boosts, it is usually pretty easy to remember which effects are active and just calculate stats in your head.
I think Plano boxes (tackle boxes) are your best starting point. You can look up the many configurations online, but sometimes just going to your local hardware store will let you figure out the size and shape your want.
Here's an example of a small box I use for LotR and other games that don't have a ton of tokens:
Limited-time deal: HERKKA Trading Card Sleeve Pages, 100 Pack 9 Pocket Trading Card Storage Album Pages 11 Holes Fit 3 Ring Binder
I mean this one:
Lord of The Rings Middle Earth Map LOTR TCG playmat, gamemat 24" Wide 14" Tall for Trading Card Game Smooth Cloth Surface Rubber Base
Might not be available in Europe either. Not sure.
These are great:
1000 Counts Card Sleeves Toploaders Fit for Standard Cards, Trading Cards, Soft Baseball Card Penny Sleeves Fit for Football Card, Sports Cards, MTG, Yugioh
No, I was referring to the points assigned to each piece. It is not used as a scoring system, per say, but rather in determining the relative "worth" of a taken piece or sacrifice.,-As%20mentioned%2C%20each&text=A%20pawn%20is%20worth%20one,queen%20is%20worth%20nine%20points.&text=This%20is%20because%20the%20king,goal%20of%20any%20chess%20game.
I buy these:
400 Premium Ultra Clear, Perfect for Double sleeving, fits Standard Size Trading Cards Magic The Gathering, Pokemon, Dragon Ball Super by Pro Support
Even though they don’t fit perfectly and there’s some extra card showing up top. The tops don’t get touched much so I figure it’s good enough.
I use Fantasy Flight Euro sleeves, which are oversized, for the quest cards and setup cards only, that way they are super easy to separate out and you don’t have to hunt for them.
I buy these:
400 Premium Ultra Clear, Perfect for Double sleeving, fits Standard Size Trading Cards Magic The Gathering, Pokemon, Dragon Ball Super by Pro Support
Even though they don’t fit perfectly and there’s some extra card showing up top. The tops don’t get touched much so I figure it’s good enough.
I use Fantasy Flight Euro sleeves, which are oversized, for the quest cards and setup cards only, that way they are super easy to separate out and you don’t have to hunt for them.
I just found this thread, I really like your idea! Generally, custom scenarios are what got me interested in this game the most. The fact that there is such a community putting together their own scenarios expands the game so much and for free! That said, most of the custom scenarios that I've come across are now going on at least a year old. There doesn't seem to be much new custom stuff out there. I'm very new to the game, having only played through the Mirkwood cycle, but I also want to get involved in creating new scenarios and encounter decks.
My question: are you thinking of building a custom scenario based on the entire card pool available? Because I think it would be interesting to design scenarios to "fit" into specific adventure cycles. Trying to stick to the general themes of a cycle, including the card pool that would have been available at the time, would be a great way to expand the game even further. We could even design player cards, and create entire custom adventure packs based on the model of FFG. 60 cards, half of which are a scenario, the other half are player cards. Better yet, 54 cards total so that ArtsCow decks can be easily made and shared!
That said, I still like the idea of entire stand alone custom scenario/encounter decks. I'm definitely capable of helping create/test custom scenarios, but I'm not even remotely sure where to start.
FYI, in case you hadn't seen it, there is a custom scenario where you battle ents called The Giants of the Old Forest. It's actually quite well done!
Here is a list of cards found in 1, 2 and 3 core sets that I put together a while back. It won't tell you much, like which of those cards are ones you want the most. Rest assured that many of the single cards are ones that you'll want to either proxy or get additional core set cards for in order to make 'any' deck.
Proxying is, indeed, a fine solution particularly if you are still undecided if this is the game for you. Once I knew that I was a lifer with LOTR LCG I purchased my 3 core sets (and an additional core set of encounter cards so I could have the first cycle of encounter decks pre-built).
Thanks for the update! u/Card-Talk-Dave - I have a small suggestion: would you consider switching to using Zoom for your calls? I'm super interested in your show since it deals with some topics which are my favourite, but sometimes I have trouble with clearly hearing and understanding everyone involved in the call. That gets even worse when I try listening to it while driving (I guess I'm not the only one doing so).
I've been working 100% remote for years now and since I'm having video calls every day I've learned to appreciate the difference in quality of video/audio that Zoom delivers when compared to alternatives.
There's also Krisp that helps with removing noise regardless of the app used.
I've posted this sometime before, but I've linked all the sheets as released by FFG on this page. They've stopped sharing them at Ghost of Framsburg. I'm of a mind to add the rest myself sometimes soonish.
This video is very well produced. If your looking for suggestions if you plan on making more of these try and make your microphone less echoy. It's fine for a short video but listening to a microphone like that for an hour can get annoying. My suggestiion would be to find a way to dampen the sound or get a better microphone.
Either way its a great playthrough!
I use these, but they apparently hold way more than you need. I will probably stick with 2 binders and split the spheres. But the coolers match up except for purple.
CardGuard Trading Card Pro-Folio, 9-Pocket Side-Loading Pages, Holds 360 Cards, Dark Green
I was able to find Khazad Dum relatively easily through Amazon (for a pretty good price too, I think). I think that might at least be a good push in the right direction.
I store them in "baseball card boxes". Like this kind of thing:
Not sleeved, though. Sleeves might fit...
I cut index cards in half and write the set name and symbol on them and stick them in between cards to find them.
I have used these for lots game. 4 of them for about $15.
I recently got these: Really good for having 3 cards per pocket unsleeved. They come in the sphere colours so as my collection expands, I'll get the other colours too.
I likewise don't have a full set, and I use the Broken Token insert for the newer core box. My collection is small enough that I can fit it all in one core box, and I figure if it grows so much that I can't fit it in the one box anymore, I'll probably be buying another core box at some point anyways, and then I'll get another insert for the second core box.
The biggest thing I don't like about this solution is that there isn't anywhere convenient to keep the paper that comes with the chapter packs. The box lid not going the whole way down might bother some people as well, but I don't really mind that.
I don't have a complete set but I have this in my core box (old style deeper box) to organize my player cards. All of the encounter cards are still in their original boxes
I usethis 100 pocket Leitz Display Book, and have all the sheets organised by cycle.
The two page scenario sheets I cut in half, so I can just browse the folder and not take any out (except for the deluxe booklets). It works like a charm!
I have thick page sleeves for the rules and put them in the binder linked below. I have all but the most recent Deluxe Expansion (Shadows in the East) the respective cycle packs for it and I have most stand alone scenarios. They fit with some space for more.
Really like this binder, have it in it's varying sizes for all my games.
I also use dice instead of tokens, and the app Quest Phase on Android, which I think is fabulous : Quest Phase - Apps on Google Play
I'm doing same as you, with the same sleeves.
i'm using for my player cards.
I don't have all player cards and so can't confirm if that many fit into a single binder. For now I'm doing two spheres per binder and using one side of each page. When I filled both sides(3 cards per spot) of a page it was a bit tight and was worried about damaging the cards but using only one side is fine
Rhosgobel is probably your best move.
Both Voices and Darkens will be tough plays with such a small card pool. If you like a brutal difficulty, go for it, but it'd probably be too rough for my taste.
But, all is not lost! I've heard really good things about The Wilds of Rhovanion with not much more than a Core Set and there are lots of them on Amazon at MSRP:
Khazad-Dum is also spoken well of and is "only" $10 over MSRP:
I think either of those would be better purchases than VoI or TRD.
I have done this for a couple of business trips. For me, the use of dice instead of tokens helped quite a bit. At the time I grabbed Lost in Mirkwood and Passage Through Mirkwood since they share encounter card sets. That way I had two different quests but did not have to double up on encounter cards. Lost in Mirkwood also has many paths through the quest, so it offered replayability. I used a mono-lore deck, a few sideboard cards, and I grabbed an extra lore hero or two just to get a slightly different experience. I found this to be more than enough to keep me busy for the week and I was able to fit the cards in this small deck box I bought on Amazon. One last tip, airport security machines usually have issues with stacks of cards so you may want to remove that deck box and place it directly in the tray instead of your carry-on if you are flying.
Encounter Cards: Ultra-Pro Penny Sleeves. The more you touch and shuffle these, they tend to stick to each other. They're slippery smooth at first, then get sticky. I also live in a super humid environment, so take that for what it's worth.
Player Cards: Double-Matte Clear Sleeves thru Amazon, (non-affiliate link). They're not bad, a little sharp on the corners and loses a little clarity due to the matte. But they're cheap by comparison to DragonShield and about the same thickness (don't have calipers so can't measure, just going by feel).
Heroes: Ultra-Pro ProMatte sleeves matching sphere color. If the scenario has cards that dump the hero into the player deck, I will transfer them into the player card sleeves.
I use the hobby box storage since I don't love binders. I can't speak to how the Amazon cards fit into those.
I've been looking for this one as well - and just found a seller on Amazon and ordered it. Seller says they have ~14 left as of right now:
Looks like Black Raiders is in stock on Amazon.
On Amazon, at what I consider a steal of a price too. Looks like it’s just about sold out though:
It’s basically a giant mousepad.
Trying to keep things organized as this scenario seems to go on the long side. I thought the matching dice to the sphere was a cool add on. Dice I ordered from amazon colored dice
It is really interesting that you ask because I just loaded my lotr set into binders today. So all of my cards are in Fantasy Flight sleeves and then I am putting all my player cards into these binder sleeves:
They seem to fit pretty well even with the FF sleeves on them. I am going to try one card per pocket so that it is obvious if I am missing one. All my encounter cards I am keeping in a box.
The first thing I noticed is that when I am trying to take these sleeved cards out of the binder pockets it can be a little finicky. I wonder if they have binder pages that side-load and if that would be any better.
In my local group though I notice that most of the guys have 5 or 6 pre-constructed decks that they use for everything. In many cases they have bought multiple copies of the same AP so they can have enough copies of a critical card. I am going to try the binder solution though and see how it goes.
I guess you're not in the US? Currently $28 on Amazon.
Man, I really like the binder storage solution for the player cards. I currently have everything released, and I've filled a 3200 card box (I sleeve the player cards).
I play way too much to not sleeve. Found this binder, so perhaps there's hope.
This item will be released on January 30, 2015.
No UK date though. Not sure whether to try and get it shipped from the states or not.