Just FYI, it sucks. It never works as intended. Would be amazing if it did though!
EDIT: It might be an alright product actually, I never tried it myself. I was basing my comment off a handful of amazon reviews
Here you go. It’s even less now. It’s not a Harry Potter castle bit my kids love it and use it all day when it’s nice out.
Backyard Discovery Timberlake All Cedar Wood Playhouse
They;re a completely different medium and work in a different way to coloured pencils, mind you. They also require the right kind of paper to work well (sanded paper or clairefontaine pastelmat).
Confirmed, dad of a 2 and 6 year old that help me prep in the kitchen. Youngest gets to slice tofu using these bad boys and oldest gets to use either the larger version of those or a marginally sharper butter knife on some peppers or mushrooms. She's getting close to skilled enough that I'd trust her with a paring knife, though...
They didn't post the video on /r/watchpeopledie but there was a guy who had the video and was offering to send it to anybody who wanted it and some online newspaper or whatever published that fact. Anyway, everybody went here now:
I literally bought this Drumset a couple weeks back. The shells are solid, and the snare actually sounds pretty good out of the box. The Hardware, skins and cymbals that come with it are meh, but what can you expect for $269? If you're looking to fuck around, with a bit of tuning it's a fun little kit.
In case that Amazon link doesn't work, its the Questlove Pocket Kit.
edit: To clarify I bought the same drumset she is using, though she is using upgraded cymbals and hardware. I would imagine skins as well, but I have no way to verify that.
Maybe socially we’re conditioned to relate the terms ‘athletes’ and ‘sports’ (specifically sports like soccer or rugby) but if you look up those words and their specific definitions, band kids are absolutely athletes!
> Athlete n. One who participates in physical exercise or sports, especially in competitive events. n. One possessing the requisite strength, agility, and endurance for success in sports. n. In Greek antiquity, one who contended for a prize in the public games.
> sport n. An activity involving physical exertion and skill that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often undertaken competitively. n. Such activities considered as a group.
For any other clueless old (or young)people, the 100 in the title is an emoji explained as:
>Hundred Points
>100 emoji: the number one-hundred, written in red, underlined twice for emphasis.
>Originating from the number 100 written on a school exam or paper to indicate a perfect score of 100 out of 100. Teachers in Japan may also use a stamp in addition to the 100 mark, to indicate that a student has performed very well.
>This 100 emoji is commonly used as a shorthand for 100%, with the usage meaning “keep it real” or a similar sentiment. A 100 emoji can be used to express pride or general acceptance of an idea.
Check out, they have a ton of great tutorials on similar techniques. Look into guides for “compositing” in general, there are a lot out there.
OP does a great job with his/her videos, but the techniques being used are fairly basic and can be learned in a few hours.
Also, DaVinci Fusion is free software that could achieve this effect if you don’t want to buy After Effects.
Happy to help! The one I’ve linked below isn’t the cheapest Amazon currently offers ($229), but considering how picked over the stock currently is given the pandemic, it’s a great find.
Most importantly, it has MIDI plug in ability (I couldn’t find any cheaper option currently in stock that does) so you’ll be able to directly plug into your device.
The Simply Piano app has a “how to” manual in the settings for setting up the midi connection from there. You’ll just need a special cord to connect.
Hope that’s helpful!
Fantastic!!!! Just 2 days ago I watched “Between the Folds” on Amazon and watched these amazing artists create unbelievable works of art. I’m lucky if I can make my origami gift boxes turn out right. Bravo!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Been a while since I really read on the subject, but here is my fuzzy memory of what I learned years ago:
By this point, the Wright Brothers understood the lift equation very well, and wind tunnels had been used to derive the lift coefficient (the lifting efficiency basically) of many different airfoil shapes.
My understanding is that by this point the requirements of weight, engine power, and rotor speed were well known, the real problem to solve was in how to construct a craft that met all these.
A lot of what Sikorsky did was develop the modern control scheme: collective in the left hand to control blade angle collectively (up and down), cyclic in the right hand (for pitch and roll), and foot pedals for yaw. The model pictured here is a very early one, you can tell by the several small rotors on the tail to aid with pitch and roll. Later models would accomplish pitch and roll by attaching the blades to a swash-plate, allowing the rotor "disc" to tilt. (IIRC, Sikorsky realized very early that gyroscopic precession meant they controls had to be rigged with a 90 degree offset).
Overall, my take from what I read is that the physics of rotary wing flight were understood by this time. Sikorsky, who was also a designer of airplanes, solved the engineering challenges needed to control the machine.
If you want to read more, I can strongly recommend the book The God Machine.
I think they're more like these.
Just don't forget to edit in the sound effects.
There’s a bunch of Filipino kids in the SF Bay Area who just went “That’s just like me/Mom or Dad/my Aunt or Uncle/my cousin!!!”
Long tradition of Filipino DJ’s in the Bay Area
They absolutely did NOT do that whole image with a blowtorch. That just does some of the base shading. Most of the work would be done using a pyrography pen or wood burning tool. Imagine a soldering iron but with changeable tips that can be used to create different types of marks.
As a matter of fact, yes.
Maybe in the really early days (Think "Cocktail" with Mr. T. Cruise) they used real ones to practice with. If I recall correctly there are usually rubber mats on the floor too which help with a drop.
I remember when I learned that the bottles specifically only have 2 or 3 ounces in them at a time. I dunno why but I was like, "Awww.." If you try the spins with a full bottle you're gonna have a bad time. (Sloshing liquids and changing weight distribution etc...)
I think he has 4 coins between index and thumb. Basically the width of the thumb which is why we can't see. He does a phenomenal job of keeping his thumb level while revealing the cards as to not flash the face of the coin.
If you slow the gif to .25x you can see him clearly use his middle and index fingers to slide the bottom most coin from the stack out and then drop them into his other hand. The last coin is probably just a trick coin that holds 3 other "coins" inside it like this
I don't normally like to plug anything but an somebody I knew from uni actually made VR Art her thing, and she's just getting better and better at it. If you like this kind of thing you should definitely give her Instagram page a visit:
the thing is- not all muscle tissue is created the same. some humans have mutations that are typically common in elite power athletes. 23andMe checks for them. I am heterozygous, and i have noticed I am strong without working out as hard as my peers. I was a multi-sport athlete in high-school, but i never wrestled. one day before football practice, i decided to have a go with the state champion wrestler (albeit in a small school sporting division) in my class. I couldn't pin him, but he sure couldn't pin me, either. The 'match' went on until the coach called it and sent us to football. i don't think i have ever been so exhausted in my life. i was a big guy, but this guy was a monster at 18 who held more than his fair share of the records on the wall in the weight room. He went on to play college football with a decent bit of notoriety, and we were friends for years after college.
If you want to know more:
more reading:
But that's not the same drawing as the video. The tiktok is clearly by user @karinahaustovich (
This specific video is:
FYI TikTok links leak your username by default. Visit the link and copy the URL without the querystring and you’ll get the actual link: <>
I gave it a shot. Link.
Relay for Reddit Master Race
Play store link : Relay for reddit
Promo Video : Relay
So if my math checks out 5000 matches cost $8.15, so that thing has $684.60 worth of matches. Not to mention the glue. 420,000 matches don't cost as much as I thought they would though.
If any one is interested this is up for pre-order - shipping on the 15th
Lead holder.
Staedtler Mars Technico 780 C-9 leadholder pencil with HB lead, black
You should get a lead pointer too.
Staedtler 502 BK A6 Mars Rotary Action Lead Pointer and Tub for 2mm Leads, 502BKA6,Blue
I believe it is this:
MaxxMMA Advanced Cobra Reflex Bag Kit 2.0
But this kid has an additional blue light device attached as well and it appears to simulate body shots. I don’t see that device anywhere online.
For sure dude. This is the one I ordered. But now that I'm looking at it again, I don't think it's quite deep enough. Just be sure to convert the dimensions into inches and search for the "'width X length' Shadow box"
That is fantastic! The neck catch was a nice touch. Great job turning negative comments into your positives, too.
I'm going to give one piece of unsolicited advice; camera angles are everything. Shooting from above or at eye level will make you look thinner than shooting from below does. Grab yourself an inexpensive tripod ( like this one on amazon ) or stack up a bunch of books and shoot from eye level.
Rock on, dude!
+1. These stupid things do not work at all. I always resort to soldering which is a real pain on the RGBW strips if you have a lot of cuts.
But we can see it. It's the black spot in his hand. At 3:14-3:15, we can also see a black smudge on the front of his shirt. His shirt is clean, and it's not a shadow (he's facing the sun). It's the tiny bit of pole that flexed beyond the stitch plane and ended up in the final video clip.
You're right that we would see more pole due to its flexibility, but he doesn't have the two poles taped together for all the video. The clip of him crossing the rock wall looks like he's probably using the taped double pole, but it's mostly vertical so there's no flex, so no definite evidence of the pole to be seen. But when he walks across the wooden bridge, you can see from the shadow that he is using only the single long pole. To his credit, he used good poles that don't flex much, so the pole stays mostly invisible in the stitch plane.
I have a few 360 cameras and a simple extending pole with blue aluminum locking rings. So instead of a black hole in my fist, it always looks like I'm holding something blue. The pole looks like this (Only an example. Don't buy that overpriced junk. I think I paid $40 and it's not really worth that)
EDIT: This is me holding the pole with the blue locking rings. This was taken with a Mi Sphere camera which is much thinner than a GoPro Fusion. The thinner camera means thinner stitch plane, so more pole will be visible with a Sphere vs a Fusion. I don't think I have taken any pictures with the Fusion and this pole.
Am not op, but they are probably prismacolor premiere colored pencils. They're incredibly good at blending together with other colors of prismacolor pencils and can achieve a very smooth texture by flattening the "tooth" of the paper.
okay thats amazing but I NEED that shirt. Seriously thats a great shirt and even better talent. that's amazing.
edit: found it for anyone who wants to buy it: