I think you misunderstood what transhumansim is about.
When i read your concerns, it sounds like you are worried about posthumanism.
Posthumanism is the idea that humans will cease to exist and be replaced by something else (most common ideas are AI or some self-reproducing machines).
Transhumanism instead is the idea that we humans will develop into something like super-humans, almost god-like beeings. Thus not only keeping our emotions, passion, love and so on, but even raise those to new levels. Think about some special moments in your life where you felt really creative, feeling intense emotions, bursting with joyful creativity. The beeing of the future will be able to live in those stadiums all the time and even go beyond that.
I can recommend a good book for a little insight of the issue if you like: https://www.amazon.de/Homo-Deus-History-Tomorrow-English-ebook/dp/B019CGXTP0/ref=nodl_
https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000wwdd/panorama-paralympics-the-unfair-games There was a BBC documentary that explored that; classifications at Paralympics being unjust.
I think that links to Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality are obligatory in threads like this. Especially the chapters involving deathism.
I've read Thinking, Fast and Slow as well as some other works he did with Tversky. Which part of TFS conflicts with what OP wrote? I am far from convinced but I don't see why it would be wrong either.
The article cites two "artificial intelligence experts". One wrote a program to make phone calls, the other is an astronomer. CNET is an idiot.
And this is how I feel on Elon Musk: https://medium.com/smoking-out-buzzwords/exorcising-the-demon-7d1200a25f1b
There might be the possibility of stable time loops. This bit of conjecture offers hope.
And if not, we can think of other ways of survival already.
I agree, which is why increasing parsley intake is the safest route for getting apigenin. Most people eat close to 0 of that, and I'd bet the some is better than none when it comes to apigenin's potential effects on health. Also, as you mentioned, there are no RCTs in humans, so who knows if it works in people. Nonetheless, it hasn't stopped companies from including it in "anabolic" supplements:
'General intelligence' and IQ are well validated:
There is a strange disconnect between the scientific consensus and the public mind on intelligence testing. Just mention IQ testing in polite company, and you'll sternly be informed that IQ tests don't measure anything "real", and only reflect how good you are at doing IQ tests; that they ignore important traits like "emotional intelligence" and "multiple intelligences"; and that those who are interested in IQ testing must be elitists, or maybe something more sinister.
Yet the scientific evidence is clear: IQ tests are extraordinarily useful. IQ scores are related to a huge variety of important life outcomes like educational success, income, and even life expectancy, and biological studies have shown they are genetically influenced and linked to measures of the brain. Studies of intelligence and IQ are regularly published in the world's top scientific journals.
c.f. Ray Kurzweil's 5th Epoch (The Singularity Is Near).
>If you think governments will allow you to deny them information or allow complete transparency like that you are naive.
I'm naive? After researching how to make my own router using OPNSense and creating it then using that router to browse the internet on Tor using Qubes OS, my internet was turned off. I was using 2 PC's and I intuited that the government doesn't want me to have this much privacy. I turned off the Qubes OS PC and my internet immediately went up. I also got a notification from NordVPN stating that my network traffic is likely being intercepted. I posted this on /r/opsec and got banned for "signs of schizophrenia". I'm far from naive.
> The lock the guy that invented PGP because he didn't want to provide backdoors to the CIA.
The lock the guy? Do you mean he's locked up, because he's not.
>Tech like that exists, its not being used and downloading some of it automatically puts you on a watchlist.
Yes, and I'm on that watchlist for sure. Talking about it only makes you look crazy. I'm aware of what's going on very well...
> Don't do that "non provable" shit with me.
It's true. We The People are the government.
I know non-Russian Cosmists who are transhumanists. Ben Goertzel and Gulio Prisco wrote a book on it. Ben is a USA AI scientist, Guilio is Italian. Book is here: https://www.amazon.com/Cosmist-Manifesto-Practical-Philosophy-Posthuman/dp/0984609709
My favorite is probably James Hughes' book Citizen Cyborg. It provides a great overview of basic ideas in transhumanism and how transhumanism relates to modern (ish) social and political issues.
stock photo + simple text + zero context. This reeks of an attempt at a "hyper targeted" ad. Plus OP just posts this company frequently across reddit.
The best news I have got from the Stanford paper (which underplays the development of brain implants as such) is the reference to this March 2021 publication, announcing that they may work at least 1,000 days after the implantation. This may be sufficient for a full mind transfer into an adaptive NN fabric, provided that the BIC is large enough.
I believe that society's mentality is not "apocalyptic/doomsday" enough, and this has nothing to do with either religion or pandemics.
>The very fact that humans, who are supposed to be rational animals, are agreeable to live under the constant threat of nuclear annihilation, is for me a sufficient guilty verdict for our race as a whole – not only for its political class.
IMHO, only transhumanism is the answer.
Thank you. Here's a link to The Transhumanist Reader. I wrote the first chapter as an overview of the whole idea: https://smile.amazon.com/Transhumanist-Reader-Contemporary-Technology-Philosophy/dp/1118334310/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=transhumanist+reader&qid=1628181337&sr=8-3 Natasha wrote a short book after that as an easier read: Transhumanism: What is it? https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07L5WB8RL/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i1
Also: Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World--and Why Things Are Better Than You Think https://smile.amazon.com/dp/1250123828?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details
Ten Global Trends Every Smart Person Should Know: And Many Others You Will Find Interesting https://smile.amazon.com/dp/1948647737?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details
So many books refuting your view. Here's a recent one that lots of people should read: More From Less: https://smile.amazon.com/More-Less-Surprising-Learned-Resources-ebook/dp/B07P5GPMTY/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=more+from+less&qid=1627581587&s=books&sr=1-2
If such tech existed, I doubt we would have much choice.
I forget the exact story, but Ken Liu has a story describing what this would be like and some of the arguments for joining vs not joining in Hidden Girl. https://www.amazon.com/Hidden-Girl-Other-Stories/dp/1982134038
Only Superhuman, by Christopher L. Bennett
This text is very shallow. Actually, the answer very much depends on what kind of AI we are speaking about. The best discussion I know may be found in the (superficially, very odd) story https://www.amazon.com/Transfer-First-Attempt-selected-chapters/dp/B08MHQ7T66
The key difference between a coin and a brain/mind is that the brain/mind is a computational system. That means that you can emulate it and you will get the same behavior.
For more, see https://www.amazon.com/Taxonomy-Metaphysics-Mind-Uploading-Keith-Wiley/dp/0692279849
I’d also recommend you stop using the words “copy” and “ghost”. They have imprecise and biased meanings in this context.
Read Ending Aging, by Aubrey de Grey if you didn't already. Introduction video here.
There is a nice book called "age of em" that explains how a capitalist world with mind upload could look like: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0198754620/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=0198754620&linkCode=as2&tag=transhumanism-20&linkId=7b799c47657f5de5c73b71098c70db38
> programs can't run while they're in transit
You'd have a signal delay that was no higher than the actual signal propagation delay to get halfway around the world, which is about 100ms, 150-200ms roundtrip. Higher than that, you can just forward the signal to the copy still running on the source node and get the answer from there. Practically, at some point we'd probably understand the brain well enough that it wouldn't feel like an interruption, more like having to think a bit longer before certain things came to mind.
The way that this could actually become an issue is if emulated brains can run a lot faster than biological brains. A factor of 1000 does not seem implausible, and that would also multiply any transmission delay.
On the other hand, travelling around the world in 20 minutes is still a significant improvement on the status quo, which people are fine with.
For more on this, I would recommend Robin Hanson's Age of Em, which goes into this scenario in a lot of detail.
Recently, I read Humans: 3.0 and I enjoyed it. One reason was that its current events/ immediate future discussion and not 'end game' speculation.