So, my comment is too late and will surely be burried by the brigaders, this isn't the IRS launching investigation, this public letter, dated July 22 - no one curious why you haven't heard about this in four days from anyone but the daily caller? - acknowledges the receipt of a request authored by Republicans to conduct an investigation. It isn't an investigation, it is the legal equivalent of a receipt. As the letter says, "the program considers all referrals." Good job r/politics, Upvoting a form letter receipt because it jives with your preconceived notions.
The letter so you can read it yourself.
Put your pitchforks down! Or at least don't sharpen them too much, yet. There seems to be a little more to this story than the article states. Here's the complaint.
TL;DR- She wants to teach reading/language arts to students on the Extended Foreign Language ("EFL") track. She previously taught reading/language arts to students on other tracks. The principal has made up a rule that requires reading/language arts teachers to speak Spanish, but not math or science teachers for EFL students. The district's handbook lists no Spanish-speaking requirement.
This actually brings up a serious issue in Administrative law. The principal's rule may be arbitrary and capricious considering the fact that the other teachers don't have such a requirement. The arbitrary and capricious standard is extremely deferential to the defendant (the school district) but the other facts in the case may be troublesome in defending this lawsuit.
EDIT: ¡¿Oro?! ¡Dios mío! (that's Spanish, but I wouldn't ask the plaintiff to help you translate if I were you)
>“[A]ll of the materials retrieved from any electronic equipment obtained from former Secretary Clinton for the investigation are evidence, potential evidence, or information that has not yet been assessed for evidentiary value,” the FBI said in the filing.
nothing to see here, just a routine security inquiry and review.
yeah the complaint is here
It miscontrues a lot of stuff. It portrays Steam login as some kind of tacit support of the betting websites.
It describes this thread ( as follows:
> In a post on Valve’s forum, a moderator — that is, a Valve spokesperson who manages the forums on behalf of Valve — told "younger” users who think they have been scammed through third party sites such as Lounge to not post on the forums about it. Rather, those “younger” users who were scammed on a third-party gambling site should contact Valve directly. In this post, the moderator on Steam’s own forums told users, including its “younger” users: “Safe betting and trading!” > >
I dont know anything about CSGO Lounge Steam group but something tells me this person isn't a Valve employee.
The complaint is full of these questionable or outright wrong claims.
He's not being personally sued for $500,000; he's one of SIX PAGES OF DEFENDANTS, including Amazon, Model Mayhem, Shutterstock, Playboy, Barnes & Noble, and Clear Channel. There's even a duplicate entry in the list of defendants, Mezzo Media (listed twice consecutively) and eight "John Doe Internet Pornography" companies.
This is basically a get rich quick scheme by a pair of lawyers running out of a suburban strip mall. I hope the lawyers get crushed in court.
For an actual report on a candidates health history Here is Hillarys
For people still concerned about the candidates health: this is also why they tell you who their Vice President will be before you vote.
If anyone wants to read Emma's side of the story, she actually annotated the above fb conversation to explain herself.
I'm a current student at Columbia University, so I've been following this case fairly closely, and would like to say several things:
Again, I do not side with Emma. But I believe that both sides deserve to be heard, so for those interested, at least take a look at her annotated notes. You may still come away thinking that she is in the wrong (I lean towards this conclusion), but some of the vitriol in this thread is over the top.
The annotated notes come from this jezebel piece, which also includes the best 'updog' joke I have ever read. Seriously, read the whole piece.
The use of "public domain" here confused me. My understanding was that by committing something to the public domain you give up your claim to its copyright, which would be something of a barrier to suing over anything but the one fraudulent letter.
However, while writing a comment to that effect I read the actual complaint:
> 36. At no time did Ms. Highsmith intend to abandon her rights in her photographs, including any rights of attribution or rights to control the terms of use for her photographs, nor was it ever her intent to enable third parties to purport to sell licenses for her photographs, or send threating letters to people who used her photos.
> 38. The agreement that Ms. Highsmith signed with the Library in November 1991 specifically addressed attribution issues.
So who knows. That sounds more like a Creative Commons license (a decade before they were called that, which might explain the confusing use of public domain to describe it). Any actual lawyers in the house?
Mattress Girl's alleged rapist (who has been cleared by more than one campus investigation, and the police) is suing Columbia. Read the lawsuit filed by Paul Nussenger here to get a great rundown of wtf happened. I promise it's worth every page (except for maybe the last several). Your jaw will hit the floor.
In related news, a UVA Dean is suing Rolling Stone. Read the lawsuit here. The tl;dr on that is that both Erdely and Rolling Stone repeatedly evaded questioning and actively LIED trying to maintain the credibility of the story (even the credibility of the accusations made about UVA's handling of Jackie's case). Even Jackie was uncomfortable with how Dean Eramo was portrayed (page 46).
Not really; by and large, they're just reinventing the wheel. A huge percentage of darknet PDF archives are just recycled from TOTSE, Erowid, Megalomania's Controversial Chemlab, old anarchist and hacker forums, and Loompanics and Paladin Press books from the late 90s-early 2000s. Not to mention slapping new branding on old hacking tools that everyone and their grandmother has been aware of for more than a decade. YAWN.
I read all that stuff the first time around, and can't say I'm too terribly impressed with what passes for original content these days...It's not worth surrounding yourself with sub-literate scumbag scammers when you could get better content on the regular net. IMO, you're better off learning how to develop your own exploits and and staying far, far away from every last bit of that toxic shit. And all the toxic people and their little toxic scenes too--they literally have nothing to offer.
If you feel like PMing me a link to forum that will prove me wrong, I'm all ears. lol
> “[A]ll of the materials retrieved from any electronic equipment obtained from former Secretary Clinton for the investigation are evidence, potential evidence, or information that has not yet been assessed for evidentiary value,” the FBI said in the filing.
For every "time for Sanders to drop out" comment or opinion piece, this statement by the FBI right here is all the reason for those individuals to sit down and shut up.
Edit: Actual FBI response filing to read through.
Here ya go. Court documents filed by the alleged rapist against Columbia University.
"Fuck me in the butt," on page 5. To be fair, likely a joke.
"Paul I wuv you so much. Please stay w me foevah," "I LOVE YOU - SO MUCH," "PAUL I MISS YOU PAUL I MISS YOU PAUL I MISS YOU PAULLL" on page 7.
"Rape" happens on page 8; also on page 8, two days later, after Paul allegedly brutally beat and raped her, she Facebooked him: "i feel like we need to have some real time where we can talk about life and thingz because we haven't really had a paul-emma chill sesh since summmerrrrr."
Document goes on to chronicle her persistent and unreciprocated affection for Paul on page 9.
Pages 12, 13, and 14 document various serious and legitimate inconsistencies in her story.
She's entirely full of shit. <-- wow, the day after the MtGox warrant was issued to have their bitcoins siezed in 2013, FORCE wrote that!
Of course she has a corporate worldview. Who can forget this Greatest Hit in 2011?
>Secretary Clinton gave remarks, and noted that "it's time for the United States to start thinking of Iraq as a business opportunity."
The original World War Z script written by J Michael Straczynski. This script was completely thrown out except for some names and the main character living in philly and bears almost zero resemblance to the movie that was actually made. If you enjoyed the book AT ALL, I HIGHLY recommend reading this. Its honestly brilliant the way Straczynski strayed true to the book but still created a traditional movie narrative and even expanded on some of the book's themes. If you've never read the book... go read it!
In case you don't believe me, Aint it cool news called the script similar to Children of Men and "a genre-defining piece of work that could well see us all arguing about whether or not a zombie movie qualifies as Best Picture material”. It honestly makes me depressed every time I think about this movie not being made.
Hate to ruin the circle-jerk, but his post had nothing to do with the Orlando shooting. Here's his statement:
>“Lt. Governor Patrick and every Texan is stunned and saddened by the outrageous act of domestic terrorism that has occurred in Orlando. He and Jan are praying for the victims, their families and their friends. > >“Regarding this morning’s scripture posting on social media, be assured that the post was not done in response to to last night’s tragedy. The post was designed and scheduled last Thursday. > >“The Lt. Governor is traveling out of the country, but our social media team has deleted the posts and graphics. We regret the unfortunate timing of these posts and ask everyone to join us in praying for the people of Orlando in this awful time.”
IIRC several posters here and elsewhere had their account banned without exceeding the purchases.
Overall, even if they did only ban accounts exceeding the limit and it's just a coincidence that it was mostly asian sounding names and chinese domains, they handled it extremely poorly.
ETA: the complaint from the law suit:
See I take issue with this statement.
I read the class action lawsuit against valve (Fascinating read by the way) and it clearly states in no uncertain terms that a community manager for valve was specifically saying gambling sites are allowed and that any site that got blacklisted for being a gambling site was in error and the website owner should contact steam for support to get that reversed.
I feel this is incompatible with this statement here. You are NOW sending letters to cease operations but just a ~month ago you were telling these websites to contact steam support for help if they somehow end up black listed.
Sounds like valve is trying to re-write history to me.
EDIT: here is a link to the lawsuit - sorry the site is kinda shit I can't find the straight PDF. Page 27 is about where the part about the community manager comes into play. Screen cap on 22 was extremely eye opening- the sites lists games such as "roulette, coin flip, black jack, slot machine, scratch cards, match betting and jackpot" that you can gamble skins on.
Pennsylvania (Clinton +8): Clinton 45, Trump 37, Johnson 6, Stein 2
Pennsylvania Senate (Tie): McGinty 39, Toomey 39
North Carolina (Clinton +4): Clinton 46, Trump 42, Johnson 4, Stein 2
North Carolina (Ross +1): Burr 40, Ross 41
Here is the full text of the article, shared in accordance with the journal terms and conditions which allow "sharing discrete portions of Content for purposes of collaboration, comment, or the scholarly exchange of ideas".
^(^^Fuck ^^the ^^police)
Yup, see Cavanaugh v Bartelt for one such decision:
>The Court finds that FSMism is not a "religion" within the meaning of the relevant federal statutes and constitutional jurisprudence. It is, rather, a parody, intended to advance an argument about science, the evolution of life, and the place of religion in public education. Those are important issues, and FSMism contains a serious argument — but that does not mean that the trappings of the satire used to make that argument are entitled to protection as a "religion." Nor, the Court finds, has Cavanaugh sufficiently alleged how the exercise of his "religion" has been substantially burdened. The Court will grant the defendants' motion to dismiss.
here's this thread turned into a 'newspaper'
Imgur -
Easier to read PDF -
As with last time, I'd love to have better/more images, but that's unlikely, due to not being whitelisted, so if anyone uploads images when this thread goes up, that'd be great!
In the aftermath of Rob Ford's lying in repose and funeral, Doug Ford and Dan Jacobs (Rob's former staffer and Michael Ford's current campaign manager) published a news release accusing the City of misleading them on the cost of the civic honours afforded the former mayor (see
In their release, Ford and Jacobs stated that they had agreed to reimburse the City for the cost of the lying in repose and accused the City of misleading them about the total cost. While both of these statements rang false, the City provided a very measured response to the accusations.
So, I filed an FOI request to figure out what really happened.
As you can see, their accusations were called "Patently Untrue" by staff, and it looks like some of the hardest workers on the file were smeared for political purposes (see
The FOI response is an interesting read, because it shows the tremendous effort expended by professional City staff to prepare for and execute a very high-profile activity under conditions of significant uncertainty and short timelines. The dismissive Ford response is both factually inaccurate and rather ungrateful.
Hopefully bringing this information to the public will help place their actions in a fuller context.
The full 2,993 page FOI response is available here:
Regarding Bernie's HC proposal, for example, Kenneth Thorpe (left-leaning economist in support of single-payer) came out with a very different savings estimate.
Thorpe thinks Bernie's proposal overestimates expected savings by $1trn annually (would triple the current budget deficit).
One example, Sanders' estimates $324bn of annual drug savings. But the US only spent $305bn on drugs nationally in 2014. So in some cases the math has fundamental errors.
If there are errors like that in one of the proposals, it's highly likely they'll be in the others, too.
Edit: spelling
This isn't the IRS launching investigation, this public letter acknowledges the receipt of a request authored by Republicans to conduct an investigation. It isn't an investigation, it is the legal equivalent of a receipt. As the letter says, "the program considers all referrals.
The letter so you can read it yourself.
For example:
Identical letter I just pulled off google image search. This is from a submission by an anti-Scientology group. The IRS just sends these to anyone who asks them to look into something.
If I sent a letter to the IRS right now asking for them to investigate John McCain for tax fraud, I would get an identical form letter response. The republicans know this, but assume that we are all too stupid to understand it.
In related news, a UVA Dean is suing Rolling Stone. Read the lawsuit here. The tl;dr on that is that both Erdely and Rolling Stone repeatedly evaded questioning and actively LIED trying to maintain the credibility of the story (even the credibility of the accusations made about UVA's handling of Jackie's case). Even Jackie was uncomfortable with how Dean Eramo was portrayed (page 46).
Mattress Girl's alleged rapist (who has been cleared by more than one campus investigation, and the police) is suing Columbia. Read the lawsuit filed by Paul Nussenger here to get a great rundown of wtf happened. I promise it's worth every page (except for maybe the last several). Your jaw will hit the floor.
Edit: Since not everyone has the time to read a whole legal document, here are some pages you should read.
Eramo lawsuit Highlights
Pg 27 Rubina evasion during Slate interviews pg 52
Pg 31/32 RS refuses apology
Pg 40 Jackie's sketchy behavior
Pg 42 no FERPA waiver
Pg 44 Randall never spoke to
Pg 45 Jackie never requested Erdely refrain from contacting her friends
Pg 46 Jackie uncomfortable with eramo portrayal. Pg 49/pg 40
Pg 54 Editor woods lies
Yup. Done intentionally to indicate a frantic reaction. I wrote a paper on how this style developed actually. My prof was fascinated by it.
EDIT: Here is the paper. As mentioned in the disclaimer, this is an old, student work and is very unlikely to be of high quality.
It actually holds back economic growth to have all that money up there. Theoretically, the economy could be growing three times faster, because each dollar in their hands adds 39 cents to GDP, and each dollar at the bottom adds $1.21.
I don't think enough people fully grasp the effects of this. People can suggest that buying yachts is good for the economy, because it creates jobs and yadda yadda, but what we need to focus more on is the hugely depressed money velocity and what that means.
Think of the economy like an engine running at 3500 rpms and going 20mph. Yeah, that's solid performance, but we could also easily shift to a higher gear such that we reduce the rpms to 2500 and yet start going 60mph. That's going farther, faster, with less fuel. Everybody wins. And yet we're not doing that.
Essentially, the rich could choose to buy a spaceship instead of a yacht, if they just stopped accumulating and hoarding so much of everything, and instead put that money back towards the bottom to move things along faster. The more evenly distributed resources are (to a point), the faster we create new businesses, innovate, invent, etc. By concentrating so much money at the top, the entire engine is slowed, and this affects even them.
They're just too busy sailing on yachts to understand they could be enjoying space travel instead.
Here's some further reading about the effects of inequality.
Fair point. If it's a typo, "down to 8" seems more likely. I don't think a reporter would write "down 8" to mean +6 without clarifying. If there's no typo, they probably mean a 22 point swing.
We'll need to wait for the link to see for sure.
EDIT: Nope. 22-point swing. She's up 8 with men, 45-37. Holy shit, indeed.
Hmmm.. You're absolutely right. It does say so in this paper for Optimal Tip-to-Tip Efficiency: A Model for Male Audience Stimulation.
Reddit, I think we can wrap this one up. Good work!
This isn't the IRS launching investigation, this public letter, dated July 22 - no one curious why you haven't heard about the last five days - acknowledges the receipt of a request authored by Republicans to conduct an investigation. It isn't an investigation, it is the legal equivalent of a receipt. As the letter says, "the program considers all referrals." There is a version of this on the front page from the reputable Daily Caller with 1,000 comments mocking the gullibility of the people Upvoting it.
The letter so you can read it yourself.
Identical letter I just pulled off google image search. This is from a submission by an anti-Scientology group. The IRS just sends these to anyone who asks them to look into something.
This study also won the 2014 Ig Nobel prize in psychology
Edit: didn't realize there was no full text. Full text here.
If anyone is interested, here is their tax filing:
The company specifically says that they give proceeds for specifically Jewish causes. This seems verifiable to me.
I know /u/Batty-Koda comes by this place, maybe they can be of assistance?
Hold on a second:
Re: Mark, et al. v. Gawker Media LLC, et al., No. 13 Civ. 04347 (AJN) (SN)
> As with their proposed #fairpay and #livingwage hashtags, Plaintiffs’ plan with respect to Reddit is calculated less to reach potential collective members than to connect this lawsuit with unrelated controversies and political causes. For example, the topic “KotakuInAction,” where Plaintiffs propose to post, centers around criticism of commentary that a Gawker editor made in October 2014 related to a controversy known as GamerGate, which had nothing to do with interns or any remotely related subject.
Um, what? This statement is vague, and possibly flat-out false. KiA "centers around criticism of commentary that a Gawker editor made in October 2014" ...?
What the hell does "centers around" mean? What Gawker editor are they referring to here?
So, my comment is too late and will surely be burried by the brigaders, this isn't the IRS launching investigation, this public letter, dated July 22 - no one curious why you haven't heard about this in four days from anyone but the daily caller? - acknowledges the receipt of a request authored by Republicans to conduct an investigation. It isn't an investigation, it is the legal equivalent of a receipt. As the letter says, "the program considers all referrals." Good job r/politics, Upvoting a form letter receipt because it jives with your preconceived notions.
The letter so you can read it yourself.
> Once inside a network, they simply upload some child porn and the next thing you know the FBI is knocking on your door screaming about how despicable you are.
they already do that
That's the retconned history. The WC1 Orc manual is told from the perspective of Garona and she specifically mentions (page 20) that it's been at least fifteen years since the start of the war.
A policy change that the leaders tried to sneak into the super secret handbook. Basically, it says that children with gay parents cannot be baptised until they are 18 and have disavowed their parents. In addition, babies with a gay parent cannot be blessed and a person who marries a person of the same sex should be excommunicated. It's a vile policy.
Here's a copy that you can read for yourself.
There is so much about this case that doesn't make sense, but I can answer about the boat. The boat was found two days after the boys went missing. The coast guard searched it (it was upside down) but said the boys were not on board, and there were a few life vests in the boat. They attached a buoy and left, because the waters were still rough. When a salvage company arrived 12 hours later, the buoy had become detached and the boat couldn't be found.
There was a rumor that the boat was seen on a flatbed trailer on the interstate late that same night, but that was pure speculation that fueled even more conspiracy theories.
The boat was found again, maybe a month or two later. A man took photos, called the coast guard and gave them the coordinates, and when the CG arrived the boat was gone again. The boat was found in March (I think) by a cargo ship. They pulled it out of the water and found the cell phone. They shipped the boat back to Florida.
All of this is in the report done by FWC. That report is super frustrating. The man who started it was "voluntarily demoted" during the investigation (I think that was the phrase) and then quit FWC altogether. The investigators didn't really try to talk to the boys' friends. And one lady had called the coast guard the day the boys went missing, claiming she saw two boys on a boat in distress. She called back again and said that another boat was seen pulling in close to them. But when the investigators talked to her more, she confessed that she made up the part about seeing a second boat because she was angry that no one from the CG had called her back.
Interesting to note that they are not asking for WotC to employ all Judges going forward. They're asking WotC to establish a separate, non-profit organization that will regulate Judges.
Its a small world. I got that complaint off of Pacer and uploaded it to scribd to post to Don't know if the author found my post there or found the complaint on google.
Might as well paste my comment here:
Just finished reading the complaint.
I'm speechless.
This guy had his privacy violated, falsely declared mentally deficient with no due process or notification, his permit and property seized with no due process or notification and he has no practical relief under the law. How anyone thought this law is even remotely constitutional is beyond me.
For anyone interested, its an easy read, easy to understand legalese. You might however want to get an appointment with your dentist before you start, because if you're like me, you're going to be grinding your teeth in rage by page 10.
Hillary 45
Trump 42
Hillary: 40/55
Trump: 38/45
Cortez Masto: 42
Heck: 41
Trump's stamina attack on Clinton should instead stir talk of real and fake health records.
One of these things is not like the others.
If they do mean churches in the Christian sense then it's entirely possible that the churches were set up after the construction of the much older structure. In other words, it's possible that they moved in to the already existing site.
I have no source for you right now (am on mobile) but I seem to remember reading that during the time of Roman persecution of Christians, some underground places in Cappadocia were inhabited by Christians as hidden refuges from Rome and there were churches set up in those places as well. If I get some time later ai may edit n a source.
EDIT: looks like I got some time after all.,_Turkey
This is part of a document dump from Citizens United's FOIA requests to the U.S. State Department. Citizen's United has them all available here.
So, my comment is too late and will surely be burried by the brigaders, this isn't the IRS launching investigation, this public letter, dated July 22 - no one curious why you haven't heard about this in four days from anyone but the daily caller? - acknowledges the receipt of a request authored by Republicans to conduct an investigation. It isn't an investigation, it is the legal equivalent of a receipt. As the letter says, "the program considers all referrals." Good job r/politics, Upvoting a form letter receipt because it jives with your preconceived notions.
The letter so you can read it yourself.
Hearing the recording of her talking about the rape case and laughing about the miscarriage of justice is chilling.
and the smear of the victim's sexual imagination is just unfathomable:
actually, you're all wrong.
it's pretty tacky and uncouth to take other people's tragedy and appropriate it to your own agenda.
the fact is that they are preloaded graphics that go out every sunday morning at 5am.
and they actually go out preloaded on the Thursday before:
move along with your hate pitchforks, nothing to see here.
The minority report wasn't actually written by anyone from the credentials committee, it was written by someone on the Sanders central office staff.
"The most egregious instance of the Sanders Campaign inciting disruption—and yes, violence—came as the State Convention’s Credentials Committee completed its work. Adam Gillette, part of National Delegate Operations Team for the official Sanders Campaign, drafted and arranged for a member of that committee to attempt to deliver an incendiary, inaccurate, and wholly unauthorized “minority report” charging that the Credentials Committee had fraudulently denied 64 Sanders delegates their eligibility. The final delegate count had provided the Clinton Campaign with a 33 delegate advantage in the hall; one can imagine the rage occasioned by this inflammatory charge, tossed into the tinderbox of a tense convention hall. Not only did this discredit the work of the Credentials Committee—which featured five Sanders delegates and five Clinton delegates and a Sanders co-chair, and who worked all day under extremely trying conditions to be fair and diligent in their duties—it called into question the entirety of the proceedings because it indicated to an irrational minority that the proceedings had been rigged against them. Forcing their way onto the dais to deliver this paranoid fantasy of fraud and delegate theft was clearly intended to throw the proceedings into disarray.
It succeeded. From that moment on, there was little hope for any peace or mutual understanding and respect between Sanders delegates and the NSDP; the mantra became simply that the convention had been stolen from the Sanders Campaign."
If you follow through the links you can see the actual court filing.
>plaintiffs' [the baby, and his parents as his representatives] injuries and damages, if any, were caused by the deliberate, criminal conduct of plaintiffs, and such criminal conduct supersedes any and all negligence or liability, if any, on the part of these defendants [the police].
Full Hitchens video of Hitchens saying Clinton was behind it. Still says the same thing. I knew there would be a defender of Bill and Hillary Clinton's constant attacks on Women.
You'll probably also defend her laughing about how he passed a polygraph too.
There is actually a link to a description of nine of the twenty incidents.
Several National Guard exercises, requested by the state governor. This makes sense, as big exercises need lots of space. National Guard exercises, held locally, are more cost effective than packing everything and everyone up and going to Ft. Polk, Louisiana or Ft. Irwin, California to train. In addition, given what they were training on, why not do it on the terrain they're training for? Ardent Sentry 15 was based on a major earthquake in California. Using drones to assess damage to infrastructure is a hell of a lot faster and more effective than driving to and across every bridge in the area.
Search and Rescue - Requested by California Office of Emergency Services. Dude, if you're lost in Yosemite, do you want people on foot with dogs looking for you, or thermal imagery searching for you?
South Carolina and Mississippi flooding - Requested by FEMA, and the US Army Core of Engineers (Which is not necessarily the US Army, proper). Cheaper than a helicopter.
Also, the full report is reproduced on Scribd at the bottom of the article.
That is incredible. The state AG should pursue perjury charges against all of those witnesses. I'm going to go find that civil rights complaint.
EDIT: Funny, the civil complaint was filed in August last year. I wonder why it's taken this long to reach the news. Dendinger v. City of Bogalusa, et al., 2014cv01837. Also funny, on August 15 it was ordered consolidated with another action, Mills v. City of Bogalusa, et al., 13-5477, that was on the eve of trial. Now the trial is being continued, presumably to allow Dendinger to catch up with discovery.
EDIT2: Mills v. Bogalusa, et al.; Dendinger v. Bogalusa, et al.
64 were deemed ineligible before the convention.
8 of them showed up.
6 of those who showed up were granted entry.
When one of the 3 people who you've helped as a Democratic candidate condemns you and your supporters, I think that you're probably wrong:
Long story short, Sanders supporters fucked up, and are now outraged because they were called on it.
This the letter the IRS sent back to the Republican in Congress who sent the request.
This IRS isn't launching an investigation, they acknowledged the investigation request by congressional Republicans and said they'd look at it. As the letter says, "the program considers all referrals." The Daily Caller took the form letter receipt and went with a story that they were making an investigation, which isn't true.
Is this laughable to almost everyone? Or is there general consensus that this is the right decision?
>'I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with appropriate management authorities in the Department … in order to ensure that I know whether information or material within my knowledge or control that I have reason to believe might be SCI... I have been advised that the unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized retention, or negligent handling of SCI by me could cause irreparable injury to the United States or be used to advantage by a foreign nation ... In addition, I have been advised that any unauthorized disclosure of SCI by me may constitute violations of United States criminal laws, including provisions of Sections 793, 794, 796, and 952, Title 18, United States Code; and of Section 783(b), Title 50, United States Code.'
Emphasis mine.
Do we know if any of the classified documents related to defense? If so, I'd imagine she could have been pinged on this. I'm not familiar enough with the law to determine if there is another stipulation beyond "defense information" though.
>18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information >(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document ... or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or ... Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
> Then they claim that REN and TDK deliberately withheld documents in order to hide information from Riot, which would be a pretty big violation of rules:
I mean, when asked to provide proof of signed contracts, Monte sent in the equivalent of a "Pleese excuse Hannah from skool, she iz sick" note from a kindergartner.
(This document and this reply are what I'm referring too, courtesy of Monte's own document dump.)
Can't say I blame Riot for having slightly less trust in them after that.
Westfield paid $600 million to the Port Authority for the retail space, and the Port Authority still gets a share of the profits. NYU studied this and found that the Port Authority will recoup at least 97% of the tax dollars put into the entire WTC project.
>The up-front costs incurred by the PA in rebuilding have been high. Nevertheless, our analysis suggests that the PA is likely to recover, on a net present value basis, almost all of the money it has invested from its own resources in the World Trade Center. Moreover, the complex will for decades to come be a major generator of tax revenues for both New York City and New York State (and to a lesser extent, for New Jersey).Ten years ago, no one anticipated that redevelopment of the World Trade Center would produce such a favorable set of outcomes.
But please, don't let that stop the circlejerk
Additionally, according to the Nevada State Democratic Party, they sent the names of 44 of those 64 delegates to the Sanders campaign two days in advance so they could sort out their credentials ahead of time and the Sanders campaign never responded.
I thought these infographics were pretty concise.
References are in the graphics and based on this series.
forgot to add to title that patient recruiting may start as early as the end of 2016.
edit: here are the complete documents outlining the study, for those interested
This whole thing is a legal mess -- I started thinking about what might make copying an API spec "fair use", and realized there is probably zero case law on evaluating fair use (always full of grey areas and balance-judgements) for API's, because there was zero case law saying API's can be copyrightable in the first place until now.
I honestly have no idea how you'd evaluate fair use of an API spec using legal principles.
Thanks to kt24601 for posting the jury instructions!. You've got to scroll down to the middle to get to the instructions regarding fair use -- very interesting. I have no idea what the heck the jury is going to do with that.
In other excerices our navy, the Royal Dutch navy, sunk half a battle group including nuclear air craft carriers with a relatively cheap but very quite diesel submarine.
Rajiv Fernando's email to Huma Abedin on Friday May 08 11:39:44 2009
Specifically: "In an nutshell, I would like to get on the International Security Advisory Board...
I hope to see you soon,
You might not think it's a smart plan, but actual results from a very similar change on Ponce suggest that it's an effective plan for increasing efficiency and safety for all parties. Really disheartening that this apparently isn't going to happen on this stretch of Peachtree.
Just heard today(but have yet to verify) that body cameras arw causing an increase in police shootings, a 3% rise. supposedly because the cop has greater proof thar their shooting was justified.
Edit, heres the source take from it what you will.
Shall we revisit Hillary's official statement from March 2015?
> To help identify any potential non-“.gov “correspondence that should be included, a search of first and last names of more than 100 State Department and other U.S. government officials was performed. This included all Deputy Secretaries, Under Secretaries, Assistant Secretaries, Ambassadors-at-Large, Special Representatives and Envoys, members of the Secretary’s Foreign Policy Advisory Board, and other senior officials to the Secretary, including close aides and staff.
How did this one fall through? Huma Abedin was Hillary's Deputy Chief of Staff and her closest aide. Someone would have had to intentionally decide to remove this correspondence, considering not only is it between the Secretary of State and her Deputy Chief of Staff, but it mentions several other staff members by name, and perhaps most importantly, it appears to refer to a call with France's Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Bernard Kouchner--someone who Hillary has worked with various times in an official capacity (example). These are work-related e-mails by any objective measure.
I sent this letter with Senator McCaskill to my colleagues on the Senate Rules Committee on some of the issues we see:
I’m always looking for more input and ideas. What else can I do? Any ideas for how I can use technology to improve service for my constituents in New Jersey?
I'm still in the phase where I don't really feel like I can exactly form coherent sentences about how I feel. Went to Big Bronx all four years in high school and it was always impeccably run; Jon was probably one of the most enthusiastic and energetic people I ever knew in the HS debate community, and though I didn't ever have any extended interactions with him, the times we did talk were absolutely cordial and entertaining.
I couldn't even read through the full indictment in one sitting, which can be found here: I just got too distressed and had to finish it later because it was extremely difficult to reconcile my impressions of him with the allegations that are in there. It's pretty shocking and disgusting, and taking into account the multiple news sources saying he essentially admitted to everything, it's just too much to process right now.
The thing that ticks me off about WWZ was that the treatment that J. Michael Straczynski did of the script was tons better than the one they went with and was a lot more closer to the book, IMHO. There was a lot of great descriptive shots that sound like they would have been amazing on the screen.
In case you ever wanted to read what could have been:
Actually they did disclose which exemption they are using. Its 7 (A) (records which could be reasonably expected to interfere with law enforcement proceedings.) You can find this repeatedly in the court documents:
I don't know about a subreddit but here's the notes for Adventure Time. You can see they talk about how things should be all noodley and surreal and characters can have between 3 and 5 fingers - it's just because that's the style they want to go for, they want surrealism and goofiness in the land of Ooo whereas they wanted realistic styling for Arlen, TX.
There's a lot of uninformed comments in this thread.
I argue everyone to read Apples white paper on its security model:
I think it's clear that Apple does take security seriously. It beats the competition out of the water in my opinion.
Thing is, a recent poll said that Jill has more support among Hispanics than Whites. Add Black support, which doesn't lag that far behind, and the Greens are supported mostly by minorities who would actually be affected by Trump. The that privilege thing is silly and dilutes it's power in proper usage.
Edit: Important to mention, but I forgot, that's in percentages, not actual numbers. It's still rather surprising.
A recent ABC/Washington Post poll also has 3% of Whites and 6% Non-Whites.
In that graph, Clinton dropped from 53% on 12/28-1/03 to 50% on 2/8-2/14 and Sanders rose from 36% on 12/28-1/03 to 40% on 2/8-2/14.
She dropped 3 percent, he rose 4%. Hillary's decline is less sharp than Bernies slow climb, not sharper.
edit: source:
I love marvel unlimited. With that being said, I need a similar service with other publishers. Hope this is it
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The methodology for this poll is insane. They don't list the first two questions - probably just asking the person about information.
Question #1 is Clinton v. Trump.
Potential Question #2 is which way are unsures leaning.
Question #3 is whether their mind is made up.
Question #4 is why are you voting for either of them.
Question NUMBER FIVE is a 4-way vote.
Methodology here
For those who are curious, here is the full ruling. Despite the political commentary on the nature of rape cases and rape myths, the judgement also reviews the testimony of both accuser and accused and evaluates their credibility. Of particular interest is a text sent by the accused to his accuser after the incident:
"I am sorry things went as they did. I shouldn’t have said and done some of the things I did. I was upset and felt wronged by you but that does not excuse my own mistakes."
This really didn't seem to gel with his testimony, that he broke up with her but had consolation sex afterwards, but does fit really well with her testimony, that he flew into a violent rage and sexually assaulted her.
>I don't think the 6-12% tax difference would have mattered.
It certainly does matter when the rate of return so much lower for social security.
We should SuperAnnuation Fund our shit, yo.
Morning Consult: Clinton up 46-37 head to head, 41-33 with 3rd parties included. Clinton was up only 5 immediately after the DNC in their previous poll, so Clinton's lead has actually expanded.
I thought this too, so I also looked at some polls on 538. The most striking example I could find was from the latest poll (YouGov 4/13-15) in the "5. First Choice Democratic Candidate" table.
In this table, % support for Bernie by age range is as follows:
>18-29 - 66% > >30-44 - 33% > >45-64 - 44% > >65+ - 33%
We all know age is an extremely strong predictor of Bernie support, and the bolded range is very much out of place considering this. In the table titled "26. Democrats Selection of Nominees", the strange trend persists (results for 30-44 match 65+), and continues in subsequent tables.
Have we ever seen support amongst 30-44 be as low as 65+, while 45-64 is much higher? It is almost as if someone flipped/fat fingered the data or artificially selected a set of people in to skew that particular data set. Assuming the data is actually just flipped (makes some sense given the trend), we're damn near tied (49.2%).
Please don't advocate people trying to change their sexual orientation. The APA has found no evidence that sexual orientation change efforts are effective, yet plenty of evidence that it's harmful and destructive.
That's not to say that your friend didn't change her sexual orientation (although the APA suggested that there was evidence that most people who claimed a change in sexual orientation during several studies examined were indeed bisexual). And keeping in mind that most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation, fluidity for natural reasons outside of one's control can happen over the course of someone's life.
Worth noting: Apple acquired this company a year ago.
"The thickness of the array camera in this case is smaller than the iPhone 5s camera significantly and can fit in device thinner than the iPhone. The total pixel count is the same"
Gives you a good sense of the kinds of image quality gains we're going to see with the new camera system.
Also look at some of the stuff they're doing with depth maps generated by the sensor. Really cool.
"Tiny package with up to 50% reduction in Z module height allowing slim devices and edge-to-edge display"
"Refocusing: knowing the depth at every pixels allows us to apply a synthetic blur to emulate a shallow depth of field"
I doubt there can be any debate on the point (
Here is a link to the original document (
The Washitaw Moors are not very well documented, however I recommend this article ( It's a solid treatment, but unfortunately I could not locate a complete copy online.
Watch the mainstream media. CNN has mentioned a Sovereign Citizen connection - then dropped the topic. This is not a subject that is comfortable or neatly falls into the usual structures. But it is so very, very important. People's lives hang in the balance, on both sides.
It disgusts me that the consequences of pseudolaw and its ideology are being ignored.
I wouldn't take the 40% number too seriously -- it was an online poll.
The latest PPP poll is likely more accurate (Trump-28%, Cruz 25%, Rubio 14%).
Here is the inventory of the ores and bars we collected, as well as a few other things. Let me know if there's more inventory you would like me to take and I'll add it to the list!
Quite a few believed that Cosby was a saint too, and then the allegations started to mount up like they are mounting up against Trump
I take it you are familiar with case being brought against Trump by the girl who claims he raped her when she was just 13 years of age:
> Plaintiff Jane Doe, proceeding under a pseudonym, brings this action against Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein, and alleges that:
[Edit: the the - the*n* the]
That's not true, you can't add the percentages across two candidates like that as the questions about them were asked separately. Here are the full poll results. The headline is correct; 58% of those polled either dislike or hate Clinton and 63% of those polled either dislike or hate Trump.
HillBillies will say that Hillary was forced into defending this case. Actual court documents show that she wasn't "forced" into doing this and that she painted the 12 year old girl as someone who was infatuated with older men. She also made the girl pay for the counselor that HRC sent her to, who was a friend of HRC.
Googlade igenom lite snabbt så jag har säkert lite fel. Men INGEN verkar ha ingenjör, läkare eller någon större naturvetenskaplig bakgrund..
För helvete!!!
Edit. Håller på att gå igenom noggrannare, än så länge ett fel. Per Bolund är hör o häpna inte ekonom utan biolog. Yay...
Edit 2. Hela listan: (Ryan Rodriquez ??? ehm inte jag, angav inget namn när jag laddade upp dokumentet..)
Vi har alltså:
1 personer som har en naturvetenskaplig bakgrund. (Räknar inte med Romson)
0 personer med en ingenjörsbakgrund (Räknar inte med Kaplans icke avslutade lantmäteristudier)
0 personer med en vårdbakgrund (Hoppas fan landsting gör bättre ifrån sig där..)
2 personer med en konkret juristbakgrund
2.5 personer med ekonomibakgrund (Helene Knutsson blir en halv)
X personer med politiska studier
Jag tycker det är ett rätt skevt urval av den svenska befolkningen..
The piers were designed to support a static load of perhaps 60 tons or 60,000 kg, with a much smaller dynamic load of people/cyclists/etc using it.
An LRT vehicle weighs something on the order of 40 tons. Three LRT vehicles per train = 120 tons. Two trains passing each other = 240 tons. Let's say each train car holds 100 people at 75 kg each, or 7500 kg or 7.5 tons. That's another 45 tons of passengers for those six train cars.
The weight of the bridge spans themselves, capable of supporting two LRT trains, will almost certainly exceed the 60 tons of material required to support pedestrians and cyclists. And in addition, the new bridge would still need to include a foot bridge. But let's use 2 * 60 tons as a conservative number for the total bridge surface material.
A pier would thus need to support 240+45+60+60=400 tons, with a safety margin of some 50-150% to account for snow. Let's say the original piers were overbuilt with a safety margin of 300% for some unusual reason, meaning they'd actually support 180+ tons. That's still not sufficient to support the new line under normal operating conditions.
Even if the above estimates are out by 100%, i.e., two trains passing each other would only weigh 200 tons in total plus the weight of bridge material, that's still more than twice the mass that the footbridge was likely designed to carry under normal circumstances.
All your points are true, but the one big distinction is that at least notionally in the US, we have a "Justice" model, while places like Japan and Singapore have "Crime Control" models.^1
the worst part is that the email was pretty inane and generic. i would have expected to see that content in a 'what happens next' article in any media outlet.
consulting is such a scam/sweet gig.